New Juggernaut song online (yuqi hu content)[views:19021][posts:71]__________________________________ [Dec 1,2009 11:18pm - Archaeon ""] :NEWHORNS: |
_________________________________ [Dec 2,2009 3:59pm - Archaeon ""] bump for brutality |
__________________________________ [Dec 2,2009 4:22pm - spaldino ""] that band is actually pretty awesome and if they had a better recording, the album would CRUSH. as it is now, it is just pretty damn good. |
_________________________________ [Dec 2,2009 4:31pm - Archaeon ""] this thread is about yogi hawk, stop stealing his glory. |
__________________________________ [Dec 2,2009 4:41pm - spaldino ""] nope, when i hear about Juggernaut, i just think about that french deathcore band. |
________________________________ [Dec 2,2009 5:11pm - Martins ""] It's better than Archaeon's first song. |
________________________________ [Dec 2,2009 7:26pm - sxealex ""] "We balance the technical musicianship skills and soulful musicianship skills. " |
________________________________ [Dec 2,2009 7:29pm - sxealex ""] this guy must not speak English as his 1st language where is he from? |
__________________________________ [Dec 2,2009 10:27pm - archaeon ""] English is his first language. |
_____________________________________________ [Dec 2,2009 10:34pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] I really thought it would be faaar worse seeing all of creepy blogs or Facebook statuses, whatever the fuck they were. |
____________________________________ [Dec 3,2009 12:30am - RichHorror ""] [img] |
________________________________ [Dec 3,2009 7:30am - Martins ""] I wonder if they're strong, legend, or invincible. |
____________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 2:40am - Yogi Hawk ""] Hahahaha, you guys are mad funny, NOT!!! fuck you guys, seriously you guys are not helping by putting my shit on a fuckin piece of shit thread. I thought you changed and learn how to be mature Grant. Wow honestly, only fuckin immature pure douchebags would fuckin post threads like this. Do you guys seriously put your time on this bullshit? Honestly go ahead and shit on my band I don't fuckin care, I can tell you the truth about Archaeon. CARLOS SUCKS DICK!!! and I'm not gonna change my fuckin opinion on that. I'm not going to say more anyways, because your band Grant already broke up. And Grant WHY THE FUCK DO YOU ALWAYS PUT STUFF ABOUT ME ALL THE TIME??? I don't understand!!! do you actually spend time finding information about me and share it to a bunch of faggots I don't even know? I know the reason why you are doing this Grant, it's because YOU WANNA FUCKIN MAKE ME LOOK BAD IN EVERY FUCKIN WAY!!! Also I have disabilities, having Aspergers and ADD makes me different so, do you guys realize having disabilities isn't easy. I'm sure haven't realized that Grant, and plus a person with normal personalities shittin on someone's back with disabilities. This proves how fuckin weak and pathetic you are, you let all your flaws out on a disable person. Also You are trying to piss me off and it's FUCKIN SUCCEEDING!!! I don't care if you insult my band or not, what it's upsetting you are like a FUCKIN STALKER, quit tryin to follow everythin I do online or anywhere else. I'm FUCKIN SERIOUS, you are really sketchin me out. Seriously get the FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!!! See Grant I never made a fuckin thread or forum about you. Do you know why? BECAUSE I HAVE A FUCKIN LIFE!!! And YOU DON'T!!! especially your gay ass friends trying to support your back. Do you know what I hate about you Grant!!! YOU ARE MOTHER FUCKIN COCKY ASSHOLE MUSICIAN!!! YOU'RE A COCKY PERSON IN GENERAL!!! Why don't you join One Step Away, I'm sure they need another guitarist, bcuz your personalities fit with their personalities. I'm sure you guys can all get along because you're cockiness and assholeness fits perfectly with the guys from One Step Away. I mean who knows they are extremely shitty band, but maybe you can make the better. I know you pretend to be nice to me in person, I know you fuckin shit on me behind my back. Don't think I don't know that, cuz I know everything. I am not that stupid, you can't get away with any you say about me behind my back. And I'm not gonna lie, you are ONE FUCKED UP DUDE!!! The whole thread shit you and your friends posting about me are fucked up. And posting pictures of me and my friend is not cool. My friends all hate you, and I'm beginning to see why I never really wanted to be friends with you. I'm not saying this all this shit because you made fun of my band or me. I'm sayin it because this is the most fucked and immature thing that I seen anyone do online. I have dealt with fucked up people online, but nothing worse than this. Do you feel proud makin this bullshit thread? And also this shit is mad immature. It proves and solves nothing, it only makes this situation worse. You're like a drama king or should I say drama queen. You are like gossiping every bits of information about me or whoever you fuckin stalk and post it to other people. Like wow!!! how mature of you!!! I'm not going to say anymore, because I myself and along with my friends knows how fucked you and you're gay fantasy friends are. I gave you so many chances, I tried to be nice to you, support your music, and etc. What did you give me in return? ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING!!! All I get is this fucked up bullshit. You have not done one really nice thing to me. I never asked anything from you in return because I'm not selfish like you are. You are mad conceited, I can see why you are exactly like Carlos. If you are going to change yourself by being more mature and less fucked up in the head. give me a buzz or text. but until then, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE AND GROW THE FUCK YOU FUCKIN PUSSY!!! DON'T EVEN TRY THINK ABOUT DEFENDING YOURSELF BECAUSE IT'S NO USE AND SOLVES NOTHING, AND DON'T EVEN GET YOUR GAY FRIENDS TO DEFEND YOU. Just admit it Grant I know how fucked up you are, and it's ok because I know this is what assholes do but what you are doin is crossing the line. AND DON'T GIVE ME THE FUCKIN BULLSHIT SAYING "We're not making fun of you, we're trying to spread attention and awareness.", "We think it's funny and we want people to know about you" STFU AND CUT THE FUCKIN CRAP!!! NONE THIS SHIT YOU GUYS DOING ARE HELPIN AT ALL AND I'M REALLY NOT YOUR FRIEND GRANT AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE JUST THE SAME AS YOU. To be honest, I REALLY REALLY REALLY FUCKIN HATE YOU. If you have something to say about me, SAY IT TO MY FUCKIN FACE rather than hiding it. I know one of these days that someone is gonna throw a fuckin beer bottle at you on stage. If that happens I have no sympathy for you, because I will have pleasure watchin you suffer for all I care. Well since you posted some many shit about on threads, I will give you the biggest faggot asshole award. Congratulations, you are a true FUCKED UP ASSHOLE. NOW GO FUCK YOURSELF OR GO FUCK CARLOS if you're a complete homo. |
____________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 2:41am - Yogi Hawk ""] GO KILL YOURSELF YOU FAG!!! :ralphie::gun: |
____________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 2:45am - Yogi Hawk ""] :ralphie::bartmoon: SMELL THAT ASSHOLE YOU BITCH!!! Aaron Grant & Carlos Yootch :pukeface: :HUMP: :whipper: |
____________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 2:50am - RichHorror ""] tl;dr |
____________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:05am - Yogi Hawk ""] file:///C:/Users/Yuqi/Pictures/l_1682429682cb34d80054db344db8f333.jpg |
____________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:11am - Yogi Hawk ""] Archaeon:gun: spaldino:gun: Martins:gun: sxealex:gun: MarkFuckingRichards:gun: RichHorror:gun: |
______________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:16am - Grant's Bitch ""] tl;dr wow Rich what a fag, just like Grant. |
____________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:17am - RichHorror ""] RichHorror said:tl;dr |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:18am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] GRANT I'M HORNY BLOW ME!!! I WANT YOU MORE THAN CARLOS WANTS YOU, OH YEA!!! FUCK ME!!! |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:19am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] CUM IN MY FACE GRANT!!! OH YEA!!! |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:20am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] ORGASM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:22am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] Not as good as Grant's Footlong Sausage, OH YEA!!! |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:23am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] sxealex STFU you fuckin homo, Americans have bad grammars anyways. why won't you come and join me and Grant in a threesome. |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:25am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] MarkFuckingRichards you are creepy as fuck, but I won't think you are creepy if you have gay butt sex with Grant. |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:27am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] FUCK YOU RICH HORROR, GRANT HAS A BIGGER SAUSAGE THAN YOU, AND HE ALWAYS WILL, THAT'S WHY I NEED HIM TO FUCK ME UP IN THE ASSHOLE. :bartmoon::point: STICK THAT UP YOUR ASSHOLE RICH HORROR. |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:29am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] :HUMP: That's what I want Grant to do to me, oh yea best orgasm EVER!!! |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:32am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] This is Grant's favorite porn site. |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:34am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] GRANT FUCK ME NOW, STOP JERKING IT TO LEMONPARTY, I WANT YOU SO BAD!!! |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:37am - Grant‘s Bitch ""]<ext=Grant%27s%20Bitch |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:40am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:41am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:42am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:43am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:44am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:45am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:45am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:46am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] |
________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:47am - Grant‘s Bitch ""] |
________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:50am - Vests ""] Wow Grant is such a fag, and so is Rich Horror. Also I think their other friends are bunch queers. Go suck a big fat cock Grant and Rich. |
________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 3:55am - Vests ""] I agree with what Yogi said. And Grant why won't you have a threesome with Rich, and Carlos. Oh yea btw, I bet you like Jackson Korba, and I bet you wanna suck his cock right? well doesn't matter you're still a fag. Archaeon and The Fag Menagerie can suck my cock. I hope you burn in hell like the rest of those fags on the RTTP thread. |
___________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 9:54am - Castle McGroovey ""] OMFG, this shit is mad fucked up and immature. Yogi has a point here. You guys act like gossip drama queen, honestly you guys are in college or have a job. You guys are not high schoolers. To be fuckin honest you guys are way more fucked up and immature than the freshman in high school. It's sad but true, I really hate to say it Grant, but you are fuckin arrogant, ignorant, poser, asshole who is insecure of yourself. This is why you are making threads about Yogi, because your fuckin insecurity makes you want to put him down. And why do you always pick on Yogi? It seems like he's on your hit list. It's either your gay for him, you really hate him with a passion, you want to