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Saturday, Novemeber 29th at Club Marque

Club Marque (Worcester, MA) - [backstabbers_inc][ion_dissonance][mourning_red_sky][psyopus][terminally_your_aborted_ghost][the_number_twelve_looks_like_you]
[Nov 27,2003 1:17pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Saturday, November 29th 2003
@ Club Marque, 336 Main St.
Worcester, Massachusetts
Doors @ 6:30 PM, Door Price - $10
*All Ages!

Backstabbers Inc. (Black Market Activities)
Beyond The Sixth Seal (Black Market Activities)
Ion Dissonance (Willowtip Records)
PsyOpus (Black Market Activities)
#12 Looks Like You (Brutal Records)
Terminally Your Aborted Ghost (Macabre Mementos Records)

[Nov 27,2003 2:40pm - ratt_mowe ""]
you'll go if you know whats good for you.
[Nov 27,2003 6:28pm - tyagxgrind ""]
hahaha if you dont you will DIE DIE DIE.

[Nov 27,2003 6:32pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
listening to the new Belphegor is like dying. its so brutal you feel as if you have been killed by something that is brutal... and fast... and brutal
[Nov 27,2003 7:25pm - I_am_not_me ""]
...damn, getting from Cambridge to Worcester in a half-hour would be a bit on the impossible side...I'd inevitably miss at least one band.
[Nov 27,2003 9:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll be there....
I wish Belphegor were playing.
[Nov 27,2003 10:43pm - heartless ""]
i'll be there
[Nov 28,2003 2:07am - nick ""]
some of my friends and i are going.
[Nov 29,2003 3:05am - succubus ""]
are we going to do more promo pics?
[Nov 29,2003 3:21am - phantos ""]
PsyOpus is the kill.

but I wont be there.
but watch Arp on the fretboard... he is outa control.
[Nov 29,2003 2:02pm - ratt_mowe ""]
so who's coming tonight???
[Nov 29,2003 2:27pm - succubus ""]
me me me and rev rev rev
[Nov 29,2003 3:49pm - tyagxgrind ""]
[Nov 30,2003 12:36am - the_reverend ""]
I'm back.
pictures in a few minutes.
[Nov 30,2003 12:39am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are up.
[Nov 30,2003 1:12am - ratt_mowe ""]
psyopus absolutely blew my mind. after seeing that.... i am officially quitting guitar.... sorry everyone.... 8^(
[Nov 30,2003 1:13am - musicisblood  ""]
yeah i just want to say that, this club that the show was held in sucked balls. it was run by some old fag who kept swearing trying to act cool i guess and a bunch of black wanna be thugs who kicked me out shortly after ion dissonance was done, because i was moshing to "Heavily"they said. whats that shit how can you mosh non-heavily?? whatever i saw the bands i came for they kicked ass
[Nov 30,2003 1:24am - jake  ""]
hmm. #12 with only one singer? what happened there?
[Nov 30,2003 1:36am - XmikeX ""]
last time i went to club marquee the bouncers tried to tell kids they couldn't dance. then they started threatening people when we didn't listen. then they claimed we put a huge hole in the wall that had been there for months (at least). then during the last band they called in 4 or 5 of their stereotypical black guy thug friends. they got all rowdy over a bunch of dumb shit, knocked their own metal detector over twice, started a couple of fights, got the entire club against them, and then threatened everyone with guns while they pedaled off on their bikes.

they probably did have guns somewhere. and i didn't want to stick around to find out. there's limits. but im not dumb. i can tell the difference between a hand in your pocket and a gun....especially since 30 seconds before you were yelling "yo man, goto tha car an' get ma' peice". Am I to believe that your "peice" teleported to your pants pocket?

fuck club marquee.
[Nov 30,2003 1:37am - the_reverend ""]
club marque... what a queer place. the owner is all about hopping on the mic and talking a lot.
He blew the cover on those undercover cops though...
oh yeah, bump into the tables and you are going to jail, scenesters.

terminally your aborted ghost: the PA was crap and nothing else was mic'd. Made it so you have to be in the right place inorder to hear things. Still, this band is so good. funny that I know most of their songs now. When they started out, they were a death grind band with a demo that was all short songs with weird samples. Now, there are only a couple break downs, but people know when their mosh window opens up and use it. Hopefully, they will have a new cd out with how they sound now.

