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[beef] ATTN: Dudes that lift

[Mar 16,2009 12:29pm - xmikex ""]
What kind of lifting gloves do you use? I had a pair of cheapo Harbinger ones that I got for like $10 at the Sports Authority. They got the job done I guess. I lost them recently, and it's a total pain in the ass to do things like bent over rows and deadlifts without them.

Any endorsements?
[Mar 16,2009 12:31pm - W3 @ work  ""]
I'm Seinfeld and only use the machines
[Mar 16,2009 12:38pm - xmikex ""]
[Mar 16,2009 12:39pm - W3 @ work  ""]
yeah I know, but pizza is good to me.
[Mar 16,2009 12:41pm - RichHorror ""]
Only people that don't suffer [i.e. enjoy] chronic masturbation need gloves.
[Mar 16,2009 12:44pm - niccolai ""]
i just use boxing wraps.
[Mar 16,2009 12:47pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Lifting chalk works.
[Mar 16,2009 12:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I prefer honey and broken glass.
[Mar 16,2009 12:56pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
I have been lifting for 15 years, i originally was a bodybuilder, now im a power lifter because i like food too much. The best thing to use is your bare hands. Seriously....

It will help your grip strength and your forearm strength. Do all movements without wraps or gloves, in the end you will thank me. Chalk is cool if your a naturally sweat dude, helps the grip from slipping.
[Mar 16,2009 12:57pm - xmikex ""]
Not everyone's penis is made out of gravel and fire ants.

That's not a bad idea. Essentially it's the same thing, only I feel like it'd chew up my boxing wraps.

That'd be cool except there a huge "NO CHALK" sign in the free weights section at my gym.

You are not Charlie Sheen in Hot Shots Part Duex.
[Mar 16,2009 1:01pm - SUGE KNIGHT  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 1:01pm - RichHorror ""]
Hang the weights over a balcony until they agree to sign some paperwork.
[Mar 16,2009 1:04pm - anonymous  ""]

RichHorror said:Hang the weights over a balcony until they agree to sign some paperwork.

this for the lawlz.
[Mar 16,2009 1:05pm - xmikex ""]

SapremiaNJ said:I have been lifting for 15 years, i originally was a bodybuilder, now im a power lifter because i like food too much. The best thing to use is your bare hands. Seriously....

It will help your grip strength and your forearm strength. Do all movements without wraps or gloves, in the end you will thank me. Chalk is cool if your a naturally sweat dude, helps the grip from slipping.

Interesting food for thought.

Let me ask your opinion though. When don't use gloves, and I do pulling exercises like I mentioned above, I feel like I have more trouble getting all my reps in because my hands cramp up. Would you recommend dropping 5-10 lbs until my grip strengthens?

I've been going for strength rather than muscle gains, and concentrating on lifting as much as possible in a small amount of reps. So it'd kind of suck to drop any weight. But then again I have been trying to work on my grip.
[Mar 16,2009 1:08pm - the_reverend ""]
gloves are for pussies. I always look for the roughest bar that I can find. it's the only thing that I do in life to give myself calluses. with that said, I finally figured out what I do to hurt my back at the gym. I use the chest press and do a set of 180 then 140 then 170 theb 140 then 160 then 140. when I do 180, it scoots me up in the chair and I have to wiggle back down holding 180. that's where I hurt it.
[Mar 16,2009 1:09pm - the_reverend ""]
plus, gloves = hands that smell like feet.
[Mar 16,2009 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]
my problem is muscle stamina and when to eat more protein in regards to lifting to make any difference. It seems like a lot of the times, I rule through reps 1-8 and then 9/10, I lose all power.
[Mar 16,2009 1:12pm - xmikex ""]

the_reverend said:gloves are for pussies. I always look for the roughest bar that I can find. it's the only thing that I do in life to give myself calluses. with that said, I finally figured out what I do to hurt my back at the gym. I use the chest press and do a set of 180 then 140 then 170 theb 140 then 160 then 140. when I do 180, it scoots me up in the chair and I have to wiggle back down holding 180. that's where I hurt it.

