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Tookie Williams execution

[Dec 12,2005 9:12pm - litacore ""]
in a few hours.

a changed man?
[Dec 12,2005 9:14pm - nate ""]
I heard he was asking for a stay of execution. I assuming it didn't work? I've read someof his stuff and it sounded like he changed but I dunno really on that one...
[Dec 12,2005 9:18pm - litacore ""]
founder of the crips?

jesus, that's not very wholesome.

I'm not particularly in favor of the death penalty, but I think if you commit murder you have to take responsibility for your actions. Paying WHAT price is debatable.

It's like the problem I have with Christianity: be a fucker in life, then "repent" at the 11th hour, and enjoy paradise. EAT ME.
[Dec 12,2005 9:25pm - nate ""]
I agree with you totally and I didn't say he should be granted the stay of execution. But some of the shit he wrote, based on the very large mistakes he made, made sense. If only the rest of the gangstas could read they might see and read what he went through and realize that that lifestyle is like flushing your life down a big toilet. I guess the big toilet isn't all bad since most live in the sewer(ghetto) anyway...
[Dec 12,2005 9:32pm - todayistheday  ""]
fuck that guy...he killed 4 people
[Dec 12,2005 9:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Die when you die, when you die, you're gonna die.
[Dec 12,2005 9:37pm - dreadkill ""]
i love the death penalty. we need it in massachusetts.
[Dec 12,2005 9:41pm - nate ""]
the funny thing here is, we (meaning myself included) all write about and make heroes out of serial killers but some black gangster kills a few people and it's like the devil incarnate has been let loose. Regardless, whether you kill 1, 2, 3 or 4,000 people the death penalty should immediatly be imposed upon dna proof that the crimes were committed by the person being charged. Like I've said before, public executions need to come back so idiots can see just what happens to them when they do stupid shit like kill people.
[Dec 12,2005 9:52pm - Dissector ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Die when you die, when you die, you're gonna die.


And I agree with Nate's last post.
[Dec 12,2005 10:22pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]
I'm a strong supporter of the death penalty. The assholes outside the prison make me sick. Them faggo-leftist-ACLU types who's hearts bleed for the execution of murderers are the same assholes who lobby congress so that women have the 'choice' to abort any babies.
[Dec 12,2005 10:38pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
hungta‘bleed said: Them faggo-leftist-ACLU types who's hearts bleed for the execution of murderers are the same assholes who lobby congress so that women have the 'choice' to abort any babies.

Actually, last time I looked it was the faggot right wing retards like yourself who lobby for pro life. Us left wingers already have roe vs. wade to support us, we're just busy trying to keep the religious right like yourselves from taking that away from us.

By the way, they're fetuses, not babies.

That said, we've establishes a REFORM based prison system. The death penalty was for the unrepentant, unreformable folks who were seen as a continued threat to society. Expecting an execution for someone who makes some progress at reform is just as foolish as expecting a dismissal of all charges for that same person. Let him rot in jail for life, pay his debt, and continue writing his books.

[Dec 12,2005 10:42pm - FAGGO-LEFTIST-ACLU TYPE  ""]
We'll just assume that all those insults about bleeding hearts are your way of saying thank you for the 40 hour work week, vacation pay, free speech, and all the other things us pinkos are respobsible for or protect.
[Dec 12,2005 10:43pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
By the way, what example are we setting when we can set a standard of "eye for an eye" for the judicial system, yet make the same standard inaplicable towards the average private citizen?

You think you could make any headway, trying to explain to some poor uneducated gang banging thug that it's morally right and legally okay to murder murderers, but that such justice is equally as wrong for them to extract themselves? Most gang related murders are vigilante style acts of retaliation or vengence. The last thing we need to do is set the wrong example as a nation.
[Dec 12,2005 10:45pm - brian_dc ""]
hungta‘bleed said:KILL HIM!
I'm a strong supporter of the death penalty. The assholes outside the prison make me sick. Them faggo-leftist-ACLU types who's hearts bleed for the execution of murderers are the same assholes who lobby congress so that women have the 'choice' to abort any babies.

I'm not sure why choice would be in quotes there....are you trying to be ironic, or referencing something? in the first case, explain the irony (it's not remotely clear)

second case, give me a works cited.
[Dec 12,2005 10:45pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
FAGGO-LEFTIST-ACLU TYPE said:We'll just assume that all those insults about bleeding hearts are your way of saying thank you for the 40 hour work week, vacation pay, free speech, and all the other things us pinkos are respobsible for or protect.


