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[Jul 7,2011 2:08pm - Boozegood ""]
So, I'm a CrossFit/Paleo-diet fag now. Does anyone else do CrossFit (or paleo)?

Over here in Iraq we are doing the WOD from the New England Crossfit website.

Shit works.


inb4 Only quadruple cheeseburgers with extra cheese is real.
[Jul 7,2011 3:49pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
EDIT: Ah, saw that kettlebells are indeed part of the workout.
[Jul 7,2011 4:16pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Relevant to my interests
[Jul 7,2011 4:24pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Looks good, but I don't need to be doing power cleans at my ripe old age.
[Jul 7,2011 5:53pm - Boozegood ""]
Haha, some people are ninja-masters at CrossFit. I am not one of them, everyday is like a torture session hah. So far it is definitely noticeably working, especially in conjunction with the paleo diet.

A lot of people follow the 'main-side' WOD, from the main website.


Fucking bananas the last few days.

It's strange that it is hugely popular with the 'tactical' community, ie: private military contractors, military, etc. yet not many people outside of this community know about it.
[Jul 7,2011 5:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
ITT: Martins
[Jul 7,2011 6:00pm - Boozegood ""]
Also barefoot running is huge. With barefoot shoes though, ie: Vibram 5-fingers, New Balance Minimus, etc.
[Jul 7,2011 6:58pm - posbleak ""]
Gimmicky, but anything that gets people off their butts is a good thing.
[Jul 7,2011 9:56pm - Martins ""]

arilliusbm said:ITT: Martins

I think Crossfit is kind of dumb but I'm "paleo." Sort of. I think the name is stupid (same thing with primal) but I agree with most tenets of it. Unless you're following Loren Cordain who doesn't eat very much fat either. Lame.

I wear barefoot shoes every day. Do high intensity workouts once a week (if I get to it) and eat once a day. That's all I have to say.
[Jul 8,2011 12:30am - Randy_Marsh ""]
crossfire > crossfit
[Jul 8,2011 12:44am - NuclearWinter ""]
[Jul 8,2011 12:45am - NuclearWinter ""]
Actually, Tully is more like this now:
[Jul 8,2011 1:32am - Randy_Marsh ""]
ig88 is racist.
[Jul 8,2011 1:40am - i_am_lazy  ""]

Boozegood said:
inb4 Only quadruple cheeseburgers with extra cheese is real.

Fuck that. Only quintuple cheeseburgers with extra cheese and bacon are real.
[Jul 8,2011 6:12am - Boozegood ""]

Martins said:
arilliusbm said:ITT: Martins

I think Crossfit is kind of dumb but I'm "paleo." Sort of. I think the name is stupid (same thing with primal) but I agree with most tenets of it. Unless you're following Loren Cordain who doesn't eat very much fat either. Lame.

I wear barefoot shoes every day. Do high intensity workouts once a week (if I get to it) and eat once a day. That's all I have to say.

I don't strictly follow Cordain or Wolfe or anyone, more of a mix. I eat bacon sometimes, a lot of it sometimes. Other fatty meats as well. Though I usually try to stick with leaner meats like buffalo and such, over here in Iraq obviously that's not an option, hah. I just do the whole 'Eat meat, vegetables and fruit, mostly vegetables.' A little less fruit at the moment for some bonus weight-loss, but that's only temporary.

I agree that CrossFit can seem gimmicky and I was hesitant, but the best way to find out if that was true or not was to give it a shot...so far, I am fairly convinced it is not a gimmick. Just make sure you have an experienced CrossFit-person to help you with some of the exercises, especially the power lifting if you have never power lifted before (like me). It's especially important because you are doing intense, technical power lifting mixed in with other high intensity exercises, so it's very easy to fuck it up and hurt yourself if no ones around to call you out for bad form and such.
[Jul 8,2011 9:05am - largefreakatzero ""]
Powerlifting can get you hurt whether or not you're doing it wrong. Obviously with the proper form and not completely overdoing it with the weight, you can minimize this, but cleans, squats, deadlifts, etc. are tough on the body (though can really grow your core strength well if your joints can take the pounding). I've been battling pretty bad insertional tendonitis in my elbow, due to heavy benchpress -- still at it though and back up to 315 on the bench, though it feels a fuck of alot heavier than it used to.
[Jul 8,2011 9:27am - DrewBlood ""]


the only good thing about crossfit:

[Jul 8,2011 10:10am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jul 8,2011 12:13pm - Boozegood ""]
Hahaha, that video is very true. That's why I used to talk shit about CrossFit very much, but I decided to give it a try to see what it was about instead of just talking shit and getting more and more out of shape. I saw that my friends who did it where in gymnast type shape, not body builder type shape. I mean I wouldn't really give THAT much of a shit, but my job is very athletic and very very competitive. Anyways, it is working very well, and very fast. Turns out there is a reason why there is such a ridiculous 'scene' around CrossFit, so far.

