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April 17th 2004 - suffocation, morbid angel, satyricon, and premonition of war the recap...

the Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [morbid_angel][premonitions_of_war][randomshots][satyricon][suffocation]
[Apr 17,2004 7:44pm - the_reverend ""]
ok... this is a thread to talk about the show and post pictures from it.
[Apr 18,2004 1:15am - succubus ""]
[Apr 18,2004 1:16am - the_reverend ""]
back, working on pictures.
[Apr 18,2004 1:22am - succubus ""]
there was a HUGE RTTP turnout!
[Apr 18,2004 2:25am - Kalopsia ""]
is it just me or did morbid angel's set list not include anything off of altars, blessed, and gateways?
[Apr 18,2004 2:59am - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
Altars=Lord of All Fevers and Plagues...


...I was a little disappointed, though. He didn't recite the entire incantation. :satancross:
[Apr 18,2004 3:00am - the_reverend ""]
premonitions of war: it's awesome to hear and see nate (deadwater) up with a band, singing. that kids got a great voice and since DwD is done, I'm happy to see hime touring. from someone that has been listening to the kowloon cd a lot, I must say, they were pretty spectacularly spot on with the CD. they ended with layover which is my favorite track from the new disc.

satyricon: the set sounded good, but I was a little lost at the beginning. I'm not well versed with the 2-year old volcano album. they did end with mother north. that right there was well worth the trip to the palladium. that is the best satyricon song ever. it seemed like the girl keyboardist didn't have much to do on all the new tracks... they also had the fill-in for frost (he wasn't allowed in because of a 13-year-old sentence) which is basically 1/2 of satyricon. it seemed like the crowd thinned out a lot after satyricon got off the stage. I think they were out smoking and drinking.

suffocation: they started off slowly. The wireless mic was cutting out. I'd heard a few tracks from the new CD on an ep-single thing. anyhow, then they got to thrones of blood and they came completely together. all the tracks after that sounded so good and tight. they played songs from every one of their cds which was awesome. bother the old and the new tracks came together so well live. The new cd is going to be sick. I noticed that the tone of the new bass player is very similar to that of zak (goratory). I'm not sure if the old bassist was like that or not.

morbid angel: they played a fine fucking set. look at the set list, it's chaulked full of their finest tunes. It was awesome watching the two guitarist (trey and that guy from monstrosity) trading playing riffs back and forth with steve plucking along with the rhythm.
when I originally looked at the set list, I was let down.. wtf! no chapel of ghouls the best MA song ever? well, they made up for it. they dug back to the passed and pulled up that track off the A cd. Altars of Madness is such a great disc. It was especially awesome cause they all left the stage while trey when crazy with all the echoy guitar thunder. then right on cue they came back out and finished it up.
I got to play with carina's new 70-200 VR lens. it was so beautiful... all the no-flash pictures are taken from over 100 feet away with no tripod, hand-held @ 200mm f2.8 1/60s

there was a TON of local metal scene. it was awesome to see everyone there. especially Ninkaszi, who was last seen being led off by the police. JoeN/C is starting up a collection for his release. besides that there was a TON of people getting kicked out for being too drunk. It might have had something to do with the fact that there was a sublime cover band playing upstairs... I can't believe the line for that show..
[Apr 18,2004 3:00am - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
Tonight was a great night... hot metal chicks, great death metal and at the end, blood!
[Apr 18,2004 3:23am - the_reverend ""]
I can't believe carina's new lens...
[Apr 18,2004 3:27am - Kalopsia ""]
SmallBrownRatFuck said:Altars=Lord of All Fevers and Plagues...