the # 12 looks like you: Thought they weren't going to show, but they walked in during the last of tyag's set. they were missing their blonde singer so the other singer kind of did double duty. I hear they suck at football. Oh, I got a copy of their cd for my radio show.

psyopus: the funniest joke was the guitarist saying "I've never had so many technical problems in my life". well, turn to the audience and see that the crowd was sitting there agape. Their set was so intense and unrelenting. They crowd was too busy trying to get their brians around 8-finger's picking cromatic scales and screaming harmonics. The singer burst something in his nose and just bled every where through out the whole set. The owner kept trying to get him to sop up

ion dissonance: succubus asked them in french if they sang in english or french. They were speaking french of stage. pretty intense as well. having never heard the band before, they reminded me a lot of bodies in the gears.

backstabbers inc: they seemed pissed off. I'm not sure why. maybe cause they have been on tour for a month straight. the set was really good. It's the same one from the metalfest show. It was funny cause the owner told them that they had one song left.. and Ryan (singer) said "oh yeah, hey, this guy says we have one song left"
the old guy says "ok, you have 2 songs left."
ryan "we only have one song left on our set list"

beyond the sixth seal: it was their last show... so they didn't show up.

mourning red sky: the owner said he was going to have 2 bands play BEFORE the show. but these guys had "people coming from boston" or something. so they wanted to play at 7:30. instead, they were sent to the end of the night. they were ok... not like the other bands. it wasn't anything I was into, your basic emo.
[Nov 30,2003 1:45am - ratt_mowe ""]
a C-, hmmm rev??
[Nov 30,2003 1:47am - the_reverend ""]
that was a joke, nerd.

carina got an "escort" to the VIP section....
that joint is off the hook.
next week, DJ Robert will be in that hizzy.
shit dog.
[Nov 30,2003 1:48am - ratt_mowe ""]
and the cover will only be a measly 25 george washingtons?
where do i sign up?
[Nov 30,2003 1:49am - succubus ""]
so far, my TYAG photos are up:


see the cartwheel...

the transparent Devon singing

and the rest of the boys..

oh and check out the hottie to the left of devon!
[Nov 30,2003 1:51am - phantos ""]
you mean... to the left of Devon's eyebrows!

Jesus... I can barely see Rev through those beasts!
[Nov 30,2003 1:54am - the_reverend ""]
5 bennies, ratboy.
get it on.
[Nov 30,2003 9:03am - theundergroundscene ""]
That was a good show considering a spent half the day sick in bed, and didn't know a single song by any of the band, and I was only there to listen to Beyond The Sixth Seal talk between songs! Glad you deleted that gay ass picture of me, hahahaha -Jay
[Nov 30,2003 3:14pm - mikehostageheart ""]
this show was amazing. psyopus and ion dissonance were both great to see.
[Nov 30,2003 8:35pm - emanresU  ""]
That skinny shit with the Cig. was full of him self..such a horrible fashion statement. What a bad place to have a great line up.
[Nov 30,2003 11:46pm - hugeasshole  ""]
#12 blah,blah,blah.

daughters did it first.get a clue.

your friend,
[Dec 1,2003 12:25am - ratt_mowe ""]
ok daughters sounds absolutely nothing like #12. maybe you are the one that should be getting that clue.
[Dec 1,2003 12:34am - the_reverend ""]
they also both started at about the sametime.
[Dec 1,2003 12:50am - bret  ""]
#12 sounds like daughters, sorry, #12 does more than slide minor chords around
[Dec 1,2003 4:57am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i trained my ass hair to slide minor chords around... NOW WORSHIP ME!!!!!11
[Dec 1,2003 9:05am - the_reverend ""]
I'm putting in the #12 cd now.
I guess I'll find out...
but the one track I know is different.
[Dec 1,2003 9:23am - the_reverend ""]
I would say that #12 sounds more like umbrella then daughters.
there's less the make up in it than daughters
[Dec 1,2003 10:45am - Bryan  ""]
but umbrella is aslo another shit branch off of daughters...not that i even care.

but #12 i agree with hugeasshole(what a name?) your sound is tired. tears did it,as the sun sets did it,daughters does it.you're like all three rolled into one...which is gay.

