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I hate people with new years gym resolutions

[Jan 5,2007 9:52am - keithmobile  ""]
i go to a small place in milford, except its with my best friend who presses 425 for fun, so i just out do him on the cardio machines to make myself feel better
[Jan 5,2007 10:01am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
its the eliptical for my fatass...
[Jan 5,2007 10:34am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I lost 60lbs on one of those things. It wasn't one of the skiing type ones, though. It was a little different.
[Jan 5,2007 10:38am - Messerschmitt ""]
i use those instead of the treadmill too.
[Jan 5,2007 10:53am - the_reverend ""]
I usually go into the weight room for 20-30 minutes and then into the pool for 20-60 minutes. I started doing this in september 3-5 times a week. I went from 180 to almost 200lbs in a few weeks. now I'm around 188, but I got out of my routine. I need to go back and get back into it. maybe start running a mile on the track too... I just get so bored and sweaty running. in the pool if I sweat.. well... it's all water.

in the weight room, I do 3 sets of 10 on the machines at whatever the heaviest weight I can do is. I usually start on the legpress (5x45lbs, 6x45lbs, 7x45lbs + the sled), chest press (140/150lbs), leg extention (150/160lbs), rowing machine (150lbs), shoulder press (70/80lbs), calf um.. press? (2x45lbs), and then if I don't feel like puking, the stomach crunching thing (210 lbs). some days I work in the butterfly machine with 100lbs on it.. but I don't like it so usually not. then I start back at the legpress. After that, I go to the pool and swim laps.
[Jan 5,2007 11:08am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
This is the cardio machine I use:

[Jan 5,2007 11:12am - the_reverend ""]
I would look at that and have no idea how to do anything on it. it looks like that vehicle from south park that drives a corkscrew in your ass, but is better than flying.
[Jan 5,2007 11:17am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
It's like a rubik's cube.
[Jan 5,2007 11:29am - Messerschmitt ""]
the_reverend said:I usually go into the weight room for 20-30 minutes and then into the pool for 20-60 minutes. I started doing this in september 3-5 times a week. I went from 180 to almost 200lbs in a few weeks. now I'm around 188, but I got out of my routine. I need to go back and get back into it. maybe start running a mile on the track too... I just get so bored and sweaty running. in the pool if I sweat.. well... it's all water.

180 to 200lbs?! even doing all that cardio / burning cals in the pool?

i gained 30 lbs in 3 months from 200 to 230 now. in the past three months all i did was drink and eat. i'm going to focus more on cardio than lifting for a while so i can burn the keg off.

[Jan 5,2007 11:34am - the_reverend ""]
I think the pool cardio didn't start "taking effect" until now.. and that's why I'm back at 188. I used to be 145-155.
[Jan 5,2007 11:36am - Messerschmitt ""]
holy vegan jesus!
[Jan 5,2007 11:38am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Messerschmitt said:i use those instead of the treadmill too.

Is it better to go for speed or distance on those things for fat burn? I usually try to do 3 miles at 20 minutes.

[Jan 5,2007 11:39am - pam ""]
Messerschmitt said:the_reverend said:I usually go into the weight room for 20-30 minutes and then into the pool for 20-60 minutes. I started doing this in september 3-5 times a week. I went from 180 to almost 200lbs in a few weeks. now I'm around 188, but I got out of my routine. I need to go back and get back into it. maybe start running a mile on the track too... I just get so bored and sweaty running. in the pool if I sweat.. well... it's all water.

180 to 200lbs?! even doing all that cardio / burning cals in the pool?

i gained 30 lbs in 3 months from 200 to 230 now. in the past three months all i did was drink and eat. i'm going to focus more on cardio than lifting for a while so i can burn the keg off.

ugh, I hear ya. Too much liquid in the liquid grain storage facility. Unfortunately I like beer more than I like not having the extra 10lbs on me.
[Jan 5,2007 11:40am - the_reverend ""]
funny, when I was 145-155, I ate chicken 2-3 times a year. I was just too poor to get food and always too busy. now, there food everywhere. heck, there's a cafe in the library now. WTF! americans are fat and stupid.
[Jan 5,2007 11:41am - Messerschmitt ""]
speed to burn more fat. stay at a fast enough pace so you don't over do it though. the longer you're on the thing, the more cals/fat you'll burn.
[Jan 5,2007 11:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
cool thanks

