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Aug 4the? Ken Haskell, Letters from the Dead?!?, Deaddeaddeath, The Failsafe Device, Terminally Your Aborted Ghost

Knights of Columbus (Kingston, Ma) - [deaddeaddeath][ken_haskell][letters_from_the_dead][randomshots][terminally_your_aborted_ghost]
[Aug 13,2004 3:00am - dogshit ""]
that post by steve was about the music layout not pants, hair, or whatever else. come on. just take it. it's not hard. that's just me.
all the lyrics are about pussy. read them. www.deaddeaddeath.tk i can't believe you guys. i feel like we're being insulted by mr. kimbles kindergarten class. see you in mass class.
[Aug 13,2004 3:13am - Paul FOD  ""]
Any death metal band is better then a band named deaddeaddeath. How can you insult death metal bands yet your gay looking guitarist has a malignancy t shirt? What an insult to an excellent band. Go put on your cowboy boots and pray that you dont get your ass beat someday...faggot.
[Aug 13,2004 3:39am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 13,2004 3:41am - Austin Death  ""]
Music's gay.
[Aug 13,2004 3:56am - dogshit ""]
you guys are way into fashion. saturn called; they want their rings back.
[Aug 13,2004 3:58am - dogshit ""]
magic johnson called; he wants his aids back.
[Aug 13,2004 4:02am - dogshit ""]
make like a train and leaf. chugga chugga den den choo choo
[Aug 13,2004 1:23pm - Warren G  ""]
dogshit said:all the lyrics are about pussy. read them. www.deaddeaddeath.tk i can't believe you guys. i feel like we're being insulted by mr. kimbles kindergarten class. see you in mass class.

1.I wouldn't waste my time going to your gay bands website to read your lyrics.

2. you guys brought 3 fat,skanky looking girls with you.If thats the type of pussy you guys are getting/singing about who the fuck would want to hear that?

3. If our insults seem like they are coming from a kindergarten class why do you feel the need to come back everyday and defend your shitty band.

4. we attack your fashion because its obvious it means a lot to you little scenester fags.You go out and buy girl pants and your cowboy boots and all that shit cause you think they make you look good.

[Aug 13,2004 2:00pm - deaddeadsteve ""]
(1)what you idiots don't seem to get is that our band name is a joke. making fun of bands with similar names, such as.. hot hot heat, get get go.. but i understand you not being able to get that, since you obviously don't know what a brain is for anyway.. maybe that's why highschool was a little hard. ;) (2)we get on here because we want to see how long we can keep this going. we don't care what you think. but you "toolbags" get so over worked about everything we say and reply posts over it. so hey.. keep talking. and we'll keep laughing.
[Aug 13,2004 2:03pm - vivi ""]
making fun of hot hot heat is pretty gay gay gay. there one of the greatest bands of our generation. stop being so cynical and embrace conterculture.
[Aug 13,2004 2:09pm - Blue ""]
vivi said:making fun of hot hot heat is pretty gay gay gay. there one of the greatest bands of our generation.

i hope youre not serious. all they do is rip off XTC, who happened to be about 20 years ahead of them. they even cite XTC as a huge influence.
[Aug 13,2004 2:10pm - succubus ""]
Blue said:vivi said:making fun of hot hot heat is pretty gay gay gay. there one of the greatest bands of our generation.

i hope youre not serious. all they do is rip off XTC, who happened to be about 20 years ahead of them. they even cite XTC as a huge influence.

whatever they used my photos in drum magazine

i'm not dissing them!
[Aug 13,2004 2:11pm - vivi ""]
actually no im not being serious. i was going to continue pretending but then i said to myself 'no. i cant go on living like this.' but making a band name that makes fun of hot hot heat is still incredibly gay. theres so many skin diseases out there begging to be made into band names.
[Aug 13,2004 2:12pm - Blue ""]
ok good. ive said too much then.
[Aug 13,2004 2:37pm - xmikex ""]
deaddeadsteve said:you obviously don't know what a brain is for anyway

a. there are third graders that would cringe at how pathetic that insult was.

b. i have a degree. screw.

c. you guys have sunk not only to our level, but at this point beneath it. in doing so you've: exposed yourselves as the shitbags you are, turned your band into a complete laughing stock, and effectively banned yourselves from massachusetts.

d. if you don't believe me about being banned... hmm the last band that I remember that came from out of state, were total douchebags to everyone, and wouldn't let anything go... yeah check boston beatdown volume II as to what happened to them when they finally came back to mass, specifically the end credits.

e. killing beverly, the enclitic, in dire need, a life once lost, and every other band that played taunton 3 years ago want their riffs back.
[Aug 13,2004 3:55pm - dogshit ""]
the only person i care about is me. you can kick us out of 1 state; there are still 49 more states, canada, europe, and japan. sinking to levels: good. i'll go lower than all of you. i don't give a fuck. we're exposed! my goodness. massachusettes thinks we're a bunch of scenester faggots. you're never going to discourage us. you can give us all the black eyes you want, throw a pinata full of dead bugs and rancid meat into my van, you can make fun of every aspect of our band. i don't give a shit. this thread is staying on top of the return to the pit messageboard and that's all i care about. if that makes me a piece of shit. well then. i'm more than happy to be a piece of shit.

