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New Orleans is proof positive blacks are idiots...

[Sep 1,2005 8:34pm - VON Death  ""]
The blacks are shooting at the search and rescue helicopters. The first stores that were looted were gun and liquor stores. They're raping girls.
They actually chose to stay in New Orleans. White people left...
It's got to make people wonder why scientists have theories on eugenics and difference in race. Don't tell that to the liberals and corporate empires. It's bad for profits in their eyes...
[Sep 1,2005 8:35pm - anonymous  ""]
i hope the water never recedes and they all just kill eachother off
[Sep 1,2005 8:48pm - VON Death  ""]
Let em' rot... Less welfare taxpayers have to pay for.
[Sep 1,2005 8:53pm - anonymous  ""]
is there anything down there worth saving? we should just say fuck it and let it be we could have a totally free anything goes gangland down there for all the hard guys and other people who piss and moan about capitalism,corporations,police etc..you dont like the world we provided for you? no problem go to new orleans,whats that you said you like to molest kids ? no problem enjoy new orleans!
[Sep 1,2005 9:35pm - Cecchini ""]
The idiocy in this thread is astounding.
[Sep 1,2005 9:38pm - anonymous  ""]
Cecchini said:The idiocy in this thread is astounding.

why? be specific
[Sep 1,2005 9:40pm - VON Death  ""]
Cecchini said:The idiocy in this thread is astounding.

Let's hear some proof to back up your theory then hot shot. You can't argue against the laws of nature. You'll lose everytime. If these people had any kind of survival instinct they would have made it out of there safe n sound but they don't because they are dumb and weak. It's survival of the fittest. The strong dominate and I'm not talking physical strength, I'm talking intelligence couple with animal instinct...
[Sep 1,2005 9:41pm - uncle sam  ""]
anonymous said:Cecchini said:The idiocy in this thread is astounding.

why? be specific

come on cechinni gimme some sugar!
[Sep 1,2005 9:46pm - Daniel Carver  ""]
Niggers looting,shooting and raping?! It CANT be TRUE?! They are such an intelligent and civilized race of people! That rarely ever happens in places like Detroit or Uganda...
[Sep 1,2005 10:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
If they're still alive looting for food and such they must have some survival instinct and intelligence. Plus wading through five feet of water is a really strenuous activity so they can't be physically weak. Now imagine wading a few miles through five feet of water with a 52 inch tv in your arms after you've already walked a few miles in the water while finding food for your household, that's some Paul Bunyan strength on display. They aren't weak, you're just jealous of black people's physical and mental superiority.
[Sep 1,2005 10:04pm - uncle sam  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:If they're still alive looting for food and such they must have some survival instinct and intelligence. Plus wading through five feet of water is a really strenuous activity so they can't be physically weak. Now imagine wading a few miles through five feet of water with a 52 inch tv in your arms after you've already walked a few miles in the water while finding food for your household, that's some Paul Bunyan strength on display. They aren't weak, you're just jealous of black people's physical and mental superiority.

whats the difference between a black man and a pizza? ....a pizza can feed a family of four! ...without looting!
[Sep 1,2005 10:12pm - BornSoVile ""]
welcome to america where all men are created equal, if you can't except that get the fuck out!! time to move to iraq you fucking poser!!
[Sep 1,2005 10:15pm - uncle sam  ""]
BornSoVile said:welcome to america where all men are created equal, if you can't except that get the fuck out!! time to move to iraq you fucking poser!!

ha ha ha ill move to iraq when you move out of your moms house,all men are not created equal briandc for example has a pencildick
[Sep 1,2005 10:16pm - VOMITING KERMIT  ""]
what did two black guys say while trying to catch an elevator?
ho de do ho de do!
[Sep 1,2005 10:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
uncle sam said:
ha ha ha ill move to iraq when you move out of your moms house,all men are not created equal briandc for example has a pencildick

eww, and you're a fag too? if your christian right buddies find that out they'll kill you.
[Sep 1,2005 10:18pm - uncle sam  ""]
im catholic so its ok to be a pole smoker as long as the pole in question is underage!
[Sep 1,2005 10:20pm - brian_dc ""]
my dick is everywhere! any publicity is good publicity.
[Sep 1,2005 10:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
Angry neurotic catholic!
[Sep 1,2005 10:22pm - uncle sam  ""]
misinformed young man with a bleak future!
[Sep 1,2005 10:23pm - uncle sam  ""]
maybe you could get a job making pizzas with your buddy from last nite!youd probably only have to blow him once or twice
[Sep 1,2005 10:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
wooo, uncle sam speaks pc too.
[Sep 1,2005 10:23pm - VOMITING KERMIT  ""]
if all men are created equal how come I don't look like brad pitt?
[Sep 1,2005 10:25pm - BornSoVile ""]
because you're a metal head.
[Sep 1,2005 10:26pm - VOMITING KERMIT  ""]
all men would be equal if germany won world war 2
[Sep 1,2005 10:27pm - uncle sam  ""]
i would rather be a christian than a metal head these days, pathetic
[Sep 1,2005 10:30pm - xmikex ""]
i don't think a hurricane can teach us much about genetics, but I will say this...

a lot of the looters are justifying what they're doing as it being necessary to survive, but every time I see a black person on tv coming out of a store they've got something stupid in their hands: TV's, designer sneakers, Soul Glow.

