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April 17th 2004 - suffocation, morbid angel, satyricon, and premonition of war the recap...

the Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [morbid_angel][premonitions_of_war][randomshots][satyricon][suffocation]
[Apr 19,2004 12:00am - cdan ""]
ok yeah, i thought that's what satyr said. makes sense. still, its no Frost.
[Apr 19,2004 12:05am - RustedAngel ""]
cdan said:ok yeah, i thought that's what satyr said. makes sense. still, its no Frost.

who cares, like you could even tell the difference if you couldn't see the drummer..

it's not like satyricon is super technical...either way trym owns your frost.
[Apr 19,2004 12:09am - cdan ""]
its got nothing to do with technicality but the robot precision which only Frost can achieve. Trym is a sloppy bitch compared to Frost.
[Apr 19,2004 12:14am - Abbath ""]
can we just agree that the both of them rule?
[Apr 19,2004 11:50am - JellyFish ""]
Trym destroys frost.
[Apr 19,2004 11:56am - RustedAngel ""]
JellyFish said:Trym destroys frost.

thank you.
[Apr 19,2004 1:53pm - Kalopsia ""]
trym is the most focused drummer i've ever seen perform. that guy's face did not move once. not a smile, not a wince, nothing. just a dead serious face the entire time that only moved to look at what he was playing. and yea, he destroys frost
[Apr 19,2004 2:32pm - todayistheday  ""]
when he (trym) was at the merch table he just sat there with a pissed off look on his face
[Apr 19,2004 3:02pm - the_reverend ""]
the face of the constipated drummer... so sad.
[Apr 19,2004 5:27pm - blue nli  ""]
am i one of the only 3 people who actually likes premonitions of war?

they were great with nate dwd on vocals. puts the last guy to shame.
[Apr 19,2004 5:35pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i hate you all! i'm all worked up and i have a few weeks to wait still...
[Apr 19,2004 5:58pm - Kalopsia ""]
where are u from MDD?
[Apr 19,2004 6:43pm - todayistheday  ""]
pow are good but i wis there was a little more variety in the music....after a awhile it all sounds the same
[Apr 19,2004 6:57pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm in AZ... Morbid Angel is gonna be in Phoenix on May 6th... so I gotta drive an hour and a half to see 'em but it's worth it. i love driving fast on the freeway and since my car is barely like 6 months old, it's hella fun.
[Apr 19,2004 7:28pm - the_reverend ""]
the palladium is 1:45 from me.. and I consider that "right down the street"
[Apr 19,2004 7:35pm - morkul ""]
It's not that bad of a drive if your wide awake, but when your fuckin tired it blows. In D.C., never had to go that far at all for a show. I've been spoiled. But I look at like this, it's Death Metal and is totally worth it to me.
[Apr 19,2004 8:27pm - JellyFish ""]
morkul said:It's not that bad of a drive if your wide awake, but when your fuckin tired it blows. In D.C., never had to go that far at all for a show. I've been spoiled. But I look at like this, it's Death Metal and is totally worth it to me.

Good man \m/
[Apr 20,2004 10:33pm - Daniela  ""]
hey everyone, I took an interview from Satyr Saturday night. Have a look at it fi you're interested

[Apr 21,2004 2:35am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I wish there was more shows like this one...... Heil Nights of Pure Unholy Metal!!!!!
[Apr 22,2004 12:28am - retzam ""]
cdan said:ok yeah, i thought that's what satyr said. makes sense. still, its no Frost.

Trym is awesome, but 80% of the reason I didn't go to this show is because Frost wasn't going to be there.
[Apr 22,2004 12:34am - retzam ""]
Cool interview Daniela!
[Apr 22,2004 12:36am - Aegathis ""]
Its always a 2 hour and some change ride for me. By the way , whats the name of the new Morbid angel guitarist?
[Apr 22,2004 12:40am - retzam ""]
45 minutes at most for me!
[Apr 22,2004 12:57am - Abbath ""]
it's a two and a half hour drive for me, that's why i don't go up there much
i hate everyone who saw "Mother North" HATE
that's right jellyfish i'm looking in your direction
i hate work
[Apr 22,2004 2:21am - succubus ""]
Josh's review of the show:
[Apr 22,2004 7:10am - Kalopsia ""]
the Palladium is about a 7 hour drive for me
[Apr 22,2004 8:22am - retzam ""]
Where do you live Kalopsia?
[Apr 22,2004 12:00pm - succubus ""]
succubus said:Josh's review of the show:

[Apr 22,2004 3:04pm - swamplorddvm ""]
So after Morbid angel got done playing, he threw his bass pick into the crowd. Nobody seemed to notice, but me and this one dude. Right as he was going to pick it up I ran to it and grabed it while yelling YAH!!! and ran like a mofo. I kinda feel sorry for the dude but he would have done the same. sorry dude, whoever you are.
[Apr 22,2004 3:23pm - succubus ""]

i saw him do that
[Apr 22,2004 4:31pm - Daniela  ""]
retzam said:Cool interview Daniela!


[Apr 22,2004 5:48pm - Kalopsia ""]
retzam said:Where do you live Kalopsia?

Kearny, New Jersey, right across the river from Newark, also known as the Harlem of NJ.
[Apr 22,2004 5:57pm - retzam ""]
Oh yeah, I read that you live in NJ in another thread, but it slipped my mind.
[Apr 22,2004 6:00pm - succubus ""]
awesome review josh!
[Apr 22,2004 6:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
: D
[Apr 22,2004 6:16pm - retzam ""]
Yeah, great review! Only one thing. If I am not mistaken, Frost isn't serving a sentence right now. The reason he couldn't come over here was because he couldn't get his Visa because of a bar fight sentence he served in the past.
[Apr 22,2004 6:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
theundergroundscene, reported that above...
[Apr 22,2004 6:26pm - retzam ""]
Yeah, he couldn't get in because at one point he had to serve a sentence. Because of that he couldn't get his Visa. That is why Satyr said that he thought that was stupid since people who have been convicted of church burning have gotten their Visas.
[Apr 22,2004 7:20pm - BornSoVile ""]
I dunno dude.
[Apr 22,2004 7:26pm - succubus ""]
[Apr 22,2004 7:29pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Here is what Satyr said in our interview:

You’re out now on your North American tour with Morbid Angel and Suffocation, how has it been so far?

Satyr – It’s been, you know this the fifth show we did tonight, so we’re just getting started, and you know, we’re facing a lot of technical difficulties, like 15 minute change overs, like everything and I’m so fucking stressed out and my drummer Frost being denied a visa waver by US authorities and having this guy (points at Trym) from Zyklon and Emporor stepping in very last minute, but you know he’s a great drummer and we’re just working on getting our shit together. But the reception is really good, like we saw tonight we got a great reception, but I just want to get rid of all the technical shit that is bothering us. I hate that, I really do. It pisses me off.

Yeah, that was actually my next question, I heard you guys had some trouble getting into the US, what happened there? Is it really as strict as I’ve heard? I’ve never left the country.

Satyr – It’s really strict and it’s really unfair in the way that, the problem is that the Department of Homeland Securities obviously don’t have that many rules and regulations to stick by. It’s very much up to each individual to look at your application, so there are cases of Norwegian black metallers who have done three or four years of time for burning down a church who go to the United States and tour with a visa and a work permit all the time, and you have my drummer who did a five month sentence for a bar fight and can’t get into the country, so it doesn’t make sense you know? And the problem is that the decisions they make are irreversible, and it’s like they just play God, and the letter, it’s more of a formality when they turn you down, they send you a letter, it said “you are advised not to seek entry into the United States for at least another two years” and we’re like why? Is everything going to be ok in two years? I don’t know.

Damn, that really sucks.

Satyr – Yeah, we had lawyers and all kinds of machinery pushing, trying to make this happen, but I just, I don’t know what the problem is because we’re professionals, and we’re here to do our job, to play live and it’s not like he’s a fucking terrorist, he’s a drummer.

[Apr 22,2004 8:07pm - succubus ""]
cool thanks!
[Apr 23,2004 9:15am - the_reverend ""]

I wouldn't like people from finland in either...
[Apr 28,2004 12:53pm - Fettered  ""]
Nate is a fuckin beast..He fits in perfectly with POW.

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