[Jan 5,2007 11:45am - pam ""]
I hate treadmills, they're boring. I do either the elliptical or the uh...one that lifts the peddles up and kicks your ass...forget what it's called. Cross something...for 30-45 minutes and retreat to the girlie weight room or yoga class for a while after. My new gym has belly dancing too I guess, you should do that Aaron, it'll work that girlish figure.
[Jan 5,2007 3:50pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i have this theory with resolutions...they never work because you set a date for it to happen. it's not like you REALLY want to do it, you just say to yourself "yeah, a new year, and i'll finally get in shape" or "quit smoking cigarettes" or something to that effect.

if you really wanted to, you wouldn't have waited to start
[Jan 5,2007 4:22pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i do 10 miutes on the treadmill at about 7mph, a fast walk.
then 5 minutes at a fast jog, usually over 15mph.
then 20 minutes on a bike, at level 10 resistance
then 20 minutes elliptical on 50% resistance
10 sets of 7 on the weight bench
then random dicking around with dumbells and back workouts
then depending on the day, up to an hour on legs.
each day is followed by 20-50 sets on the ab machine set as high as it goes.

i havent done it since spring because of work, but when i started that workout, i had a noticable difference and six pak within only 2 weeks of doing that 5 days a week.

along with eating right.

now that i quit drinking, i expect results almost twice as fast, but i just need the money to get my membership.
[Jan 5,2007 4:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wish i could go 5 times a week but my body wont let me. i need that day of rest in between to recover enough energy to go back again. fucking sucks.
[Jan 5,2007 4:33pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i work out everyday, but nothing strenuous...just trying to get in better shape(i'm eating a little better as well)

i basically try to work every muscle group until they get a little sore, and then i'm content
[Jan 5,2007 4:43pm - KeithMutiny ""]
well, mines more cardio than anything else, its just about endurance.

i try and keep my heartrate ate almost 160 the entire time, and it burns calories like a mother fucker.

in the last 3 weeks alone, with no exercise, no booze, and watching what i eat, ive lost 8lbs. which isnt bad for just taking care of myself.

i just need to work on kicking smoking then all will be well.
[Jan 5,2007 4:47pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
cardio is my arch-nemesis...i know it's what i need to do to drop pounds but i hate running like a fat kid hates running

then again i don't necessarily wanna be skinny...just tone up a little bit
[Jan 5,2007 4:50pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Use the eliptical, mang.
[Jan 5,2007 4:55pm - KeithMutiny ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Use the eliptical, mang.

its true, that machine is prolly the best one in there.
[Jan 5,2007 5:00pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
my sis has one of those at our apartment...although it never gets use cuz i never fuck with it and she hates exercise

i might try it out for a couple weeks and see how it helps my progress though
[Jan 5,2007 5:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
SacreligionNLI said:my sis has one of those at our apartment...although it never gets use cuz i never fuck with it and she hates exercise

i might try it out for a couple weeks and see how it helps my progress though

if you wanna sell it, hook me up!
[Jan 5,2007 5:04pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
it's hers to sell, but i'll see what she says.

i might wanna try it out for a bit. when i first got off the crutches in like april i tried messin around with it but my ankle wasn't rehabilitated enough yet, and it would bother the fuck out of me

now would be a good a time as any to try it again though
[Jan 5,2007 5:05pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I don't really like the regular elipticals. The ArcTrainer is where it's at, yo.

[Jan 5,2007 5:07pm - yummy ""]
why did u stop drinking Keith?
[Jan 5,2007 5:08pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hers isn't as elaborate as that one...but it's really all the same if you think about it
[Jan 5,2007 5:13pm - KeithMutiny ""]
yummy said:why did u stop drinking Keith?

cost me too much money, i was gaining too much weight, i was getting so drunk that i forgot what i was doing 90% of the time i was drinking, and most people didnt belive i could do it.

so i did.
[Jan 5,2007 5:17pm - yummy ""]
You have some pretty good reasons. I gotta hand it to ya. Sorry, I know this is a gym thread. I was just curious.

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