[Sep 1,2005 10:32pm - uncle sam  ""]
xmikex said:i don't think a hurricane can teach us much about genetics, but I will say this...

a lot of the looters are justifying what they're doing as it being necessary to survive, but every time I see a black person on tv coming out of a store they've got something stupid in their hands: TV's, designer sneakers, Soul Glow.


with all that water everywhere its hard to keep the afros up
[Sep 1,2005 10:35pm - xmikex ""]
VOMITING KERMIT said:all men would be equal if germany won world war 2

if you ever met Hitler in person he'd suplex you for saying something that dumb.
[Sep 1,2005 10:40pm - uncle sam  ""]
hitler was reincarnated and showed up at a bar ...someone recognized him and said hey... hitler what are you doing here? and he said ive come back from the grave to kill all the jews and 12 clowns...and the guy said why 12 clowns and hitler said see...nobody cares about the jews!
[Sep 1,2005 10:43pm - Cecchini ""]
Its called the culture of poverty. No one any race is born to be rapists thieves or killers, it's a pretty well known fact that poverty breeds crime. Regardless of race, whether you are white, black, yellow or red.

Now are there are more african americans in poverty stricken areas than other races? Yes. But why is that? Because while us whites have been here ever since the pilgrims and the african americans have just been here since we brought them here as slaves, for hundreds of years we held an entire race back from acheiving what whites have just based on the color of their skin. And up until about 50 years ago, african americans never had the same chance as the whites or most any other minority for that matter. So yes, plenty of african americans have acheived the same or greater success than upper class white men, but because of how those who came before us held down an entire race of people, unfortunetly not all of the race has been able to find the same success.

In those poverty stricken areas, whites commit the same crimes, whites do just as bad or worse than any other minority, crime is color blind in these areas. There are just fewer whites in those areas because for generations we had all the oppertunity to succeed, a chance we robbed other races of.

People are people, money or lack there of breeds crime. That is all.
[Sep 1,2005 10:45pm - uncle sam  ""]
Cecchini said:Its called the culture of poverty. No one any race is born to be rapists thieves or killers, it's a pretty well known fact that poverty breeds crime. Regardless of race, whether you are white, black, yellow or red.

Now are there are more african americans in poverty stricken areas than other races? Yes. But why is that? Because while us whites have been here ever since the pilgrims and the african americans have just been here since we brought them here as slaves, for hundreds of years we held an entire race back from acheiving what whites have just based on the color of their skin. And up until about 50 years ago, african americans never had the same chance as the whites or most any other minority for that matter. So yes, plenty of african americans have acheived the same or greater success than upper class white men, but because of how those who came before us held down an entire race of people, unfortunetly not all of the race has been able to find the same success.

In those poverty stricken areas, whites commit the same crimes, whites do just as bad or worse than any other minority, crime is color blind in these areas. There are just fewer whites in those areas because for generations we had all the oppertunity to succeed, a chance we robbed other races of.

People are people, money or lack there of breeds crime. That is all.

thers fewer whites in those areas because we left them you can rationalize anything but if it looks like an ape smells like an ape its probably an ape!
[Sep 1,2005 10:49pm - kessaris ""]
Wow, this thread is proof that rttp forums have nothing but dumb white racists from fucking New England that don't know their ass from their elbow. Grow up children...drop whatever prejudices you developed as children and realize that...you're probably dumb enough to pull the same shit. I gurantee you that half the people on this board would be looting and shooting too. You're all retards. All of you. Even Cecchini. Even me. We actually talked to you. Wow...just wow. I bet you voted for Bush...cunt...die
[Sep 1,2005 10:49pm - kessaris ""]
you can't yell at me, I voted for terd sandwich
[Sep 1,2005 10:51pm - uncle sam  ""]
kessaris said:Wow, this thread is proof that rttp forums have nothing but dumb white racists from fucking New England that don't know their ass from their elbow. Grow up children...drop whatever prejudices you developed as children and realize that...you're probably dumb enough to pull the same shit. I gurantee you that half the people on this board would be looting and shooting too. You're all retards. All of you. Even Cecchini. Even me. We actually talked to you. Wow...just wow. I bet you voted for Bush...cunt...die

i would vote for hitler before i listened to any more of your bullshit ...obviously jewish
[Sep 1,2005 11:21pm - DomesticTerror ""]
xmikex said:i don't think a hurricane can teach us much about genetics, but I will say this...

a lot of the looters are justifying what they're doing as it being necessary to survive, but every time I see a black person on tv coming out of a store they've got something stupid in their hands: TV's, designer sneakers, Soul Glow.


i think that says more about tv than it does about black people.

[Sep 1,2005 11:28pm - uncle sam  ""]
they arent going to have elictricity for a long time...anyone want to discuss the intelligence of a certain group of people ?or is that not liberal enough for you guys?
[Sep 1,2005 11:35pm - Cecchini ""]
uncle sam said:they arent going to have elictricity for a long time...anyone want to discuss the intelligence of a certain group of people ?or is that not liberal enough for you guys?

