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O'Briens Pub (Allston, Ma) - [coffin_birth][cythraul][hirudinea][the_horus_heresy]
[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Sep 20,2006 2:10am - inject-now ""]
if anyone found a camo hooded sweatshirt please inform hirudinea. 187
[Sep 20,2006 2:26am - the_reverend ""]
pictures erp///
[Sep 20,2006 2:27am - the_reverend ""]
it's taking me a while due to the black images.
I'm fixing them.
[Sep 20,2006 3:02am - Strep_Cunt ""]
Awesome show, AWESOME bands (missed Horus Heresy). Good to see Steve (Cythraul) make a proper comeback with a proper band.
[Sep 20,2006 3:20am - Aegathis ""]
Definatly our sloppiest set, not enough room for fan hair, nor enough practice with the new drummer. Fun show either way. Horse Heresy was pretty cool, and i really like cythraul. Ive already seen Hirudinea a bunch, itd be nice if more people stayed for us, but whatever its a week night.
[Sep 20,2006 9:33am - paganmegan ""]
this show ruled although its still a bummer Hekseri couldn't play. I'm glad I made it out to this though, Hirudinea killed as usual, and it was great to see coffin birth AND cythraul both for the first time. I hope it will be the first of MANY times I get to see them live
[Sep 20,2006 10:00am - BriXX  ""]
Had a killer time! My Deathlok shirt prompted many free drinks for me!
[Sep 20,2006 11:33am - Justice  ""]
show was fun, i only saw cythraul and hirudinea, both bands killed!
[Sep 20,2006 11:35am - Aegathis ""]
Im still waiting for the man with the fancy camera to complain about how much of a confusing set we played
[Sep 20,2006 12:05pm - succubus ""]
fancy cameraS
[Sep 20,2006 12:06pm - paganmegan ""]
I miss seeing Carina at shows with her fancy camera
[Sep 20,2006 12:18pm - pam ""]

This picture is awesome.
[Sep 20,2006 12:22pm - Aegathis ""]
"oww my nose"
[Sep 20,2006 6:36pm - Aegathis ""]
No words means a big S.U.X. review for Coffin Birth
[Sep 20,2006 8:01pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Rev was just at a loss for words, I bet
[Sep 20,2006 8:04pm - dwellingsickness ""]

I know you meant to do this ,Rev, But if I saw that in one of my pics I would return the camera ,Thinking there was something wrong with it
[Sep 21,2006 12:29am - Neverpurified ""]
wierd things happen when pictures are taken of me
[Sep 21,2006 1:24am - Aegathis ""]
weird things happen when i shave off my mustache
[Sep 21,2006 8:31am - mrkdrummr  ""]
Look like he has a big mutated dinosaur hand!
[Sep 21,2006 2:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Lisa kicking ass.
[Sep 21,2006 2:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mister Tom Araya on drums.
[Sep 21,2006 8:48pm - the_reverend ""]
coffin birth: a sick sounding band. Too bad anthony’s always just so self debasing on stage. Dude, just play and stop the apologies/saying you suck. They switched off bassists ˝ way through their set; kyle to nash.
[Sep 21,2006 8:58pm - Neverpurified ""]
I have to agree with you on that one Aaron.

I mean, I know we're a self-loathing black/death metal band...but enough is enough
[Sep 21,2006 9:19pm - the_reverend ""]
there is being self-loathing and announcing it.. it's like when someone tells a joke and it goes like this.

[anthony's voice]
Sam: Would you punish me for some thing i didn't do?
Teacher: no, of course not.
Sam: good, because i didn't do my homework.

get it? get it? huh? cause he obviously didn't do his homework so he asks if she would punish him for something he didn't do. get it?
[/anthony's voice]

by saying the punchline, you ruin the joke dude.
[Sep 21,2006 10:49pm - Aegathis ""]
You can all thank Rich Horror for the name of our brand of music, i just had to announce it. Too bad he had someplace else to be that night
[Sep 21,2006 11:41pm - anonymous  ""]
uhhmm dude the guitar player writes all of the songs. and it's not conflicting. it's called being original. They're trying to get away from typical death and black metal. excuse them for growing a set of balls and doing something different.

[Sep 21,2006 11:49pm - Aegathis ""]
uhmm dude, yea i know, how do you? I dont know any joes, i dont think
[Sep 22,2006 9:30am - paganmegan ""]
Cythraul reminded me alot of Judas Iscariot. They are definitely more on the black metal end of the black/death spectrum. Coffin Birth blend melodic, proficient lead playing with black/death nastiness. Hirudinea are Hirudinea with their violent, dissonant grindy blackened thrashiness (that is of course reminiscent of old school hardcore.) So, to reiterate, this was a splendid fuckin lineup
(sorry I didn't draw too many conclusions from the openers Horus Heresy, they played a really short set.)
[Oct 7,2006 3:11am - terrorhawk  ""]
dms is the shit! i love seeing him live i never get bored. cause he's the only drummer that goes crazy like that all the time!
[Oct 7,2006 3:14am - bagock  ""]
seth is the nicest metalhead of all time! he helped dms set-up his drum-set DARKNESS! cythraul hailz!:doublehorns:

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