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Tookie Williams execution

[Dec 14,2005 6:32pm - DomesticTerror ""]

aclu press release on why we defended Nambla
[Dec 14,2005 6:40pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Josh_Martin said:Christina said:Josh_Martin said:Christina said: It is a fact not an accusation that the ACLU wants to legalize child pornography.

Could you post a link or something to support that statement please?

Read up on this case that the ACLU lost:

New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747.

“The ACLU's position is this: criminalize the production but legalize the sale and distribution of child pornography. This is the kind of lawyerly distinction that no one on the Supreme Court found convincing. And with good reason: as long as a free market in child pornography exists, there will always be some producers willing to risk prosecution. Beyond this, there is also the matter of how the sale of child pornography relates either to free speech or the ends of good government. But most important, the central issue is whether a free society should legalize transactions that involve the wholesale sexploitation of children for profit.
The ACLU objects to the idea that porn movie producers be required to maintain records of ages of its performers; this would be “a gross violation of privacy."

Please post the link correctly.
It doesn't work and more than one paragraph is needed to understand the case.

yes, please. I would love to see the source.

also, since we're throwing the word "elitist" around...
sitting in a classroom and reading assigned publications could mean that you are well informed.
It could also mean that you are easily lead.

[Dec 14,2005 7:10pm - dan nli  ""]
ArrowHead nli said:dan NLI said:

jesus fucking christ. READING COMPREHENSION. i didnt say its not reform you fucking jackass. i said the reason for clemency should not be the act of reform in itself, because if that was the case then any asshole who finds jesus should be granted.

Again, you don't get it.

Reform does not mean finding jesus. That's "reborn".

Reform is exactly the argument you've been making. Go look the word up. You said in the first post I quoted that it's not about reform. Then proceded to say that instead of reform people should have to prove they are no longer a threat, and make valid attempts to contribute to society. That's reform dude, you're arguing with yourself over a word you don't understand. Who's the retard?

uhhh no you fuckwit. you are trying to drag me into an argument over semantics. do you know anything about what actually warrants clemency? im done replying because its the lowest common denominator that starts arguments over semantics and tells people who have repeatedly explained themself that they dont know what they are talking about. you are really smart on the internet, eh?
[Dec 14,2005 7:26pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]
Josh Martin:
All you have to do is Google 'New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747'
You'll get a multitude of sites that explain the case.
[Dec 14,2005 8:15pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
dan nli said:

uhhh no you fuckwit. you are trying to drag me into an argument over semantics. do you know anything about what actually warrants clemency? im done replying because its the lowest common denominator that starts arguments over semantics and tells people who have repeatedly explained themself that they dont know what they are talking about. you are really smart on the internet, eh?

You're really annoying the hell out of me. YOU started an argument about semantics when you rebutted my original post. NOW you've lost, and have nothing to resort to but insults. What the fuck is wrong with you, that you can't even admit you're wrong?

I made a post saying we had a reform based prison system. You jumped in saying that it's not about reform, but rather it's about the prisoner showing change. In other words, reform. You've been arguing the same damned thing this whole time since. You weren't talking about clemency, which I understand just fine, you said "It's not about reform". For christs sake, how hard is it for you to admit "okay, maybe it IS about reform"?

Seriously, agrue all you'd like on the interweb. It'll just lead to a bit of frustration and making yourself look like an ass. However, theres no need to keep resorting to insults. Learn to disagree like an adult, dan.
[Dec 14,2005 9:39pm - BornSoVile ""]
Nothing changes the fact that hungtobleed fucked himself when he turned the topic into a rant against the ACLU and tried justifying his cause by bringing up a case from years ago, which I'm assuming has already closed and is completly meaningless to the issue at hand. I havn't even argued for against the death penalty! The simple fact is the he is very mislead. He spewed his rhetoric upon us and got owned by everyone here. AND WE'RE THE IGNORANT ONES???? RIOOOGGHHHTTTTT...
[Dec 14,2005 10:25pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]
I didn't get owned by shit. I'd bet a million bucks that the ratio of flaming libs to conservatives here is probably 10:1. You blew it out of proportion when you got all offended cause I referred to the protesters as faggo-leftist-ACLU-types. If anyone is mislead it is the kool aid drinkers that think the ACLU is the crux of American values and the backbone of American politics. They are a radical left wing pressure group. There are almost 300 million citizens in the U.S., the ACLU membership is just over 400,000. Only a booger of a percentage of U.S. citizens agree with them enough that they became honorary card carrying members....
Just because he says to drink the kool aid, doesn't mean its good for you
[Dec 14,2005 10:39pm - BornSoVile ""]
hungta‘bleed said:I didn't get owned by shit. I'd bet a million bucks that the ratio of flaming libs to conservatives here is probably 10:1. You blew it out of proportion when you got all offended cause I referred to the protesters as faggo-leftist-ACLU-types. If anyone is mislead it is the kool aid drinkers that think the ACLU is the crux of American values and the backbone of American politics. They are a radical left wing pressure group. There are almost 300 million citizens in the U.S., the ACLU membership is just over 400,000. Only a booger of a percentage of U.S. citizens agree with them enough that they became honorary card carrying members....
Just because he says to drink the kool aid, doesn't mean its good for you