i'm sure you'll reply. that's good, because i've got more to say. i can go on forever.
[Aug 13,2004 3:58pm - dogshit ""]
as for the girls. yes. one of them is my girlfriend. call them fat, skanky. that's fine. i'll get offended when i actually value any of your opinions.
[Aug 13,2004 4:01pm - dogshit ""]
and they're obviously not skinny. good point guys.
[Aug 13,2004 4:10pm - deaddeadsteve ""]
look everyone. i'm a screw.. why don't you big boys come hammer me ;) let's go to mass class, and have sex education. because you guys certainly must be the best of the best with the hotties you're dating.. oo baby.
[Aug 13,2004 4:21pm - RustedAngel ""]
you're banned from NH and ME too.

we have enough Fatty scene bitches around these parts.
[Aug 13,2004 4:37pm - dogshit ""]
aw come on. give us a chance. we'll wear shorts and sneakers.
[Aug 13,2004 4:39pm - dogshit ""]
we'll do anything to fit in
[Aug 13,2004 9:25pm - Austin Death  ""]
I thanked everybody that complimented me at the show, I haven't talked shit about anyone on this thread. So, word.
[Aug 14,2004 2:18pm - xmikex ""]
dogshit said:you can give us all the black eyes you want, throw a pinata full of dead bugs and rancid meat into my van, you can make fun of every aspect of our band.

yes, yes i can.

[Aug 14,2004 2:32pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
deaddeadsteve said:look everyone. i'm a screw.. why don't you big boys come hammer me ;)

you twist screws... and hammer nails. way to sound like a moron =)
[Aug 14,2004 4:17pm - vivi ""]
hammering screws is so brutal
[Aug 14,2004 6:29pm - oh and your gay  ""]
dogshit said:and they're obviously not skinny. good point guys.

haha you making fun of your own girlfriend made my night. This just proves that you are infact a total shit bag and not in a cool way like "Oh ya look at me I'm so angsty...I don't give a fuck about anything..look how tough I am I'm glad everyone hates me" kinda way like you're trying to pull off. You're a shitbag in a "wow this kids a waste of life" kinda way.

Oh and is your girlfriend the one who got beat up?
[Aug 14,2004 6:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
nice anonymous post, idiot.
[Aug 14,2004 10:23pm - anonymous  ""]
this band can take there music somewhere else.
no matter what this band will be a joke because if any of the bands and their friends bands play with ddd their gonna call them out about how stupid and limited they are. also when someone your with does something on prupose which is uncalled for, they deserve to get what is coming to them. end of story. dont come on message boards and bitch about it. because no matter where a situation like that happens people are still gonna think you look like assholes.

end of story.
this thread is dead.
goodbye ddd from MA, NH, MA and prob RI because its close enough for south shore kids to drive to beat your asses.
[Aug 15,2004 12:11am - nathan novak  ""]
you guys certainly get worked up over nothing
[Sep 14,2004 12:23pm - anonymous  ""]
ddd played my hometown in pennsylvania with another amazing grind act and you know what they blew me away maybe if you assholes werent so close minded and actually took the time to realize what they were playing youd see how incredibly talented these dudes are but i guess all your worried about is the next terror show or some terrible hardcore band that just rips off of early hardcore bands. maybe if you guys werent assholes to them they wouldnt be assholes to you because i talked to them and they were nice guys maybe because they dont rip off chokehold or earth crisis that makes them bad in your opinion... but im sure you guys dont even know chokehold and im sure you guys just got into the hardcore scene which is why you like and play such shitty music and are you seriously proud of boston beatdown? maybe if boston beatdown was the same as it was when it started itd be a good element to have around but now its just an excuse to beat on people fuck boston beatdown fuck the fsu crew and most importantly fuck all of you closeminded assholes your making fun of ddd for having overweight friends/girlfriends? seriously grow the fuck up and get out of hardcore maybe ddd isnt your type of music so dont listen to them and talk shit on them just shut the fuck up and walk outside and brag about your straight edge tattoos all of you are fucking fake
[Sep 14,2004 2:25pm - jake  ""]
shut your face homo, this was dead for almost a month.
[Sep 14,2004 3:56pm - TYAG  ""]
I think its funny that were just a chug chug death band.
They (DDD) went and said a bunch of shit about us that I've heard from several people. We didnt say or do anything to them. We agreed to play the show after almost cancelling. We figured it would be fun. Fights are fights people. They happen anywhere. I doesnt have anything to do with music really. If anyone thinks it does they just are trying to shift the conversation to another distraction from the truth.

I can say that I liked DDD.
I thought there music was pretty cool.

I helped them fucking get their vocals working and helped find them a bass amp. Then they turn around and shit on our band online for no reason except we were there. They have a shitty attitude it seems.

I thought grind bands had to stick together. I know some of their friends, I dont mind them as people I actually thought some of them were cool.

Not now.
I dont like DDD.
Thanks for saying shit about an honest band!

Devon - TYAG
[Sep 22,2004 9:00am - dogshit ""]
deven, steve said all of that stuff about tyag. he shits on everything. it's so old/frequent that i don't even consider what he says an insult anymore.
[Oct 22,2004 5:33pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 11,2007 12:49pm - dog-shit ""]
it's hard to believe 3 full years have passed.

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