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Aug 4the? Ken Haskell, Letters from the Dead?!?, Deaddeaddeath, The Failsafe Device, Terminally Your Aborted Ghost

Knights of Columbus (Kingston, Ma) - [deaddeaddeath][ken_haskell][letters_from_the_dead][randomshots][terminally_your_aborted_ghost]
[Jul 4,2004 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
what the hello kitty is this all about?
[Jul 4,2004 10:47am - succubus ""]
did someone say hello kitty?

ps: this thing still scares me
[Jul 4,2004 12:04pm - lady_czerach ""]
What? Hello Kitty? ^^

[Jul 4,2004 12:27pm - succubus ""]
jess b00bs
[Jul 4,2004 1:00pm - tbone_r ""]
ask 'jake' or 'nick'... i'm pretty sure they're setting it up
[Jul 4,2004 1:11pm - nick ""]
yes its happening. one band we had in mind hasnt talked to us about playing yet. so i think we are still looking for an opening band if anyone is interested. ill have the flyer soon. this is the prob the best show that will ever be held at the kingston K of C.
[Jul 4,2004 1:43pm - tbone_r ""]
if only in dire need would stay together for 2 more weeks....they could play and make this the best show ever....yeah, ever. it'll be my belated birthday gift....come on.
[Jul 4,2004 2:57pm - jake  ""]
for the millionth time, even if IDN was still together, they wouldnt be able to play because joey won't be around for the week that this show is happening.

anywho, im hoping that this show will bring lots and lots of people inturn making the guy who handles the booking a little more lenient towards shows when it comes to booking shows over bingo nights there.

tell everyone you know to go to this show because i'm not too sure on what failsafe and lftd are doing as bands after this. could be a once in a lifetime opportunity.
[Jul 4,2004 4:19pm - the taste of silver  ""]
we would love to play! I will email you. We're The Taste of Silver from Arlington, MA. Our website is www.thetasteofsilver.com and our email is thetasteofsilver@yahoo.com
[Jul 4,2004 10:57pm - tyagxgrind ""]
One Dead Three Wounded from Lovelost Records emailed me asking if they could play as part of their tour. if you want them to play, they will do it for free etc. email me at tyagxgrind@comcast.net and i can let them know... they'd make a good headliner.

[Jul 4,2004 11:03pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
damn, a good show just 5 minutes from my house. i believe i'll make an appearance
[Jul 5,2004 8:42pm - nick ""]
[Jul 5,2004 10:36pm - tbone_r ""]
[Jul 6,2004 12:09am - xmikex ""]
letters from the dead is scheduled to beging practcing this week.

don't worry. we'll still fuck it up somehow.

i can't promise we'll be any better than we ever were....but i can promise that this will be absolutely ridiculous.

and the failsafe device rules.
[Jul 6,2004 1:12pm - joostin-notathome  ""]
the taste of silver is excellent
[Jul 6,2004 5:06pm - tbone_r ""]
for me to poop on
[Jul 6,2004 5:16pm - Paul FOD  ""]
plague of emaciation is the special guest of the night Also returning will be the lynchie mobile.
[Jul 6,2004 6:44pm - tbone_r ""]
first 5 to show get free blowjobs.. courtesy of ken haskell
[Jul 6,2004 7:33pm - the_reverend ""]
nice, this is the day after the viel of tears, tears of avarel, halo suffocation and hamartia reunion show.
[Jul 6,2004 7:41pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
uh wait is that for real?

cause the Josh of Halo Suffocation is in Cambodia right now...
[Jul 6,2004 8:46pm - ieatpeople4god@ library  ""]
tears of avarel rock
[Jul 6,2004 10:33pm - xmikex ""]
there will never be a need for a plague of emaciation or halo suffocation machine reunion. ever.

Paul ....Vomit Cavities...the original Shading the end lineup.....booya.
[Jul 7,2004 8:40pm - xmikex ""]
just a thought....why not have Dysentery open? my favorite grind/metal band in Mass hands down.

and if Nick, or Jake are reading this, Letters isn't headlining are we? I'd perfer not to.
[Jul 7,2004 9:05pm - jesus ""]
good suggestion, considering we havent played in a fucking year. at least it seems
glad to see someone remembers us :NEWHORNS:
[Jul 7,2004 10:50pm - nick ""]
1) no letters isnt headlining, tyag is i think. we arent looking for a "headliner" really so to speak. we just wanted to put together a show that would be fun.
2)dysentery could definitly play, you guys are sick. email me the info or whatever enkillment@hotmail.com and as soon as everything is solid with jake ill make flyers.
[Jul 8,2004 6:33am - nick ""]
[Jul 8,2004 6:34am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i like ti urinate on women
[Jul 8,2004 7:53am - xmikex ""]
works for me. i just don't really trust that venue and i don't want to play last. we actually headlined our first show, and learned our lesson the hard way, by which I mean having everyone leave and being drowned out by the dance club next door.
[Jul 8,2004 8:05am - tbone_r ""]
i don think you'll have to worry about kids leaving this show. i think the biggest threat is the guys at the k of c ending it because of people dancing too hard or a fight.
[Jul 8,2004 8:55am - the_reverend ""]
no, the biggest threat is chudds... then mole people
[Jul 8,2004 1:58pm - nick ""]
yes the venue is lame but it was free so i cant complain.
[Jul 8,2004 9:55pm - xmikex ""]
final lineup yet?
[Jul 8,2004 10:40pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
is there anyway my friends band from Philly could jump on this show? I've been trying to get them a show for 8/4 and it's hell making it pan out...

they are called Prevail and have some not-as-good as them live stuff on hxcmp3.com

they make the mosh happen live

email thetasteofsilver@yahoo.com if they can and I'll let them know. we played with them in PA on tour and they are real nice guys.
[Jul 9,2004 2:12am - jake  ""]
ok this is what it's looking like:

OPENING BAND (hopefully dysentery?)
ken haskell
letters from the dead
the failsafe device

i really don't see this show getting shut down UNLESS some one decides to grab onto the chandelier. so help me god if someone touches the chandelier, your whole family will die.

dancing shouldn't be a problem, joe (the "owner") is really good about that. he can tolerate it up to a certain point. no over the top blatant smashing of kids standing against the walls or sitting down in chairs, etc. im sure some of you have been to k of c shows and know what NOT to do.

fights are gay. don't start em. blah blah. i know alot of the 14 / 15 yr old nu-metal townies might show up, just restrain yourself from hitting them because they are just that, 14 / 15 yr old nu-metal townies.

chances are, if the CHUDS show up, we're all done. don't bother fighting back.
[Jul 9,2004 7:38am - tbone_r ""]
i'm excited, this is gonna be a fun show
[Jul 9,2004 10:10am - xmikex ""]
it just feels weird....a letters from the dead show without held hostage, or in dire need. haha. ya this should be fun though.
[Jul 9,2004 11:30am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
what's a CHUD?

people keep talking about these CHUDs...
[Jul 9,2004 1:01pm - jake  ""]


[Jul 9,2004 1:14pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
oh so you're afraid an Aryan family will show up and ruin the show? Or sewer aliens? I get it...

[Jul 9,2004 9:55pm - jake  ""]
dysentery has confirmed.


thank you to all the bands that emailed myself or nick and asked to play.
[Jul 10,2004 9:48am - tbone_r ""]
hey mikexmike, do you got any old mp3's of letters from the dead?
[Jul 10,2004 10:35am - nick ""]
they are in the live mp3 section here on rttp.
[Jul 13,2004 11:29am - nick ""]
[Jul 20,2004 11:46pm - nick ""]
go to this.
[Jul 21,2004 7:43am - tbone_r ""]
i hope someone makes flyers for this show...
[Jul 21,2004 8:56am - the_reverend ""]
I will be there. I mean look at the line up!
gotta support ddd on their first eastern mass show.
[Jul 21,2004 10:30am - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
Does anyone know the actual adress for the KOC in Kingston? maybe it was posted somewhere but i didnt see it.
[Jul 21,2004 4:27pm - tbone_r ""]
91 south street
[Jul 21,2004 4:51pm - nick ""]
i had a flyer made up but then i forgot to save it because i wasnt finished with it. ill make a new one after im done ironing my pants.
[Jul 21,2004 6:12pm - nick ""]
theres your flyer.
[Jul 21,2004 11:56pm - tbone_r ""]
looks great nick
[Jul 22,2004 12:51am - xmikex ""]
tbone_r said:hey mikexmike, do you got any old mp3's of letters from the dead?

we'll be selling copies of the old letters demos at the show. if all goes well it will be part of a discography that will include our original 8-track demo that was never released.

and who told you about "mikexmike"
[Jul 22,2004 1:39am - nick ""]
xmikex said:

we'll be selling copies of the old letters demos at the show. if all goes well it will be part of a discography that will include our original 8-track demo that was never released.