not nearly as offended as you there chief. at least we all thought for ourselves and didn't have our girl friends do the dirty work. Choose your battles wiser next time and stop blaming all your problems on liberals, that's just weak.
[Dec 14,2005 10:42pm - BornSoVile ""]
hungta‘bleed said: There are almost 300 million citizens in the U.S., the ACLU membership is just over 400,000. Only a booger of a percentage of U.S. citizens agree with them enough that they became honorary card carrying members....

Next time don't lead everyone onto the hysteria that they're controlling the country, better yet don't let them ruin your day. If it bothers you so much, start organizing and do something about it other than making half assed arguements on the net. Though this one has been fun nonetheless.
[Dec 14,2005 10:53pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]
First off, my old lady does what ever the fuck she wants. If you think that she is here giving me one liners, or vice versa, you're dead wrong.
Secondly, my argument was no more half assed than your defense.
Lastly, Notwithstanding the fact that we disagree on the issue. I'll agree with you that this has been rather entertaining.
[Dec 14,2005 10:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
good, now we can smoke weed in peace.

[Dec 14,2005 11:00pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]
[Dec 14,2005 11:00pm - mike............  ""]
what the fuck does drink the kool aid mean in this context?
[Dec 14,2005 11:10pm - DJ death  ""]
Drink the wine, Drink the wine! they'll be here with flame throwers! Drink Drink! in a few seconds you'll feel drowsy, you'll lie down and go to sleep, sleep forever.

Jim Jones hoaxed his christian group to drink poison that was in koolaid. Oh yeah, hahahah Tookie, you are dead. Fuck you Elephants, and Fuck you Donkeys. You are all going in circles. Love the Gemini
[Dec 14,2005 11:13pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i still don't get the People's Temple references.
It's not very witty, considering it's the gun toting, pro wrestling watching, red state, stars and stripes forever, religiously fanatic, right wing, bovine american who just does what they're told. Drink Bud and go to sleep America, you're government is in control...
[Dec 14,2005 11:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Dead Nigger Storage.
[Dec 14,2005 11:37pm - DJ death  ""]
Fiend for Blood!!!!! Not just "Gun toting Republicans" are dillusional. Everyone is, including you Civil Rights homo. I cant believe people still care for this government. The constiution is being repremanded, who cares about people that only push with half their might (dems and repubs) Hail extremists only!
[Dec 14,2005 11:48pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Hail spelling and punctuation.

p.s. I think the fries are done.
[Dec 15,2005 12:25am - DJ death  ""]
i want french fries right now! you get the point though mr. Domestic Terror! Beer mixed with typing probably is penalty for puncuation AND spelling, im splleignadsgs . oh well! Both sides will keep whining, and when your on the funeral bed at 60, you will maybe see that life was wasted and useless. Feel the scythe of the soul reaper!
[Dec 15,2005 12:27am - DJ death  ""]
My spelling of "your" (which should be you're) might cause a passionate burst from your clicking typing hand...
[Dec 15,2005 9:06am - anonymous  ""]
BornSoVile said:Nothing changes the fact that hungtobleed fucked himself when he turned the topic into a rant against the ACLU and tried justifying his cause by bringing up a case from years ago, which I'm assuming has already closed and is completly meaningless to the issue at hand. I havn't even argued for against the death penalty! The simple fact is the he is very mislead. He spewed his rhetoric upon us and got owned by everyone here. AND WE'RE THE IGNORANT ONES???? RIOOOGGHHHTTTTT...

