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Providence based BLACK METAL band seeks bassist

[Feb 18,2004 1:07am - ceremonialdagger  ""]
no posers, no trendy pussys, no scene fags....

we are a true, well established black metal band from Providence that is seeking a bassist. this person must support true USBM and its IDEALS...(we are not racist but you can be for all i care...) please be 18-25 yrs of age and be a hopeless alcoholic...and willing to pay rent at a practice spot in Providence ($50 a month) and available to practice AT LEAST twice a week....

email me for more info: rain_when_i_die_13@yahoo.com

we have a webpage and an mp3 from our first demo to download on the site...

:satancross: ... SERIOUS BLACK METAL MUSICIANS ONLY ... :satancross:
dimmu borgir and cradle of faggot fans need not apply...

darkest regards

Ceremonial Dagger
[Feb 18,2004 1:15am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Hey Andrew, you should ask Lisa (ex-CYTHRAUL) to join.

She lives in Mansfield, Mass.
[Feb 18,2004 1:19am - Terence ""]
You would have to deal with her boyfriend, Captain Morgan, though.
[Feb 18,2004 1:56am - BornSoVile ""]
good luck Andrew, I'm listening to Basiliskk right now, looking forward to hearing Ceremonial Dagger!
[Feb 18,2004 2:09am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
what if the dude is a fan of dimmu and cradle as well as tr00 black metal?

(im not applying for the job as i play with 2 already not to mention im pretty much beyond black metal in terms of playing... because no one in black metal cares enough about bass for the basslines to be interesting. )
[Feb 18,2004 8:46am - dunwich ""]
There aren't many metal bands in general with interesting bass lines. As far as black metal goes Ulver and Ved Buense Ende both have interesting bass lines (same guy I believe) not to mention more recent Enslaved.
[Feb 18,2004 10:21am - Ceremonaildagger  ""]
how does everyone know its Basiliskk? i tried to be slick so no one would know ...

to John > AUTOPSY 666...how can i get in touch with her? is she any good?

to those of you talking about bassline....we want them! i mean i dont want some funky slap bass bullshit but there are definatly times that we wised our old bassist would do something beyond the basics of the rhythm riff and he just wasnt able to do it....thus our ending his duty as bassist....

born so vile i dont know who you are....but for the record we dont plan to change our name to Ceremonial Dagger...we're staying Basiliskk...same band but new bassist...i think our old bassist, who also sings for us is just going to focus on singing now...

the Great Spaldino...how can you like true black metal and not absolutly detest Cof and Dummy Burger...that discussion is for another topic which i dont have the time to give a shit about right now...


darkest regards
Andrew - Basiliskk
[Feb 18,2004 11:49am - diamond_dave ""]
Ceremonaildagger said:how does everyone know its Basiliskk? i tried to be slick so no one would know ...

haha because there's only one black metal band in RI. good luck with a replacement, you kids are pretty awesome.
[Feb 18,2004 12:05pm - Ceremonialdagger  ""]
diamond_dave said:Ceremonaildagger said:how does everyone know its Basiliskk? i tried to be slick so no one would know ...

haha because there's only one black metal band in RI. good luck with a replacement, you kids are pretty awesome.

Sorcery...Nefarious....Basiliskk...and others that are underground..which is where black metal belongs....thats why i did my best to keep our band name out of it...
[Feb 18,2004 12:17pm - diamond_dave ""]
ok fair enough. sorcery strikes me as more of a cradle/dimmu type band though. and nefarious has a lot of old school thrash elements. i'm not saying that to shit on either one of them, it's just my perspective on thier sound. btw, we're all underground. anyway, good luck and keep rockin. \m/
[Feb 18,2004 12:30pm - Ceremonialdagger  ""]
diamond_dave said: sorcery strikes me as more of a cradle/dimmu type band though.


they are total darkthrone worship IMO, which is perfectly fine in my book!

diamond_dave said:and nefarious has a lot of old school thrash elements.

i'd say more deathy kinda shit in there...they are stereotypical black metal...i definatly agree withy ou there

diamond_dave said:anyway, good luck and keep rockin. \m/

thanks for the kind words....we have tons of new material we'd like to get out there but not having a bassist is kinda putting a damper on things...ecpecially playing out....

[Feb 18,2004 12:32pm - Ceremonialdagger  ""]
i mean to say Nefarious AREN'T stereotypical BM...sorry
[Feb 18,2004 1:39pm - diamond_dave ""]
looking forward to hearing your new stuff. when you get your lineup all situated maybe we can do a safari show or something. (this is dave from thenightmarecontinues.. by the way). \m/
[Feb 18,2004 1:41pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Born So Vile is Josh from Ascendancy.

Good luck on your search, hope you find someone crazy.

Hiding your name is silly. You won't be any less underground if someone reads your name. Hell, maybe they'll read it and say "shit, those guys were great last time I saw them, I gotta get in touch" rather than "I've never heard of them. I don't care."
[Feb 18,2004 3:18pm - ceremonialdagger  ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Born So Vile is Josh from Ascendancy.