You must learn to spell electricity before you can discuss someones brain power.
[Sep 1,2005 11:37pm - uncle sam  ""]
but im uncle sam!
[Sep 1,2005 11:40pm - cav nli  ""]
wow, i didnt know that there were people this ignorant still living in this country. you really think that all the black people are still in new orleans because they are somehow inferior to white people. the reason that your seeing a bunch of footage on the news of black people struggling to survive is because its all footage from new orleans, a city where 70% of the population is african american, you fucking morons.
[Sep 1,2005 11:43pm - the_reverend ""]
wait you mean they can't even see what asses people think they are?
[Sep 1,2005 11:44pm - uncle sam  ""]
the reason its 70 percent black is because all the white people left because the blacks ruined it the high negroid population there is good though because after all if your going to have a below sealevel ghetto shithole youve got to have blacks to live there...black white red yellow if your to stupid to evacuate when told to or to ignorant to atleast prepare for the fukkin thing you deserve what you get ill bet the white people who did live there left before the storm came!
[Sep 1,2005 11:47pm - uncle sam  ""]
the_reverend said:wait you mean they can't even see what asses people think they are?

i think they have radio still so they can atleast hear
[Sep 1,2005 11:48pm - brian_dc ""]
the_reverend said:wait you mean they can't even see what asses people think they are?

well, I think that much is obvious. if you've ever been called a "fag" on a messageboard you've probably encountered people who don't get that they're being pathetic.
[Sep 1,2005 11:49pm - uncle sam  ""]
brian_dc said:the_reverend said:wait you mean they can't even see what asses people think they are?

well, I think that much is obvious. if you've ever been called a "fag" on a messageboard you've probably encountered people who don't get that they're being pathetic.

some people dont know when they are being made fun of...
[Sep 1,2005 11:51pm - brian_dc ""]
being made fun of definitely doesn't matter
[Sep 1,2005 11:52pm - brian_dc ""]
plus he was responding to someone else's post, dude
[Sep 1,2005 11:52pm - uncle sam  ""]
are you sure because "some " people get pretty upset
[Sep 1,2005 11:53pm - brian_dc ""]
if that's what keeps you goin, more power to you
[Sep 1,2005 11:54pm - uncle sam  ""]
brian_dc said:if that's what keeps you goin, more power to you

thanks for your permission
[Sep 1,2005 11:55pm - brian_dc ""]
I didn't give permission...just envoked my power in your general direction
[Sep 1,2005 11:56pm - cav nli  ""]
no its actually 70% african american because thats what the united states sensus website says. ya know before the hurricane there were only 30% white people there so the fact that your seeing a bunch of black people on the news is because there are mostly black people living in that city. this has to be a joke no one is this stupid.
[Sep 1,2005 11:56pm - uncle sam  ""]
i usually fart in peoples general direction
[Sep 1,2005 11:57pm - cav nli  ""]
ah you realize your own stupidity so resort to fart jokes, real mature
[Sep 1,2005 11:58pm - uncle sam  ""]
cav nli said:no its actually 70% african american because thats what the united states sensus website says. ya know before the hurricane there were only 30% white people there so the fact that your seeing a bunch of black people on the news is because there are mostly black people living in that city. this has to be a joke no one is this stupid.

nope someone is that stupid this guy:NEWHORNS:
[Sep 1,2005 11:58pm - cav nli  ""]
[Sep 2,2005 12:00am - uncle sam  ""]
cav nli said:ah you realize your own stupidity so resort to fart jokes, real mature

actually i thought he made the fart joke i was finishing it but while were talkin i bet your no taller 5'6" because your always attacking peoples intelligence ,like your einstein well, guess what your alot closer to napolean than einstein ...did you get that joke genius?
[Sep 2,2005 12:04am - cav nli  ""]
napolean is short, i got it, wicked funny guy, haha.
[Sep 2,2005 12:04am - cav nli  ""]
sarcastic, on that one, just incase you cant tell
[Sep 2,2005 12:04am - brian_dc ""]
nah, he's actually like 6'3"...attacking cav's size is kinda a moot point
[Sep 2,2005 12:05am - cav nli  ""]
ya dude.
[Sep 2,2005 12:05am - cav nli  ""]
this is my first rttp arguement, i like it, im laughing my ass off right now, its probably the ganja, and the lack of sleep.
[Sep 2,2005 12:06am - uncle sam  ""]
cav nli said:napolean is short, i got it, wicked funny guy, haha.

well it must be your cock size then because i can sense this raging inferiority complex
[Sep 2,2005 12:09am - cav nli  ""]
oh i definitely have an inferiority complex your right on that one
[Sep 2,2005 12:10am - davefromthegrave ""]
Cecchini said:The idiocy in this thread is astounding.

now that you've posted here, yes.
[Sep 2,2005 12:10am - uncle sam  ""]
come on you gotta give me some credit for that one a two post joke! set em up and knockem down baby! woooooooo
[Sep 2,2005 12:11am - uncle sam  ""]
davefromthegrave said:Cecchini said:The idiocy in this thread is astounding.

now that you've posted here, yes.

ha ha ha ha now seriously i love cechinni
[Sep 2,2005 12:11am - brian_dc ""]
oh cav, in case you didn't know this guy doesn't really care...arguing only proves mutual boredom

just putting that in the open
[Sep 2,2005 12:12am - cav nli  ""]
but that doesnt effect the fact that your opinions are completely off mark and have no backing to them whatsoever. plus ever since i proved you and your racist buddies wrong all you have done is make dick and fart jokes. (sweet jay and silent bob refrence, thanks for the set up)
[Sep 2,2005 12:13am - uncle sam  ""]
brian_dc said:oh cav, in case you didn't know this guy doesn't really care...arguing only proves mutual boredom