A. That's called drop sets.... sort of.
B. If it hurts, stop it.
C. Nobody using a chest press machine is allowed to call anyone else a pussy. Bench presses, free weights. FTW.
[Mar 16,2009 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]
and I'm not above injecting cretin into my dickhole if I have to.
[Mar 16,2009 1:13pm - the_reverend ""]
creitin... why did spell check change thatto cretin?
[Mar 16,2009 1:14pm - the_reverend ""]
I can't bench press cause my arms fall asleep after 7 reps.
[Mar 16,2009 1:19pm - RichHorror ""]
Then you are a woman.
[Mar 16,2009 1:21pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I bought gloves once and used them maybe 3 times then said fuck it. Sometimes it sucks using your bare hands but it does get easier as time progresses.
[Mar 16,2009 1:32pm - SapremiaNJ ""]

xmikex said:
SapremiaNJ said:I have been lifting for 15 years, i originally was a bodybuilder, now im a power lifter because i like food too much. The best thing to use is your bare hands. Seriously....

It will help your grip strength and your forearm strength. Do all movements without wraps or gloves, in the end you will thank me. Chalk is cool if your a naturally sweat dude, helps the grip from slipping.

Interesting food for thought.

Let me ask your opinion though. When don't use gloves, and I do pulling exercises like I mentioned above, I feel like I have more trouble getting all my reps in because my hands cramp up. Would you recommend dropping 5-10 lbs until my grip strengthens?

I've been going for strength rather than muscle gains, and concentrating on lifting as much as possible in a small amount of reps. So it'd kind of suck to drop any weight. But then again I have been trying to work on my grip.

Yes, the best thing to do is drop the weight a bit until you can control it with your natural grip. Dont worry about what the weight it, it only sucks in your head because you are used to doing that weight. You will be way better off getting your grip stronger in the long run.

Pyramid workouts may even be better for you to gain strength that you are looking for.
[Mar 16,2009 1:32pm - xmikex ""]

the_reverend said:I can't bench press cause my arms fall asleep after 7 reps.

So do less reps. Lift as much as you can lift with good form in 5 reps. Rest then do 5 total sets of it. Not everything has to be 3 sets of 12.
[Mar 16,2009 1:39pm - xmikex ""]

the_reverend said:my problem is muscle stamina and when to eat more protein in regards to lifting to make any difference. It seems like a lot of the times, I rule through reps 1-8 and then 9/10, I lose all power.

Muscle exhaustion is natural. You get tired at the end of your work day right? Same thing with your muscles. Experiment with different programs. Depending on how much you're lifting, how many sets etc. 10 reps might be a lot for you.

And as far as protein and eating, the answer is constantly. If I'm going to do a lot of lifting I'll drink Whey protein a half hour before I goto the gym, 5 ml of creatine serum right before I leave, another glass of Whey protein as soon as I get home, and a glass of muscle milk before bed. Cardio helps move all that stuff through your system.
[Mar 16,2009 1:40pm - the_reverend ""]
this took me a while to write down.

my standard work out:
I row for 10-20 minutes to get warmed up.
then go to the weight room
1) pull down bar, arms out, palms down 120lbs x10
2) dips my weight x10
3) pull down bar,arms in, palms up x10
4) repeat 1-3 x3

5) chest press (180,140,170,140,160,140)

6) front pec machine
120lbs x10
7) back delts (same machine) 80lbs x10
8) repeat 6&7 x3

9) cable machine: lat presses 100lbs x10
10) cable machine: 2 handed curls 75lbs x10
11) repeat 9&10 x 4

12) cable machine: one hand like this:
pulling down in front of me 45lbs x10 right x10 left
13) cable machine: pull cable across my chest rotating elbow 15lbs x10 right x10 left
14) repeat 12&14 x3

15) free weights: lat press? it's where you bring the weight down behind your head just got to 50lbs x10
16) free weights: bent over curls 35lbs x10 right x10 left
17) repeat 15&16 x3

18) free weights: pull overs 35lbs x10
19) free weights: "skull crushers" bar + 5lbs x10
20) repeat 18&19 x3

21) cable machine: one arm curls 35lbs x5 right x5 left x5 right x5 left
22) cable machine: one arm pull across chest twisting at waist 75lbs x10 right x10 left
This one bugs me cause it makes my love handles stick out more afterwards... but it works one of the muscles in my forearm.
23) repeat 21&22 x3

24) cable machine: one arm shrugs 90lbs x10 right x10 left
25) cable machine: pull over head 75lbs x10 right x10 left
that with 2 hands
26) repeat 24&25 x3

Then I swim for a while to stretch/relax.