Good luck on your search, hope you find someone crazy.

Hiding your name is silly. You won't be any less underground if someone reads your name. Hell, maybe they'll read it and say "shit, those guys were great last time I saw them, I gotta get in touch" rather than "I've never heard of them. I don't care."

i guess i dont really WANT people to like us...thats not why i make the music that i make...of course i appreciate when people DO like it...but i didnt wanna come out and be like BASILISKK NEED A NEW BASSIST!!!
...we want a :satancross: true black metal warrior :satancross: to join us...not just someone that saw us once and liked our set and happens to play bass...

To Diamond Dave : You guys must be pumped to open for fucking PHOBIA and Rotten Sound!!
i'm not big on chugga chugga grind-gore-core BS...but Rotten sound is the real fucking deal and Phobia...well Phobia are fucking Phobia! i'll be there! \m/


fuck!! we need a bassist!!
[Feb 18,2004 4:10pm - diamond_dave ""]
yeah the phobia show should be good. rotten sound is one of my favorite bands.
i'm not down with the chug shit either. we are breakdown free my man.
[Feb 18,2004 5:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
Khold has some mean black metal basslines.
[Feb 18,2004 5:29pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
people can like true black metal and like CoF and Dimmu because they are diverse ;) besides... i was referring to the not so recent CoF and Dimmu.
[Feb 19,2004 11:20am - ceremonialdagger  ""]
bump for satan
[Feb 19,2004 10:50pm - Dan  ""]
Terrence you honestly need to get a life, or better yet die. I am so sick of hearing you talk shit all the damn time. If one person makes a comment about you then all you do is cry. Your cockyness is also quite gay. Get your head out of your ass and maybe someone might like you some day. Sincerely FUCK YOU.
[Feb 19,2004 10:57pm - George ""]
waaaaah waaaaaah waaaaaah
terence doesnt talk very much shit buddy
is this finalbloodbath?
i wish that kid would come back, he was funny to watch, in the same way i like scat videos and dancing retards on consumptionjunction.com
[Feb 19,2004 11:08pm - Dan  ""]
Actually Terence talks tons of shit. What next you gonna tell me he doesn't have his head up his ass? He will go on and on about how great he is and how everyone else in the local scene sucks. He'll deny it and talk more "shit" but im just here defending myself I'm not the one who started this.
[Feb 20,2004 2:12pm - ceremonialdagger  ""]
who the fuck is terrence?

do me a favor and dont reply to this thread unless you're intersted in playing bass or know of someone who might be

[Feb 20,2004 2:59pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Small talk and arguing bump your thread. It's not really a bad thing.
[Feb 20,2004 3:03pm - succubus ""]
did terence even reply in this thread?
[Feb 20,2004 3:14pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Terence said:You would have to deal with her boyfriend, Captain Morgan, though.

Which is obviously just him being humorous.

[Feb 20,2004 3:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Andrew, did you call Lisa yet?

[Feb 20,2004 3:51pm - Ninkaszi  ""]
DAGGER, why are you getting a bass player? I thought he pulled off bass/vokillz well. Anyway, good luck finding someone and see you soon.
[Feb 20,2004 6:38pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Were you closer than Providence, I'd offer my services. But oh well.
[Feb 20,2004 6:53pm - thornnvine ""]
Damn Terance. what did you do to piss Dan, aka finalbloodbath, off?

oh man, Dan you're a trip. do yourself a favor and quit while you're ahead.

true black metal, thats like 24/7spyz and body count, right?

[Feb 20,2004 10:15pm - Terence ""]
No thats not Finalbloodbath. Its just this kid who wishes he was me. I didnt start anything Dan...it was a joke. This clearly shows that you can dish it out and not take it. You know where I live, where I work, and where I practice. Instead of talking crap on a message board like every other typical metal fag why dont you show up in person and let me know what you think. All talk and no follow through. Nobody knows who you are and no one cares. "Im defending myself" hahaha! You are such an icon in the metal scene! So what if you look like Captian Morgan. Get over it. I'll be waiting for you at practice.

