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Aug 4the? Ken Haskell, Letters from the Dead?!?, Deaddeaddeath, The Failsafe Device, Terminally Your Aborted Ghost

Knights of Columbus (Kingston, Ma) - [deaddeaddeath][ken_haskell][letters_from_the_dead][randomshots][terminally_your_aborted_ghost]
[Jul 4,2004 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
what the hello kitty is this all about?
[Jul 4,2004 10:47am - succubus ""]
did someone say hello kitty?

ps: this thing still scares me
[Jul 4,2004 12:04pm - lady_czerach ""]
What? Hello Kitty? ^^

[Jul 4,2004 12:27pm - succubus ""]
jess b00bs
[Jul 4,2004 1:00pm - tbone_r ""]
ask 'jake' or 'nick'... i'm pretty sure they're setting it up
[Jul 4,2004 1:11pm - nick ""]
yes its happening. one band we had in mind hasnt talked to us about playing yet. so i think we are still looking for an opening band if anyone is interested. ill have the flyer soon. this is the prob the best show that will ever be held at the kingston K of C.
[Jul 4,2004 1:43pm - tbone_r ""]
if only in dire need would stay together for 2 more weeks....they could play and make this the best show ever....yeah, ever. it'll be my belated birthday gift....come on.
[Jul 4,2004 2:57pm - jake  ""]
for the millionth time, even if IDN was still together, they wouldnt be able to play because joey won't be around for the week that this show is happening.

anywho, im hoping that this show will bring lots and lots of people inturn making the guy who handles the booking a little more lenient towards shows when it comes to booking shows over bingo nights there.

tell everyone you know to go to this show because i'm not too sure on what failsafe and lftd are doing as bands after this. could be a once in a lifetime opportunity.
[Jul 4,2004 4:19pm - the taste of silver  ""]
we would love to play! I will email you. We're The Taste of Silver from Arlington, MA. Our website is www.thetasteofsilver.com and our email is thetasteofsilver@yahoo.com
[Jul 4,2004 10:57pm - tyagxgrind ""]
One Dead Three Wounded from Lovelost Records emailed me asking if they could play as part of their tour. if you want them to play, they will do it for free etc. email me at tyagxgrind@comcast.net and i can let them know... they'd make a good headliner.

[Jul 4,2004 11:03pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
damn, a good show just 5 minutes from my house. i believe i'll make an appearance
[Jul 5,2004 8:42pm - nick ""]
[Jul 5,2004 10:36pm - tbone_r ""]
[Jul 6,2004 12:09am - xmikex ""]
letters from the dead is scheduled to beging practcing this week.

don't worry. we'll still fuck it up somehow.

i can't promise we'll be any better than we ever were....but i can promise that this will be absolutely ridiculous.

and the failsafe device rules.
[Jul 6,2004 1:12pm - joostin-notathome  ""]
the taste of silver is excellent
[Jul 6,2004 5:06pm - tbone_r ""]
for me to poop on
[Jul 6,2004 5:16pm - Paul FOD  ""]
plague of emaciation is the special guest of the night Also returning will be the lynchie mobile.
[Jul 6,2004 6:44pm - tbone_r ""]
first 5 to show get free blowjobs.. courtesy of ken haskell
[Jul 6,2004 7:33pm - the_reverend ""]
nice, this is the day after the viel of tears, tears of avarel, halo suffocation and hamartia reunion show.
[Jul 6,2004 7:41pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
uh wait is that for real?

cause the Josh of Halo Suffocation is in Cambodia right now...
[Jul 6,2004 8:46pm - ieatpeople4god@ library  ""]
tears of avarel rock
[Jul 6,2004 10:33pm - xmikex ""]
there will never be a need for a plague of emaciation or halo suffocation machine reunion. ever.