Last time I added this
which I will probably do from now on.

And if the weight room is empty... I take the 15lbs padded bar and spin it around from left hand to right hand. sounds gay, but it makes my shoulders burn like crazy.
[Mar 16,2009 1:42pm - the_reverend ""]
I used to do creatine... and it might be in my head, but I recovered much quicker, but the stuff that I have sucks. it's like drinking silica packets.
[Mar 16,2009 1:46pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
Creatine is not in your head Rev, it works great. Helps build muscle and strength and aids tremendously in recovery. I stack it with glutamine and take the sufficient aminos and potassium needed as well.

I love Cell Tech, the cherry flavor tastes pretty decent.
[Mar 16,2009 1:47pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
Oh, and all that is needed is 5 grams daily. They will tell you to load and use 10 grams, but studies show that is wasteful and provide no extra gains over a normal 5 gram/day dosage. Three months on, two months off....
[Mar 16,2009 1:54pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:I prefer honey and broken glass.

glassterbation is king
[Mar 16,2009 1:54pm - the_reverend ""]
So.. I try to do the above routine just once a week (either sunday or tuesday). Then when I go to the gym the other days, I try to not to as much weight. less weight, more reps and I try to spend longer on the rower and in the pool, but I always get bored and then end up just following the routine I have above. I have a feeling this tuesday, my back is going to hurt too much, but I will be there. all that stuff above is 20 minutes rowing, 1.5hr in the weights, and then 30 minutes in the pool/hot tub.
[Mar 16,2009 2:14pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Sorry dude, but lifting gloves are for girls. I went bare hand until tendonitis got too bad -- now I use wrist wraps which work quite well and will keep you from getting laughed out of the gym.

This is the only creatine worth a shit: http://www.proteinpowderplus.com/servlet/t...40/Kre-Alkalyn-Infusion-16oz/Detail
[Mar 16,2009 2:17pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Rev & Mike, try mixing up your bench press workout with some "pause-presses" powerlifting style. Bring the bar down, rest on your chest for a couple seconds, then press. It can be quite humbling but will build power. Sapremia dude will know what I mean.
[Mar 16,2009 2:22pm - W3 @ work  ""]
man my work out sucks lol

i run for 30 mins and then do 3 different weight machines
[Mar 16,2009 2:25pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
I surely do, very tough. Especially if you do them as negatives and as heavy as you can, train that way when i used to do bench contests.

I didnt want to get too technical on them and such. Figuring they are at the building the muscle stage and what not.

Cell Tech creatine always works for me, Muscletech products have be good to me altogether.
[Mar 16,2009 2:38pm - the_reverend ""]
my problem with stuff like that is checking to see if there are animal products in it.
[Mar 16,2009 2:39pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, the pause-presses humbled me pretty good -- I went from "cheat-pressing" (a healthy chest-bounce) close to 365 for 1 to struggling with 315 on a press that would be good in a meet. I weigh in at 250, so my meager 315 bench will not do shit in a meet -- a guy from my gym just did 440 raw at a meet and he weighed in @ 219!

I probably mispoke on the creatine -- the powders do work, but with the Sci-fit Infusion, you are only taking a small amount rather than having to mix and chug a glass of that foul-tasting shit. You can actually feel the Infusion stuff hit you right after you take it, which is pretty cool. I will go on a cycle of that next week probably.
[Mar 16,2009 2:40pm - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:my problem with stuff like that is checking to see if there are animal products in it.


