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is being grind a cop out?

[Jan 3,2007 9:40pm - BornSoVile ""]
it seems like way to many bands are grind nowadays and way to many shitty people like grind. just because the red chord is like mad technical yo and this other band is like unlike anything else i've ever heard in my life before doesn't make it grind. the best part is that 95 % of these dorks don't own Terrorizer or Assuck.
[Jan 3,2007 9:41pm - RichHorror ""]
Everyone who plays shitty death metal with throwaway fast parts is grind. It sucks and they should all be killed.
[Jan 3,2007 11:40pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
You guys should check out my grind band. Rich loves it.
[Jan 3,2007 11:44pm - RichHorror ""]
Make a flyer for your show, stupid.
[Jan 4,2007 12:54am - Ryan_M ""]
BornSoVile said:just because the red chord is like mad technical yo and this other band is like unlike anything else i've ever heard in my life before doesn't make it grind. the best part is that 95 % of these dorks don't own Terrorizer or Assuck.

I gotta side with BornSoVile; a bunch of hipsters and scene kids screaming like little girls and playing dissonat/"torture" chords over blastbeats and trippy fills isn't grind. The hardcore breakdowns don't make it heavy either. It's just lame, artsy bullshit.
[Jan 4,2007 12:56am - Dissector ""]
Yeah I also have to agree with Josh and Rich.
[Jan 4,2007 2:17am - penisfromhell  ""]
not speaking for all the fans of bands such as the red chord, but I do know that Guy and Mike (especially) of TRC are familiar with just as many bands as everyone here are, if not more. They should be able to play or listen to whatever they want without people assuming that they have a lack of kvlt grind/metal knowledge. Especially since none of you have met them in person or even seen their music collection.
[Jan 4,2007 2:20am - RichHorror ""]
I don't care what they listen to. I care that their band sucks.
[Jan 4,2007 2:21am - RichHorror ""]
Also, please leave homo black metal terms like 'kvlt' out of grindcore.
[Jan 4,2007 2:30am - Dwellingsickness ""]
RichHorror said:Also, please leave homo black metal terms like 'kvlt' out of grindcore.

[Jan 4,2007 9:16am - Lamp ""]
Grindcore is for people who don't like music but like rocking the fuck out. That's why I like it so much. Destroy music!

Also, I've heard people say before that "grindcore" is a subgenre of "grind" and I think anyone who shares this mentality should be harpooned.
[Jan 4,2007 9:17am - Messerschmitt ""]
faggots... all of you
[Jan 4,2007 9:42am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i play kvltgrindcore exclusively.
[Jan 4,2007 10:38am - Yeti ""]
yes. yes it is.
[Jan 4,2007 10:53am - moran ""]

[Jan 4,2007 10:59am - anonymousmetallady  ""]
I think the term "core" makes everything suck...
[Jan 4,2007 11:07am - sxealex ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:You guys should check out my grind band. Rich loves it.

heh the bass drum sounds like spoonman
[Jan 4,2007 11:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
moran said:http://www.myspace.com/rummyrumsfieldandtheklopecs


ha! the 'Burbs!

[Jan 4,2007 11:16am - aeser ""]
i do think it's funny how much shit gets labelled as grindcore now and the fact that grindcore is suddenly this cool genre that a lot of people want to be associated with when 10 years ago, when good grindcore was being made, no one wanted anything to do with it. but hey, whatever. if i can sell some records off it fuck it really. the popularity will subside like with everything else.
[Jan 4,2007 11:18am - yummy ""]
I think that happens with just about every type of music tho. You wait, grind(with or without the core) will be the nu metalcore.
[Jan 4,2007 11:18am - yummy ""]
if it isn't already
[Jan 4,2007 11:18am - Anthony nli  ""]
Yeah good music is good music, whatever genre name you wanna call it. Every genre will always have shitty, poser bands. Just not paying attention to them is the solution.
[Jan 4,2007 11:19am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the trend is dead.
[Jan 4,2007 11:20am - yummy ""]
is it?
[Jan 4,2007 11:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i killed it in the head
[Jan 4,2007 11:22am - yummy ""]
and I appreciate it
[Jan 4,2007 11:22am - yummy ""]
[Jan 4,2007 11:28am - pam nli  ""]
Seems that way, Josh.
[Jan 4,2007 11:34am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
luckily i am a certified Genreologist
[Jan 4,2007 11:40am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
sxealex said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:You guys should check out my grind band. Rich loves it.

heh the bass drum sounds like spoonman

I'm retarded.
[Jan 4,2007 11:42am - xmikex ""]
I think the nu-grind fascination is pretty much over with. It seems like what happened was like 6 years ago the term "grind" became a lot more ambiguous. Lots of metalcore was becoming a lot more agressive. You had the fruitcake 18 Visions side that was very popular, and marketable, you had the Undying watered down ATG melodic stuff, and you had the early Red Chord which was the progression of some of the darker previous metalcore. Generally speaking, if you were in a metalcore band at the time you either wanted to be 18 Visions, Undying or The Red Chord.

The fruitcake, and melodic styles sort of became the new standard for what was considered "metalcore." Meanwhile, other bands like the Red Chord, As the Sun Sets clones, etc which had a much more obvious death metal influence seemed to be more associated with the term "grind", not so much as to express affinity with Assuck, and Brutal Truth, but more to separate themselves from "metalcore".