...I was a little disappointed, though. He didn't recite the entire incantation. :satancross:

oh yea i forgot. for some reason i thought that song was off formulas....... fuckin wierd. well where's immortal rites?????
[Apr 18,2004 3:31am - BornSoVile ""]
awesome show. I got some cool pics and I think I'm hooked on this snapping shit. I was pissed when I heard Ninkaszi got bagged for pushing a kid, I'm ready to throw in some cash, he's a good shit. Rusted Angel partyed with Trey while we waited to interview him, we left at 2:30, waited forever and no fucking interview. Does Trey use cheats on Vice City?? Trey is a good man though, after the set he jumped down, tossed a few picks, shook every hand handed to him and shot the shit with fans on the palladium floor. I think he's the most powerful guitarist I've ever seen perform, his energy flows throughout him, he becomes each riff amazingly. Highlite was The Stricken Arise into Where the Slime Live. Awesome night, I can't wait to write my review, I'll post some pics too.
[Apr 18,2004 3:31am - Kalopsia ""]
hey rev, when my bands finally get to play out and you hear how my bass sounds, that's how Suffocation's last bassist had his sound.
[Apr 18,2004 3:41am - the_reverend ""]
does trey have a face?
I didn't see it.
[Apr 18,2004 4:11am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Hey great show. Satyricon, Suffocation, and Morbid Angel all played great. It was really fun. Well worth it.

[Apr 18,2004 4:14am - dyingmuse ""]
this was a great show for sure. i saw tons of people there. its good to see that the scene(sometimes) sticks together! if shows were always this good and fun more shows would happen. cheers to new england....we rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so does suffocation. i feel so old it feels like yesterday that my old band was playing with them. that was 93!!!!! fuck man thats the first time ive seen them since! what a ballsy show
[Apr 18,2004 4:44am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Good show. Strange night.
[Apr 18,2004 8:24am - retzam ""]

Hahahahhahahaha, Rev,you gotta tell us about this.
[Apr 18,2004 8:36am - Lynneaus ""]
he was on the Morbid Angel guestlist
[Apr 18,2004 8:54am - theundergroundscene ""]
I saw the guitarist dude from stealing a Morbid Angel poster off the wall!! You're going to be in big trouble mister! Ok not really...

I interviewed Satyricon at this show, but I didn't ask any funny questions because I thought he might eat me or something. He did say that Frost couldn't get in because he had to serve five months in jail for a bar fight though, yet people who have burned down churchs and serverd a long time in jail come over and tour all the time. I am not up to date with my Scandinavian church burners, so I don't know whom he was referencing...
[Apr 18,2004 10:27am - succubus ""]
that guy is aaron's hero!
73 and going to metal shows!
he actually looks a lot younger than that..i guess we know what t odo to stay looking young!
[Apr 18,2004 10:29am - assuck ""]
i cant believe i missed this fucking show
[Apr 18,2004 10:30am - retzam ""]
Yeah, he really doesn't look 73 at all, he looks early 60s, late 50s. I really dig those glasses!
[Apr 18,2004 10:41am - retzam ""]
Kalopsia said:is it just me or did morbid angel's set list not include anything off of altars, blessed, and gateways?

According to the setlist, they opened with Day Of Suffering, which is off Blessed Are The Sick.
[Apr 18,2004 10:56am - the_reverend ""]
I think he's actually mid to late 60's and
STILL going to shows.
STILL near the front.
STILL rocking
STILL bringing ladies.
Bill (think that's his name) is my hero.
from 2000-11-22
[Apr 18,2004 10:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I had fun, the opening bands didnt do much for me, but morbid angel was really good.
[Apr 18,2004 11:07am - Triumphant_Gleam ""]
you need to calm down Mika
[Apr 18,2004 12:22pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
This show was one for the books.... It's 12:20 in the afternoon and I still feel drunk... Cheers to the heavy metal reunion last night!
[Apr 18,2004 12:26pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I hate you guys.

