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New Orleans is proof positive blacks are idiots...

[Sep 3,2005 4:32am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]

What's up now dawg?
[Sep 3,2005 5:14am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
BornSoVile said:welcome to america where all men are created equal, if you can't except that get the fuck out!! time to move to iraq you fucking poser!!

This judeo christian belief does not hold much clout in my eyes. It's these sort of ideals that go in direct opposition to the laws of nature. Something that you should look into. I have no interest in conserving an old and out dated hebrew belief system. You might as well throw those Graveland and Dark Throne Cd's in the trash if your going to wave that kind of flag...
[Sep 3,2005 5:25am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Black metal has enough people like Dimmu Borgir that play it safe in order to sell records and be corporate. Why would people support a bm band if they are going to be PC and play it safe. I would rather you totally hate my band and ban us from gay clubs like O'briens and The Middle East. People don't want to hear the truth. They want a watered down version that does not offend anyone...
[Sep 3,2005 9:49am - Jigga What!  ""]
you guys didn't say that when they invented death metal(suffocation),jazz, rock,blues etc.. or got ur clothes to not be skin tight spandex. the music scene would be much differnet if there were not a New Orleans. it's great to see all the ignorant comments... so biased. that's how to solve problems in america.
[Sep 3,2005 9:58am - niccolai nli  ""]


[Sep 3,2005 10:08am - niccolai nli  ""]
To suggest that black people have something white people don't, no one disagrees with it.

If I said most africans have an extra tendon and longer achiles tendon in thier leg so they have more potetial to run and jump, no one has a problem with that because it's a possative statement about thier race.

But to say black people are genetically inept of a sense of comunity and can't tell right from wrong it's a crippled racist remark.

You can say asians are good at math (wich is true about half the time) and you get a pat on the back... But when you say asians are rice eaters (wich is true about 80% of the time) than your racist.

What pisses me off is the niggers on MTV like Jay Z and kanye west who feel the need to give to black people and accuse the whites of being racist in this situation.... Those dumb niggers bitch all day about being anti racists, but they are all anti gays.

What the fuck is the point of praising tolerance of a group that steels rapes and kills, but praising intolerance of a group of people who work and make bitching curtains?
[Sep 3,2005 11:19am - down the drain  ""]
[Sep 3,2005 11:22am - down the drain  ""]
It is a scientific fact that black people on the average have lower IQ's than whites and asians. It's because of this that they more inclined to commit criminal acts. It's not because they are poor. I guarantee if it was all white people stuck down there they would pull together as a cohesive unit in order to survive.
[Sep 3,2005 11:24am - down the drain  ""]
Oh and by the way, before the liberals start whining, I am not saying all blacks are dumb.
[Sep 3,2005 11:26am - kessaris ""]
niccolai nli said:
What pisses me off is the niggers on MTV like Jay Z and kanye west who feel the need to give to black people and accuse the whites of being racist in this situation.... Those dumb niggers bitch all day about being anti racists, but they are all anti gays.

It is astonishing how comfortable people feel saying the word nigger around here. Thats like the one word I can't stand hearing.

BTW, why are people here racist? I'm just curious. Was it because thats how you were brought up, or in your years of experience were you forced to believe it due to incidents involving people of different races...or are you just retarded? Seriously. Grow up children
[Sep 3,2005 11:30am - down the drain  ""]
kessaris said:niccolai nli said:
What pisses me off is the niggers on MTV like Jay Z and kanye west who feel the need to give to black people and accuse the whites of being racist in this situation.... Those dumb niggers bitch all day about being anti racists, but they are all anti gays.

It is astonishing how comfortable people feel saying the word nigger around here. Thats like the one word I can't stand hearing.

BTW, why are people here racist? I'm just curious. Was it because thats how you were brought up, or in your years of experience were you forced to believe it due to incidents involving people of different races...or are you just retarded? Seriously. Grow up children

Racism is a natural human instinct. It will always exist in multi cultural societies peroid. There is absolutely nothing you can do or MTV can do or all the ultra leftists can do to stop it....