And don't forget the welfare system, wick, and other wonderful burdens the far left has placed on my weekly paycheck.

Hmmmm, seems both sides can be in the wrong, eh?
[Dec 12,2005 10:48pm - brian_dc ""]
ArrowHead nli said:By the way, what example are we setting when we can set a standard of "eye for an eye" for the judicial system, yet make the same standard inaplicable towards the average private citizen?

You think you could make any headway, trying to explain to some poor uneducated gang banging thug that it's morally right and legally okay to murder murderers, but that such justice is equally as wrong for them to extract themselves? Most gang related murders are vigilante style acts of retaliation or vengence. The last thing we need to do is set the wrong example as a nation.

"Hey, remember the other day when you were asking me aboutthe definition of irony?"
[Dec 12,2005 10:52pm - brian_dc ""]
ArrowHead nli said:FAGGO-LEFTIST-ACLU TYPE said:We'll just assume that all those insults about bleeding hearts are your way of saying thank you for the 40 hour work week, vacation pay, free speech, and all the other things us pinkos are respobsible for or protect.


And don't forget the welfare system, wick, and other wonderful burdens the far left has placed on my weekly paycheck.

Hmmmm, seems both sides can be in the wrong, eh?

every side and everything in between is bound to create a scenario that a large chunk of people will hate.

Focusing on one particular extreme just increases pool of people who are likely to get pissed.

Unfortunately, the system requires dissatisfaction to remain relevant. etc. etc. etc.
[Dec 12,2005 10:56pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Exactly, that's my point brian. Taking examples of the far left or far right is always going to show extremes, both good and bad. That's why it's the left and right. Ideally, we all would like to live in the middle ground somewhere, but without BOTH extremes existing, we wouldn't benefit nearly as much from out current political system.

Anyone who claims one side is more "right" than the other is missing this point entirely.
[Dec 12,2005 11:32pm - DomesticTerror ""]
didn't Texas recently have another executed prisoner proven to be innocent? I'm pretty sure...
I'm gonna go burn a flag now, just cuz i can.
[Dec 13,2005 12:41am - dwellingsickness ""]
Was he executed or what?...I could not find it on TV
[Dec 13,2005 1:31am - BornSoVile ""]
I dunno bout you guys but I wanna fuck Nancy Grace wild.
[Dec 13,2005 1:39am - BornSoVile ""]
Yeah he's gonna be executed, Jamie Foxx says theres gonna be riot too.
[Dec 13,2005 1:46am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Riots are good for the economy.

Burn LA, burn!
[Dec 13,2005 2:35am - dan nli  ""]
i think the death penalty sucks mainly for the reason that i strongly believe that the state shouldnt be able to control life and death. which is the same reason i am pro-euthenasia and pro-choice. i am not overtly political or anything but its like...they can tell us we have to live when we dont want to and they can tell us when we are going to die? doesnt seem right to me.

in any event, this guy obviously did some terrible shit and ruined a bunch of peoples lives (probably a bunch of people who sucked to begin with but thats neither here nor there). i think the main point is that its not that he is reformed and thats the reason he shouldnt die...

the point is he became an actual advocate against the crimes he committed. in a big way. he wrote books and became a recognized public figure. i think its really fucking stupid to kill him considering keeping him alive could possibly do more good than killing him.

i mean why are there even jails? just to house people who do fucked up things? shouldnt reform be encouraged? this is just saying 'yeah you can commit crime and have no remorse and be released and commit more crimes or you can go to jail and be reformed and try to live your life the way we deem is right and contribute to society...either way we dont really give a shit.' which is probably why the US prison system is so terrible compared to other countries.

but i dont know. this guy dying isnt going to effect the way my breakfest tastes so fuck it.
[Dec 13,2005 3:33am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
this has nothing to do with nothing but it's arnold's reasoning behind not giving up clemency

Arnold’s official response is here, and here are some key aspects (.pdf):

he basis of Williams’ clemency request is not innocence. Rather, the basis of the request is the “personal redemption Stanley Williams has experienced and the positive impact of the message he sends.”4 But Williams’ claim of innocence remains a key factor to evaluating his claim of personal redemption. It is impossible to separate Williams’ claim of innocence from his claim of redemption.