...we need a Cartman icon.
[Apr 18,2004 12:29pm - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
Yeah, shit, I was impressed by our turnout. We were fucking everywhere.
[Apr 18,2004 12:38pm - retzam ""]
I was not there. Oh well.
[Apr 18,2004 12:52pm - Kalopsia ""]
succubus said:that guy is aaron's hero!
73 and going to metal shows!
he actually looks a lot younger than that..i guess we know what t odo to stay looking young!

can you imagine how big his cd collection must be???????????????
[Apr 18,2004 1:02pm - Paul FOD  ""]
Showed up late missed Premonitions of war thank god for that. Satyricon was probably one of the worst bands ive seen in a while. It was like Nu metal meets horrid black metal. Suffocation came on next they played an amazing set.Played a lot of classics and not to much new stuff at all which was sick and they closed the set with Liege on inveracity best suffocation song ever. Left after suffo couldnt tell you how morbid angel was.
[Apr 18,2004 1:07pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You are lucky you missed premonitions of war, they were horrid.
Satyricon had a few decent songs, but nothing stand out at all. Immortal should come back together and tour with Morbid Angel.
Suffocation was okay, the singer was a tool between songs though. I hope he dies in a car crash. Some parts of their songs were pretty ridiculous.
Morbid Angel was awesome, but they should pretend they just released alters of madness and just play those songs as their set from now on.

The Boston metal booth was great, it was like a big party.
People outside refused to believe there was a metal scene growing in Boston, hopefully they come to the Chopping Block out of curiosity in enough numbers where we can fool them into thinking all the other new comers are the scene we talked about.
[Apr 18,2004 1:53pm - mark- ""]
iv known bill for like 4 years now, he use to come in my store when i worked at tower records and buy all the metal magazines every month and talk about metal for hours. awesome guy
[Apr 18,2004 1:54pm - RustedAngel ""]
premonitions of war: i dunno about these guys... probably all nice dudes.. but the music is just lacking and to generic for me to ever take it seriously. the singer should have stayed in dwd, they were better. also, their mesa's sounded like shit!!! fuck mesa. there, i said it.

satyricon: not a huge fan of black metal... but I've liked the song 'mother north' for like 6 years so it was cool to see that live.

suffocation: so fuuuuuuuuucking tight... their guitar sound was pretty huge too. of course i could picture joe disagreeing with franks speech about religion because he's a jesus lover.

morbid angel: awesome setlist but i still miss rutan. pete is one of the best death metal drummers in the world, I know this and I don't even play drums. When they were done, a couple other members of the quake clan and I hung around till trey was done signing and talking with fans. Then I talked to him about a shirt design he wasn't too happy about (the formulas shirt)... then he wanted to show me a couple of shirts he had on the bus and it was pretty embarrassing to see what is suppose to be the same shirt design him having two shirts that look almost completely different. then we pretty much just hung out for about an hour... he offered us some jim beam, I passed but my friend mark and shawn drank up while we all played some vice city.

The vice city thing is interesting because I was talking to Josh before all of this and he was joking about asking trey about 'age of empires 2' and i was like yeah, i'm gonna ask him about 'vice city' not expecting trey to actually have it on the bus. ha. the second time hanging out with him on the bus, pretty cool.

I asked trey why they don't play ageless still i am, and summoning redeption anymore... ageless I guess is too hard for pete and steve live i guess, and pete is sick of playing summoning since they played it for all the pantera tour shows. Last time we talked he mentioned that he wanted to do a project with anaka from the gathering... well I guess he talked to her in germany after they played and she's interested in it... he said her vocals would fit perfectly over a song like ageless.. haha

if you don't know what this means you suck :spineyes:
newly met member of our clan shawn from arizona, over here building guitars...


