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Saturday, Novemeber 29th at Club Marque

Club Marque (Worcester, MA) - [backstabbers_inc][ion_dissonance][mourning_red_sky][psyopus][terminally_your_aborted_ghost][the_number_twelve_looks_like_you]
[Dec 2,2003 11:13pm - jake  ""]
heartless said:good bands, awkward place
even though i missed tyag and #12

so for the people who care:
whats going on for beyond the sixth seal's last show?

that was their last show and they didnt show up. (unless they scheduled another show that im unaware of?)
[Dec 3,2003 9:13pm - frank ""]
heres to the recent influx of homos in the contemporary metal scene!!:tightiewhities:
this show was a blaaaast!:bartmoon::gun::gun::gun::duffbeer:
lots of high lighted hair, "dark" clothing, and othr faggotry
[Dec 3,2003 9:19pm - frank ""]
PS great job on the upgrade RTTP. Well done...:NEWHORNS::nuke:
[Dec 3,2003 10:36pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
hugeasshole said:well atleast a few people heard what i was hearing when # 12 was on...and yes matt rowe it "is".

this is what i basicly felt like doing when you guys were playing...come to think of it,i'm pretty sure i tried doing it.

for some reason my "funny" detector isnt going off... maybe i forgot to change the batteries... let me check... nope, its not the batteries. maybe there is something loose... let me check that now... nope... that wasnt it... its turned on too... so... OH WAIT! i know! i think the problem here is that ... YOU'RE NOT FUNNY! whew... i was all worried that my new Funny Detector was broken and the problem was that you are really lame. boy am i relieved.
[Dec 4,2003 12:11am - bryan  ""]

for some reason my "funny" detector isnt going off... maybe i forgot to change the batteries... let me check... nope, its not the batteries. maybe there is something loose... let me check that now... nope... that wasnt it... its turned on too... so... OH WAIT! i know! i think the problem here is that ... YOU'RE NOT FUNNY! whew... i was all worried that my new Funny Detector was broken and the problem was that you are really lame. boy am i relieved.>>

wow. someone's cranky .why don't you do everyone a favor and turn down the sarcastic meter down a notch.

he's entitled to his say just as you.so what,he didn't like the band neither did i.but do you see us attcking the people that did enjoy them?

no you don't,so why don't you relax a little bit.it'll do ya some good.

ps-why would you waste time typing that out? that's even more pointless then their post.
[Dec 4,2003 10:54am - thegreatspaldino ""]
it took me a whole minute to think/type that out so its no big deal. probably took me less time to make that post than it took that lamer to go to rotten.com and find a lame pic and post. ands he is entitled to his opinion but he is just blatantly attacking ratt mowe and our band. there is a difference between voicing an opinion and acting like a worthless jackass and the correct way to deal with someone acting like a worthless jackass is to be sarcastic. mainly because its a lot more humorous and clever than anything the worthless jackass has/had to say. also another way to deal with a moronic, asinine, waste of flesh is to invite them to voice their "opinion" straight to the source. so if Mr. "Clever" has any more "insightful" and "witty" comments about TYAG, feel free to direct them to....
[img] whenever you get the chance. thank you and goodnight... i mean day >:]
[Dec 4,2003 11:46am - frank ""]
message board drama and idealisms on confrontation. i love it.................:middlefinger:
well he said it first.
[Dec 4,2003 2:29pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Those curtains get more :satancross::NEWHORNS::satancross: every time I see 'em.
[Dec 4,2003 3:32pm - Joe McNamara  ""]
thegreatspaldino said:so if Mr. "Clever" has any more "insightful" and "witty" comments about TYAG, feel free to direct them to....
[img] whenever you get the chance.

we tried that once and you threatened to sue
[Dec 4,2003 3:36pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
that was different. im not making a threat or anything... i would just like to hear this person's comments in person, thats all.
[Dec 4,2003 3:37pm - Joe McNamara  ""]
thegreatspaldino said:that was different. im not making a threat or anything... i would just like to hear this person's comments in person, thats all.

we are all friends now.
ratt mowe and us had a hetereosexual bonding on defy unlearn
[Dec 4,2003 3:41pm - ratt_mowe ""]
we sure did. me and joe... we love boobies.
[Dec 4,2003 5:06pm - We are Joe McNamara  ""]
i'm not sure why I refered to myself as us
[Dec 5,2003 12:28am - bryan  ""]
thegreatspaldino said:it took me a whole minute to think/type that out so its no big deal. probably took me less time to make that post than it took that lamer to go to rotten.com and find a lame pic and post. ands he is entitled to his opinion but he is just blatantly attacking ratt mowe and our band. there is a difference between voicing an opinion and acting like a worthless jackass and the correct way to deal with someone acting like a worthless jackass is to be sarcastic. mainly because its a lot more humorous and clever than anything the worthless jackass has/had to say. also another way to deal with a moronic, asinine, waste of flesh is to invite them to voice their "opinion" straight to the source. so if Mr. "Clever" has any more "insightful" and "witty" comments about TYAG, feel free to direct them to....
[img] whenever you get the chance. thank you and goodnight... i mean day >:]


but anyway TYAG was the only good fucking band besides backstabbers that played that shit ass show i drove two hours to go to.

so i'll see you guys on the 13th at the since the flood show at exit 23

PS-go up a few post's.i'm kid in the maroon sweater.you know the one complementing your band.asking if you had a demo.
[Dec 7,2003 12:40pm - frank ""]
that dude looks constipated. i would suggest a stool softener, perhaps some more regular fiber/ fresh greens and roughage... by not time the gaunt, bloaded look will fade and a more ruddy, vivacious complexion will be yours. :tightiewhities:
[Dec 7,2003 1:01pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
bryan said:

PS-go up a few post's.i'm kid in the maroon sweater.you know the one complementing your band.asking if you had a demo.

the end of my post was not referring to you, slappy. i was talking about "hugeasspounder". you know, Mr. "Clever" who thought he was infinitely insulting and clever by posting a picture? so maybe im not the one that needs to read posts more thoroughly ;) and we do have a demo and its actually going to be re-released as part of a split cd with Ingurgitate or something like that sometime in early 2004. so ummm... doodies =)

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