[Sep 3,2005 11:35am - down the drain  ""]
Oh and by the way, people have not seen shit yet. The down ward spiral has just begun. When white people become the minority in this country we are fucked. I guarantee this will happen and it will be because of capitalist greed and liberalism. When the shit hits the fan all the lefties will cry and try to think up some pathetic excuse but the damage will be done...
[Sep 3,2005 11:35am - Shaft  ""]
hmmmmmmm if for hundreds of years i was taught to be stupid and just entertain people. It would only make sense that this group of people would have smaller IQ's. Evolution hmmm. the only ones that are doctors and lawyers today were the ones who's family escaped slavery and actually learned something( not suppose to do that opps). The other unfortunate ones played music and through on face paint for everyone elses amusement. then we complain why there is so much racism and crime? always 2 sides to the coin....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ok know let's hear
some 8 year old biased ignorant comments.
[Sep 3,2005 11:41am - down the drain  ""]
Hahahaha.... Listen dude, look at every black civilization(not sure if I would even call it that) since the dawn of time. Look at their countries governed by them. They are in total fucking shambles. Look at white civilizations since the history of time. Look at what whites invented since the history of time. Give me a fucking break. You make me sick to my stomach....
[Sep 3,2005 11:43am - Shaft  ""]
name some great things?
[Sep 3,2005 11:44am - Shaft  ""]
are they in shambles because they have so much money and power or is it because that have niether.???
[Sep 3,2005 11:46am - down the drain  ""]
Air craft
the pen
paper mills
classical music

I could go on if you want...
[Sep 3,2005 11:51am - Shaft  ""]
and let's not forget the phonograph

but something helped accomplished all this an educated mind. right? or wrong?

[Sep 3,2005 11:57am - hoser ""]
but George Washington Carver invented like 500 uses for peanuts!!! What a breakthrough discovery!!!!
[Sep 3,2005 12:02pm - the_reverend ""]
that down the drain dude makes a lotta sense...
I mean look at those whole roman empire and greek empire. that shit aint in chambles at all.
just like that whole byzantine empire. that shit's like the tower of babel and is NEVER COMING DOWN!
[Sep 3,2005 12:02pm - down the drain  ""]
Shaft said:Alchohol
and let's not forget the phonograph

but something helped accomplished all this an educated mind. right? or wrong?

That intelligent mind was already ingrained within the genetics of the white race. It's why whites created more evolved societies than others and it's why they conquered and dominated.

There are plenty of black people that are capable of being contributors to a society but it goes deeper than just educating. The intelligence has to be within the genes. You can lead a horse to water but it does not mean it's going to drink it. You can educate a retard all you want but it will still be retarded.

This is just the laws of nature. Apply them to a society and it will be successful...
[Sep 3,2005 12:06pm - Shaft  ""]
the roman empire crumbled hahaha
[Sep 3,2005 12:07pm - down the drain  ""]
the_reverend said:that down the drain dude makes a lotta sense...
I mean look at those whole roman empire and greek empire. that shit aint in chambles at all.
just like that whole byzantine empire. that shit's like the tower of babel and is NEVER COMING DOWN!

Say whatever you want... Compare Europe to the rest of the world. The latter pales in comparison. Get a grip, face reality...
[Sep 3,2005 12:12pm - the_reverend ""]
ok... in the 12th, 13th, and 14th century, both asia and the americas were more technologically advanced than europe.
which is longer than the US has been around.

any how, I'm not disputing that that blacks are genetically stupid. problem is the same retard genes that they have are also in the whites, yellows, reds, and rednecks.

[Sep 3,2005 12:14pm - Shaft  ""]
that's it I'm swiss...
[Sep 3,2005 12:17pm - down the drain  ""]
the_reverend said:ok... in the 12th, 13th, and 14th century, both asia and the americas were more technologically advanced than europe.
which is longer than the US has been around.

any how, I'm not disputing that that blacks are genetically stupid. problem is the same retard genes that they have are also in the whites, yellows, reds, and rednecks.

Well, that's definately debate worthy. Present me with some facts...

I agree that there is dumb genes in all races. These dumb genes are far more prevalent in "certain" races.

[Sep 3,2005 12:17pm - down the drain  ""]
Well, that's definately debate worthy. Present me with some facts...

I agree that there is dumb genes in all races. These dumb genes are far more prevalent in "certain" races.
[Sep 3,2005 1:14pm - the_reverend ""]
well, let's all stop using toothbrush and gun powder (non-white inventions).

on of the problrms down there now is they opened the prisons so the prisoners wouldn't drown. now those people are loose and can walk into any walmart for a gun.
[Sep 3,2005 1:37pm - niccolai nli  ""]
Gun powder (black powder) was used by pre-celtic tribes around the same time the Chinese were developing gunpower, however the chinese were developing steel at the time when many white nations were using bronze and wearing loin clothes.