I encourage you to correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you the one who posted these words?

“Shitting on the ACLU is dumb. Do you even know what it stands for? American Civil Liberties Union. Denouncing that = submitting to communism. This is America, land of the free. Rebpulicans are turning the stars and stripes into prison bars, they won't let you get that far. Thanks for supporting the downfall of liberty. Now move to Russia.”

“If you had you're way, we'd all be the same, conformist society blind to any fashionable morally ethical code. Communism man, communism.”

“next time don't morph the topic into an assault on the ACLU, it's unamerican.”

It’s apparent that you are extremely confused. You certainly have no clue what you are talking about because Communism is to the far LEFT on the political spectrum. How would disagreeing with a Liberal (left-wing, but to the right of Communism) interest group make me more left-wing? You clearly don’t even know what a Communist is...nice try though.

You are the one who seems to think that the ACLU is so important and is leading the country. You even wrote it yourself that assaulting the ACLU is unAmerican and is submitting to Communism. Your thinking is completely irrational. The next time that you want to proclaim that you’ve won an argument, you should try making a bit more sense and actually use facts to back up what you type.

There really is no “winning” when it comes to heated political discussions like this one, so to declare that someone just got owned when you haven’t even used one fact, but merely your own misled (don’t argue this one, you truly are misled if you think that denouncing the ACLU is submitting to Communism) opinion to retort, is inane.
[Dec 15,2005 9:07am - Christina  ""]
:point: That previous post was typed by me.
[Dec 15,2005 9:12am - Christina  ""]
Josh_Martin said:Christina said:Josh_Martin said:Christina said: It is a fact not an accusation that the ACLU wants to legalize child pornography.

Could you post a link or something to support that statement please?

Read up on this case that the ACLU lost:

New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747.

“The ACLU's position is this: criminalize the production but legalize the sale and distribution of child pornography. This is the kind of lawyerly distinction that no one on the Supreme Court found convincing. And with good reason: as long as a free market in child pornography exists, there will always be some producers willing to risk prosecution. Beyond this, there is also the matter of how the sale of child pornography relates either to free speech or the ends of good government. But most important, the central issue is whether a free society should legalize transactions that involve the wholesale sexploitation of children for profit.
The ACLU objects to the idea that porn movie producers be required to maintain records of ages of its performers; this would be “a gross violation of privacy."

Please post the link correctly.
It doesn't work and more than one paragraph is needed to understand the case.

Hopefully this works:


[Dec 15,2005 9:21am - the_reverend ""]
DJ death said:i want french fries right now!

I'm very much with you.
[Dec 15,2005 9:27am - MorbidMike ""]
Hahahaha Christina owned you All P.S. FUCK The Aclu and fuck pedophiles and if anyone wants to disagree and say they love kiddy porn cause its america and free well then let me know so I can come rape your ass cause you know its america home of the free now fuck off!Your Pal Morbid Mike
[Dec 15,2005 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
1/2 nambla's main council post here.
joenc, I'm looking your way...
[Dec 15,2005 9:40am - Josh_Martin ""]
Christina said:Hopefully this works:


Yes, that worked.

After reading that you really think the ACLUs goal was to legalize kiddie porn? That's a real shortcut to thinking.
Their arguement was that the law that banned it was too broad. Slippery slope y'know? They were fighting a poorly written law, not trying to legalize kiddie porn.

Their arguement was strong enough for the New York appellate court to agree with them.
[Dec 15,2005 9:41am - Josh_Martin ""]
MorbidMike said:Hahahaha Christina owned you All P.S. FUCK The Aclu and fuck pedophiles and if anyone wants to disagree and say they love kiddy porn cause its america and free well then let me know so I can come rape your ass cause you know its america home of the free now fuck off!Your Pal Morbid Mike

You are the smartest person here. Seriously.