just putting that in the open

damn hes onto me
[Sep 2,2005 12:13am - cav nli  ""]
brian, your right, im going to bed.
[Sep 2,2005 12:15am - uncle sam  ""]
cav nli said:but that doesnt effect the fact that your opinions are completely off mark and have no backing to them whatsoever. plus ever since i proved you and your racist buddies wrong all you have done is make dick and fart jokes. (sweet jay and silent bob refrence, thanks for the set up)

you havent proved anything you just insult the intelligence of anyone who doesnt agree with you your an anti facist fascist and im afraid your a bit of a douchebag also
[Sep 2,2005 12:15am - cav nli  ""]
but for the record this thread is complete bullshit.
[Sep 2,2005 12:16am - uncle sam  ""]
cav nli said:but for the record this thread is complete bullshit.
this thread has more bullshit than the catholic church has excuses but thank you for participating
[Sep 2,2005 12:18am - Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in  ""]
Cecchini said: but because of how those who came before us held down an entire race of people, unfortunetly not all of the race has been able to find the same success.

In those poverty stricken areas, whites commit the same crimes, whites do just as bad or worse than any other minority, crime is color blind in these areas. There are just fewer whites in those areas because for generations we had all the oppertunity to succeed, a chance we robbed other races of.

People are people, money or lack there of breeds crime. That is all.

really, no one should be pushing a white guilt for what white people have done in the past like slavery and shit. sure it might have been sucky to be a slave or at the butt end of 50's style discrimination, but in the long run, we did the african race a favor by bringing them into a country that is modernised as it is now. the modern generation of blacks, or anyone else for that matter has nothing to complain about really because they can achieve good things if they wanted to. whitey holding you down is a racist cop-out excuse for apathy
[Sep 2,2005 12:19am - cav nli  ""]
sure, any time.
[Sep 2,2005 12:19am - brian_dc ""]
yeah, but the modernized world means technology and technology is such a waste of time...see...look how we use it!
[Sep 2,2005 12:20am - cav nli  ""]
and i kinda like the catholic church thing, at least we can agree on something, everyone hates the catholics on rttp. wooo!
[Sep 2,2005 12:21am - uncle sam  ""]

whitey holding you down is a racist cop-out excuse for apathy>>

thank you thank you thank you white guilt is bullshit
[Sep 2,2005 12:21am - Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in  ""]
brian_dc said:yeah, but the modernized world means technology and technology is such a waste of time...see...look how we use it!

modernised USA also means anyone can do anything they want to better themselves and the people around them
[Sep 2,2005 12:22am - uncle sam  ""]
cav nli said:and i kinda like the catholic church thing, at least we can agree on something, everyone hates the catholics on rttp. wooo!

hey dont let me get you upset next time you log in and see some retarded comments i call it fishing for morons and theres plenty of fish in the sea
[Sep 2,2005 12:23am - uncle sam  ""]
Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in said:brian_dc said:yeah, but the modernized world means technology and technology is such a waste of time...see...look how we use it!

modernised USA also means anyone can do anything they want to better themselves and the people around them

thank you thank you yhank you again
[Sep 2,2005 12:23am - brian_dc ""]
that's true...I'm just being cynical because I'm totally jaded
[Sep 2,2005 12:25am - Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in  ""]
uncle sam said:Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in said:brian_dc said:yeah, but the modernized world means technology and technology is such a waste of time...see...look how we use it!

modernised USA also means anyone can do anything they want to better themselves and the people around them

thank you thank you yhank you again

that doesnt mean i necessarily agree on the point that the african race is full of nothing but idiots fucko. i think the screaming idiots from all sides need to shut the fuck up on this
[Sep 2,2005 12:26am - uncle sam  ""]
brian_dc said:that's true...I'm just being cynical because I'm totally jaded

thanks alot for lettin the cat out of the bag on my whole operation here brian! i had him on the hook!
[Sep 2,2005 12:26am - brian_dc ""]
Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in said: i think the screaming idiots from all sides need to shut the fuck up on this

[Sep 2,2005 12:26am - uncle sam  ""]
Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in said:uncle sam said:Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in said:brian_dc said:yeah, but the modernized world means technology and technology is such a waste of time...see...look how we use it!

modernised USA also means anyone can do anything they want to better themselves and the people around them

thank you thank you yhank you again

that doesnt mean i necessarily agree on the point that the african race is full of nothing but idiots fucko. i think the screaming idiots from all sides need to shut the fuck up on this

[Sep 2,2005 12:27am - uncle sam  ""]
uncle sam said:Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in said:uncle sam said:Ryan from HBBSI still isnt logged in said:brian_dc said:yeah, but the modernized world means technology and technology is such a waste of time...see...look how we use it!

modernised USA also means anyone can do anything they want to better themselves and the people around them

thank you thank you yhank you again

that doesnt mean i necessarily agree on the point that the african race is full of nothing but idiots fucko. i think the screaming idiots from all sides need to shut the fuck up on this


your on a roll dont stop!
[Sep 2,2005 1:16am - Doomkid ""]
In response to the original point of this thread-

the reason that most of the survivors in the worst hit areas are non-white is because when the mandantory evacuation was issued there wasn't actually much done to evacuate the people who couldn't get out on their own. Most of the wealthier and whiter people have cars and cash to keep them mobile, all the poor people, of whatever race got fucked over.

And now the federal goverment(and state and local to some extent) are botching the relief effort by acting like New Orleans is a hostile city and pumping in thousands of natonal guardsmen and women to catch looters.