[Jul 22,2004 6:52am - xmikex ""]
haha "south shore grind metal legends" i love it.
I also would have accepted our other title the UNDISPUTED KINGS OF AIDSCORE
[Jul 22,2004 8:05am - tbone_r ""]
the first time i ever heard of you someone referred to you as mikexmike, i don't know who, i don't know why.

who is gonna play bass for you guys?
[Jul 22,2004 9:20am - xlynchiex  ""]
a cardboard cut out of balboni
[Jul 22,2004 1:32pm - nick ""]
hahaha you guys should get mark balboni's brother chris balboni to do it. hes really tall.
[Jul 22,2004 3:50pm - xmikex ""]
the bass guitar will be handled by a coat rack with a bass on it, which will assume the identity of mark balboni.

"mikexmike" originated when my friend middle aged metalhead friend Rob got shitfaced on his birthday and for no reason came at me saying "I'm MIKEXMIKE...I THINK IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TOUGH"
it was hilarious because he had cake in his hair while he was saying it, and because im not tough at all.
[Jul 23,2004 7:09pm - nick ""]
so is anyone planning on going to this, other than people in the bands?
[Jul 23,2004 7:15pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i'm probably playing with Dysentery
[Jul 23,2004 7:18pm - xlynchiex  ""]
xmikex said:the bass guitar will be handled by a coat rack with a bass on it, which will assume the identity of mark balboni.

"mikexmike" originated when my friend middle aged metalhead friend Rob got shitfaced on his birthday and for no reason came at me saying "I'm MIKEXMIKE...I THINK IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TOUGH"
it was hilarious because he had cake in his hair while he was saying it, and because im not tough at all.

his name is BERT!
[Jul 28,2004 1:43am - nick ""]
this is due for a bump.
[Jul 28,2004 8:00am - tbone_r ""]
nick, did you get in contact w/ that kid from failsafe?
[Jul 29,2004 12:02am - xmikex ""]
[Jul 29,2004 12:07am - deathcow ""]
Greatest flyer ever.
[Jul 29,2004 12:20am - nick ""]
tbone_r said:nick, did you get in contact w/ that kid from failsafe?

i dont know im not setting up the show, jake is.
ex-time of die lol. christ, NEVER bring that band up.
last i checked the show was 8$.
[Jul 29,2004 12:37am - tbone_r ""]
that flyer is awesome
[Jul 29,2004 9:43am - xmikex ""]
nick said:tbone_r said:nick, did you get in contact w/ that kid from failsafe?

i dont know im not setting up the show, jake is.
ex-time of die lol. christ, NEVER bring that band up.
last i checked the show was 8$.

part of show promotion is lying to kids a little. if the show is $12 say its $10. If the show is $10 say its $8. Most kids will complain about the cover charge anyways. kids like to try and make excuses for not going, like not having $8 which is usually bullshit.
[Jul 29,2004 11:30am - nick ""]
yeah i figured that was what you were doing.
[Jul 30,2004 10:47pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
Bump this FO SHIZZLE.............Gonna be so fucking insane!...im bringing my cat to sacrifice during L.F.D. set!

[Jul 31,2004 3:17am - dogshit ""]
www.hxcmp3.com/deaddeaddeath two songs; just uploaded one for stream only.
[Jul 31,2004 10:50am - DysenteryVokills ""]
Just checked out those songs...Fucking sik...this show is gonna be to intense im gonna have to kill myself afterwards!
[Jul 31,2004 1:33pm - dogshit ""]
thanks man.

yeah... this show is fucken br<3<3tal!
[Jul 31,2004 6:38pm - nick ""]
i like the new one guys. bump also.
[Aug 1,2004 3:34am - intricateprocess ""]
im hpoing thats not a dood......
this show will killll.....hopefully ll be there
[Aug 1,2004 2:51pm - nick ""]
[Aug 1,2004 2:57pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
this show is gay
[Aug 1,2004 3:13pm - tbone_r ""]
oh yeah, well....you're gay
[Aug 1,2004 4:03pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
yag er'uoy....llew ,haey ho
[Aug 1,2004 6:08pm - anonymous  ""]
who said anything about the failsafe device playing?
[Aug 1,2004 6:20pm - arsonick ""]
im going to this, and yeah, wtf is the failsafe REALLY playing?
[Aug 1,2004 6:56pm - nick ""]
as far as i know they are.
[Aug 1,2004 10:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
should i trust those directions on the events page or are they're better ones? i mapquested them once and it took me to fucking plympton.
[Aug 2,2004 3:45pm - nick ""]
[Aug 2,2004 5:41pm - xmikex ""]
attn: nick or jake. whichever one of you knows about the PA for the show.

are there both hi and low inputs on the PA thats going to be used for the show?
[Aug 2,2004 6:00pm - nick ""]
theres high and low knobs, i dont know about inputs.
[Aug 2,2004 11:18pm - xmikex ""]
does it have holes for just these....

or does it have holes for these too....
[Aug 2,2004 11:23pm - xmikex ""]
and just out of curiousity(sp?) how long of a set do we have?
[Aug 3,2004 2:11am - nick ""]
it has holes for both of those, i use a 'three pronger' as i call em. i heard you guys are playing like 7 songs, it doesnt matter to me how long you guys take. we're only playing for like 13min.
[Aug 3,2004 7:38am - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
How long does dysentery have to play? With what we were planning on playing our set would run 25 minutes (with a special cover:spineyes
[Aug 3,2004 10:05am - anonymous  ""]
XLR and Line in/Instrument cables eh?
[Aug 3,2004 10:06am - anonymous  ""]
1/4 trs?
[Aug 3,2004 10:06am - anonymous  ""]
hahah j/k
[Aug 3,2004 11:27am - nick ""]
DysenteryVokills@school said:How long does dysentery have to play? With what we were planning on playing our set would run 25 minutes (with a special cover:spineyes

as long as you want haha.
[Aug 3,2004 11:28am - nick ""]
anonymous said:1/4 trs?

and i knew the small ones were called '1/4ths' i just never speak of them.
[Aug 3,2004 11:32am - anonymous  ""]
TRS tip ring sleeve
[Aug 3,2004 6:36pm - nick ""]
[Aug 3,2004 7:29pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
im so not gonna be there
[Aug 3,2004 9:46pm - xmikex ""]
everyone goto this.
[Aug 3,2004 9:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
xmikex, i'll buy that cryptopsy shirt from you, $10. whaddya think?
[Aug 3,2004 11:49pm - nick ""]
xmikex said:everyone goto this.

[Aug 4,2004 12:04am - tbone_r ""]
fuck you spalding, you're going
[Aug 4,2004 12:26am - xmikex ""]
BornSoVile said:xmikex, i'll buy that cryptopsy shirt from you, $10. whaddya think?

done and done guy.
[Aug 4,2004 12:29am - xmikex ""]
after 3 days of extensive pratcing letters is ready. 2 songs off the demo, 2 unreleased songs, 1 brand new song, 2 covers, and the greatest song ever known to mankind.
[Aug 4,2004 12:30am - BornSoVile ""]
sweet. these folks accepting food donations?
[Aug 4,2004 12:47am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
tbone_r said:fuck you spalding, you're going

[Aug 4,2004 1:06am - Josh_hates_you ""]
ok the "3 pronger" was properly identifies as XLR male and female

the TRS is WRONG well at least if you are talking about the one in the picture. that is a mono cable otherwise TS (tip sleeve) basicly inside there are 2 wires one positive(hot) and one ground. in TRS there are 3 wires positive(hot) negative(cold) ground. these can be split into 2 TS cables and used as inserts. inserts are for sending and recieving entire signals for auxilary effects as opposed to portions of the signal for parallel effects.


see the one on the left that is the TRS with the 2 little lines on it
the ones on the right with the one little line are TS

for alot of people in bands you dont know shit about audio.
[Aug 4,2004 1:07am - Josh_hates_you ""]
oh yeah TS is mono as i said and unless you are dumb you figured out TRS can carry 2 signals either send and return or stereo.
[Aug 4,2004 2:08am - nick ""]
its all three prongers to me. my mic is gold.
[Aug 4,2004 2:09am - nick ""]
xmikex said:after 3 days of extensive pratcing letters is ready. 2 songs off the demo, 2 unreleased songs, 1 brand new song, 2 covers, and the greatest song ever known to mankind.

i still say you guys should be covering farmers market by tears of avarel hahahahaha.
[Aug 4,2004 8:01am - BornSoVile ""]
can someone please post directions to this place, pppleeeaseeee.
[Aug 4,2004 9:04am - anonymous  ""]
arrrggghhhh i love audio!!!!!!!
[Aug 4,2004 11:45am - DysenteryVokills ""]
So whos going to this shiznat?....Is FailSafe Device still playing? (i saw another thread where they were questioning about playing!.)
[Aug 4,2004 12:14pm - the_reverend ""]
1 hr 23 minutes and 60 miles south of me....
[Aug 4,2004 1:18pm - JustinACR  ""]
if i didnt lose my license cuz of DUI and wasnt working late, id def go to check out new dysentery and see the boys in letters play again
[Aug 4,2004 1:43pm - jake  ""]

you have 5 hrs to call into work, cancel plans with your fat girlfriend, tell your little brother birthday his birthday really isnt that important. go to this show.
[Aug 4,2004 1:51pm - anonymous  ""]
arrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh metal !!!!!!!!
[Aug 4,2004 2:21pm - xmikex ""]
nick said:i still say you guys should be covering farmers market by tears of avarel hahahahaha.

haha. the last kid that said that got his face turned inside out.