[Dec 15,2005 9:51am - The ACLU  ""]
Hey whoa now! We the ACLU Have made America safe for Pedophiles, Gansters, Baby Rapers,Abortionists, Homosexuals, and Parents who firmly inforce punishment on thier kids( i.e. aaa spanking or a punch to the face) cause god damn thins is America built on principles we obviously don't follow so blindly follow us the ACLU or it will be your demise Progressive and Ourselves will make sure of it.-Chairmen of The ACLU Mr. I Lick Balls!
[Dec 15,2005 10:07am - DestroyYouAlot NLI  ""]
Ok, so I've ignored this thread until today. Did I miss anything?
[Dec 15,2005 11:00am - hungta‘bleed  ""]
all this talk about french fries and licking balls....
I think I just got a boner
damnit.... I gotta take a shit
[Dec 15,2005 11:18am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:So the death penalty, arguements for and against it. I want to hear things that go beyond "I THINK THOSE ANIMALS SHOULD ALL BE KILLED!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT I WILL FUCKING PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE AND I HOPE SOMEONE IN YOUR FAMILY GETS KILLED SO YOU CAN SEE HOW IT FEELS!"

Here's an issue I have with the death penalty, one of the statements that gets thrown around after an execution is "Finally the victim's family has closure" Do statements such as that imply that our justice system does not work unless someone ends up dead for their crime? Why is the state allowed to murder the felon when we do not allow family members of the victim to kill the murderer out of vengeance? You could argue that family members would kill without looking at all the facts and murder whoever they thought was the most likely suspect because humans are flawed. But aren't many of the politicians who support the death penalty motivated by their own passions and base desire for power with the importance they place on being tough on crime to win votes?

[Dec 15,2005 11:23am - anonymousity  ""]
Chaos comes soon! Aware, Beware, War.
[Dec 15,2005 12:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Dec 15,2005 12:32pm - brian_dc ""]
[Dec 15,2005 12:48pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]
that guy fuckin' rules!
great white looks like it was written in cum spew
[Dec 15,2005 1:41pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
RustedAngel said:[img]

Still not as rad as the wikked sic Twiztio ink
[Dec 15,2005 3:27pm - BornSoVile ""]
MorbidMike said:Hahahaha Christina owned you All P.S. FUCK The Aclu and fuck pedophiles and if anyone wants to disagree and say they love kiddy porn cause its america and free well then let me know so I can come rape your ass cause you know its america home of the free now fuck off!Your Pal Morbid Mike

Graduate High School first.
She posted a bunch of facts that supported OUR arguement. Let me repeat that, she posted a bunch of facts that supported OUR arguement. Did you understand that, cause you didn't understand that she posted a bunch of facts that supported OUR arguement, you can't fathom simple English in writing. In your supreme vision without the ACLU, you'd probably be shot for ignoring the basic fundamental concepts of the English language along with being a total idiot. Why do you pussies have such a problem with criminals?? What the hell are you singing about? Flowers and rainbows?? Pull your heads out of your asses or quit music.
[Dec 15,2005 3:36pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:
Frankly I'm amazed that people are getting so worked up about rape and murder on this board considering the lyrics of EVERY GOREGRIND BAND EVER.

[Dec 15,2005 3:41pm - Christina  ""]
BornSoVile said:MorbidMike said:Hahahaha Christina owned you All P.S. FUCK The Aclu and fuck pedophiles and if anyone wants to disagree and say they love kiddy porn cause its america and free well then let me know so I can come rape your ass cause you know its america home of the free now fuck off!Your Pal Morbid Mike

Graduate High School first.
She posted a bunch of facts that supported OUR arguement. Let me repeat that, she posted a bunch of facts that supported OUR arguement. Did you understand that, cause you didn't understand that she posted a bunch of facts that supported OUR arguement, you can't fathom simple English in writing. In your supreme vision without the ACLU, you'd probably be shot for ignoring the basic fundamental concepts of the English language along with being a total idiot. Why do you pussies have such a problem with criminals?? What the hell are you singing about? Flowers and rainbows?? Pull your heads out of your asses or quit music.

Woah buddy, the music of any band that posts here has absolutely nothing to do with this political topic, and yet you chastised hungtobleed about introducing a new topic into this thread...