Who the fuck cares about looting in a totally devastated area when people don't have the neccesities of life? They need to get some food and water to the people in the refugee camps down there and organize the survivors into work/rebuilding groups so they'll stop raping and killing each other. I love how our government just confirms it all about the fucking money even now.
[Sep 2,2005 3:29am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
this is by the far the biggest ignorance convention i've ever seen

i thought the ones that happen every sunday at church were bad...but EE GAD!

i rhymed...bitches
[Sep 2,2005 7:08am - KeithMutiny ""]

not that i want to contribute to this thread... but in the case of looting, and ongoing crime, RACE ASIDE... the military has just been issued the go ahead to "shoot to kill" wherever they see neccessary. This is gonna be interesting.
[Sep 2,2005 7:23am - Mess  ""]
sweet! target practice!
[Sep 2,2005 9:05am - xmikex ""]

They're saying on the news now that investigators claim possibily over 10,000 casualties could have been avoided had black people just stopped break dancing in the streets and found some shelter. DJ Jazzy Jeff is gonna be on Larry King tonight to talk about it.
[Sep 2,2005 9:13am - succubus ""]
on another note we got this message at work about not shipping to certain zipcodes and that everything is being returned.
Service suspended indefinitely

In the following ZIP Codes, authorities have completely restricted access as a result of storm damage and flooding. It is anticipated these areas will be inaccessible for an extended time. Please do not ship any packages to these ZIP Codes. Packages in the UPS system will be returned to the shipper as permitted.

Suspended Indefinitely





[Sep 2,2005 9:37am - Christraper ""]
Cecchini said:Its called the culture of poverty. No one any race is born to be rapists thieves or killers, it's a pretty well known fact that poverty breeds crime. Regardless of race, whether you are white, black, yellow or red.

Now are there are more african americans in poverty stricken areas than other races? Yes. But why is that? Because while us whites have been here ever since the pilgrims and the african americans have just been here since we brought them here as slaves, for hundreds of years we held an entire race back from acheiving what whites have just based on the color of their skin. And up until about 50 years ago, african americans never had the same chance as the whites or most any other minority for that matter. So yes, plenty of african americans have acheived the same or greater success than upper class white men, but because of how those who came before us held down an entire race of people, unfortunetly not all of the race has been able to find the same success.

In those poverty stricken areas, whites commit the same crimes, whites do just as bad or worse than any other minority, crime is color blind in these areas. There are just fewer whites in those areas because for generations we had all the oppertunity to succeed, a chance we robbed other races of.

People are people, money or lack there of breeds crime. That is all.

400 years is plenty of time to clean up your act. We didn't rob them of anything. Its bullshit attitudes like this that allows them to blame all their problems on the white guy and continue being a fucking parasite.
[Sep 2,2005 9:57am - the_reverend ""]
plus the "red"s were here long before the whites and look where they are.
[Sep 2,2005 9:58am - babyshaker ""]
worst thread ever
[Sep 2,2005 10:03am - Christraper ""]
yea this is pretty retarded. i think theres just as many stupid white people as there are black people but im definitely not gonna jump on the pity party band wagon and condone their behavior simply because my great great great grandfather might've owned a relative or two of theirs.
I wasnt there and neither were they so I dont know why this shit keeps getting rehashed as an excuse for them acting like a bunch of fucking animals.
[Sep 2,2005 10:49am - babyshaker ""]
lol ok so all these people who are calling black people animals allow me to come to your house tonight and cut of your electricity and water then allow me to flood your street with at the very least waste high water ...then you have to stay there with no help for atleast a week....after that week with out food water electricity,clean clothes and a/c(which by the way its insanly hot down there) we'll see the lengths your willing to go to to stay alive....i bet you theres a shit load of white people down there doing the same exact thing.. now thats no exscuse for people to shoot at rescue helicopters nor to rape people...but if the town is in anarchy the nuts are bound to come out of the wood work...you think blacks are the only poor crime infested people go to an indian reservation out west or go down south to a pure white trailor park...poverty is the same for every race and its tards who try to seperate everyone by race that make things worse
[Sep 2,2005 11:20am - Christraper ""]
Then why the hell are they stealing tv sets? It must be the down syndrome. And youre right. There is no excuse for shooting at cops and rescue choppers and theyre the ones that are fucking doing it.
[Sep 2,2005 11:29am - powerkok ""]
babyshaker said: allow me to come to your house tonight and cut of your electricity and water then allow me to flood your street with at the very least waste high water

They had 5 days to evacuate.
Nuff said.
[Sep 2,2005 11:29am - babyshaker ""]
ya its dumb there stealing t.v sets but that normal human greed its got nothign to do with them being black...shit if i was flooded in and stuck you better belive id be putting a brick though a store front to get some food
[Sep 2,2005 11:29am - powerkok ""]
and its waist, not waste.
[Sep 2,2005 11:31am - Christraper ""]
Food yes. I can see myself stealing food to survive, but not a goddamn tv set when youre waist deep in sewer water with dead bodies floating around everywhere.
[Sep 2,2005 11:32am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
The dumbest thing I've heard was the suggestion that people without cars should have fled on foot. Think about it, the average person can walk something like 25 miles in a day (although it's probably around 20 miles in southern humidity, now imagine carrying supplies and shit and that's like 15 miles) Even with 5 days notice to get your shit together and run away you would only get 75 to 125 miles away from NO when Katrina hit. Katrina was a type 5 storm and about 400 miles in diameter. You would have been fucked if you were jogging along the interstate.
[Sep 2,2005 11:33am - Charlton Heston  ""]
[Sep 2,2005 11:33am - Christraper ""]
"everyones dead and theres no electricity. guess ill go steal that tv ive had my eye on for the past year...."
[Sep 2,2005 11:34am - Christraper ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:The dumbest thing I've heard was the suggestion that people without cars should have fled on foot. Think about it, the average person can walk something like 25 miles in a day (although it's probably around 20 miles in southern humidity, now imagine carrying supplies and shit and that's like 15 miles) Even with 5 days notice to get your shit together and run away you would only get 75 to 125 miles away from NO when Katrina hit. Katrina was a type 5 storm and about 400 miles in diameter. You would have been fucked if you were jogging along the interstate.