[Aug 4,2004 2:33pm - xlynchiex  ""]
i hope to see more than 20 kids at this show.
[Aug 4,2004 2:43pm - succubus ""]
well the_reverend is going and he should count for at least 2 kids =)
[Aug 4,2004 3:29pm - tbone_r ""]
i just got a call from jake who got a call from the guy who books the shows at the kingston k of c.

the guy is claiming that he booked the show for this friday, when in fact he told jake 2 months ago that he booked it for this wednesday...

with that in mind, dont make any long trips to come down here just yet...i will post again the second i find out whether or not this show is going to go down

call jake, the kid who set this show up, at 1-617-943-3510 if you need to, or IM me at comebackkiely, i will be online.

thank you, and sorry for the possible inconvenience
[Aug 4,2004 3:36pm - tbone_r ""]
jake just called me and everything is still on...sorry for the scare
[Aug 4,2004 3:39pm - the_reverend ""]
carina, are you calling me fat?
[Aug 4,2004 3:47pm - succubus ""]
nope, never!...yer deadsexy!
he said "kids" and yer a kid in some ways, but not age wise...don't worry i'm not that old senile lady...
[Aug 4,2004 4:10pm - nick ""]
alright the show is 100% on, yes you can go through plympton to get to there. the road is off rt 106 im pretty sure. the only thing is the guy is only giving us the downstairs now (which could turn out good or bad, i hate how big the upstairs is, bad because it might sell out, think the lawrence k of c if youve been there.) so get there early.

haha. the last kid that said that got his face turned inside out.

i know that was the joke hahaha.
[Aug 4,2004 11:04pm - tbone_r ""]
awesome show and awesome girl fight

did you get a pic of all of that hair on the floor rev?
[Aug 4,2004 11:57pm - xmikex ""]
i got a few hair pics. haha hookers out of grindcore!
[Aug 5,2004 12:13am - xlynchiex  ""]
great show tonight i wanna thank everyone who was there and enjoyed our set.

a big fuck you to larry from K of C, i hope someone stabs you with a syringe from an AIDS victim and deadeaddeath's ugly fat slop hole girlfriends for being retards and acting hard when they're from albany..... morons.
[Aug 5,2004 12:13am - BornSoVile ""]
this show was wicked fun!
[Aug 5,2004 12:14am - attendmyrequiem ""]
where was the grindcore on this line up?
[Aug 5,2004 12:15am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading.
internet is messed up here
[Aug 5,2004 12:33am - the_reverend ""]
dysentery: I'm sorry, missed you guys... this shows me once and for all, yahoo directions suck and mapquest is the way to go.. unless you want to lost.

ken haskell: good grindcore with very minimal jazz change-ups. they have 2 singers, but I really could hear one of them so I have no idea what he did. thier set was super short so I couldn't really get too many shots of them. I did pick up a "letters from the dead" part to one of thier songs... i'm surprised that xmikex didn't give them shit for that.

deaddeaddeath: the people there seemed to really like them. it's awesome when a touring band get's a good crowd response. I think it's unfortunate about the mic not working so you could only here the vocals on one song.

letters from the dead: probably one of the fucking funniest sets EVER and longest. it was as long as all the other sets combined. All the tracks I've been listening to a lot on my mp3 player (from when they played on rttp). XmikexTAxLifeX swore he wouldn't give speeches and I guess compared to other shows, he didn't... give.. full ones... but he still talked a lot making fun of people with scarfs and the young idea. towards the end, they played a fault song which is an awesomely obscure cover to do.
there was also some girls fighting over who styled who's hair. That makes 2 fights in one set and everyone over 24 was banned from stepping on the floor.

terminally your aborted ghost: short and sweet with an encore. they played as a 3 piece.
[Aug 5,2004 12:35am - the_reverend ""]
oh, I would also like to add that the little 13 year old kid who took a punch from dance-master cza to the chest is the future of this music and he went crazy for tyag.
[Aug 5,2004 12:39am - xlynchiex  ""]
the_reverend said:dysentery: I'm sorry, missed you guys... this shows me once and for all, yahoo directions suck and mapquest is the way to go.. unless you want to lost.

ken haskell: good grindcore with very minimal jazz change-ups. they have 2 singers, but I really could hear one of them so I have no idea what he did. thier set was super short so I couldn't really get too many shots of them. I did pick up a "letters from the dead" part to one of thier songs... i'm surprised that xmikex didn't give them shit for that.

deaddeaddeath: the people there seemed to really like them. it's awesome when a touring band get's a good crowd response. I think it's unfortunate about the mic not working so you could only here the vocals on one song.

letters from the dead: probably one of the fucking funniest sets EVER and longest. it was as long as all the other sets combined. All the tracks I've been listening to a lot on my mp3 player (from when they played on rttp). XmikexTAxLifeX swore he wouldn't give speeches and I guess compared to other shows, he didn't... give.. full ones... but he still talked a lot making fun of people with scarfs and the young idea. towards the end, they played a fault song which is an awesomely obscure cover to do.
there was also some girls fighting over who styled who's hair. That makes 2 fights in one set and everyone over 24 was banned from stepping on the floor.

terminally your aborted ghost: short and sweet with an encore. they played as a 3 piece.

we also did an ehnahre cover too!

[Aug 5,2004 12:42am - RustedAngel ""]
where were the fish?

and apparently there was a cat fight! details anyone?
[Aug 5,2004 12:47am - xmikex ""]
RustedAngel said:where were the fish?

and apparently there was a cat fight! details anyone?

some mod dumpster girls who came with deaddeaddeath thought it would be a good idea to make fun of everyone and call people fags while we were playing. They felt the wrath of the Lipripper. it was well deserved and she wound up witha bloody face with chunks of her hair all over the ground.
[Aug 5,2004 12:50am - RustedAngel ""]
aaron, here is where a video 'clip' option on your nikon would have came in handy. :spineyes:
[Aug 5,2004 12:51am - the_reverend ""]
ehnahre! yeah! the band vote most heard about, but least heard for 4 years straight.
[Aug 5,2004 1:01am - xmikex ""]
dysentery: this band blows me away harder every single time i see them. holy shit, excellent set.

ken haskell: sweet vocals, i was honestly impressed. they did a great job setting up the show too, very cooperative, very professional.

deaddeaddeath: mediocre scarf monster metal. let them use my mic. tried to compliment them to be nice. got snubbed. don't care. next.

letters: we moved our set back because jake was worried we were going to get the show shut down. haha almost happened too. i love the south shore. kids went berzerk. i was worried about this show but i couldn't have asked for anything better. We were exhausted by the Ehnarhe cover and it all sort of fell apart. Some little dude in a mohawk told me we were his favorite grindcore band ever. I gave him and all his friends free cds because they were broke. Thank you so much to everyone, esp. Dysentery, TYAG, and back of tha neck.

tyag: better as a 3 peice then anything i've seen them play live since the original lineup. outstanding.

