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Occupy Boston, general assembly (not the actual occupation) sept 27th

[Oct 3,2011 10:14am - blah blah  ""]
occupy the FED
[Oct 3,2011 10:45am - Yeti ""]

hauptpflucker said:I think the posibility that over the past couple of years people are coming out of their apathetic shells is promising. I think momentum is building for engagement, and engagement is key to "change". Maybe the goals on Wall Street and here are not clearly established, but the important thing is that there is dialogue, there is an exchange of ideas. And there are clearly things the majority of people want that are being ignored even though they are widely publicised. However, mass protests are one way average people can lobby politicians. They want order and civility, when people cry to themselves but say nothing and accept the shit they are given of course those in power listen to $. But when people begin to remind them who is in charge (in an egaged democracratic society) they start to take notice.

agreed. this current "activism" is a nice gesture in theory, but it will not accomplish anything. do any of the scum in power give a rats ass if 1000 people disagree with their ways? they hold the money, they hold the power. it isn't until the system is gutted, those that have committed blatant crimes are prosecuted, and new heads are brought in that we have any hope for change. i don't think it's as lost as Lamp said, because of what is quoted above. the simple fact that there is more and more dialogue presents a semblance of hope. but it's going to be painful, and it's going to take a long time to undo the web that has been weaved. power will always breed corruption, but i have to believe that the tides can turn. when the bullshit baby boomers are thrown in a stockade, and people from our generation start filling their vacancies, i believe that we do have a chance to regain what was lost. otherwise as Doomkid pointed out, there is no point in continuing on if the collective agreement is that all is lost, all is fucked, lets just walk around as the undead until we actually die.
[Oct 3,2011 11:06am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 3,2011 11:10am - goatcatalyst ""]
Murder CEOs and rape their children in the streets or shut the fuck up, pacifist cunts. I wish I had a terminal disease; I'd lead by example.
[Oct 3,2011 11:24am - Mark_R ""]
Yes, with hauptpflucker, Riders, Yeti, etc.

This "movement" thing isn't a corvette that goes from zero to sixty in five seconds. Nobody expects a group of people carrying signs today to become a full blown revolution tomorrow. But it IS good to take a few first steps where before we were doing basically nothing. Then someone will be prompted to go a step further. Then a step further. And so on. So we aren't storming any corporate buildings just yet, but we're starting from a point where people are looking up at the skyscrapers and saying "Someone down here gives a shit, and we are telling you that we do."

I support this thing where it is now and I hope it does lead to something stronger. Do I expect it to last through the winter? No. Would I be happily surprised if it DOES? Yes.
[Oct 3,2011 11:27am - goatcatalyst ""]
Ineffective faggot nigger hippie commie bullshit until the CEO pogroms commence and the streets are littered with the sodomized corpses of their children.
[Oct 3,2011 11:38am - hauptpflucker ""]

Mark_R said:Yes, with hauptpflucker, Riders, Yeti, etc.

This "movement" thing isn't a corvette that goes from zero to sixty in five seconds. Nobody expects a group of people carrying signs today to become a full blown revolution tomorrow. But it IS good to take a few first steps where before we were doing basically nothing. Then someone will be prompted to go a step further. Then a step further. And so on. So we aren't storming any corporate buildings just yet, but we're starting from a point where people are looking up at the skyscrapers and saying "Someone down here gives a shit, and we are telling you that we do."

I support this thing where it is now and I hope it does lead to something stronger. Do I expect it to last through the winter? No. Would I be happily surprised if it DOES? Yes.

I am with you man.
[Oct 3,2011 11:47am - Doomkid ""]

hauptpflucker said:
Mark_R said:Yes, with hauptpflucker, Riders, Yeti, etc.

This "movement" thing isn't a corvette that goes from zero to sixty in five seconds. Nobody expects a group of people carrying signs today to become a full blown revolution tomorrow. But it IS good to take a few first steps where before we were doing basically nothing. Then someone will be prompted to go a step further. Then a step further. And so on. So we aren't storming any corporate buildings just yet, but we're starting from a point where people are looking up at the skyscrapers and saying "Someone down here gives a shit, and we are telling you that we do."