Like I posted previously, you're the one with the elite fucking attitude - pull your head out of your ass you fucking hypocrite.
[Dec 15,2005 3:48pm - BornSoVile ""]
Your just jealous I'm more extreme, hardlined and more witty than you'll ever be.
The music certainly does have something to do with this, cause this is a metal board not a fucking political forum, you just havn't realized that yet.
If you're so outraged about the Dechristianization of Christmas, tell you're boyfriends band not to play with Vital Remains, they hate christ more than liberals.
And here's another one for you to ponder over and twist, the ACLU would be one of the first organizations to support Extreme Metal if it was ever to be banned or whatever. Horrible people, simply horrible. Damn the bill of rights and fuck the constitution, they always seem to proove you wrong. Can't fuck with that!
[Dec 15,2005 3:54pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I'm going to go listen to Susvourtre because I loooooove me some underaged snatch. You know, believing in free speech and all.
[Dec 15,2005 3:58pm - hungta'bleed  ""]
Fuck. I'm a poser. All I can think of is that Easy-E song
"ain't broke a law in your life, yet everytime you rap you yap about guns knifes"
I gotta start breaking more laws and killing people so that I can live up to our lyrical content.
[Dec 15,2005 4:00pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
the_reverend said:my head hurts to much to read this.
I just think of all the people out there who are executed and then found innocent a year later.

Exactly...it's 300 years later and we're still having witch hunts, kill first, think about where it's right or not later. Free the West Memphis Three!
[Dec 15,2005 4:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm not saying that at all, I'm just curious why you guys hate the ACLU for supporting some of the best imagery and lyrical content the world of extreme metal has to offer.
[Dec 15,2005 4:20pm - DestroyYouAlot NLI  ""]
'Cause Rush says so. And I ain't talking about Geddy Lee.
[Dec 15,2005 4:24pm - BornSoVile ""]
is this Rush like a Messiah or something?
[Dec 15,2005 4:34pm - DestroyYouAlot NLI  ""]
BornSoVile said:is this Rush like a Messiah or something?

More like a hearing-impaired junkie, but really that's six of one and half a dozen of the other.
[Dec 15,2005 4:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
sounds like jesus!
[Dec 15,2005 4:38pm - Christina  ""]
BornSoVile said:Your just jealous I'm more extreme, hardlined and more witty than you'll ever be.

Wow…you insult morbidmike for having improper grammar and you can’t even fucking use the word YOU’RE in the right context. Damn, your hypocrisy is fucking blinding me

Yeah you’re fucking wicked extreme, dude!!! You’re about as extreme as a fucking roller-skater. You’re so witty that you can’t even come up with one coherent and factually accurate rebuttal to one thing that I’ve typed and if you disagree, go back and read what I’ve typed on this thread. But yeah, hey you got me on that one!!! What a narcissistic and fucking dim-witted thing to say.

BornSoVile said:“The music certainly does have something to do with this, cause this is a metal board not a fucking political forum, you just havn't realized that yet. “

This is a public forum where people are allowed to create threads about whatever they choose; hence, the rev creates threads about news topics that are un-related to music on a daily basis. Please inform me of when this message board had only music-related threads.

BornSoVile said:If you're so outraged about the Dechristianization of Christmas, tell you're boyfriends band not to play with Vital Remains, they hate christ more than liberals.

They can play with whomever they choose and I don’t give a fuck, I have no say when it comes to their music. None of the people in his band is even close to being religious in any way, so why the fuck would it matter who they play with?

BornSoVile said:And here's another one for you to ponder over and twist, the ACLU would be one of the first organizations to support Extreme Metal if it was ever to be banned or whatever. Horrible people, simply horrible. Damn the bill of rights and fuck the constitution, they always seem to proove you wrong. Can't fuck with that!.”

I don’t know where you got the fucked up idea that I am against the bill of rights/constitution. You really need to ensure that you are correct before you spew shit like this. I fucking love this country and wholly support the bill of rights and the rest of the constitution. It is crazy fucks like you that are over-analyzing the constitution and coming up with fucked up things like “Well, the constitution doesn’t say that gays can’t marry.” Or “well, the constitution doesn’t say that we can’t have child pornography” No fucking shit!! You think that our Forefathers (and you fucking Marxist pigs want to call them Framers to be PC – fuck you!) thought for one second that a bunch of ass-fucking men were going to want to get married or that a bunch of sickfucks were going to engage in sexual activities with young children!?!? Come on now!!

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