[Aug 5,2004 1:04am - xmikex ""]

i play exclusively in 781.4/19 timing. if you can't comprehend that then you're not a musician at all. [img]
[Aug 5,2004 1:44am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
my fingers are fast
[Aug 5,2004 2:17am - bleakxseason  ""]
that was me.
[Aug 5,2004 2:19am - bleakxseason  ""]
the_reverend said:oh, I would also like to add that the little 13 year old kid who took a punch from dance-master cza to the chest is the future of this music and he went crazy for tyag.

yeah that was me..and im 14.
[Aug 5,2004 2:22am - attendmyrequiem ""]

wow! i'm glad i'm not that ugly!!!!
[Aug 5,2004 2:34am - bleakxseason  ""]
xmikex said:
Some little dude in a mohawk told me we were his favorite grindcore band ever. I gave him and all his friends free cds because they were broke. Thank you so much to everyone, esp. Dysentery, TYAG, and back of tha neck.

tyag: better as a 3 peice then anything i've seen them play live since the original lineup. outstanding.

haha that was chris.
[Aug 5,2004 2:37am - nick ""]
thanks to everyone for comming out, all the bands were great. as for us, thanks for the kind words. we had some equipment failure in the guitar department and i was an asshole and turned myself up way too loud. as for the stealing of letters from the dead song parts, i have no idea man.
[Aug 5,2004 8:24am - tbone_r ""]
rusted angel said 'aaron, here is where a video 'clip' option on your nikon would have came in handy'.

i was filming during the set and i caught some of the fight on tape. it was nicks camera though so you'd have to ask him if you wanna see it
[Aug 5,2004 10:54am - anonymous  ""]
post that shit!
[Aug 5,2004 10:54am - succubus ""]
look at the pics for now
[Aug 5,2004 12:50pm - xmikex ""]
xmikex said:[img]

there are 3 people wearing the same pants in this picture....and only 2 of them are girls.
[Aug 5,2004 1:01pm - the_reverend ""]
ahaha, that's funny.
and I do like ddd for the record.
they are a good band and I believe the only band doing what they are doing in their area. of course, we are from ne where 4 out of 5 bands are grind bands.

nick: there is a part, I'm going to listen to all the lftd songs now and then tell you which song it's from. xmikex gives a lot of people shit when he hears lftd-esque parts in songs.
[Aug 5,2004 1:09pm - theCZA ""]
funny, i dont remember "punching" anyone rev haha...i do remember dancing like i have for years, and it IS possible that i "mistakenly" clocked someone in the face and yes accidents do happen...but i remember jason fetus' last palladium show where i knocked out like 8 kids that night, so id say i was on my best behavior last night haha...i would like to add i was more old school dm then anyone at that show hands down in my CC tomb shirt with NO SLEEVES aww yea...
[Aug 5,2004 1:10pm - theCZA ""]
i should give xmikex shit for hearing some old ES riffs but who cares, both bands are done haha
[Aug 5,2004 1:14pm - the_reverend ""]
here's the track:
people should steal away.. it's not like mike's going to use 'em anymore. I mean he did tell us last night that that would probably be the last time he touched a mic, right?

yes, you were just dancing when you hit the kid. I was just impressed by him. I know a lot of other kids would I whined about it. All the "over 24's" had to be on their best behavior cause the guy carded you before you got on the dance floor. Whatever happened to the ES reunion anyhow?
[Aug 5,2004 1:34pm - theCZA ""]
i wasnt carded...? hell i was being damn good last night for the record haha...anyways, yea the ES reunion fell apart due to conflicting work schedules between the 3 remaining guys, someday would be nice but dont hold your breath - unless you classify as one of those meterosexuals that were rampant at the show last night, then please hold your breath till your dead
[Aug 5,2004 2:23pm - anonymous  ""]
rampant momo-sexuals
[Aug 5,2004 3:26pm - Austin Death  ""]
I had fun last night at the show, first Mass. show I've been to/played. Not used to the violence, but oh well...to each his own.

Thanks for the kind words Rev. and thanks to Letters for giving us a new prop for our next show ;-)

P.S.- Please get over the way we dress, it's just the way we like to dress. Shows are about music, we play music that we love. Word.
[Aug 5,2004 3:42pm - dogshit ""]
you people are animals.
[Aug 5,2004 3:44pm - frankie chairs..  ""]
that fat fucking beast of a girl thought she could talk shit, and my girlfriend destroyed her.. before the show she was a fat cunt, now shes a fat BLOODY cunt... if anyone got that shit on tape. hit me up.. BOSTONHCKID@AOL.COM it was good to see some kids that i havent seen in a while.. a big FUCK YOU, to the cop who was trying to get people to press charges!!! ohhhh and fuck you to all the kids who never went to see l.f.t.d. back in tha day but are riding their nuts now...
[Aug 5,2004 4:11pm - the_reverend ""]
did anyone else feel like they where back in taunton at this show?
I swear, 2 more minutes at that show and the automata would have started to play....
[Aug 5,2004 5:38pm - theCZA ""]
...and all fuckin hell would have broke loose...cop beatings...hall worker beatings...under 24 beatings...you know, the works haha. kids who dress like females who are not females can either dress like men or get used to kids talknig shit about the way they dress...why should anyone get over the new trend in music to act and dress like a girl? its lame, and so are you. when you learn to turn your guitar down so the rest of the band can be heard and learn to follow the drummers timing instead of being all over the place then the focus might not be so much on what you look like but how you sound aight? peace
[Aug 5,2004 6:05pm - arsonick ""]
i wish i could have made it to this show.
and im just curious how the fuck The FailSafe Device got on the original set list in the first place haha
[Aug 5,2004 6:06pm - Austin Death  ""]
We all love music, that should bring us together someway.
[Aug 5,2004 6:55pm - nick ""]

here's the track:

if you are talking about the part in the very beginning, yes we do have a somewhat similar part in one of our songs. but its organized differently. there have been plenty of other bands that have done parts like that, i would have said we ripped that from umbrella rather than letters but we all hear things differently.*

*we didnt rip off umbrella.

: post by arsonick at Aug 5,2004 6:05pm

i wish i could have made it to this show.
and im just curious how the fuck The FailSafe Device got on the original set list in the first place haha

if you feel like it, go look for the failsafe device appretiation post and look towards the bottom, there you will find your answer. after that convo, they emailed jake and said they were down.

as for people making fun of DDD, its sad that people cant look past the pants and the haircuts. they are great guys who play good music and i know for a fact the band DDD themselves didnt do anything to anyone (i dont know what happened with the girls). but hey i wear tight pants and have a similar haircut so i guess thats just me. to each his own.
[Aug 5,2004 6:56pm - deaddeadsteve ""]
thanks for posting a picture of me. i'm straight myself (don't know about you??) so by making fun of me, and saying wow, he's ugly.. yeah man.. that hurts. ouch. i'm going to go cry, idiot.
[Aug 5,2004 7:00pm - succubus ""]
who called you ugly?

how retarded is that...
[Aug 5,2004 7:22pm - Austin Death  ""]
I don't know...I don't have a problem with anyone, live and let live, the past is past etc. etc.

Let's just all keep on listening/making good music. Word.
[Aug 5,2004 8:01pm - xmikex ""]
This was left on my away message while I was at work:

a vampires Iust: why do you have to be so rediculous?
a vampires Iust: i'm a "scarf monster" i suppose.
a vampires Iust: you got snubbed because i don't give a fuck who you are or how important you are in your scene. we were getting everything out of the way so you fuckers could set up. i told you thanks for the microphone. what more could you possibly want?
a vampires Iust: you have to go and be a stupid asshole, huh?
a vampires Iust: showing off in front of all your friends
a vampires Iust: you're so big
a vampires Iust: you're shit
a vampires Iust: try being a fucking man. complimenting because you feel sorry that we're not good doesn't mean shit to me. i like what we do. plenty of people like what we do.
a vampires Iust: don't try talking to me.
a vampires Iust: this conversation is over.

notice how the different it is from the non-chalant attitude of the message board posts.

you guys are fucking boners. all you had to do was not be assholes and you couldn't even handle that. way to get the last word in to my away message too, very macho.

well you could have just been professionals about it and said "oh well, some kid we dont even know doesn't appreciate us, life goes on". but you had to go and call me names. if you're looking for a fight you go right ahead and pick one champ. ask Prisoner 13 from vermont what happens to kids who just can't seem to get over the fact that someone didn't like their band.

i'm never making fun of Burial again. I'm devoting all my time to making fun of you kids. Blow me.
[Aug 5,2004 8:08pm - xmikex ""]
nick said: its sad that people cant look past the pants and the haircuts.

you wear tight pants, and i don't have any problem with you.

i know plenty of nice kids who wear tight pants and have the courtesy to say thanks when i compliment them, or even respond when i say hi to them.

i've also met plenty of kids with tight pants and dumb haircuts who have shitty attitudes, and think their tight pants and dumb haircuts put them above everyone else. those are the kids who ruin it for the decent kids in tight pants.