I support this thing where it is now and I hope it does lead to something stronger. Do I expect it to last through the winter? No. Would I be happily surprised if it DOES? Yes.

I am with you man.

[Oct 3,2011 12:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said: lets just walk around as the undead until we actually die.

[Oct 3,2011 1:29pm - thesac ""]
i sware if you faggots bring martial law upon us, i will bring smallpox infested blankets into your little homo-orgy tent cities.
[Oct 3,2011 1:50pm - arktouros ""]
martial law imposition would only bring more protests. and i'm sure that would be the first thing you think about if martial law is imposed.
[Oct 3,2011 2:14pm - thesac ""]
quick to anger, fast as irrational fuck
[Oct 3,2011 2:44pm - the_reverend ""]
white people acting like white people.
[Oct 4,2011 9:54am - ridahsofdizoom  ""]
Says the guy who owns designer dogs, lives in the whitest state in america, is a vegan, and drives an eco-friendly car...
[Oct 4,2011 10:36am - aaron_michael ""]

[Oct 4,2011 10:39am - Lamp ""]
Based on what I heard about the Providence event, I should have known better to think this was legitimate if ridersofdoom is standing behind it.
[Oct 4,2011 11:32am - eyeroller  ""]
I don't see any blacks there. MUST BE RACISTS.
[Oct 4,2011 11:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
riders of doomriders
[Oct 4,2011 12:02pm - yummy ""]

ridahsofdizoom said:Says the guy who owns designer dogs, lives in the whitest state in america, is a vegan, and drives an eco-friendly car...

haha, that is kinda funny.
[Oct 4,2011 12:56pm - hauptpflucker ""]
How are thing looking today? I heard some decent press on the Boston and Chicago movements yesterday.
[Oct 11,2011 11:02am - aaron_michael ""]
[Oct 11,2011 11:11am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Occupy White Street
[Oct 11,2011 11:14am - nekronautloggedin  ""]
[Oct 11,2011 11:28am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Occupy the Fed or doing it wrong
[Oct 11,2011 11:50am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Highlight of my experience at Occupy Boston was giving a five minute lecture on Bova at the Free University tent.
[Oct 11,2011 11:54am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I'm still waiting for his Metal Archives acceptance speech.
[Oct 11,2011 12:28pm - xmikex ""]

[Oct 11,2011 1:06pm - xmikex ""]
Meanwhile, back in Harvard Square:
[Oct 17,2011 2:34am - ernie ""]
this whole thing is so funny.. its going to backfire real quick.. learn a useful trade, get a job or just make your own shit and quit yer bitchen, bitchezz
[Oct 17,2011 7:32am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

ernie said:this whole thing is so funny.. its going to backfire real quick.. learn a useful trade, get a job or just make your own shit and quit yer bitchen, bitchezz

a trade? name one that doesn't involve unions that is still available to Americans. Also, name one trade that won't leave you crippled by age 35, yeah, I'm looking at you roofers. How can you not be on the side of the 99%. The gov't and banking industry played chicken with our money and lost bigtime, then got bailed out for doing so.
[Oct 17,2011 8:58am - arktouros ""]
it's a world problem. there is no accountability in finance.
the american protests are specifically geared toward repealing the citizens united act, but there are literally the same problems all over the world.
[Oct 17,2011 10:42am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arktouros said:there is no accountability in finance.

