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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Yogi Hawk.
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[QUOTE="Yogi%20Hawk:1020142"]Hahahaha, you guys are mad funny, NOT!!! fuck you guys, seriously you guys are not helping by putting my shit on a fuckin piece of shit thread. I thought you changed and learn how to be mature Grant. Wow honestly, only fuckin immature pure douchebags would fuckin post threads like this. Do you guys seriously put your time on this bullshit? Honestly go ahead and shit on my band I don't fuckin care, I can tell you the truth about Archaeon. CARLOS SUCKS DICK!!! and I'm not gonna change my fuckin opinion on that. I'm not going to say more anyways, because your band Grant already broke up. And Grant WHY THE FUCK DO YOU ALWAYS PUT STUFF ABOUT ME ALL THE TIME??? I don't understand!!! do you actually spend time finding information about me and share it to a bunch of faggots I don't even know? I know the reason why you are doing this Grant, it's because YOU WANNA FUCKIN MAKE ME LOOK BAD IN EVERY FUCKIN WAY!!! Also I have disabilities, having Aspergers and ADD makes me different so, do you guys realize having disabilities isn't easy. I'm sure haven't realized that Grant, and plus a person with normal personalities shittin on someone's back with disabilities. This proves how fuckin weak and pathetic you are, you let all your flaws out on a disable person. Also You are trying to piss me off and it's FUCKIN SUCCEEDING!!! I don't care if you insult my band or not, what it's upsetting you are like a FUCKIN STALKER, quit tryin to follow everythin I do online or anywhere else. I'm FUCKIN SERIOUS, you are really sketchin me out. Seriously get the FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!!! See Grant I never made a fuckin thread or forum about you. Do you know why? BECAUSE I HAVE A FUCKIN LIFE!!! And YOU DON'T!!! especially your gay ass friends trying to support your back. Do you know what I hate about you Grant!!! YOU ARE MOTHER FUCKIN COCKY ASSHOLE MUSICIAN!!! YOU'RE A COCKY PERSON IN GENERAL!!! Why don't you join One Step Away, I'm sure they need another guitarist, bcuz your personalities fit with their personalities. I'm sure you guys can all get along because you're cockiness and assholeness fits perfectly with the guys from One Step Away. I mean who knows they are extremely shitty band, but maybe you can make the better. I know you pretend to be nice to me in person, I know you fuckin shit on me behind my back. Don't think I don't know that, cuz I know everything. I am not that stupid, you can't get away with any you say about me behind my back. And I'm not gonna lie, you are ONE FUCKED UP DUDE!!! The whole thread shit you and your friends posting about me are fucked up. And posting pictures of me and my friend is not cool. My friends all hate you, and I'm beginning to see why I never really wanted to be friends with you. I'm not saying this all this shit because you made fun of my band or me. I'm sayin it because this is the most fucked and immature thing that I seen anyone do online. I have dealt with fucked up people online, but nothing worse than this. Do you feel proud makin this bullshit thread? And also this shit is mad immature. It proves and solves nothing, it only makes this situation worse. You're like a drama king or should I say drama queen. You are like gossiping every bits of information about me or whoever you fuckin stalk and post it to other people. Like wow!!! how mature of you!!! I'm not going to say anymore, because I myself and along with my friends knows how fucked you and you're gay fantasy friends are. I gave you so many chances, I tried to be nice to you, support your music, and etc. What did you give me in return? ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING!!! All I get is this fucked up bullshit. You have not done one really nice thing to me. I never asked anything from you in return because I'm not selfish like you are. You are mad conceited, I can see why you are exactly like Carlos. If you are going to change yourself by being more mature and less fucked up in the head. give me a buzz or text. but until then, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE AND GROW THE FUCK YOU FUCKIN PUSSY!!! DON'T EVEN TRY THINK ABOUT DEFENDING YOURSELF BECAUSE IT'S NO USE AND SOLVES NOTHING, AND DON'T EVEN GET YOUR GAY FRIENDS TO DEFEND YOU. Just admit it Grant I know how fucked up you are, and it's ok because I know this is what assholes do but what you are doin is crossing the line. AND DON'T GIVE ME THE FUCKIN BULLSHIT SAYING "We're not making fun of you, we're trying to spread attention and awareness.", "We think it's funny and we want people to know about you" STFU AND CUT THE FUCKIN CRAP!!! NONE THIS SHIT YOU GUYS DOING ARE HELPIN AT ALL AND I'M REALLY NOT YOUR FRIEND GRANT AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE JUST THE SAME AS YOU. To be honest, I REALLY REALLY REALLY FUCKIN HATE YOU. If you have something to say about me, SAY IT TO MY FUCKIN FACE rather than hiding it. I know one of these days that someone is gonna throw a fuckin beer bottle at you on stage. If that happens I have no sympathy for you, because I will have pleasure watchin you suffer for all I care. Well since you posted some many shit about on threads, I will give you the biggest faggot asshole award. Congratulations, you are a true FUCKED UP ASSHOLE. NOW GO FUCK YOURSELF OR GO FUCK CARLOS if you're a complete homo. [/QUOTE]
Vers. 0.12
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