[Aug 5,2004 8:16pm - Austin Death  ""]
That was only one member of the band. Personally, I have no problem with anyone. Anything that was said to us that was supposed to be making fun of us, I'm over. I've learned not to dwell on a few words said, it's going to happen for the rest of mine and everyone's life. I just have fun doing what I do and respect anyone else that does the same.
[Aug 5,2004 8:30pm - nick ""]
you wear tight pants, and i don't have any problem with you.

good point, i was not talking to specifically to you. its just that alot of people around here make judgements on bands because of the way they dress. i blame the rediculous amount of awful fall river mosh metal bands that popped up over the last few years. whatever though, someone get devon wedge some shoes.
[Aug 5,2004 8:40pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I think we all learned a little and grew on that summer day.
maybe we didn't have all the answers,
maybe we didn't solve all of our problems,
but we knew that our summers as kids were coming to a close.
when I think back to that day, I think about what Winnie Cooper said "I guess it was just one of those summer things...".
and you know what, she was right... even though she wore girl pants.
[Aug 5,2004 8:43pm - xmikex ""]
Winnie Cooper was tougher than the farewell chapter and bleeding through combined.
[Aug 5,2004 10:37pm - xsickxmoshxbrahx  ""]
this sums it all up.

deaddeaddeath.worst band name ever sOo tuff.worst sound ever.sounded like rodeo music which was fitting since 3 of the members were wearing fuckin cowboy boots.your little roadie got fucked up and it was hilarious.she was calling people faggots and she was there with a bunch of guys wearing girl pants.I don't care what the fuck you wear but if anyone was gonna be called faggots at that show it was definitly you guys.she thought she was tuff and she was put in her place and as you can see from the pictures you guys are in the background laughing.If your screen name has anything to do with vampires (i.e. a vampires Iust) you should probably kill yourself or the only time you should be seen is sitting the mall food court.I don't know if kids sweat your nuts in new york but judging from the show last night no one gives a shit about you in mass.
[Aug 5,2004 10:55pm - tbone_r ""]
i thought they put on a pretty good set....however, it is pretty gay to leave someone an IM about why you're mad at them while they have an away message up. at least wait until you see him online sometime
[Aug 5,2004 10:57pm - xmikex ""]
tbone_r said:i thought they put on a pretty good set....however, it is pretty gay to leave someone an IM about why you're mad at them while they have an away message up. at least wait until you see him online sometime

pffft...what the hell do you know? i bet you don't even OWN a pair of cowboy boots!!?!!
[Aug 5,2004 11:09pm - tbone_r ""]
no i dont, but if i did i'd IM you while you were away and say angry things about you. such as "you better give me my jeromes dream cd or i'll borrow your mic and snub you''
[Aug 5,2004 11:14pm - RustedAngel ""]
my mic you mean.
[Aug 6,2004 5:38am - dogshit ""]
that instant message was for you; not to be reviewed by your friends. i knew you wouldn't be able to handle it and look for support in your friends.

i try to be a nice guy. i say thank you as much as possible. sorry that i keep to myself(USUALLY). you started this shit and i'm not going to sit here and read about any of it without defending my friends and myself. don't dare say i started it by "snubbing" you, mike. i'm not good with compliments and i have many scattered thoughts running through my head. i'm really sorry it turned out this way. i like letters from the dead.
[Aug 6,2004 8:15am - RustedAngel ""]
dogshit said:that instant message was for you; not to be reviewed by your friends. i knew you wouldn't be able to handle it and look for support in your friends.

i try to be a nice guy. i say thank you as much as possible. sorry that i keep to myself(USUALLY). you started this shit and i'm not going to sit here and read about any of it without defending my friends and myself. don't dare say i started it by "snubbing" you, mike. i'm not good with compliments and i have many scattered thoughts running through my head. i'm really sorry it turned out this way. i like letters from the dead.

haha shut up now, mike could poop on you wearing your cowboy boots.

this could be you:
note: that's not eyeshadow.
[Aug 6,2004 8:24am - tbone_r ""]
whats up threats.

and what band is that? that kid kind of looks familiar
[Aug 6,2004 10:13am - xlynchiex  ""]
RustedAngel said:dogshit said:that instant message was for you; not to be reviewed by your friends. i knew you wouldn't be able to handle it and look for support in your friends.

i try to be a nice guy. i say thank you as much as possible. sorry that i keep to myself(USUALLY). you started this shit and i'm not going to sit here and read about any of it without defending my friends and myself. don't dare say i started it by "snubbing" you, mike. i'm not good with compliments and i have many scattered thoughts running through my head. i'm really sorry it turned out this way. i like letters from the dead.

haha shut up now, mike could poop on you wearing your cowboy boots.

this could be you:
note: that's not eyeshadow.

[Aug 6,2004 11:08am - xsickxmoshxbrah  ""]
dogshit said:that instant message was for you; not to be reviewed by your friends. i knew you wouldn't be able to handle it and look for support in your friends.

what you did was totally fucking gay.xmikex just posted it on here to prove a point...that you're a fucking nerd. talking shit to someone who lives like at least 4 hours away from you and then telling them the convo is over and not to message you back? are you fuckin 12?

a vampires Iust: lyke oh em gee xmikex you are lyke so off my buddy list! LoLz look whos tuff now.rofl!!!!

seriously kid I think those girl pants have cut off circulation to your balls.
[Aug 6,2004 11:14am - xmikex ""]
dogshit said:that instant message was for you; not to be reviewed by your friends. i knew you wouldn't be able to handle it and look for support in your friends.

i try to be a nice guy. i say thank you as much as possible. sorry that i keep to myself(USUALLY). you started this shit and i'm not going to sit here and read about any of it without defending my friends and myself. don't dare say i started it by "snubbing" you, mike. i'm not good with compliments and i have many scattered thoughts running through my head. i'm really sorry it turned out this way. i like letters from the dead.

this messageboard is for posting hilarious shit, and you trying to be a toughguy to my away message with your vampire screen name was a laugh riot. im done arguing this with you on the internet. consider yourselves no longer welcome in eastern mass.
[Aug 6,2004 11:36am - the_reverend ""]
some day, mikey will be seth putnam and find his chris barnes
[Aug 6,2004 12:04pm - anonymous  ""]
blah blah blah. this thread sucks
[Aug 6,2004 12:42pm - mike_fod ""]
What Grind bands played this show? Anyone else see the final Discordance Axis set? The gods are missed....
[Aug 6,2004 12:49pm - xmikex ""]
mike_fod said:What Grind bands played this show? Anyone else see the final Discordance Axis set? The gods are missed....

nasum played. the rev was too busy moshing to take pictures.
[Aug 6,2004 12:51pm - xlynchiex  ""]
xmikex said:mike_fod said:What Grind bands played this show? Anyone else see the final Discordance Axis set? The gods are missed....

nasum played. the rev was too busy moshing to take pictures.

followed by a surprise set by libido airbag, phobia, and unholy grave
[Aug 6,2004 12:53pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
deaddeadsteve said:thanks for posting a picture of me. i'm straight myself (don't know about you??) so by making fun of me, and saying wow, he's ugly.. yeah man.. that hurts. ouch. i'm going to go cry, idiot.

Ugly and illiterate.

***: i bet he did cry
***: that kid is an abominant
***: seriously...
***: you can tell when a motherfucker is ugly
AttendMyRequiem: hahahahaha
***: and that kid looks like a former burn victim / fish hybrid
***: looks like a rejected mutant or something
***: dude what female would let him deep dick her?
***: none
AttendMyRequiem: what female would even want to be in the same room as him?
***: i want to puke on that kids face
***: if you go to fight him, take me with you
***: im puking on his face
AttendMyRequiem: i saw a fat chick on the train today. not only was she fat, but she didn't shave either. so a hairy fat chick...that bitch wouldn't have even wanted his fishcock in her
***: while hes laid out

faggot. come back. i'll give you the gas money to drive up here and say this to my face.

i'll make fun of you for obvious worship of as the sun sets and daughters. liking them is fucking gay enough, but worship them is even worse. I'll do this to the point where you are even more offended than me calling you ugly. Either you'll cry or throw the first punch. Either way... I don't go to jail. :-)
[Aug 6,2004 12:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
attendmyrequiem said:[img]

wow! i'm glad i'm not that ugly!!!!

that's either lipgloss or someone's been suckin some PP before the show.

[Aug 6,2004 1:01pm - succubus ""]
rusted angel and attendmyrequiem..not cool...
[Aug 6,2004 1:11pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
succubus said:rusted angel and attendmyrequiem..not cool...

i think everyone that goes here knows not to take things so seriously, so i don't understand what the big deal about me making fun of mr. mutarded turtle fish burn victim hybrid really is. I have the freedom of speach and i will use it to it's fullest extent. i definitely disagree with liberal points of view. everything said was my opinion and what i said was definitely fair, i think.
[Aug 6,2004 1:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
i'm just joking around.
[Aug 6,2004 1:25pm - the_reverend ""]
now boys, what do we call people who bitch about shows they didn't go to...
I'm going to have to get your each a "I'm with chan" pin.
[Aug 6,2004 1:32pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
im not bitching. just stating where the fish at this show was!
[Aug 6,2004 1:40pm - tbone_r ""]
there is nothing wrong w/ as the sun sets or daughters
[Aug 6,2004 1:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:now boys, what do we call people who bitch about shows they didn't go to...
I'm going to have to get your each a "I'm with chan" pin.