Don't worry dude, weird chemicals only, no animals.
[Mar 16,2009 2:42pm - the_reverend ""]
I honestly have no idea why I'm working out. I know that I never did before and that I made fun of people who worked out. Now, I've have the must amount of muscles that I've ever had in my life. Sort of weird.
[Mar 16,2009 2:46pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 16,2009 2:46pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
I weigh about 225 or so now, i havent maxed in a while, but my mid pyramid set is 315 for 5, which is down from last year when i was using 365 for 5. I havent used any creatine for a while, i will have to check out this stuff your talking about. My best max was about four years ago when i hit 445 fairly clean.
[Mar 16,2009 2:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm 185 now. I was 190-195 when I started going to the gym. with in a couple weeks, I was 214! but then I went back down to 190. now I bouce around 180-195.
[Mar 16,2009 2:48pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 16,2009 2:52pm - largefreakatzero ""]

SapremiaNJ said:I weigh about 225 or so now, i havent maxed in a while, but my mid pyramid set is 315 for 5, which is down from last year when i was using 365 for 5. I havent used any creatine for a while, i will have to check out this stuff your talking about. My best max was about four years ago when i hit 445 fairly clean.

You = animal. I don't have the joints for it -- I'm fairly sure that an elbow or shoulder would explode if I went for 445. Plus I'm 6'4" with long monkey arms -- definitely doesn't help.
[Mar 16,2009 3:03pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
6'4 does not help at all. Im only 5'10, shorter arms much easier for the lift. I know i cant do 445 now, i dont even think id attempt anything near 400 unless i train for it. My elbows have been getting increasingly worse, i have adjusted my workouts accordingly. I started using Glucosamine/Chondrotin and it has helped some with both my elbows and knees.
[Mar 16,2009 3:12pm - the_reverend ""]
I would have guessed you were 5'10"
[Mar 16,2009 3:13pm - SapremiaNJ ""]

the_reverend said:I would have guessed you were 5'10"

You have met me a few times, no need to guess. You coming to Metal Thursday?
[Mar 16,2009 3:14pm - largefreakatzero ""]

SapremiaNJ said:6'4 does not help at all. Im only 5'10, shorter arms much easier for the lift. I know i cant do 445 now, i dont even think id attempt anything near 400 unless i train for it. My elbows have been getting increasingly worse, i have adjusted my workouts accordingly. I started using Glucosamine/Chondrotin and it has helped some with both my elbows and knees.

Sucks getting old, huh? I've been on the Gluc/Chon. religiously for probably about 3 years -- it definitely helps. Also try an Omega 3 Fatty Acid -- will also aid in joint health.
[Mar 16,2009 3:17pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, I will be there.

I need to get back on the omega 3. I is so smrt.
[Mar 16,2009 3:18pm - sxealex ""]

the_reverend said:http://www.slickdeals.net/permadeal/19087/5-lb-Tub-100-Whey-Protein-Gold-Standard-vanilla-or-cookies--cream-34-or-10-lb-66

it would be easier to shove a 20lb rock up your ass and shit it out.
[Mar 16,2009 3:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I like the cut of your jib.
[Mar 16,2009 3:26pm - SapremiaNJ ""]

largefreakatzero said:
SapremiaNJ said:6'4 does not help at all. Im only 5'10, shorter arms much easier for the lift. I know i cant do 445 now, i dont even think id attempt anything near 400 unless i train for it. My elbows have been getting increasingly worse, i have adjusted my workouts accordingly. I started using Glucosamine/Chondrotin and it has helped some with both my elbows and knees.

Sucks getting old, huh? I've been on the Gluc/Chon. religiously for probably about 3 years -- it definitely helps. Also try an Omega 3 Fatty Acid -- will also aid in joint health.

Yes, sucks indeed!
[Mar 16,2009 3:27pm - SapremiaNJ ""]

the_reverend said:yes, I will be there.

I need to get back on the omega 3. I is so smrt.

Okay good, ill hit you up with the disc so you can see all your pretty pics inside.
[Mar 16,2009 3:34pm - xmikex ""]
I'll def try out pause pressing. My bench pressing has definitely come a long way in the last 2 years. I've got super long skinny arms so I won't be touching anywhere near the weight you two zoo animals have been pressing, but I'm looking forward to trying out some new stuff.

If anyone (who doesn't bench 400+) is looking for a humbling weight circuit give this a shot:

It's a routine that Randy Couture developed. It's:
8 bent over rows
8 upright rows
8 military presses
8 good mornings
8 split squats right
8 split squats left
8 squats with a push press
8 straight leg deadlifts

You do them with light weight. The premise here isn't huge lifts, but getting all your reps in at a steady pace, and you don't put the bar down until all the exercises are done. 3-6 sets (6 or you're a pussy) 60 seconds rest in between. Pray to God you land on something soft when you pass out.
[Mar 16,2009 3:44pm - narkybark ""]
[Mar 16,2009 3:54pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I wish Billy Mays would tell us about the fitness benefits of IRON GYM
[Mar 16,2009 4:03pm - the_reverend ""]

SapremiaNJ said:
the_reverend said:yes, I will be there.