I remember reading an interview with Guy from the Red Chord when they were starting to get big. He said that labeling their band as "grindcore" was something they did very reluctantly. He said they knew they weren't really a "grind" band but since (at the time) it was such an open term, and their style didn't really match what was then accepted as "metalcore", grindcore seemed to fit. Simply put the tag, "grindcore" became kind of the refuge for bands that were doing anything out of the ordinary.

Then the scarf monsters came. The screamo-emo-emoviolence-puss grind wave swept over everything. Bands like Daughters were elevated to the level of Gods. It wasn't enough to play faux-tech, formulaic nu-grind. You had to make out with your drummer while you were doing it. This is what happens when you let 16 year olds dictate what goes on. All of those kids either listen to the Faint, or are in youth crew hardcore bands today.

When I did Letters From the Dead we knew we weren't really "grind." Terrorizer was one of the first metal bands I ever listened to. I had been buying Napalm Death cds since I was 15. Assuck was one of my favorite bands. We knew the difference, but we called ourselves grind anyways because whenever I thought of metalcore I thought of either 14 year olds playing boring melodic scales and chug parts in their garage, or closet homosexuals rubbing their nutsacks on eachothers guitars. We wanted to do something a little different so rather than justifying our band as "ATSS ripoffs meets Ehnarhe ripoffs meets..." we just gave up and called it grindcore.
[Jan 4,2007 11:49am - pam ""]
Scarf monsters! hah!
[Jan 4,2007 11:50am - Anthony nli  ""]
They're not grind... more like that cracked out death metal/core sounds everyone's complaining about, but all of you do yourself a favor and listen to HUMAN REMAINS, if you don't already.
[Jan 4,2007 11:52am - Lamp ""]
anonymousmetallady said:I think the term "core" makes everything suck...

[Jan 4,2007 12:33pm - jim_is_signed_up_for_an_account  ""]
xmikex said:Then the scarf monsters came.

hahahahah brilliant.
[Jan 4,2007 12:42pm - BornSoVile ""]
xmikex knows what's up.
I feel the big trend this year was *drumroll*
fashion-core scarf monsters playing gore-grind. fucking myspace, anybody can be in a band these days! wtf!
[Jan 4,2007 12:45pm - Yeti ""]
that gore groove crap bothers me. gore is synoymous with a band like Exhumed, not Waking the Cadaver. you wouldnt see Matt Harvey from Exhumed writing a letter on myspace about what to call their vocal style.
[Jan 4,2007 1:28pm - anonymousmetallady  ""]
Lamp said:anonymousmetallady said:I think the term "core" makes everything suck...


....what I meant was, why the need to put "core" after it? Grind-core? why not just leave it Grind? Metal-core? just metal seems fine to me....Hard-core...fine....but that should be the only one...didn't mean to offend....I'm not here to cause shit like the cunt who's name I'm using.
[Jan 4,2007 1:35pm - MadOakDevin ""]
thank you for the history of grindcore starting from 2001-era-hardcore-kid perspective. I feel a whole lot more up to date now that I got my history lesson on The Red Chord.
[Jan 4,2007 1:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
personally, i dig waking the cadaver, my only beef with them is that they're yankee fans. would love to get them up here sometime. i don't think they fit into what i was saying about gore-grind, cause it's more of a classic tuff guy image that internal bleeding and other bands have made cool. my beef is with these white belt mother fuckers who put more time and effort into making shitty logos for even shittier band names accumulating really shitty music.
[Jan 4,2007 1:37pm - moran ""]
anonymousmetallady said:Lamp said:anonymousmetallady said:I think the term "core" makes everything suck...


....what I meant was, why the need to put "core" after it? Grind-core? why not just leave it Grind? Metal-core? just metal seems fine to me....Hard-core...fine....but that should be the only one...didn't mean to offend....I'm not here to cause shit like the cunt who's name I'm using.

Because its a mixture of grind or metal with hardcore style riffs/breakdowns. Thats why.
[Jan 4,2007 1:40pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
A lot of people I know consider brutal death metal like Devourment Death/Grind.

[Jan 4,2007 1:45pm - BornSoVile ""]
oh my fucking gawd mike.
are you some sort of expert or something now on Devourment? huh huh?
I will sit on your face if you ever challenge me again.
[Jan 4,2007 1:46pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Sit on my face and tell me you love me.
[Jan 4,2007 1:47pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I think what I was talking about stems from the fact that Eternal Suffering used to call their style deathgrind.
[Jan 4,2007 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
"you're grind"
"no your grind"
"it's you're and you are grind"
[Jan 4,2007 1:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
It's too bad Dwyer is a pussy and won't put out that lost ES album.
[Jan 4,2007 1:51pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
He's not? I thought he was. I've never looked forward to a CD this much in my life. What's happening?
[Jan 4,2007 1:56pm - BornSoVile ""]
Basically, Dwyer is being a pussy and only re-releasing Drowning in Tradegy.
SHIT GUY! I just looked them up on metal-archives, apparently the Echo of Lost Words EP has or will be released by Inherited Suffering Records. I think that's the russian dude who does all the logos. If Dwyer doesn't trade for a bunch, I'm gonna hafta accidently spill my beer on his distro.
[Jan 4,2007 1:59pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Jebus cripes....

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