ahahaha, i'm not bitching about anything.
[Aug 6,2004 1:54pm - niccolai ""]

is that neck pickup taped on?
[Aug 6,2004 1:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
it's probably taped over, not many people use the neck pickup.
[Aug 6,2004 2:01pm - the_reverend ""]
geez... ra and dev now who can't take a joke.
(I was refering to last weeks drama about the avairy show)
[Aug 6,2004 2:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:geez... ra and dev now who can't take a joke.
(I was refering to last weeks drama about the avairy show)

oh, i know you were, hahahahaah.
i'm also not writing paragraphs of bs.
[Aug 6,2004 2:02pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 6,2004 2:03pm - the_reverend ""]
the funniest thing is that the "surprise" that lftd had for us wasn't a pinata, it was then changing up instruments, but sean threw the guitar down and snapped the input.
[Aug 6,2004 2:07pm - xmikex ""]
niccolai said:
is that neck pickup taped on?

it's a highly advanced guitar setup that only myself, steve vai, and the guitar playing robot jeff henneman invented know how to use in order to play in 718.4/19 timing.

we are the future. you are the fucking past.
[Aug 6,2004 2:09pm - niccolai ""]
hhaha thats fucking amazing.
[Aug 6,2004 2:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
mike, that looks like one sick pinch harmonic. 385.3/38 timing has got to be rediculously difficult.
[Aug 6,2004 2:15pm - niccolai ""]
reguardless of the timing, I wouldn't even be able to play in that position, never mind keep up with DDD riffs.
[Aug 6,2004 3:11pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
the_reverend said:geez... ra and dev now who can't take a joke.
(I was refering to last weeks drama about the avairy show)

i never read that thread
[Aug 7,2004 1:19am - xmikex ""]
the_reverend said:the funniest thing is that the "surprise" that lftd had for us wasn't a pinata, it was then changing up instruments, but sean threw the guitar down and snapped the input.

no rev, there was a pinata. it was full of meal worms, crickets, and a solid pound of rancid meat that i pulled out of the inedible bin at work and left in my trunk for 2 days. the club staff was watching us too close so we couldn't bring in a giant watermellon full of gross shit without getting it noticed. so i did the sensible thing and stuffed it in deaddeaddeath's tour van ...because i dont like them.

...and i never will.
[Aug 7,2004 1:22am - bleakxseason  ""]
does anyone have any clips from this show? e-mail me at drowninglessons@comcast.net
[Aug 7,2004 4:11am - Paul FOD  ""]
Deaddeaddeath...........what kind of gay shit is that? I hope everyone in that band gets beat up.
[Aug 7,2004 11:32am - anonymous  ""]
how to be a tough scene girl in mass:

1. after social studies make sure you get all your friends together before lunch period. make sure they all bought thier black hair dye the night before so that after school you can all go do your hair together.
2.after school make sure you give your tough hardcore boyfriends kisses before they ride away on thier cool skateboards, then leave with all four of your super cool tight friends.
3. go home and have a hair dying party! make sure at least one of you has a bleached streak someplace and that another of you wears polka dots.
4. coordinate all of your outfits so that no one can tell you apart.
5. go to the show and on the way there say all the band names wrong and keep asking eachother who is playing.
6.get to the show and all group together and try to look XtuffX.
7.so now your at the show, make sure you try to find someone that is from out of town to decoy. when you find this girl she is sitting behind you minding her own business. maybe she gave you the evil eye, nope, she definitly did, you and all of your friends have confirmed it at least twice. so you start shit with her, but supposedly she only flipped off one of you. what are you all to do with yourselves, oh, your supposed to ALL FIGHT HER BECAUSE THATS SO FUCKING TOUGH.

what does five girls fighting one look like??

a team of little league baseballers trying to attack shaq.

im so glad that everyone in mass is as tough as this message board makes them look, i think there are enough x's here for all of you guys and your girlfriends and thier girlfriends to get some nice straight edge tats. right thats the completion of being a tough scene kid, make sure you get lots of straight edge tattoos to fit in, because baby, thats what its all about.
[Aug 7,2004 12:18pm - xmoreenx  ""]
haha what a fucking joke.I am the girl who was at the show wearing the polka dot halter top, and I have drug free tattooed across my chest, I dyed my hair black last week but it was blonde the week before (so i guess I lose a few scene points for that right?) AND my boyfriend happens to be xmikex who is in letters from the dead!!!!!! I have like 40,000 scene points now!!!!!

I saw you (well I'm assuming this was posted by the fat cunt who got her ass kicked at the show.I don't know for sure since you posted anonymously which definitly makes you wicked lame) but anyway I saw you flip of 2 of my girls at the show and heard you talking shit.I even heard you calling my boyfriends band faggots.Even though you were at the show with a bunch of boys wearing girl pants with mod fucking hair cuts.Talking shit behind peoples backs and flipping girls off when your sitting behind them makes you wicked fuckin tuff.

Yea I have a fucking straight edge tattoo.Why the fuck do you care? I am straight edge and I'm fucking proud of it.At least I don't go to shows shitfaced (which I know you were cos I heard your lame ass friend saying "oh shut up your so shitfaced") and get my ass beat.Maybe if you weren't so drunk you wouldn't have bleed so much.

You were flipping off two girls so you should've been prepared to take on AT LEAST 2 girls.I weigh 110 pounds I'm sure my few punches and kicks in the back didn't do THAT much damage to your what? 300 pounds a pure fat.

in conclusion...
fuck you, you fat stupid cunt.fuck you for thinking you were better than anyone at that fuckin show just because the boys you were with had the tightest girl pants and modest hair.fuck you for trying to talk shit about 2 of the coolest girls at that fuckin show.fuck you and your teased out crispy hair that ended up on the fuckin floor in clumps later on.fuck your size double x thong that I used as a taget when I was kicking you.fuck you for telling us to "come to new york" ya we'll definitly drive 4 hours to fight you again.fuck you for being that "tuff drunk girl" who thinks they are invinsible.fuck all your friends who were clearly laughin in the background while your fat ass was on the floor getting fucked up.fuck you and your fuckin face dripping with blood.fuck you and your blood soaked shirt.I don't give a fuck who you are in new york cos you aren't shit in massachusetts.

[Aug 7,2004 1:27pm - xmikex ""]
Dear girl who got beat up,

Don't bother claiming your innocence. You got caught being a stuck up mod cunt. You got caught acting like you were better than other people. You got caught doing everything that I made my speech about; judging other people because you think you have more scene points than them. You got exactly what you deserved. Welcome to Massachusetts, where "friends don't let friends fight alone". Don't like it? Works for me, stay out. Keep your shitbag attitude in Albany where it belongs.

No one is impressed by you. No one is afraid of your scene points. No one believes that you were "minding your own buisness". You messed with the Lip Ripper, and got what was coming to you. End of story.

ps. has anyone ever told you you're built like the Grimace?
[Aug 7,2004 1:39pm - the taste of cigarettes  ""]
I hate to be the one that says it, but arguing on the net is lame. Like, it's just a show and people being stupid. It's wicked fucking dumb to make fun of bands that you're playing with (or in general, I mean it's like we're all just making music) but it's even lamer to get in a fist fight about it. I've come to accept sometimes people like you're band and sometimes it's not even close to their cup of tea. So it happens and maybe you ask the person to not be a dick about it, but I don't think fighting is going to solve anything. In fact, if someone hit me over not liking their band, I'd probably like them less...

I also think it's lame to come from out of state and make fun of local bands. That's just foolish altogether -- you're already at a disadvantage in that you're not even from the area, so you're going to be the outsider off the bat, which makes whatever you're trying to prove an uphill battle. The guys in DDD are actually really nice dudes and maybe their friends aren't, but Steve (the guy people keep making fun of, the guitarist) is actually pretty cool once you talk to him for a while.

And yeah, I agree with anyone that says "Talking shit is fucking uncalled for" cause it is, but I imagine that whappin' them doesn't make it any better, though it does make for some rad pics in the "Random Shots" section of this page (hair on the floor is crazy looking!)

That's my two cents, I'd rather not be involved, and I hope that sounds as unbiased as I meant it. It's not cool to talk shit, especially when you're an outsider, but it's also not that cool to beat up shittalkers or to make fun of a whole band based on one or two people.
[Aug 7,2004 1:47pm - the taste of cigarettes  ""]
That's to say, when I mention making fun of bands, I mean both people in DDD and any other band that were making fun of one another.

Not all music is "good" to everyone I guess...It's an acceptable part of being in a band.

I just hope I don't come off as trying to sound authoritative or anything. I just think that XmikeX isn't a bad guy and Steve isn't a bad guy and most of the people in this are pretty cool people. It's a shame to see arguing in a situation like that.