[Apr 18,2004 2:12pm - Terence ""]
[Apr 18,2004 2:30pm - todayistheday  ""]
overall a great show.....pow sounded exactly like they do on cd..nate is definitly a good replacment....satyricon got the best response from the crowd. people were going crazy for them....suffocation were just plain great and the new songs sound brutal as fuck.....morbid angel were great as usual............i could hav done without the cocksucker who tried to convince me that the crptopsy hoodie that I wore to the show(and bought three years ago) was his and that I took it while he was buying a suffocation hoodie......wtf?!
[Apr 18,2004 2:32pm - RustedAngel ""]
haha, that must be him in the picture above... he told my friend mark and i that he set his cryptopsy hoodie down and it was jacked when he got back.... kinda dumb to leave it layin there anyways...
[Apr 18,2004 2:34pm - todayistheday  ""]
haha ya i thought i recognized that kid in the picture....does he think hes the only one with that hoodie?
[Apr 18,2004 2:36pm - BornSoVile ""]
hehehe, you bastard.
Bill, the man, the myth, the legend, he also smokes some fine reefer too.
[Apr 18,2004 2:38pm - todayistheday  ""]
i thought the old red chord bassist was now in pow? what happened with that?
[Apr 18,2004 2:46pm - the_reverend ""]
he left after a month or so.
just for the last tour.
I don't know who the new guy is.
[Apr 18,2004 2:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
sorry about you waiting to get on the bus josh!! that was gay.

and, no I don't think he thinks that he was the only one with that hoodie... but it wasn't a cryptopsy show so it's not like the cryptopsy hoodie count was in the 100's. I would have done the same thing if I saw someone wearing the same one.
[Apr 18,2004 2:57pm - todayistheday  ""]
w/e but you dont come to someone saying "hey thats my hoodie!" "You took it!" and start accusing me of shit
[Apr 18,2004 3:00pm - the_reverend ""]
I always keep cum/food/booger stains and long hair on my hoodies.
no one should ever want them.

anyhow, I'm selling a cryptopsy hoodie on e-bay if anyone wants it:
[Apr 18,2004 3:06pm - dunwich ""]
I wish that Satyricon played a longer set with some older material but I'm glad that I got an opportunity to see them. Suffocation are obviously a talented band on a technical level but I've never really gotten into them. Their songs don't really grab me but I enjoyed watching them play for a while. Morbid Angel's set was incredible...the only other time I saw them I couldn't make out the guitars at all and I had to sit through Pantera. I was pretty happy with their set list too.
[Apr 18,2004 4:42pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
This was a great show. Satyricon was awesome. I'm not understanding why Satyricon and Hypocrisy are touring the US opening for other bands though. Seeing Satyricon for 25 minutes is like a joke. Morbid Angel ruled as usual. I sure do hate the Palladium staff though.
[Apr 18,2004 6:12pm - dread_104 ""]
missed the first 2 bands. Suffocation was fucking nasty!!! The pit was pretty sick. They have some of the BEST slam riffs and hooks. Morbid was great as always. A little bruised up here, but it's worth it( at least i didn't get a black eye, like Nelson!!) Teratism had such a good time. I'll be smiling for a week!!!
[Apr 18,2004 7:58pm - cdan ""]
premonitions: missed em, sucks too, i wanted to see nate deadwater

satyricon: it's just plain sad what happened to this once godly band. the volcano material is fucking gay, puts me to sleep. mother north was great though. the replacement drummer held his own.

suffocation: so sick, so tight, awesome sound. "the new rekid is gonna be fuckin' brootal, udderwise i wouldn't put my fuckin name on it." Frank's the man.

morbid angel: great set, lots of great old tunes. thanks god, i was afraid they'd only play their awful new stuff. great sound too, cept no bass, and shitty vocals. god of emptiness, chapel of ghouls, rapture...good times.

[Apr 18,2004 10:14pm - retzam ""]
cdan said:
satyricon: it's just plain sad what happened to this once godly band. the volcano material is fucking gay, puts me to sleep. mother north was great though. the replacement drummer held his own.