public transportation

[Sep 2,2005 11:35am - hanlon665  ""]
What a jackass.
[Sep 2,2005 11:35am - babyshaker ""]
powerkok said:and its waist, not waste.

[Sep 2,2005 11:39am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Christraper said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:The dumbest thing I've heard was the suggestion that people without cars should have fled on foot. Think about it, the average person can walk something like 25 miles in a day (although it's probably around 20 miles in southern humidity, now imagine carrying supplies and shit and that's like 15 miles) Even with 5 days notice to get your shit together and run away you would only get 75 to 125 miles away from NO when Katrina hit. Katrina was a type 5 storm and about 400 miles in diameter. You would have been fucked if you were jogging along the interstate.

public transportation

The MBTA pretty much shuts down in small snow storms, I doubt the NOTransit busses were driving around picking people up and evacuating them.
[Sep 2,2005 11:41am - Christraper ""]
im sure there wasnt a problem 5 days before it happened.
[Sep 2,2005 11:43am - Christraper ""]
If i was told 5 days ahead of time that some huge monster of a hurricane was heading my way and that i needed to get the hell out of town i just might take their advice.
[Sep 2,2005 11:44am - succubus ""]
Sep 2,2005 11:35am - babyshaker]
powerkok said:<<and its waist, not waste.>>

waste is correct
waist=The part of the human trunk between the bottom of the rib cage and the pelvis.

[Sep 2,2005 11:48am - hanlon665  ""]
Here is a pretty interesting article on how a sensible evacuation might have gone, and how a functioning government might have responded http://www.zmag.org/sustainers/content/2005-09/03parenti.cfm.
Anyone who uses this event as an excuse for racism is sick and sad.
[Sep 2,2005 11:49am - hoser ""]
This thread is dripping with Liberal vomit. I think most of it is spewing out of cecchini's mouth. Fucking disgusting...get it off me!!! Get it off!!!
[Sep 2,2005 12:00pm - Christraper ""]
hanlon665 said:
Anyone who uses this event as an excuse for racism is sick and sad.

Ill agree that saying that this event is proof that all black people are retarded is in itself retarded. However I still think theres something to be said about all this. Obviously this kind of shit doesnt just happen in New Orleans. I mean fuck it happens in my own goddamn neighborhood. Im talking about shit I see every day.
[Sep 2,2005 12:32pm - powerkok ""]
succubus said:Sep 2,2005 11:35am - babyshaker]
powerkok said:<<and its waist, not waste.>>

waste is correct
waist=The part of the human trunk between the bottom of the rib cage and the pelvis.

as in wading in waste high water??

bnnnnt wrong.
Dont correct my english, correct Rev's.
[Sep 2,2005 12:35pm - davefromthegrave ""]
succubus said:Sep 2,2005 11:35am - babyshaker]
powerkok said:<<and its waist, not waste.>>

waste is correct
waist=The part of the human trunk between the bottom of the rib cage and the pelvis.

do you know why it's called a waist?
[Sep 2,2005 12:35pm - hanlon666 ""]
People in desperate situations will react desperately, I don't think that is news, and I don't think it is based on race. I think this is a matter of rich vs. poor. Anyone with the means left the city, and those who couldn't afford to were left behind. The failure to evacuate and effectively deal with the situation has led to violence and tragedy, not the individuals involved. Check out this article,


It shows what can be done with coordination and community, it also took place in a country with a very high black population, it was just handled differently.
[Sep 2,2005 1:07pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Von Death, your a complete retard. open mouth, insert foot. The only reason people didn't leave New Orleans is cause they're poor and didn't have anyway to get out. There is plenty of white people there. I've seen endless video of blacks & whites helping & caring for each other all week. I saw a paralyzed old WHITE man, who wrote his last wishes on a piece of paper just b4 he died in his wheelchair inside the superdome. I saw police looting stores, so they could eat. If I was there, I'd be stealing everything I could get my hands on, cause the government sure as hell isn't gonna help me eat.