but anyway,rev the site looks great keep up the good work.:doublehorns:
[Dec 1,2003 11:02am - the_reverend ""]
I was just going to say one of the song sounds like tears.
personal, I like the cd and I like them live.

ps: thanks.. I'm trying to make the site look a little more "professional". I hope it's "working"
[Dec 1,2003 4:53pm - ratt_mowe ""]
It "is".
[Dec 1,2003 10:01pm - Noah ""]
yeah XmikeX i was at that Club Marque show a while ago. when everyone was outside near the end one of the black guys was threatening to "smoke one of our bitch-asses". :gun: :gun: :gun:
[Dec 2,2003 12:52pm - 1234  ""]
Bryan, you forgot Shallows and Flats along with that lovely list. I agree with what you said though.

And there's nothing more frightening then having a spanish dude and a huge black guy comming your way with rage...But not ones from Worcester.
[Dec 2,2003 1:03pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the best thing about TYAG is ratt mowe's love of breasts
[Dec 2,2003 1:29pm - succubus ""]

you mean cigarettes:

see what a bad influence he is?
[Dec 2,2003 2:16pm - Bryan  ""]
where can i get a TYAG recording?do they even have anything recorded?

i don't know where i've been but these guys slipped by me some how.:bow:

by far best picture of the night rev.

[Dec 2,2003 2:28pm - hugeasshole  ""]
well atleast a few people heard what i was hearing when # 12 was on...and yes matt rowe it "is".

this is what i basicly felt like doing when you guys were playing...come to think of it,i'm pretty sure i tried doing it.

[Dec 2,2003 3:58pm - music is awesome  ""]
i believe they have a website.... http://www.tyag.cjb.net

[Dec 2,2003 4:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
succubus said:[QUOTE[img]

see what a bad influence he is?

why is spaulding hanging out with those young boys?
[Dec 2,2003 6:48pm - ratt mowe in whitman  ""]
wow i am glad you felt like picking your nose when we played, seeing as i thoroughly enjoy picking my nose to its full potential myself.
[Dec 2,2003 6:53pm - ratt mowe again  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:the best thing about TYAG is ratt mowe's love of breasts

its funny cause its true :spineyes:

and yes we have a demo.... and we will be recording a full length come jan.
[Dec 2,2003 10:37pm - heartless ""]
good bands, awkward place
even though i missed tyag and #12

so for the people who care:
whats going on for beyond the sixth seal's last show?
[Dec 2,2003 11:13pm - jake  ""]
heartless said:good bands, awkward place
even though i missed tyag and #12

so for the people who care:
whats going on for beyond the sixth seal's last show?

that was their last show and they didnt show up. (unless they scheduled another show that im unaware of?)
[Dec 3,2003 9:13pm - frank ""]
heres to the recent influx of homos in the contemporary metal scene!!:tightiewhities:
this show was a blaaaast!:bartmoon::gun::gun::gun::duffbeer:
lots of high lighted hair, "dark" clothing, and othr faggotry
[Dec 3,2003 9:19pm - frank ""]
PS great job on the upgrade RTTP. Well done...:NEWHORNS::nuke:
[Dec 3,2003 10:36pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
hugeasshole said:well atleast a few people heard what i was hearing when # 12 was on...and yes matt rowe it "is".

this is what i basicly felt like doing when you guys were playing...come to think of it,i'm pretty sure i tried doing it.

for some reason my "funny" detector isnt going off... maybe i forgot to change the batteries... let me check... nope, its not the batteries. maybe there is something loose... let me check that now... nope... that wasnt it... its turned on too... so... OH WAIT! i know! i think the problem here is that ... YOU'RE NOT FUNNY! whew... i was all worried that my new Funny Detector was broken and the problem was that you are really lame. boy am i relieved.
[Dec 4,2003 12:11am - bryan  ""]

for some reason my "funny" detector isnt going off... maybe i forgot to change the batteries... let me check... nope, its not the batteries. maybe there is something loose... let me check that now... nope... that wasnt it... its turned on too... so... OH WAIT! i know! i think the problem here is that ... YOU'RE NOT FUNNY! whew... i was all worried that my new Funny Detector was broken and the problem was that you are really lame. boy am i relieved.>>

wow. someone's cranky .why don't you do everyone a favor and turn down the sarcastic meter down a notch.