[Feb 22,2004 6:57pm - Dan ""]
First off I don't think anyone "wishes they were you". I mean don't get me wrong living at home and delivering pizzas the rest of your pathetic life sounds great and all, but no thanks. Maybe you should save some of that money your making at the pizza place and buy your fat ass cats a treadmill. Second your comment of me not being able to take a joke....only reason i even replyed is because if i make the slightest comment towards you all i hear is crying and shit talking for a good month. By the way Terence your a fucking icon yourself. Heres a tip get off the computer, get a life, and stop being such a drama fiend. No one cares about your life or mine i'm sure. This is my final post to this subject because i don't want to be on the computer all day dealing with your emotional problems.
[Feb 22,2004 7:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
hey dan, shut up.
[Feb 22,2004 7:50pm - Terence ""]
haha ok sure Dan. You know where I live, where I practice and where I work. You havent shown up at either places yet and told me this to my face. We all know you are a bitch and that your words are worthless cause you cant back them up. Nobody likes you man. If anyone here wants to give this person shit or to tell him to say this shit to my face instead of wasting his energy on messageboards, his screen name is ECRISIS101. Thanks Dan, this only brings a smile to my face. Nothing you say is gonna do anything...as a matter of fact if you dont show up and say this shit to my face I will constantly make fun of you on this board! PS I know you're gonna read this again! I cant wait for you to fall back on your words and reply to this!
[Feb 23,2004 11:06pm - Assuck ""]
who is this dan character?
[Feb 24,2004 1:18am - the_reverend ""]
you obviously didn't read chapter 10...
[Feb 24,2004 2:09am - Terence ""]
Assuck said:who is this dan character?

hes just this retarded kid that I know, who cant take a joke. He's nobody special. Just another whiny metal princess who has to make fun of my job and my cats because he has nothing on me.
[Jun 12,2007 9:48am - Aegathis ""]
Haha, Terence was telling me about this thread yesterday, and i had to find it. Classic
[Jun 12,2007 10:18am - shamash ""]
[Jun 12,2007 11:12am - c.dead  ""]
Hahaha, hey andy, ever find that tr00 black metal warrior?

I had to write it.
[Jun 12,2007 11:52am - the_reverend ""]
you talked to terence? wow...
[Jun 12,2007 12:25pm - C. Dagger  ""]
What's classic about it?

My call for a "TBMW" was a little silly but I think it was clearly said in jest...

The only TBMW that I know was that uber grim dude on keys from Witch Tomb at the Watain show. Man, I've never seen someone give off such a convicing semblance of depravity ...SUPPORT!
[Jun 12,2007 12:35pm - wink martindale  ""]
true black metal...
[Jun 12,2007 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
"true black metal warrior" is one of the gayest terms i've ever heard in metal.
[Jun 12,2007 1:02pm - Aegathis ""]
the_reverend said:you talked to terence? wow...

yea he came over my house yesterday and bought one of my guitars that i wanted to get rid of. What i was refering to in this thread that was classic was just the little argument between him and Dan from Cythraul. He got all defensive over Terence saying he looked like Captain Morgan, i had to see it to beleive it.
[Jun 12,2007 2:00pm - c.dead  ""]
C.dagger, THAT was classic! TMBW, bahahah...

[Jun 13,2007 7:38am - anon  ""]
Wow i can't believe terrence hasn't killed himself yet. I think he should reconsider.
[Jun 13,2007 8:16am - the_reverend ""]
terence has found a future in the retail business. seems like that's what you have to do once you divorce RTTP.

as for the original topic of this post, he had to move to the grim north to find what he was looking for.
[Jun 13,2007 8:18am - the_reverend ""]
I have a sorcery CD. I need to dig that up and play it monday.
[Jun 13,2007 8:57am - xmikex ""]
HAHA! I just read this and realized I know who that Dan kid is.
[Jun 13,2007 9:37am - C. Dagger  ""]
Christraper from Sorcery ended up playing bass and singing on our next demo after Basiliskk turned into Horn of Valere....
[Jun 13,2007 11:33am - cav ""]
the first show i ever played was with sorcery. i also went to high school with christraper, we went to a catholic school. haha!
[Jun 13,2007 11:40am - brian_dc ""]
ah, the Insidious days.
[Jun 13,2007 2:29pm - anon  ""]
Is Terrence still crying over this thread? You would think he would have let it go over the years. I remember him crying about it for months but damn he really is extreme.
[Jun 13,2007 3:55pm - anon anarth  ""]
Its funny, i kinda got the impression that Captain Morgan was the only one crying over this just by reading it.
[Jun 13,2007 5:26pm - :*(  ""]
time to break out the hawkthorne heights cds
[Jun 13,2007 5:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
anon said:Is Terrence still crying over this thread? You would think he would have let it go over the years. I remember him crying about it for months but damn he really is extreme.

No way. Terence never really let shit bother him that much. Dan and him had a few words a long time ago at our old Brockton space and that was after this happened.
[Jun 14,2007 6:29pm - MadOakDevin ""]
hey remember two years ago when everyone wanted to start a doom band?
[Jun 14,2007 9:33pm - C. Dagger  ""]
this thread is over 3 years old...
[Jun 15,2007 1:10am - C. Raper  ""]
Trooness. Im on C. Dagger's computer doing drugs of all sorts with Max and Serge. Each letter I type is becoming increasingly difficult. Im gonna stop typing now.
[Jan 18,2010 9:42am - Azitivah666  ""]
hey dagger did you ever find a bass player for basalisk I can probly play it, hook it up i hail Satan to

[Sep 1,2011 12:26am - Azitivah666  ""]
hey man i am still looking. was a bass player found
[Sep 1,2011 12:30am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

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