I need to get back on the omega 3. I is so smrt.

Okay good, ill hit you up with the disc so you can see all your pretty pics inside.

If you could give me one for me and one for WUNH, that would be peachy. Then I can finally play it on the radio.
[Mar 16,2009 4:09pm - timtirpation  ""]
I use under armor batting gloves that have a leather layer on the inside of the palm and fingers. They work sweet, plus keep your whole hand protected from the disgustingness of 80 other doodz using the same free weights.
[Mar 16,2009 4:10pm - SapremiaNJ ""]
Ive been known to be peachy before.
[Mar 16,2009 4:38pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
mike grab some at good health on hancock. they have some shiz.
to all those pooh poohing trainging with gloves--
i to was a purist..no gloves, only chalk.
but when you really throw weight around you get callouses...said callouses were getting repeatedly ripped off with the 100lbs dumbells and that sucked.

315 club here.
[Mar 16,2009 4:44pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
My workout routine is no where near as extensive as yoos gais.

I stretch for about 10-15 minutes, elliptical for 20 minutes, weights and weight machines for about 20-30 then treadmill for 45.
[Mar 16,2009 4:54pm - PIKACHU  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 4:56pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

MillenialKingdom said:My workout routine is no where near as extensive as yoos gais.

I stretch my anus for about 10-15 minutes, elliptical for 20 minutes, weight machines for about 20-30 then jazzercise for 45.

[Mar 16,2009 5:20pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 5:31pm - xmikex ""]
Everybaa'dy wanna be a jazzerciser. Don't nobody wanna put rhinestones on their leotard. YEAH BUDDAY!
[Mar 16,2009 5:33pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

xmikex said:Everybaa'dy wanna be a jazzerciser. Don't nobody wanna put rhinestones on their leotard. YEAH BUDDAY!



[Mar 16,2009 5:38pm - josh_hates_you ""]

I was doing the 5x5 and eating about 3500 calories a day including 150-200 grams of protein. Went from 150 lbs to 170 in about 6 weeks. Then I got sick and did not eat or sleep for 5 days and have not been motivated to start back up again. Eating that much takes effort. Will most likely start again and eat 3000 calories instead.

Don't use gloves or belts.
[Mar 16,2009 5:45pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

josh_hates_you said:www.stronglifts.com

I was doing the 5x5 and eating about 3500 calories a day including 150-200 grams of protein. Went from 150 lbs to 170 in about 6 weeks. Then I got sick and did not eat or sleep for 5 days and have not been motivated to start back up again. Eating that much takes effort. Will most likely start again and eat 3000 calories instead.

Don't use gloves or belts.

ok your diet was conceptually pretty good but what were your training habits like?
what protein and suppliments were you taking?
how many days rest?
3k cals is a solid idea and the general rule of thumb for protein is grams = lbs.

example: if you weigh 200 lbs you need 200 grams. 250 lbs = 250 grams etc. the optimum nutrition gainer is excellent. 600 cals and 60 grams of protein (cassein, whey and egg) in one scoop. very light, not to milky.
[Mar 16,2009 6:52pm - Justin Steele  ""]
I used to be obsessed with lifting heavy. Got up to benching 250, squatting 365 and dead lifting 405 (all 1rm). After hurting my lower back I continued trying to lift heavy but I just don't have the body type for it. My shoulders ached and my knees creeked (27 going on 80?). Now I focus on conditioning and stamina. Also, I pretty much eliminated weights from my routine and use resistance bands. Like I said, my joints hurt mercilessly if I lift heavy and the bands don't provoke the slamming of joints like weights.
[Mar 16,2009 7:04pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