This is "proof positive" that the president is an idiot. It's sad that it took 5 days for the U.S. government to get food and water to it's own citizens. We dropped food & water in Iraq 3 days after the war started. The entire situation is sad & pathetic. I'd be down there helping people get out, if I could afford 3-5 dollars per gallon of gas to get there and back. Get ready for the depression people, this is just the beginning & the shits gonna hit the fan real soon!
[Sep 2,2005 1:09pm - Christraper ""]
[Sep 2,2005 1:14pm - davefromthegrave ""]
DEATH2ALL said: if I could afford 3-5 dollars per gallon of gas to get there and back. Get ready for the depression people, this is just the beginning & the shits gonna hit the fan real soon!

if I give you that money, will you go there and stop posting?
[Sep 2,2005 1:25pm - BornSoVile ""]
Notice the people who couldn't leave, have nothing to go back to, they lost EVERYTHING. The fuck would you do if that happened to you?
[Sep 2,2005 4:12pm - dyingmuse ""]
this thread is stupid. it started out rather funny really. but then, people started trying to be proper and it hit the shitter.

first...what does voting for bush have to do with anything?
i voted for bush, i am not particular to any race at all. i work my fucking ass off just to put food on the table just like anyone else.

fucking liberal fucks. get a job, work for christs sake! stop looking for a fucking handout.

you know why the gas prices went up really? fucking liberals!

you are all retards. rather than blaming the president why not blame god, or hitler or maybe janis joplin, for what happened.

that whole place deserves to die. it is the hot spot for sin and immorality in this country. and who the fuck here really thinks that they really give a fuck in the first place. "ohh you are all racists" but i'd steal from my neighbors i have grown up with my whole life. i don't think that creed has anything to do with this at all. it's humans that are the problem. the same fucking thing would happen here....as if we are any better people. i know many people that have been robbed and raped right here in my home town.

[Sep 2,2005 4:17pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
dyingmuse said:i'd steal from my neighbors i have grown up with my whole life.

you had a good point until that
[Sep 2,2005 4:22pm - dyingmuse ""]
no, one person here said...ohh don't be racist and we should all help each other out, and proceeded to say how he would steal tv's too. that is fucking bullshit. hypocritical motherfuckers on this board. so yeah, i was just sarcastically quoting someone here on the board.
[Sep 2,2005 4:38pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
fair enough
[Sep 2,2005 4:51pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha

i'm just pissed that i had to pay 315 today for gas!

the working man ALWAYS takes it in the ass!!!!!
[Sep 2,2005 4:55pm - nate ""]
hey... I work like crazy too man and the only thing going on with my ass is the poop exiting my analhole! One way street, EXIT ONLY!
[Sep 2,2005 5:18pm - dyingmuse ""]
i think it was a figure of speech man. unless the new gas prices don't apply to you.

[Sep 2,2005 5:35pm - RichHorror ""]
[Sep 2,2005 6:11pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
davefromthegrave said:DEATH2ALL said: if I could afford 3-5 dollars per gallon of gas to get there and back. Get ready for the depression people, this is just the beginning & the shits gonna hit the fan real soon!

if I give you that money, will you go there and stop posting?

I'm sorry I offended you. I forgot that I can't voice my opinion here. keep your money, you might need it.

[Sep 2,2005 6:24pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I think most of the people bitching about the "animals/evil niggers" are angry because they can't blame Katrina and the flooding on Clinton.
[Sep 2,2005 6:28pm - davefromthegrave ""]
DEATH2ALL said:davefromthegrave said:DEATH2ALL said: if I could afford 3-5 dollars per gallon of gas to get there and back. Get ready for the depression people, this is just the beginning & the shits gonna hit the fan real soon!

if I give you that money, will you go there and stop posting?

I'm sorry I offended you. I forgot that I can't voice my opinion here. keep your money, you might need it.

not offended, just annoyed.
[Sep 2,2005 6:28pm - davefromthegrave ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I think most of the people bitching about the "animals/evil niggers" are angry because they can't blame Katrina and the flooding on Clinton.

good thing you're not stereotyping anyone, like all those goddamn republicans do!
[Sep 2,2005 7:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
davefromthegrave said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I think most of the people bitching about the "animals/evil niggers" are angry because they can't blame Katrina and the flooding on Clinton.

good thing you're not stereotyping anyone, like all those goddamn republicans do!

No problem with republicans, just neocons.
[Sep 2,2005 7:02pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
dyingmuse said:this thread is stupid. it started out rather funny really. but then, people started trying to be proper and it hit the shitter.

first...what does voting for bush have to do with anything?
i voted for bush, i am not particular to any race at all. i work my fucking ass off just to put food on the table just like anyone else.

fucking liberal fucks. get a job, work for christs sake! stop looking for a fucking handout.

you know why the gas prices went up really? fucking liberals!

you are all retards. rather than blaming the president why not blame god, or hitler or maybe janis joplin, for what happened.

that whole place deserves to die. it is the hot spot for sin and immorality in this country. and who the fuck here really thinks that they really give a fuck in the first place. "ohh you are all racists" but i'd steal from my neighbors i have grown up with my whole life. i don't think that creed has anything to do with this at all. it's humans that are the problem. the same fucking thing would happen here....as if we are any better people. i know many people that have been robbed and raped right here in my home town.

I'm not trying to be proper, I just disagree with the original statement. But again, it's not ok for me to voice my opinion. I didn't say anything about voting for Bush, but it is retarded that it took 5 days to react. And now he's passing blame to the state gov level, like he had no idea how bad it was. 10.5 Billion dollars for the 1st 20 days of relief, how many states can afford to do that? None.

I work my ass off everyday too. I paid $50.00 for 15 gallons yesterday.
Blame whoever you want for what happened.

So, if you were sarcasticly quoting me..... I think the original statment was racist. I didn't say "your all racists". I did say that I'd steal everything I could get my hands on, cause the U.S. Gov sure as hell isn't gonna help me eat. I didn't say anything about stealing tv's. I'm sorry if you didn't get my point. There was nothing hypocritical about what I said.