As far as the power-lifting shit goes, I keep the weight below the recommended weight at the moment so that I can work on mostly form.
[Jul 8,2011 12:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only crossfire is real

[Jul 8,2011 12:41pm - arktouros ""]

posbleak said:Gimmicky, but anything that gets people off their butts is a good thing.

that. i'm mildly interested in barefoot shoes/running, but i stick to my bike to save my knees. eat good shit most of the time, get a good workout a few times a week, and stretch all goddamn day. is there a name for that?
[Jul 8,2011 12:47pm - SLAAAAG NLI  ""]
not fat
[Jul 8,2011 1:00pm - arktouros ""]
a bag of chips and 36 beers at practice doesn't count.
[Jul 8,2011 1:04pm - posbleak ""]
My sports med doc told me that she loves Vibrams because she gets so many new injured clients because of them.

Running, weightlifting and stretching is all you need and I think Crossfit covers all of that except for the endurance you'd get from running.
[Jul 8,2011 2:24pm - Boozegood ""]

posbleak said:My sports med doc told me that she loves Vibrams because she gets so many new injured clients because of them.

Running, weightlifting and stretching is all you need and I think Crossfit covers all of that except for the endurance you'd get from running.

Todays WOD was:

3 Rounds For Time of:
30 Squat Cleans (95,65)
30 Pull Ups
800 Meter Run

So you definitely do a good amount of running, two days ago was:

5 rounds for time:
400 meter run
Overhead squat 95 lbs x 15

So, a mile and a quarter total running on each. Nothing to crazy for runners, but for me that's a lot given that it's at a very fast pace and mixed with the other exercises.

And for five-fingers, yea you could definitely fuck yourself up in them if you don't ease yourself into barefoot stuff.

[Jul 8,2011 2:35pm - arktouros ""]
a single 400m run or 800m run should be harder than strolling a mile if done properly. that's a tough workout.
[Jul 8,2011 2:45pm - Boozegood ""]

arktouros said:a single 400m run or 800m run should be harder than strolling a mile if done properly. that's a tough workout.

Yea, once I started to do the workouts I realized that it wasn't a 'gimmick' because if it was a gimmick of some sort it wouldn't be a complete torture session that made we want to die. It would be tae-boe.

It's run well too because you start everything normal but for instance I can't do fahkin' 30 god damn pullups, so by the end of it I am doing 'jumping pullups' aka: jumping myself up into a pullup and than doing a negative down. The whole idea is to finish the entire workout, even if you have to do things like that, and to make sure the 'shortcuts' are still a workout even if they aren't the intended ones.
[Jul 8,2011 3:31pm - posbleak ""]
Yeah the $200/mo. Crossfit-branded gyms and the Crossfit-branded trainers and Crossfit-branded equipment is 90% of what makes it a gimmick. That WOD reminds me of doing HIIT. Ever tried Tabata's method?
[Jul 8,2011 3:36pm - Boozegood ""]

posbleak said:Yeah the $200/mo. Crossfit-branded gyms and the Crossfit-branded trainers and Crossfit-branded equipment is 90% of what makes it a gimmick. That WOD reminds me of doing HIIT. Ever tried Tabata's method?

No I haven't. Also I've never been to a CrossFit gym. But, I see what you meen. Though, CrossFit is more like skating, or surfing or something these days so all the "CrossFitters" love all that shit, hah. Even if it is a gimmick.
[Jul 8,2011 6:32pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Boozegood said:
arktouros said:a single 400m run or 800m run should be harder than strolling a mile if done properly. that's a tough workout.

Yea, once I started to do the workouts I realized that it wasn't a 'gimmick' because if it was a gimmick of some sort it wouldn't be a complete torture session that made we want to die. It would be tae-boe.

It's run well too because you start everything normal but for instance I can't do fahkin' 30 god damn pullups, so by the end of it I am doing 'jumping pullups' aka: jumping myself up into a pullup and than doing a negative down. The whole idea is to finish the entire workout, even if you have to do things like that, and to make sure the 'shortcuts' are still a workout even if they aren't the intended ones.

Do you have to do the 30 pull-ups in one set, or can you do like 3 sets of 10? Are they wide-grip overhand pull-ups, or are they reverse-grip chin-ups? Inquiring minds, and so forth...
[Jul 8,2011 8:05pm - Martins ""]

posbleak said:My sports med doc told me that she loves Vibrams because she gets so many new injured clients because of them.

Because people are so used to heel-striking and no pronation that they get fucked up when they try it barefoot.
[Jul 9,2011 1:56am - frankovhell  ""]
Bah this shit is lame. How hard is it to just work out and desing your own system? Is it really that hard?

[Jul 9,2011 1:57am - frankovhell  ""]
also just because I want to post this picture SOMEWHERE

[Jul 9,2011 3:26am - Boozegood ""]

frankovhell said:Bah this shit is lame. How hard is it to just work out and desing your own system? Is it really that hard?

For me, really really hard. I fucking hate working out. And no, I couldn't design a system that delivers the results as fast and efficiently as CrossFit has. Like I said, I thought it was lame as well, but decided to give it a try after seeing the results on my teammates.
[Jul 9,2011 11:54am - frankovhell  ""]
Well s if crossfit gives asses like that to girls who do it then I'm all for more tight beautiful asses.
[Jul 9,2011 11:56am - frankovhell  ""]
I mean daaaayumm?! I could eat 3 square meals a day off of that thing.


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