Justin%20Steele said:I used to be obsessed with lifting heavy. Got up to benching 250, squatting 365 and dead lifting 405 (all 1rm). After hurting my lower back I continued trying to lift heavy but I just don't have the body type for it. My shoulders ached and my knees creeked (27 going on 80?). Now I focus on conditioning and stamina. Also, I pretty much eliminated weights from my routine and use resistance bands. Like I said, my joints hurt mercilessly if I lift heavy and the bands don't provoke the slamming of joints like weights.

check your pH sometime. if your on the acidic side of things it will have a neg and degenerative effect on your joints but you can help that with taking collagen suppliments..bovine is good but biosil chicken collagen type 2 is best and most researched. if your looking to hydrate joints and add lubrication, hyaluronic acid is excellent. if your looking to alkalize your pH, try world organic chlorophyll. dont work harder, work smarter.
[Mar 16,2009 7:30pm - JustinSteele ""]
I'll look into that stuff, thanks
[Mar 16,2009 7:36pm - niccolai ""]

xmikex said:
That's not a bad idea. Essentially it's the same thing, only I feel like it'd chew up my boxing wraps.

my wraps dont get messed up, and they are nEverlast.
[Mar 16,2009 7:37pm - niccolai ""]
even just taping your hands would work fine, but you'd look like a pretty big douche in a public gym with taped hands.
[Mar 16,2009 7:40pm - the_reverend ""]
my little brother started as 215-ish flabby. then bulked up to a hulkulent 260lbs, but all he was doing when he wasn't at the gym was eating. I remember him benching 280 x 10 for the first time. I believe I did 90 that day. Then go figure, with all the squats, etc... he's now on the list to have his knees reconstructed.

Personally, I'm always changing what I do a little and I like some of the results so far. I've got more muscles than ever and 3 days after I left, I feel like heman (cause I'm not sore anymore). The 3 weeks before I went to florida, I was going 3-4 times a week for 3hrs typically. I was starting to see abs for the first time since I was 4.
[Mar 16,2009 7:40pm - niccolai ""]
also, to the no glove, no wrap dudes out there, wrapping/gloving your hands is one of the most important things you can do to provent wrist injury further down the line.

my warm up for maori mao is just a 10-15 minute steady jog. No static stretching, no silly fucking yoga or arobics.

I do this on an eliptical, actual running takes it's toll on my knees.
steadily jogging is the best thing you can do for your muscles.

all my weight lifting is done AFTER grappling and everything is low weight, high rep.

I've lost almost 50 lbs doing this, haven't had to change my diet or worry about buying all this crazy shit from GNC.

I've added decent size and cut to my muscles, and I'm still one of the most flexible people you could immagine. I'm talking over head armbar from standing possition withough needing to jump.
[Mar 16,2009 7:46pm - the_reverend ""]
do you wear gloves when you give your double handed bjs?
I think not!
[Mar 16,2009 7:48pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

niccolai said:I've added decent size and cut to my muscles, and I'm still one of the most flexible people you could immagine. I'm talking over head armbar from standing possition withough needing to jump.

calm down.
[Mar 16,2009 7:49pm - niccolai ""]

what do you think?
[Mar 16,2009 7:49pm - niccolai ""]

corpus_colostomy said:
niccolai said:I've added decent size and cut to my muscles, and I'm still one of the most flexible people you could immagine. I'm talking over head armbar from standing possition withough needing to jump.

calm down.

sorry brah, I have wicked roid rage.

alot of the dudes I work out with trying to body build can't reach thier puds to take a piss. I see all of them doing static stretches and lifting as a warmup before thier workouts and it's ruining thier flexibility and actually effecting what they can lift.
[Mar 16,2009 7:54pm - the_reverend ""]

niccolai said:

what do you think?

That your elbows look like they should have nipples.
[Mar 16,2009 7:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I really really really need to learn to do stretches before hand. it's like my kryptonite.

If I swallow my semen every day for a month, you think that would do anything?
[Mar 16,2009 8:04pm - niccolai ""]
just be careful about what stretches you're doing.