he's entitled to his say just as you.so what,he didn't like the band neither did i.but do you see us attcking the people that did enjoy them?

no you don't,so why don't you relax a little bit.it'll do ya some good.

ps-why would you waste time typing that out? that's even more pointless then their post.
[Dec 4,2003 10:54am - thegreatspaldino ""]
it took me a whole minute to think/type that out so its no big deal. probably took me less time to make that post than it took that lamer to go to rotten.com and find a lame pic and post. ands he is entitled to his opinion but he is just blatantly attacking ratt mowe and our band. there is a difference between voicing an opinion and acting like a worthless jackass and the correct way to deal with someone acting like a worthless jackass is to be sarcastic. mainly because its a lot more humorous and clever than anything the worthless jackass has/had to say. also another way to deal with a moronic, asinine, waste of flesh is to invite them to voice their "opinion" straight to the source. so if Mr. "Clever" has any more "insightful" and "witty" comments about TYAG, feel free to direct them to....
[img] whenever you get the chance. thank you and goodnight... i mean day >:]
[Dec 4,2003 11:46am - frank ""]
message board drama and idealisms on confrontation. i love it.................:middlefinger:
well he said it first.
[Dec 4,2003 2:29pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Those curtains get more :satancross::NEWHORNS::satancross: every time I see 'em.
[Dec 4,2003 3:32pm - Joe McNamara  ""]
thegreatspaldino said:so if Mr. "Clever" has any more "insightful" and "witty" comments about TYAG, feel free to direct them to....
[img] whenever you get the chance.

we tried that once and you threatened to sue
[Dec 4,2003 3:36pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
that was different. im not making a threat or anything... i would just like to hear this person's comments in person, thats all.
[Dec 4,2003 3:37pm - Joe McNamara  ""]
thegreatspaldino said:that was different. im not making a threat or anything... i would just like to hear this person's comments in person, thats all.

we are all friends now.
ratt mowe and us had a hetereosexual bonding on defy unlearn
[Dec 4,2003 3:41pm - ratt_mowe ""]
we sure did. me and joe... we love boobies.
[Dec 4,2003 5:06pm - We are Joe McNamara  ""]
i'm not sure why I refered to myself as us
[Dec 5,2003 12:28am - bryan  ""]
thegreatspaldino said:it took me a whole minute to think/type that out so its no big deal. probably took me less time to make that post than it took that lamer to go to rotten.com and find a lame pic and post. ands he is entitled to his opinion but he is just blatantly attacking ratt mowe and our band. there is a difference between voicing an opinion and acting like a worthless jackass and the correct way to deal with someone acting like a worthless jackass is to be sarcastic. mainly because its a lot more humorous and clever than anything the worthless jackass has/had to say. also another way to deal with a moronic, asinine, waste of flesh is to invite them to voice their "opinion" straight to the source. so if Mr. "Clever" has any more "insightful" and "witty" comments about TYAG, feel free to direct them to....
[img] whenever you get the chance. thank you and goodnight... i mean day >:]


but anyway TYAG was the only good fucking band besides backstabbers that played that shit ass show i drove two hours to go to.

so i'll see you guys on the 13th at the since the flood show at exit 23

PS-go up a few post's.i'm kid in the maroon sweater.you know the one complementing your band.asking if you had a demo.
[Dec 7,2003 12:40pm - frank ""]
that dude looks constipated. i would suggest a stool softener, perhaps some more regular fiber/ fresh greens and roughage... by not time the gaunt, bloaded look will fade and a more ruddy, vivacious complexion will be yours. :tightiewhities:
[Dec 7,2003 1:01pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
bryan said:

PS-go up a few post's.i'm kid in the maroon sweater.you know the one complementing your band.asking if you had a demo.

the end of my post was not referring to you, slappy. i was talking about "hugeasspounder". you know, Mr. "Clever" who thought he was infinitely insulting and clever by posting a picture? so maybe im not the one that needs to read posts more thoroughly ;) and we do have a demo and its actually going to be re-released as part of a split cd with Ingurgitate or something like that sometime in early 2004. so ummm... doodies =)

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