Paul ....Vomit Cavities...the original Shading the end lineup.....booya.
[Jul 7,2004 8:40pm - xmikex ""]
just a thought....why not have Dysentery open? my favorite grind/metal band in Mass hands down.

and if Nick, or Jake are reading this, Letters isn't headlining are we? I'd perfer not to.
[Jul 7,2004 9:05pm - jesus ""]
good suggestion, considering we havent played in a fucking year. at least it seems
glad to see someone remembers us :NEWHORNS:
[Jul 7,2004 10:50pm - nick ""]
1) no letters isnt headlining, tyag is i think. we arent looking for a "headliner" really so to speak. we just wanted to put together a show that would be fun.
2)dysentery could definitly play, you guys are sick. email me the info or whatever enkillment@hotmail.com and as soon as everything is solid with jake ill make flyers.
[Jul 8,2004 6:33am - nick ""]
[Jul 8,2004 6:34am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i like ti urinate on women
[Jul 8,2004 7:53am - xmikex ""]
works for me. i just don't really trust that venue and i don't want to play last. we actually headlined our first show, and learned our lesson the hard way, by which I mean having everyone leave and being drowned out by the dance club next door.
[Jul 8,2004 8:05am - tbone_r ""]
i don think you'll have to worry about kids leaving this show. i think the biggest threat is the guys at the k of c ending it because of people dancing too hard or a fight.
[Jul 8,2004 8:55am - the_reverend ""]
no, the biggest threat is chudds... then mole people
[Jul 8,2004 1:58pm - nick ""]
yes the venue is lame but it was free so i cant complain.
[Jul 8,2004 9:55pm - xmikex ""]
final lineup yet?
[Jul 8,2004 10:40pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
is there anyway my friends band from Philly could jump on this show? I've been trying to get them a show for 8/4 and it's hell making it pan out...

they are called Prevail and have some not-as-good as them live stuff on hxcmp3.com

they make the mosh happen live

email thetasteofsilver@yahoo.com if they can and I'll let them know. we played with them in PA on tour and they are real nice guys.
[Jul 9,2004 2:12am - jake  ""]
ok this is what it's looking like:

OPENING BAND (hopefully dysentery?)
ken haskell
letters from the dead
the failsafe device

i really don't see this show getting shut down UNLESS some one decides to grab onto the chandelier. so help me god if someone touches the chandelier, your whole family will die.

dancing shouldn't be a problem, joe (the "owner") is really good about that. he can tolerate it up to a certain point. no over the top blatant smashing of kids standing against the walls or sitting down in chairs, etc. im sure some of you have been to k of c shows and know what NOT to do.

fights are gay. don't start em. blah blah. i know alot of the 14 / 15 yr old nu-metal townies might show up, just restrain yourself from hitting them because they are just that, 14 / 15 yr old nu-metal townies.

chances are, if the CHUDS show up, we're all done. don't bother fighting back.
[Jul 9,2004 7:38am - tbone_r ""]
i'm excited, this is gonna be a fun show
[Jul 9,2004 10:10am - xmikex ""]
it just feels weird....a letters from the dead show without held hostage, or in dire need. haha. ya this should be fun though.
[Jul 9,2004 11:30am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
what's a CHUD?

people keep talking about these CHUDs...
[Jul 9,2004 1:01pm - jake  ""]


[Jul 9,2004 1:14pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
oh so you're afraid an Aryan family will show up and ruin the show? Or sewer aliens? I get it...

[Jul 9,2004 9:55pm - jake  ""]
dysentery has confirmed.


thank you to all the bands that emailed myself or nick and asked to play.
[Jul 10,2004 9:48am - tbone_r ""]
hey mikexmike, do you got any old mp3's of letters from the dead?
[Jul 10,2004 10:35am - nick ""]
they are in the live mp3 section here on rttp.
[Jul 13,2004 11:29am - nick ""]
[Jul 20,2004 11:46pm - nick ""]
go to this.
[Jul 21,2004 7:43am - tbone_r ""]
i hope someone makes flyers for this show...
[Jul 21,2004 8:56am - the_reverend ""]
I will be there. I mean look at the line up!
gotta support ddd on their first eastern mass show.
[Jul 21,2004 10:30am - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
Does anyone know the actual adress for the KOC in Kingston? maybe it was posted somewhere but i didnt see it.
[Jul 21,2004 4:27pm - tbone_r ""]
91 south street
[Jul 21,2004 4:51pm - nick ""]
i had a flyer made up but then i forgot to save it because i wasnt finished with it. ill make a new one after im done ironing my pants.
[Jul 21,2004 6:12pm - nick ""]
theres your flyer.

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