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Providence based BLACK METAL band seeks bassist

[Jun 13,2007 9:37am - C. Dagger  ""]
Christraper from Sorcery ended up playing bass and singing on our next demo after Basiliskk turned into Horn of Valere....
[Jun 13,2007 11:33am - cav ""]
the first show i ever played was with sorcery. i also went to high school with christraper, we went to a catholic school. haha!
[Jun 13,2007 11:40am - brian_dc ""]
ah, the Insidious days.
[Jun 13,2007 2:29pm - anon  ""]
Is Terrence still crying over this thread? You would think he would have let it go over the years. I remember him crying about it for months but damn he really is extreme.
[Jun 13,2007 3:55pm - anon anarth  ""]
Its funny, i kinda got the impression that Captain Morgan was the only one crying over this just by reading it.
[Jun 13,2007 5:26pm - :*(  ""]
time to break out the hawkthorne heights cds
[Jun 13,2007 5:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
anon said:Is Terrence still crying over this thread? You would think he would have let it go over the years. I remember him crying about it for months but damn he really is extreme.

No way. Terence never really let shit bother him that much. Dan and him had a few words a long time ago at our old Brockton space and that was after this happened.
[Jun 14,2007 6:29pm - MadOakDevin ""]
hey remember two years ago when everyone wanted to start a doom band?
[Jun 14,2007 9:33pm - C. Dagger  ""]
this thread is over 3 years old...
[Jun 15,2007 1:10am - C. Raper  ""]
Trooness. Im on C. Dagger's computer doing drugs of all sorts with Max and Serge. Each letter I type is becoming increasingly difficult. Im gonna stop typing now.
[Jan 18,2010 9:42am - Azitivah666  ""]
hey dagger did you ever find a bass player for basalisk I can probly play it, hook it up i hail Satan to

[Sep 1,2011 12:26am - Azitivah666  ""]
hey man i am still looking. was a bass player found
[Sep 1,2011 12:30am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

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