Cumulatively, the evidence demonstrating Williams is guilty of these murders is strong and compelling. It includes: (1) eyewitness testimony of Alfred Coward, who was one of Williams’ accomplices in the 7-Eleven shooting; (2) ballistics evidence proving that the shotgun casing found at the scene of the motel murders was fired from Williams’ shotgun; (3) testimony from Samuel Coleman that Williams confessed that he had robbed and killed some people on Vermont Street (where the motel was located); (4) testimony from James and Esther Garrett that Williams admitted to them that he committed both sets of murders; and (5) testimony from jailhouse informant George Oglesby that Williams confessed to the motel murders and conspired with Oglesby to escape from county jail. The trial evidence is bolstered by information from Tony Sims, who has admitted to being
an accomplice in the 7-Eleven murder. Sims did not testify against Williams at trial, but he was later convicted of murder for his role in Albert Owens’ death. During his trial and subsequent parole hearings, Sims has repeatedly stated under oath that Williams was the shooter.

Based on the cumulative weight of the evidence, there is no reason to second guess the jury’s decision of guilt or raise significant doubts or serious reservations about Williams’ convictions and death sentence. He murdered Albert Owens and Yen-I Yang, Yee-Chen Lin and Tsai-Shai Lin in cold blood in two separate incidents that were just weeks apart.


Is Williams’ redemption complete and sincere, or is it just a hollow promise? Stanley Williams insists he is innocent, and that he will not and should not apologize or otherwise atone for the murders of the four victims in this case. Without an apology and atonement for these senseless and brutal killings there can be no redemption. In this case, the one thing that would be the clearest indication of complete remorse and full redemption is the one thing Williams will not do.

Clemency decisions are always difficult, and this one is no exception. After reviewing and weighing the showing Williams has made in support of his clemency request, there is nothing that compels me to nullify the jury’s decision of guilt and sentence and the many court decisions during the last 24 years upholding the jury’s decision with a grant of clemency.

Therefore, based on the totality of circumstances in this case, Williams’ request for clemency is denied.
[Dec 13,2005 4:51am - powerkok ""]
Fuck him.....die.
[Dec 13,2005 4:52am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
dan nli said:i think the main point is that its not that he is reformed and thats the reason he shouldnt die...

the point is he became an actual advocate against the crimes he committed.

That's called reform. Therefore the point IS that he reformed and that is why he shouldn't die.

[Dec 13,2005 6:14am - Anonymous  ""]
[Dec 13,2005 7:53am - scoracrasia ""]
He is dead.
[Dec 13,2005 8:16am - succubus ""]
yes i heard it on NPR this morning too.
[Dec 13,2005 8:25am - InventorofEvil ""]
This fucker was on Death row for 24 years.He should have been executed back the 80s.All nigger gang members should be put to death.Their fucking useless.
[Dec 13,2005 8:57am - soloman ""]
InventorofEvil said:This fucker was on Death row for 24 years...

dude death row records isn't even that old.
[Dec 13,2005 9:33am - paulll  ""]
death penalty is stupid, it costs too much, takes too long and in the end it proves nothing. Let "tookie" serve the rest of his life in prison. However if the govenator says its ok im cool with it.
[Dec 13,2005 10:03am - the_reverend ""]
does he look like he would feel bad for anything?
he doesn't in have, what you call, feelings.
[Dec 13,2005 10:41am - Yeti  ""]
when death is staring you in the face, especially the moment of it, you will say ANYTHING to live. sure he did some great things against crime, but he has to pay for what he did. he stole 4 peoples lives. those people he murdered had no chance for redemption, or a chance to show him that they are good people and should be spared. how about all the lives that the "Crips" steal on a daily basis? all because of him? he got what he deserved.
[Dec 13,2005 11:21am - HailTheLeaf ""]
Our society breeds crime through poverty and social gaps, then our solution is to kill these people. Wasn't the point of our "justice system" to reform people? Why have we murdered this man? What options did he have growing up that led him to believe forming a gang was a good idea? Another thing, we have DNA testing available now, if this guy maintained his innocence for 30 years, why the hell didn't they at least retest the evidence before executing him? Doesn't everyone deserve that? Even if he was guilty, regardless of that, he was trying to redem himself, where are you so called "forgiving" christians now?
[Dec 13,2005 11:59am - hungta‘bleed  ""]
I definatly wasn't talking about the wobblies and the leftist labor movement groups and organizers of the early 20th century when I called the protesters 'faggo-leftist ACLU types. I'm talking about the modern, hard line, mentally deranged leftists who'll fight for abortion rights till their death but will hold a candle light vigil out side a prison when they execute rapists, murderers, and child molesters. All I have to say about the ACLU is that they supported NAMBLA pro bono (that means FOR FREE!!). You might remember the case, it stemmed off the conviction of two fags who subsribed to NAMBLA that raped and murdered a 10 year old. Anyone who supports the ACLU is a disgrace to this country. :pukeface:
[Dec 13,2005 12:01pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]
I said all that shit :point: to 'FAGGO-LEFTIST-ACLU TYPE'
[Dec 13,2005 12:32pm - Josh_Martin ""]
hungta‘bleed said:I definatly wasn't talking about the wobblies and the leftist labor movement groups and organizers of the early 20th century when I called the protesters 'faggo-leftist ACLU types. I'm talking about the modern, hard line, mentally deranged leftists who'll fight for abortion rights till their death but will hold a candle light vigil out side a prison when they execute rapists, murderers, and child molesters. All I have to say about the ACLU is that they supported NAMBLA pro bono (that means FOR FREE!!). You might remember the case, it stemmed off the conviction of two fags who subsribed to NAMBLA that raped and murdered a 10 year old. Anyone who supports the ACLU is a disgrace to this country. :pukeface:

You are dumb and don't read case history very well.

Actually, I'm pretty sure you are just talking out of your ass. Your arguements are about as sound as something overheard in an old-man bar at lunch time.
[Dec 13,2005 12:38pm - RustedAngel ""]
oh man, here comes Dr. Josh Martin...
[Dec 13,2005 12:39pm - succubus ""]
yeah, i don't agree with the death penalty...if someone murders a member of my family, I would want to kill my family's murderer myself. So they will feel pain while i cut up various pieces of their body. That's justice!
[Dec 13,2005 12:41pm - brian_dc ""]
ArrowHead nli said:By the way, what example are we setting when we can set a standard of "eye for an eye" for the judicial system, yet make the same standard inaplicable towards the average private citizen?

You think you could make any headway, trying to explain to some poor uneducated gang banging thug that it's morally right and legally okay to murder murderers, but that such justice is equally as wrong for them to extract themselves? Most gang related murders are vigilante style acts of retaliation or vengence. The last thing we need to do is set the wrong example as a nation.

still agree with this.
[Dec 13,2005 12:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:yeah, i don't agree with the death penalty...if someone murders a member of my family, I would want to kill my family's murderer myself. So they will feel pain while i cut up various pieces of their body. That's justice!

how cool would it be if they would let the family of the victim physically inject or flick the switch for a death penalty? pretty cool I would imagine. hahaha.
[Dec 13,2005 12:55pm - Josh_Martin ""]
RustedAngel said:succubus said:yeah, i don't agree with the death penalty...if someone murders a member of my family, I would want to kill my family's murderer myself. So they will feel pain while i cut up various pieces of their body. That's justice!

how cool would it be if they would let the family of the victim physically inject or flick the switch for a death penalty? pretty cool I would imagine. hahaha.

You are quite the Einstein yourself.

"Huh huh, the death penalty is cool beavis"

[Dec 13,2005 1:03pm - RustedAngel ""]

butthead looks more like you in that picture.
[Dec 13,2005 1:07pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah.. there's some place that they do that..


naw, that's not it..


oh yeah, iran... way to want to be like the terrorists.

good thing you guys like the bible...
they do a lot of that in the bible.
[Dec 13,2005 1:11pm - the_reverend ""]
wanting to do something and doing something is what separates us from the animals.
oh wait, we live in the US and do whatever the fuck we want.
[Dec 13,2005 1:13pm - brian_dc ""]
yeeeee haw

nicely compiled
[Dec 13,2005 1:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Dec 13,2005 1:30pm - BornSoVile ""]
hungta‘bleed said:I definatly wasn't talking about the wobblies and the leftist labor movement groups and organizers of the early 20th century when I called the protesters 'faggo-leftist ACLU types. I'm talking about the modern, hard line, mentally deranged leftists who'll fight for abortion rights till their death but will hold a candle light vigil out side a prison when they execute rapists, murderers, and child molesters. All I have to say about the ACLU is that they supported NAMBLA pro bono (that means FOR FREE!!). You might remember the case, it stemmed off the conviction of two fags who subsribed to NAMBLA that raped and murdered a 10 year old. Anyone who supports the ACLU is a disgrace to this country. :pukeface:

If you don't like America, then leave.

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