use him in some way, you're just a pure immature asshole, or whatever fucked up things you have in mind. I'm telling you the dead honest truth, Yogi fuckin hates you Grant, and all your shit faced friends as well. And stop stalking Yogi, you are like a fuckin pervert that tries to watch everything that Yogi does. Think about Grant, isn't that sketchy? Yep you know it Grant, because that's all you and your crackhead friends do. Although Yogi went to your high school Grant, get this straight. Yogi has nothing to do with you, just stop following every single he does because he has his own life and you have yours. And Grant, I have seen fucked up shit, but not as fucked up as this. Just about alot people said the same thing because this shit is not funny at all. This shit is mad fucked up. You seem so proud for making a whole thread about Yogi. Well this is something you should not be proud of, why don't you just concentrate on your music and your school work instead stop stalkin Yogi or whoever you are stalkin these days. At least Yogi doesn't fuckin make bullshit threads and forum like you do Grant, at least he concentrates on music and school. You gotta realize Grant that what you guys are doing is not helpin Yogi in anyway at all. He can do whatever he wants to do, he doesn't really give a fuck if you shit on his band. You can't stop him from playin music. I know you guys are doing this because want to get rid of Yogi in everyway. You want him gone forever. You just wanna prove that you're better than Yogi in everyway, but he doesn't give a shit if you are or not. You are just bring his name out to sketchy ass strangers that Yogi doesn't even know. I understand you want to make yourself look good and make Yogi look shit in front of the whole world. It's all about selfishness and jealously in your blood Grant. You need a fuckin punch in the face, and fuckin wake up call would help. All you douchebags need to be punched in the face and kick in the balls. That way you and your friends will realize that what you're doin is fucked in everyway. Open your eyes Grant, and see how fucked up and immature you are. |
_______________________________ [Dec 21,2009 9:55am - Vest ""] AGREED MCGROOVEY |
___________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 9:58am - Castle McGroovey ""] Like I said before even freshman in high school don't do this fucked up immature shit. |
______________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 10:09am - i_am_not_me ""] Castledoomerown? |
____________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 11:05am - Castle McGroovey ""] "i am not me you" you are gay!!! |
__________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 11:21am - C.dEad ""] [img] |
____________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 11:30am - Castle McGroovey ""] That is such a gay picture, its probably Grant's Bitch. |
_______________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 11:31am - Grant's Bitch ""] that looks like me haha lol fag!!! |
__________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 11:37am - C.dEad ""] [img] |
____________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 11:55am - Castle McGroovey ""] wow what a fag, the stupid your mom jokes haha. you can go suck my dick and eat your own fuckin shit you fags. |
____________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 11:57am - Castle McGroovey ""] GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY |
____________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 11:58am - Castle McGroovey ""] *cough* *cough* Grant Evans *cough* *cough* is Gay |
____________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 12:03pm - Castle McGroovey ""] if this is Grant's favorite porn thats how gay he is. also he watches this also |
_______________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 12:05pm - Grant's Bitch ""] where is Grant? I want some threesome right now!!! I'm gettin really pissed off. |
____________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 12:06pm - Castle McGroovey ""] Apparently he's watching gay porn. |
_______________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 12:07pm - Grant's Bitch ""] too much lemonparty and meatspin for him. |
___________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 12:27pm - Archaeon ""] lol I haven't read this yet but I'm looking forward to it. |
_____________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 12:46pm - Yogi Hawk ""] writing in Greek doesn't prove a point you pussy. |
_____________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 12:54pm - Yogi Hawk ""] And btw Grant, I still think you're a fag. =P |
__________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 12:55pm - C.dEad ""] [img] |
____________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 1:08pm - Yogi Hawk ""] does not offend me, you're still fag Grant and so are your friends. |
_________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 1:22pm - C.dEad ""] [img] |
__________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 1:57pm - Archaeon ""] Me and Yuqi just talked on the phone and came to an agreement that if I want to post something regarding his content I have to call or text him first. |
_________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 2:38pm - C.DEAd ""] [img] |
________________________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 2:44pm - Martins w/Doctor Phil ""] You need help Yogi. Serious fucking help. |
______________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 2:54pm - goatcatalyst ""] Grant is cocky bitch who smells the asshole to the FAGGOT!!! |
_________________________________ [Dec 21,2009 2:59pm - C.DEAd ""] [img] |
_________________________________________ [Nov 27,2011 8:45am - Boo Boo Falcon ""] Yogi%20Hawk said:file:///C:/Users/Yuqi/Pictures/l_1682429682cb34d80054db344db8f333.jpg LOL at trying to link an image stored locally on his hard drive. |
_________________________________ [Nov 27,2011 11:12am - xmikex ""] bennyhillifier |