[Oct 17,2011 10:52am - arilliusbm ""]
just started a new corporate yuppie job today. hooray.
[Oct 17,2011 10:57am - aaron_michael ""]
A friend of mine had a bunch of supplies she wanted to drop off, so we swung by the tent city. We dropped the stuff to some really greatful guys and that's when I noticed the cop running up the sidewalk screaming into his radio about the "drop off".
We hightailed it out of there. COOL STORY BRO.
[Oct 17,2011 10:57am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
welcome back welcome back wellllllcoommme baaaaaack.
[Oct 17,2011 11:02am - the_reverend ""]

ridahsofdizoom said:Says the guy who owns designer dogs, lives in the whitest state in america, is a vegan, and drives an eco-friendly car...
Second whitest state.
"Census: Maine oldest, whitest state in nation"
But my parents are rich enough for me to not work and camp out in the middle of a city.
[Oct 17,2011 2:28pm - ernie ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
ernie said:this whole thing is so funny.. its going to backfire real quick.. learn a useful trade, get a job or just make your own shit and quit yer bitchen, bitchezz

a trade? name one that doesn't involve unions that is still available to Americans. Also, name one trade that won't leave you crippled by age 35, yeah, I'm looking at you roofers. How can you not be on the side of the 99%. The gov't and banking industry played chicken with our money and lost bigtime, then got bailed out for doing so.

sounds like youre just too scared to actually work for a living
[Oct 17,2011 2:48pm - Ancient_Master ""]
[Oct 17,2011 2:53pm - ark  ""]

ernie said:
IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
ernie said:this whole thing is so funny.. its going to backfire real quick.. learn a useful trade, get a job or just make your own shit and quit yer bitchen, bitchezz

a trade? name one that doesn't involve unions that is still available to Americans. Also, name one trade that won't leave you crippled by age 35, yeah, I'm looking at you roofers. How can you not be on the side of the 99%. The gov't and banking industry played chicken with our money and lost bigtime, then got bailed out for doing so.

sounds like youre just too scared to actually work for a living

yeah, work for a living, great, everybody does. it's not about that. the fact that i work for a living has nothing to do with how pissed off people are that if you want an education, you are GUARANTEED to live a life of DEBT, and that our democracy is BROKEN.

wealth inequality creates unrest. this is a rule of history. that's why this shit is happening. YOU are saying "work for a living and shut your mouth. pay no attention to financial interests hijacking your government."
[Oct 17,2011 3:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
This is my favorite argument -

"I know this county's not perfect - but gosh darn it's better than the other ones!"
[Oct 17,2011 3:19pm - ark  ""]
i don't want a perfect country. i just want the words OGLIARCHY on everybody's lips.
[Oct 17,2011 3:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i assume you mean - Oligarchy?
[Oct 17,2011 3:31pm - ark  ""]
[Oct 17,2011 3:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 17,2011 3:36pm - eddie ""]
i'd be out there if i didn't have to work. AND i'm the farthest thing from a liberal.

When expectations deviate so far from reality; is when revolutions happen. The fact of the matter is that majority of Americans have had there standard of living reduced noticeably, while others are profiting on it. People are pissed, and they should be.

This country rewards risk, entrepreneurship and innovation. Nothing wrong with that. When you fail you fail and try to pick up the pieces, you don't get bailed out with tax payers money just to give giant bonuses to fucking millionaire ceos. Make bad choices, crash the market, fuck everyone, then be forgiven with billions of dollars….. Fucking cunts.

There is a reason only 20% of the population votes, and that’s because they feel the government doesn't represent them. They're right, the politicians represent the people that pay for their campaigns.

oh yeah, and fuck the welfare state, i want to be able to work and support myself without the government up my ass. You should be able to work 40 hours min wage and be able to eat, pay for a modest living have some type of shitty health insurance and still be able to save something.
[Oct 17,2011 3:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
amen to that
[Oct 17,2011 4:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

eddie said:i'd be out there if i didn't have to work.

not "have to", "get to". count yourself lucky, for as long as it lasts.
[Oct 17,2011 4:07pm - arktouros ""]
good world pics here

phoenix represent
[Oct 17,2011 4:08pm - arktouros ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
eddie said:i'd be out there if i didn't have to work.

not "have to", "get to". count yourself lucky, for as long as it lasts.

[Oct 17,2011 4:15pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Did I just see a black guy with a Slayer shirt AND a moustache?

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