One good thing came of this thread though...I got to hear LFTD...I'd never heard them before.
[Aug 7,2004 1:55pm - tbone_r ""]
mikexmike-'ps. has anyone ever told you you're built like the Grimace?'

by 'the grimace' do you mean 'grimace' from macdonalds? if so, 2 eprops-xanga style
[Aug 7,2004 2:51pm - xmikex ""]

none other.
[Aug 7,2004 4:15pm - BornSoVile ""]
once upon a time, in a scene far, far away,
[Aug 7,2004 10:42pm - xmikex ""]
BornSoVile said:once upon a time, in a scene far, far away,

BAHAHA what a stupid asshole. stand much?
[Aug 8,2004 3:56am - dogshit ""]
i fell off twice that night.
[Aug 8,2004 5:26am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
that bass sucks and he uses a pick... what a fagbag
[Aug 8,2004 10:36am - RustedAngel ""]
so are guitarists who use picks... real men don't use pics at all. fags.
[Aug 8,2004 11:25pm - Austin Death  ""]
I only use a pick to play "grind". It's more comfortable to me for playing in a faster timing and makes it easier for me. I use my fingers when I dick around with jazz and what not or other more laid-back styles of music.

Yes, my bass does suck. I've been saving up for awhile for a Warwick (which is obviously going to be over $1000) and a lot of equipment.

Music's the only thing worth spending money on.
[Aug 9,2004 8:34am - Harkins ""]
That and renting female midget prostitutes.......
[Aug 9,2004 10:46am - RustedAngel ""]
I use my teeth to pick, much more difficult.
[Aug 10,2004 11:03am - xmikex ""]
halo suffocation machine > deaddeaddeath

and halo wasn't even good.
[Aug 10,2004 11:58am - dogshit ""]
it's not about being better. it's about playing music.
[Aug 10,2004 1:10pm - prtybrdsgetcotto ""]
I jsut saw dead dead death up in albany last night and i fuckin molested them...it was good
[Aug 10,2004 1:18pm - prtybrdsgetcotto ""]
...and why did i have to miss the majestic bitch fight
[Aug 10,2004 1:44pm - aaron666 ""]
i spend my night cooking flied lice and lo mein, and look at what i miss!
[Aug 10,2004 11:54pm - xmikex ""]
dogshit said:it's not about being better. it's about playing music.

exactly. And they played better music than you. Don't shout cliches at me you tool bag.:satancross:
[Aug 11,2004 1:30am - dogshit ""]
the truth usually is cliche.
[Aug 11,2004 2:28am - Clint  ""]
Haha tool bag? I can understand what calling someone a tool means but a tool bag...explain? Do you mean he is such a tool that he is equal to a whole bag of tools? Or that he helps carry around tools? Thats what i use a tool bag for to hold and carry my tools. Sorry I guess i just dont get it. Wait i guess a tool bag is more a type of tool if you think about it. I mean if you meant it in the way that he is a big tool i think your point would have gotten across better if you simply stated"dont shout cliches at me you big tool" or something along the lines of that... rather then what you said which was pretty much like saying "dont shout cliches at me you hammer or screw driver, square or any other various types of tools" But please explain your metaphor.
[Aug 11,2004 10:15am - FrancisPman  ""]
more importantly, everyone missed the asian joke.
[Aug 11,2004 10:52am - the_reverend ""]
nope, I got it.
[Aug 11,2004 3:39pm - xmikex ""]
Clint said:But please explain your metaphor.

it wasn't a metaphor. please consult your definition of the word "metaphor".

toolbag *noun*: someone who demonstrates, or emobodies the characteristics of a toolbag. synonyms: gaywad, knob, goober

[Aug 11,2004 4:14pm - dogshit ""]
i'm more along the lines of trash.
[Aug 11,2004 4:54pm - FrancisPman  ""]
haha amazing picture
[Aug 11,2004 9:10pm - aaron666 ""]
FrancisPman said:haha amazing picture

yeah, that was me on a good day.
holy shat.
[Aug 11,2004 10:51pm - dogshit ""]
ok. so now i get the joke! asian power!
doh. i'm an idiot.
[Aug 11,2004 11:21pm - xmikex ""]
dogshit said:the truth usually is cliche.

or we invent cliches because we dont like dealing with the unpleasant complicatedness of the truth.

which reminds me, Ictus, daughters, the red chord, deadwater drowning, as the sun sets, and 200 other bands from 5 years ago called... they want their songs back.
[Aug 11,2004 11:27pm - dogshit ""]
they're not going to get them back and in a couple of months we're all going to sit in the basement and write more... i mean.. steal some more songs.
[Aug 11,2004 11:40pm - Blue ""]
[Aug 12,2004 2:21am - xmikex ""]
xmikex said:
which reminds me, Ictus, daughters, the red chord, deadwater drowning, as the sun sets, and 200 other bands from 5 years ago called... they want their songs back.

oh, and i almost forgot. Cradle of Filth called. They want their personalities back.

[Aug 12,2004 3:33pm - deaddeadsteve ""]
xmikex said:<<which reminds me, Ictus, daughters, the red chord, deadwater drowning, as the sun sets, and 200 other bands from 5 years ago called... they want their songs back.>>

which reminds me, every other hardcore/metal/death metal band wants their songs back. sorry we don't do the same thing over and over again in every song. here, let me lay out one of your songs.. soft creepy part, blast beat, chug chug breakdown, blast beat, chug chug breakdown, blast beat, chug chug breakdown... am i getting close. or did it just seem that way at the show like every other band.. once again i apologize for not being as tough and scene as you.. xmr.i'mtoughx
[Aug 12,2004 3:44pm - vivi ""]
more blast beats, less internet fighting
[Aug 12,2004 8:20pm - xmikex ""]
deaddeadsteve said:which reminds me, every other hardcore/metal/death metal band wants their songs back. sorry we don't do the same thing over and over again in every song. here, let me lay out one of your songs.. soft creepy part, blast beat, chug chug breakdown, blast beat, chug chug breakdown, blast beat, chug chug breakdown... am i getting close. or did it just seem that way at the show like every other band.. once again i apologize for not being as tough and scene as you.. xmr.i'mtoughx

ha ha you got all mad because i completely called you on your band being 5 years too late to be an Ictus clone.

lay out one of "my songs"? what songs? i don't have any songs. i'm not in a band anymore you dunce. feel free to go right ahead and bash on something that doesn't exist anymore.

"or did it just seem that way at the show like every other band"
oh you mean all those other significant bands at that show that were actually there to have fun? yeah fuck them. haha i knew if i pushed you clowns hard enough you'd drop that phony bullshit "it's all about the music" fascade. thanks for finally proving that you really are the bunch of stuck up dicks that i always knew you were.

nobody mentioned being "scene", or being "tough". you threw those in because you were frustrated with how bad i called you on everything, and you had to resort to buzz words.

ps. don't come back to massachusetts.
[Aug 12,2004 11:17pm - id rather be dead than see deaddeaddeath again  ""]
deaddeadsteve said: here, let me lay out one of your songs.. soft creepy part, blast beat, chug chug breakdown, blast beat, chug chug breakdown, blast beat, chug chug breakdown... am i getting close. or did it just seem that way at the show like every other band.. once again i apologize for not being as tough and scene as you.. xmr.i'mtoughx

let me "lay out" one of your shows.soft gay singing probably something about vampires, rodeo clown part jumping around in your cowboy boots,gay but trying to be tuff chug chug part, ::enter fat ugly scenster girls you brought with you cheering for you guys on from the side of the stage::, cue singer blowing drummer a kiss, guitarest fixes his raindow stripped guitarstrap, look around to see if there is any sick moshing going on, brush hair out of your face, fall off stage,look gay for some more. *end*

Oh and good one with that "sorry I'm not as scene as you" comment.I hope your fucking joking. Have you looked in a mirror lately? you are the defintion of scene.
[Aug 13,2004 3:00am - dogshit ""]
that post by steve was about the music layout not pants, hair, or whatever else. come on. just take it. it's not hard. that's just me.
all the lyrics are about pussy. read them. www.deaddeaddeath.tk i can't believe you guys. i feel like we're being insulted by mr. kimbles kindergarten class. see you in mass class.
[Aug 13,2004 3:13am - Paul FOD  ""]
Any death metal band is better then a band named deaddeaddeath. How can you insult death metal bands yet your gay looking guitarist has a malignancy t shirt? What an insult to an excellent band. Go put on your cowboy boots and pray that you dont get your ass beat someday...faggot.
[Aug 13,2004 3:39am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 13,2004 3:41am - Austin Death  ""]
Music's gay.
[Aug 13,2004 3:56am - dogshit ""]
you guys are way into fashion. saturn called; they want their rings back.
[Aug 13,2004 3:58am - dogshit ""]
magic johnson called; he wants his aids back.
[Aug 13,2004 4:02am - dogshit ""]
make like a train and leaf. chugga chugga den den choo choo
[Aug 13,2004 1:23pm - Warren G  ""]
dogshit said:all the lyrics are about pussy. read them. www.deaddeaddeath.tk i can't believe you guys. i feel like we're being insulted by mr. kimbles kindergarten class. see you in mass class.