I would consider switching your swimming to before your workout rev.


stretching you're muscles doesn't haveto mean literally straining them. you just want to improve blood flow to them without causing the trauma that static stretching causes (which decreases your lifting ability)
[Mar 16,2009 8:04pm - niccolai ""]
swallowing semen is ALWAYS beneficial.
[Mar 16,2009 8:19pm - the_reverend ""]
that's what I try to tell "someone" and she doesn't listen to me.

there is no possible way or swimming first. since I have to shower after. It would be like working out with a gallon of bleach on your clothing.
[Mar 16,2009 8:23pm - niccolai ""]
I never do static stretches. I jog or swim and I'm more flexible then any dude grabbing his toes and trying to toutch his elbows behind his back.
[Mar 16,2009 8:26pm - Coma nli  ""]
I don't know how any of you can talk about mixing all these distinct workouts into a workout plan, stretches do not belong on a bill with bench presses; so not fucking grindcore.

I'd rather get smaller results than add random exercises that don't fit.
[Mar 16,2009 8:33pm - niccolai ""]

Coma%20nli said:stretches do not belong on a bill with bench presses; so not fucking grindcore.

I disagree. improving bloodflow to your muscles is crucial before seemingly unrelated things like bench pressing.

it's important to me to retain my flexability as I tone my muscles, and it's important for me to be able to hit the bench at full strength and retain strenth after a weight session.

they might not be important to you if you're just a body builder, but I'm not. body builders tear realll easy.
[Mar 16,2009 8:59pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 16,2009 9:53pm - xmikex ""]
I'm very glad that this thread spiraled way the hell off topic. It's been very informative so far.

As far as stretching is concerned I prefer quick static stretching followed by 5-10 minutes of jumping rope. I carry a lot of stress in my back, my neck, and in my legs and I sometimes get neck pains if I don't stretch decently before going into any cardio.

I'm glad that grappling was brought up. As much as I kind of hate grappling it's an amazing exercise. I had some pretty noticeable separation in my chest muscles after only a few months of grappling.
[Mar 16,2009 10:08pm - the_reverend ""]
grappling like wrestling?

I can't do any sit ups at all cause I feel like puking. not sure what to do at the gym tomorrow cause my back is tweeked.
[Mar 16,2009 10:17pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
H20 > supplements

power lifting fucks you up more than it benefits IMHO
[Mar 16,2009 10:36pm - niccolai ""]

xmikex said:I'm very glad that this thread spiraled way the hell off topic. It's been very informative so far.

As far as stretching is concerned I prefer quick static stretching followed by 5-10 minutes of jumping rope. I carry a lot of stress in my back, my neck, and in my legs and I sometimes get neck pains if I don't stretch decently before going into any cardio.

I'm glad that grappling was brought up. As much as I kind of hate grappling it's an amazing exercise. I had some pretty noticeable separation in my chest muscles after only a few months of grappling.

Your warm up is just the most important thing before you work out. to me it's more important then my diet, my weight load, etc.

and to get back on topic, for christ's sake, wrap your damn hands. I dont care how gay it looks or un natural it feels. You work out to be healthy... so you should work out with whatever tools will avoid injury and jeapordize said health.

Your joints and flexability are way more important than your muscles (for fighting any way) and if you don't take care of those two things, you're going to have a hard time molesting your grandkids when you're 68.

[Mar 16,2009 10:38pm - niccolai ""]

the_reverend said:grappling like wrestling?

I can't do any sit ups at all cause I feel like puking. not sure what to do at the gym tomorrow cause my back is tweeked.

grappling is like wrestling except with submission and generally without 'pinning'. Think jui jitsu, judo, etc.
[Mar 16,2009 10:43pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to learn jew jitzu?
[Mar 16,2009 10:44pm - niccolai ""]

[Mar 16,2009 10:51pm - the_reverend ""]
would you have have friends to do this?
I don't talk to anyone at the gym.
Just sweat like crazy and you will be slippery like and eel.
[Mar 16,2009 10:54pm - xmikex ""]
Double heel hook attempts 30 seconds into the fight, 7 million deep arm bar attempts escaped...

not ridiculous at all.
[Mar 16,2009 11:00pm - niccolai ""]
Thats a pretty intense fight.
[Mar 16,2009 11:39pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

corpus_colostomy said:
MillenialKingdom said:My workout routine is no where near as extensive as yoos gais.

I stretch my anus for about 10-15 minutes, elliptical for 20 minutes, weight machines for about 20-30 then jazzercise for 45.