I don't consider myself racist in the sense that I put my race above all others, as I don't. I find aspects of Japanese cultures and philosopy that is lightyears beyond what my ancestors have even now.

My culture was raped, murdered, enslaved, and robbed ALOT more recent then the blacks by white european settlers... and to date I haven't stolen a television.
[Sep 3,2005 1:39pm - down the drain  ""]
Um... Where did I say that only white inventions were worthy of use? Stop and think before you make dumb assumptions.
[Sep 3,2005 1:45pm - niccolai nli  ""]
on the matter of investions, one or two dozen inventions over the course of hundreds of years just don't pardon those perticular ethnic groups for the robbery, rape, and murder than went on during thier 'inventing period'

Besides, it's silly to think many things wouldn't have been concived by white from the time the non whites invented them to now. I'm sure they could have invented a way to clean thier teeth EVENTUALLY.
[Sep 3,2005 2:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:BornSoVile said:welcome to america where all men are created equal, if you can't except that get the fuck out!! time to move to iraq you fucking poser!!

This judeo christian belief does not hold much clout in my eyes. It's these sort of ideals that go in direct opposition to the laws of nature. Something that you should look into. I have no interest in conserving an old and out dated hebrew belief system. You might as well throw those Graveland and Dark Throne Cd's in the trash if your going to wave that kind of flag...

You're right, but that is a simple plug always used by the right, and it works effectively against them as well.
[Sep 3,2005 3:28pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 3:29pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 3:30pm - xmikex ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:[img]

What's up now dawg?

[Sep 3,2005 3:31pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 3:32pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 3:33pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 3:34pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 5:02pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 5:16pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
dyingmuse said:this was a general statement about the entire thread, not a personal attack dude! relax. i just think it's funny how everyone is concerned about things and then can be so quick to blame the government. and say how we wouldn't get help blahh blahhh blahhh. that is so redundant it makes me sick. that's the problem with this country, people always need someone to blame. fucking deal with it.

and by the way, i am in no way shape of form religious.
my point was, well....look at that place! it's full of the most shitbag motherfuckers on the planet. no wonder shit like that happens when you lock them in a room together.

and the conservatives are responsible for the gas prices. they are the ones who won't pass the permits to build the refineries. dude, we have oil! we have tons and tons of it. this gas shit isn't even about the middle east. if we didn't have those tree hugging hippy fucks telling us what we can and can't do, because it will "ruin the enviornment" shit, we would be living large here in corporate america.

and i also never said that you can't voice your opinion. that's the fucking point of a message board man!

i was simply saying that the ignorant, hatefilled shit in the beginning was a better read than this bullshit about poor him and poor that...fuck that, at least before i was laughing!

Ok cool, sorry my bad. I wasn't trying to blame anyone. It was a hurricane. But I'm amazed at how long it took for the government to step in.
[Sep 3,2005 5:31pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Sep 3,2005 6:15pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
[Sep 3,2005 6:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah it took a while i guess, i don't know man. it sucks that it happened.

it's all good man. i didn't mean to freak out on you or anyone in particylar,. i guess i am just sick of reading about all that shit.

if people really care that much, i guess drive down there and help out. lol
[Sep 3,2005 8:19pm - xmikex ""]
Distrust-Kevin said:[img]

[Sep 3,2005 11:24pm - retzam ""]
Hahahaha this thread is ridiculous. I'd really like to meet a smart racist. Really. Come on. I'm BEGGING you guys.
[Sep 4,2005 9:02am - niccolai nli  ""]
*raises hand*
[Sep 4,2005 11:50am - morbid jesus  ""]
I didn't see the people in thiland (who handled the situation with class) looting, stabbing, shooting people during the tsunami which was a lot worse and with no warning, than a bunch of stupid niggers that were warned to get out but still stayed.
[Sep 4,2005 1:18pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
http://lootasnickers.ytmnd.com/ HAHAHAHAHA!
http://zangla.ytmnd.com/ hhahahahahaha!
[Sep 4,2005 1:19pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
http://shittersfull.ytmnd.com/ AAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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