The replacement drummer was Trym!!! Anyone who was ever in Emperor is God.
[Apr 19,2004 12:00am - cdan ""]
ok yeah, i thought that's what satyr said. makes sense. still, its no Frost.
[Apr 19,2004 12:05am - RustedAngel ""]
cdan said:ok yeah, i thought that's what satyr said. makes sense. still, its no Frost.

who cares, like you could even tell the difference if you couldn't see the drummer..

it's not like satyricon is super technical...either way trym owns your frost.
[Apr 19,2004 12:09am - cdan ""]
its got nothing to do with technicality but the robot precision which only Frost can achieve. Trym is a sloppy bitch compared to Frost.
[Apr 19,2004 12:14am - Abbath ""]
can we just agree that the both of them rule?
[Apr 19,2004 11:50am - JellyFish ""]
Trym destroys frost.
[Apr 19,2004 11:56am - RustedAngel ""]
JellyFish said:Trym destroys frost.

thank you.
[Apr 19,2004 1:53pm - Kalopsia ""]
trym is the most focused drummer i've ever seen perform. that guy's face did not move once. not a smile, not a wince, nothing. just a dead serious face the entire time that only moved to look at what he was playing. and yea, he destroys frost
[Apr 19,2004 2:32pm - todayistheday  ""]
when he (trym) was at the merch table he just sat there with a pissed off look on his face
[Apr 19,2004 3:02pm - the_reverend ""]
the face of the constipated drummer... so sad.
[Apr 19,2004 5:27pm - blue nli  ""]
am i one of the only 3 people who actually likes premonitions of war?

they were great with nate dwd on vocals. puts the last guy to shame.
[Apr 19,2004 5:35pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i hate you all! i'm all worked up and i have a few weeks to wait still...
[Apr 19,2004 5:58pm - Kalopsia ""]
where are u from MDD?
[Apr 19,2004 6:43pm - todayistheday  ""]
pow are good but i wis there was a little more variety in the music....after a awhile it all sounds the same
[Apr 19,2004 6:57pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm in AZ... Morbid Angel is gonna be in Phoenix on May 6th... so I gotta drive an hour and a half to see 'em but it's worth it. i love driving fast on the freeway and since my car is barely like 6 months old, it's hella fun.
[Apr 19,2004 7:28pm - the_reverend ""]
the palladium is 1:45 from me.. and I consider that "right down the street"
[Apr 19,2004 7:35pm - morkul ""]
It's not that bad of a drive if your wide awake, but when your fuckin tired it blows. In D.C., never had to go that far at all for a show. I've been spoiled. But I look at like this, it's Death Metal and is totally worth it to me.
[Apr 19,2004 8:27pm - JellyFish ""]
morkul said:It's not that bad of a drive if your wide awake, but when your fuckin tired it blows. In D.C., never had to go that far at all for a show. I've been spoiled. But I look at like this, it's Death Metal and is totally worth it to me.

Good man \m/
[Apr 20,2004 10:33pm - Daniela  ""]
hey everyone, I took an interview from Satyr Saturday night. Have a look at it fi you're interested

[Apr 21,2004 2:35am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I wish there was more shows like this one...... Heil Nights of Pure Unholy Metal!!!!!
[Apr 22,2004 12:28am - retzam ""]
cdan said:ok yeah, i thought that's what satyr said. makes sense. still, its no Frost.

Trym is awesome, but 80% of the reason I didn't go to this show is because Frost wasn't going to be there.
[Apr 22,2004 12:34am - retzam ""]
Cool interview Daniela!
[Apr 22,2004 12:36am - Aegathis ""]
Its always a 2 hour and some change ride for me. By the way , whats the name of the new Morbid angel guitarist?
[Apr 22,2004 12:40am - retzam ""]
45 minutes at most for me!
[Apr 22,2004 12:57am - Abbath ""]
it's a two and a half hour drive for me, that's why i don't go up there much
i hate everyone who saw "Mother North" HATE
that's right jellyfish i'm looking in your direction
i hate work
[Apr 22,2004 2:21am - succubus ""]
Josh's review of the show:
[Apr 22,2004 7:10am - Kalopsia ""]
the Palladium is about a 7 hour drive for me
[Apr 22,2004 8:22am - retzam ""]
Where do you live Kalopsia?
[Apr 22,2004 12:00pm - succubus ""]
succubus said:Josh's review of the show:

[Apr 22,2004 3:04pm - swamplorddvm ""]
So after Morbid angel got done playing, he threw his bass pick into the crowd. Nobody seemed to notice, but me and this one dude. Right as he was going to pick it up I ran to it and grabed it while yelling YAH!!! and ran like a mofo. I kinda feel sorry for the dude but he would have done the same. sorry dude, whoever you are.
[Apr 22,2004 3:23pm - succubus ""]

i saw him do that
[Apr 22,2004 4:31pm - Daniela  ""]
retzam said:Cool interview Daniela!


[Apr 22,2004 5:48pm - Kalopsia ""]
retzam said:Where do you live Kalopsia?

Kearny, New Jersey, right across the river from Newark, also known as the Harlem of NJ.
[Apr 22,2004 5:57pm - retzam ""]
Oh yeah, I read that you live in NJ in another thread, but it slipped my mind.
[Apr 22,2004 6:00pm - succubus ""]
awesome review josh!
[Apr 22,2004 6:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
: D
[Apr 22,2004 6:16pm - retzam ""]
Yeah, great review! Only one thing. If I am not mistaken, Frost isn't serving a sentence right now. The reason he couldn't come over here was because he couldn't get his Visa because of a bar fight sentence he served in the past.
[Apr 22,2004 6:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
theundergroundscene, reported that above...
[Apr 22,2004 6:26pm - retzam ""]
Yeah, he couldn't get in because at one point he had to serve a sentence. Because of that he couldn't get his Visa. That is why Satyr said that he thought that was stupid since people who have been convicted of church burning have gotten their Visas.
[Apr 22,2004 7:20pm - BornSoVile ""]
I dunno dude.
[Apr 22,2004 7:26pm - succubus ""]
[Apr 22,2004 7:29pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Here is what Satyr said in our interview:

You’re out now on your North American tour with Morbid Angel and Suffocation, how has it been so far?

Satyr – It’s been, you know this the fifth show we did tonight, so we’re just getting started, and you know, we’re facing a lot of technical difficulties, like 15 minute change overs, like everything and I’m so fucking stressed out and my drummer Frost being denied a visa waver by US authorities and having this guy (points at Trym) from Zyklon and Emporor stepping in very last minute, but you know he’s a great drummer and we’re just working on getting our shit together. But the reception is really good, like we saw tonight we got a great reception, but I just want to get rid of all the technical shit that is bothering us. I hate that, I really do. It pisses me off.

Yeah, that was actually my next question, I heard you guys had some trouble getting into the US, what happened there? Is it really as strict as I’ve heard? I’ve never left the country.

Satyr – It’s really strict and it’s really unfair in the way that, the problem is that the Department of Homeland Securities obviously don’t have that many rules and regulations to stick by. It’s very much up to each individual to look at your application, so there are cases of Norwegian black metallers who have done three or four years of time for burning down a church who go to the United States and tour with a visa and a work permit all the time, and you have my drummer who did a five month sentence for a bar fight and can’t get into the country, so it doesn’t make sense you know? And the problem is that the decisions they make are irreversible, and it’s like they just play God, and the letter, it’s more of a formality when they turn you down, they send you a letter, it said “you are advised not to seek entry into the United States for at least another two years” and we’re like why? Is everything going to be ok in two years? I don’t know.

Damn, that really sucks.

Satyr – Yeah, we had lawyers and all kinds of machinery pushing, trying to make this happen, but I just, I don’t know what the problem is because we’re professionals, and we’re here to do our job, to play live and it’s not like he’s a fucking terrorist, he’s a drummer.

[Apr 22,2004 8:07pm - succubus ""]
cool thanks!
[Apr 23,2004 9:15am - the_reverend ""]

I wouldn't like people from finland in either...
[Apr 28,2004 12:53pm - Fettered  ""]
Nate is a fuckin beast..He fits in perfectly with POW.

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