[Mar 17,2009 1:24am - frankie chairs  ""]
You can never go wrong with the ove glove
[Mar 17,2009 1:28am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 18,2009 9:30am - the_reverend ""]
almost all the things that I said "lat" in my routine are really triceps and I just have no clue.

I went again last night with my back still hurting. Did 20 minutes of rowing, 40-ish doing weights that didn't hurt my back and then swam for 15 minutes or so. I felt so much better last night, but this morning... ugh!
[Mar 18,2009 9:34am - largefreakatzero ""]
Go to the chiropractor and take a break from weights, dude. If you have a vertabrae out or if you've pulled a muscle in your back, you are only going to make it worse. Stick to cardio and swimming until your back heals.
[Mar 18,2009 9:38am - the_reverend ""]
It's from "scooting" back down in the chair with 180lbs. I know it. Just a pulled muscle. Tonight, I'm going to do all cardio. When I just stop going after tweeking it like this, I get wicked bad back cramps.
[Mar 18,2009 9:39am - the_reverend ""]
I looked at that celltech stuff. gives a lot of the reviewers the runs.
[Mar 18,2009 9:48am - SapremiaNJ ""]
I never had no runs with it.... BUT, i bet you that they were doing it as the label reads. They all did the loading phase (b.s.) and they all used two scoops/10 grams (only needs 5!). So basically, the manufacturor is trying to make people use more than needed to sell more.

If you try it, just start with one scoop (5 grams) after a workout and stay that way for three months. And YES, you must take it on off days as well.
[Mar 18,2009 9:51am - the_reverend ""]
you take it after your work out? I thought you were suppose to take creatine before.
[Mar 18,2009 10:12am - xmikex ""]
I'm not sure how this particular supplement works, but if your body isn't used to them you might run into some stomach issues at first.

The first time I ever took Muscle Milk I woke up in the middle of the night to take the single most terrifying shit of my entire life.
[Mar 18,2009 10:20am - largefreakatzero ""]
He's right about the "loading" phase -- that's a bunch of crap.

I just started a cycle yesterday on the Sci-Fit Liquid Creatine Infusion (see my other post). I take it right before I lift, but it probably doesn't really matter. What's good about this stuff is you only take a little bit -- granted it's still foul, but it's like taking cough syrup.
[Mar 18,2009 10:20am - W3 @ work  ""]
damn im glad i just read that cause i wanted to try one of those, trader joes doesnt have banilla out here and muscle milk has one of those.
[Mar 18,2009 10:31am - SapremiaNJ ""]
Creatine is best post workout, check out the University of Arizona studies on Creatine. The thing with Cell Tech is that is causes a brief insulin spike so that the body sweeps up everything in your stomach (i.e. the creatine) and puts it to use right away. That is why a proper amount of potassium is to be taken at the same time to help bring your body levels back to norm. Creatine is best to recover and repair damaged muscle, when do you need recovery and when is your muscle damaged, after the workout. Enjoy!
[Mar 19,2009 12:29pm - the_reverend ""]
last night I sucked. my back still kills and I had to run up a 1/2 mile long dirt road carrying a huge 40lb box jumping over the tracks that some heavy trucks made in the mud to get a unit installed for my radio station. I got it in place with in 15 minutes which was good. Then I went to the gym and ran out of time.
15 minutes rowing
10 minutes lifting (curls, tricep press, and tricep extensions)
10 minutes swimming
10 minutes in hot tub

then I showered when the black guy at my gym. I keep wanting to call him barack.
[Mar 19,2009 1:43pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I didn't read the whole thread, but don't be that guy who uses gloves. Resist!
[Mar 19,2009 2:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Lulz @ Rev showering with black guys.
[Mar 19,2009 2:11pm - Wickedcoolguy ""]
i dont need gloves when i punp. i just lift bare handed. rightnow im pretty ripped. you should check it out on <333 i totaly posted pics on the internets

that reminds me i gotta workout before i leave to hang with my buds from dismembered. ttyt

[Mar 19,2009 2:11pm - DYA NLI  ""]
My fingers are fucking jacked. Now if only they made a full-body keyboard...
[Nov 24,2010 9:40pm - lynn1221  ""] spam gay
[Nov 25,2010 3:51am - Archaeon ""]

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