1.I wouldn't waste my time going to your gay bands website to read your lyrics.

2. you guys brought 3 fat,skanky looking girls with you.If thats the type of pussy you guys are getting/singing about who the fuck would want to hear that?

3. If our insults seem like they are coming from a kindergarten class why do you feel the need to come back everyday and defend your shitty band.

4. we attack your fashion because its obvious it means a lot to you little scenester fags.You go out and buy girl pants and your cowboy boots and all that shit cause you think they make you look good.

[Aug 13,2004 2:00pm - deaddeadsteve ""]
(1)what you idiots don't seem to get is that our band name is a joke. making fun of bands with similar names, such as.. hot hot heat, get get go.. but i understand you not being able to get that, since you obviously don't know what a brain is for anyway.. maybe that's why highschool was a little hard. ;) (2)we get on here because we want to see how long we can keep this going. we don't care what you think. but you "toolbags" get so over worked about everything we say and reply posts over it. so hey.. keep talking. and we'll keep laughing.
[Aug 13,2004 2:03pm - vivi ""]
making fun of hot hot heat is pretty gay gay gay. there one of the greatest bands of our generation. stop being so cynical and embrace conterculture.
[Aug 13,2004 2:09pm - Blue ""]
vivi said:making fun of hot hot heat is pretty gay gay gay. there one of the greatest bands of our generation.

i hope youre not serious. all they do is rip off XTC, who happened to be about 20 years ahead of them. they even cite XTC as a huge influence.
[Aug 13,2004 2:10pm - succubus ""]
Blue said:vivi said:making fun of hot hot heat is pretty gay gay gay. there one of the greatest bands of our generation.

i hope youre not serious. all they do is rip off XTC, who happened to be about 20 years ahead of them. they even cite XTC as a huge influence.

whatever they used my photos in drum magazine

i'm not dissing them!
[Aug 13,2004 2:11pm - vivi ""]
actually no im not being serious. i was going to continue pretending but then i said to myself 'no. i cant go on living like this.' but making a band name that makes fun of hot hot heat is still incredibly gay. theres so many skin diseases out there begging to be made into band names.
[Aug 13,2004 2:12pm - Blue ""]
ok good. ive said too much then.
[Aug 13,2004 2:37pm - xmikex ""]
deaddeadsteve said:you obviously don't know what a brain is for anyway

a. there are third graders that would cringe at how pathetic that insult was.

b. i have a degree. screw.

c. you guys have sunk not only to our level, but at this point beneath it. in doing so you've: exposed yourselves as the shitbags you are, turned your band into a complete laughing stock, and effectively banned yourselves from massachusetts.

d. if you don't believe me about being banned... hmm the last band that I remember that came from out of state, were total douchebags to everyone, and wouldn't let anything go... yeah check boston beatdown volume II as to what happened to them when they finally came back to mass, specifically the end credits.

e. killing beverly, the enclitic, in dire need, a life once lost, and every other band that played taunton 3 years ago want their riffs back.
[Aug 13,2004 3:55pm - dogshit ""]
the only person i care about is me. you can kick us out of 1 state; there are still 49 more states, canada, europe, and japan. sinking to levels: good. i'll go lower than all of you. i don't give a fuck. we're exposed! my goodness. massachusettes thinks we're a bunch of scenester faggots. you're never going to discourage us. you can give us all the black eyes you want, throw a pinata full of dead bugs and rancid meat into my van, you can make fun of every aspect of our band. i don't give a shit. this thread is staying on top of the return to the pit messageboard and that's all i care about. if that makes me a piece of shit. well then. i'm more than happy to be a piece of shit.

i'm sure you'll reply. that's good, because i've got more to say. i can go on forever.
[Aug 13,2004 3:58pm - dogshit ""]
as for the girls. yes. one of them is my girlfriend. call them fat, skanky. that's fine. i'll get offended when i actually value any of your opinions.
[Aug 13,2004 4:01pm - dogshit ""]
and they're obviously not skinny. good point guys.
[Aug 13,2004 4:10pm - deaddeadsteve ""]
look everyone. i'm a screw.. why don't you big boys come hammer me ;) let's go to mass class, and have sex education. because you guys certainly must be the best of the best with the hotties you're dating.. oo baby.
[Aug 13,2004 4:21pm - RustedAngel ""]
you're banned from NH and ME too.

we have enough Fatty scene bitches around these parts.
[Aug 13,2004 4:37pm - dogshit ""]
aw come on. give us a chance. we'll wear shorts and sneakers.
[Aug 13,2004 4:39pm - dogshit ""]
we'll do anything to fit in
[Aug 13,2004 9:25pm - Austin Death  ""]
I thanked everybody that complimented me at the show, I haven't talked shit about anyone on this thread. So, word.
[Aug 14,2004 2:18pm - xmikex ""]
dogshit said:you can give us all the black eyes you want, throw a pinata full of dead bugs and rancid meat into my van, you can make fun of every aspect of our band.

yes, yes i can.

[Aug 14,2004 2:32pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
deaddeadsteve said:look everyone. i'm a screw.. why don't you big boys come hammer me ;)

you twist screws... and hammer nails. way to sound like a moron =)
[Aug 14,2004 4:17pm - vivi ""]
hammering screws is so brutal
[Aug 14,2004 6:29pm - oh and your gay  ""]
dogshit said:and they're obviously not skinny. good point guys.

haha you making fun of your own girlfriend made my night. This just proves that you are infact a total shit bag and not in a cool way like "Oh ya look at me I'm so angsty...I don't give a fuck about anything..look how tough I am I'm glad everyone hates me" kinda way like you're trying to pull off. You're a shitbag in a "wow this kids a waste of life" kinda way.

Oh and is your girlfriend the one who got beat up?
[Aug 14,2004 6:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
nice anonymous post, idiot.
[Aug 14,2004 10:23pm - anonymous  ""]
this band can take there music somewhere else.
no matter what this band will be a joke because if any of the bands and their friends bands play with ddd their gonna call them out about how stupid and limited they are. also when someone your with does something on prupose which is uncalled for, they deserve to get what is coming to them. end of story. dont come on message boards and bitch about it. because no matter where a situation like that happens people are still gonna think you look like assholes.

end of story.
this thread is dead.
goodbye ddd from MA, NH, MA and prob RI because its close enough for south shore kids to drive to beat your asses.
[Aug 15,2004 12:11am - nathan novak  ""]
you guys certainly get worked up over nothing
[Sep 14,2004 12:23pm - anonymous  ""]
ddd played my hometown in pennsylvania with another amazing grind act and you know what they blew me away maybe if you assholes werent so close minded and actually took the time to realize what they were playing youd see how incredibly talented these dudes are but i guess all your worried about is the next terror show or some terrible hardcore band that just rips off of early hardcore bands. maybe if you guys werent assholes to them they wouldnt be assholes to you because i talked to them and they were nice guys maybe because they dont rip off chokehold or earth crisis that makes them bad in your opinion... but im sure you guys dont even know chokehold and im sure you guys just got into the hardcore scene which is why you like and play such shitty music and are you seriously proud of boston beatdown? maybe if boston beatdown was the same as it was when it started itd be a good element to have around but now its just an excuse to beat on people fuck boston beatdown fuck the fsu crew and most importantly fuck all of you closeminded assholes your making fun of ddd for having overweight friends/girlfriends? seriously grow the fuck up and get out of hardcore maybe ddd isnt your type of music so dont listen to them and talk shit on them just shut the fuck up and walk outside and brag about your straight edge tattoos all of you are fucking fake
[Sep 14,2004 2:25pm - jake  ""]
shut your face homo, this was dead for almost a month.
[Sep 14,2004 3:56pm - TYAG  ""]
I think its funny that were just a chug chug death band.
They (DDD) went and said a bunch of shit about us that I've heard from several people. We didnt say or do anything to them. We agreed to play the show after almost cancelling. We figured it would be fun. Fights are fights people. They happen anywhere. I doesnt have anything to do with music really. If anyone thinks it does they just are trying to shift the conversation to another distraction from the truth.

I can say that I liked DDD.
I thought there music was pretty cool.

I helped them fucking get their vocals working and helped find them a bass amp. Then they turn around and shit on our band online for no reason except we were there. They have a shitty attitude it seems.

I thought grind bands had to stick together. I know some of their friends, I dont mind them as people I actually thought some of them were cool.

Not now.
I dont like DDD.
Thanks for saying shit about an honest band!

Devon - TYAG
[Sep 22,2004 9:00am - dogshit ""]
deven, steve said all of that stuff about tyag. he shits on everything. it's so old/frequent that i don't even consider what he says an insult anymore.
[Oct 22,2004 5:33pm - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 11,2007 12:49pm - dog-shit ""]
it's hard to believe 3 full years have passed.

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