If you want to get hypocritical.... You think the whole place deserves to die, cause it's a hot bed for sin & immorality. You sound like Pat Robertson.
[Sep 2,2005 7:06pm - grundlegremlin ""]
:nuke:Everyone's an expert
[Sep 2,2005 7:24pm - davefromthegrave ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:davefromthegrave said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I think most of the people bitching about the "animals/evil niggers" are angry because they can't blame Katrina and the flooding on Clinton.

good thing you're not stereotyping anyone, like all those goddamn republicans do!

No problem with republicans, just neocons.

good thing you're not stereotyping anyone, like all those goddamn neocons do!
[Sep 2,2005 9:38pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 2,2005 9:40pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 2,2005 9:41pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 2,2005 9:45pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 2,2005 9:45pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 2,2005 9:50pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 2,2005 10:32pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Sep 2,2005 10:42pm - dyingmuse ""]
this was a general statement about the entire thread, not a personal attack dude! relax. i just think it's funny how everyone is concerned about things and then can be so quick to blame the government. and say how we wouldn't get help blahh blahhh blahhh. that is so redundant it makes me sick. that's the problem with this country, people always need someone to blame. fucking deal with it.

and by the way, i am in no way shape of form religious.
my point was, well....look at that place! it's full of the most shitbag motherfuckers on the planet. no wonder shit like that happens when you lock them in a room together.

and the liberals are responsible for the gas prices. they are the ones who won't pass the permits to build the refineries. dude, we have oil! we have tons and tons of it. this gas shit isn't even about the middle east. if we didn't have those tree hugging hippy fucks telling us what we can and can't do, because it will "ruin the enviornment" shit, we would be living large here in corporate america.

and i also never said that you can't voice your opinion. that's the fucking point of a message board man!

i was simply saying that the ignorant, hatefilled shit in the beginning was a better read than this bullshit about poor him and poor that...fuck that, at least before i was laughing!
[Sep 3,2005 12:27am - retzam ""]
uncle sam said:im catholic so its ok to be a pole smoker as long as the pole in question is underage!

You're catholic?? Ewwww...
[Sep 3,2005 4:09am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:If they're still alive looting for food and such they must have some survival instinct and intelligence. Plus wading through five feet of water is a really strenuous activity so they can't be physically weak. Now imagine wading a few miles through five feet of water with a 52 inch tv in your arms after you've already walked a few miles in the water while finding food for your household, that's some Paul Bunyan strength on display. They aren't weak, you're just jealous of black people's physical and mental superiority.

Ok... I've heard enough of the total pussy whining on this board. I am not in awe of how strong black people are. This is an open invitation to blacks or to any pc fags to take on ol' Pauly boy one on one, two on one, or a whole army of you glass jawed fence sitters. I don't care if you like me, like my band, or like my friends. I'll smash you and your fucking safe zone into bits. Fuck you, fuck your friends, fuck your bands, fuck your girl friends, fuck your friends fucking friends... Fuck every fucking gay scene in New England... Come and get me...
[Sep 3,2005 4:13am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I can't stress this enough... Your all a bunch of pc faggots. I will pound you into dust...
[Sep 3,2005 4:32am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]

What's up now dawg?
[Sep 3,2005 5:14am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
BornSoVile said:welcome to america where all men are created equal, if you can't except that get the fuck out!! time to move to iraq you fucking poser!!

This judeo christian belief does not hold much clout in my eyes. It's these sort of ideals that go in direct opposition to the laws of nature. Something that you should look into. I have no interest in conserving an old and out dated hebrew belief system. You might as well throw those Graveland and Dark Throne Cd's in the trash if your going to wave that kind of flag...
[Sep 3,2005 5:25am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Black metal has enough people like Dimmu Borgir that play it safe in order to sell records and be corporate. Why would people support a bm band if they are going to be PC and play it safe. I would rather you totally hate my band and ban us from gay clubs like O'briens and The Middle East. People don't want to hear the truth. They want a watered down version that does not offend anyone...
[Sep 3,2005 9:49am - Jigga What!  ""]
you guys didn't say that when they invented death metal(suffocation),jazz, rock,blues etc.. or got ur clothes to not be skin tight spandex. the music scene would be much differnet if there were not a New Orleans. it's great to see all the ignorant comments... so biased. that's how to solve problems in america.
[Sep 3,2005 9:58am - niccolai nli  ""]


[Sep 3,2005 10:08am - niccolai nli  ""]
To suggest that black people have something white people don't, no one disagrees with it.

If I said most africans have an extra tendon and longer achiles tendon in thier leg so they have more potetial to run and jump, no one has a problem with that because it's a possative statement about thier race.

But to say black people are genetically inept of a sense of comunity and can't tell right from wrong it's a crippled racist remark.

You can say asians are good at math (wich is true about half the time) and you get a pat on the back... But when you say asians are rice eaters (wich is true about 80% of the time) than your racist.

What pisses me off is the niggers on MTV like Jay Z and kanye west who feel the need to give to black people and accuse the whites of being racist in this situation.... Those dumb niggers bitch all day about being anti racists, but they are all anti gays.

What the fuck is the point of praising tolerance of a group that steels rapes and kills, but praising intolerance of a group of people who work and make bitching curtains?
[Sep 3,2005 11:19am - down the drain  ""]
[Sep 3,2005 11:22am - down the drain  ""]
It is a scientific fact that black people on the average have lower IQ's than whites and asians. It's because of this that they more inclined to commit criminal acts. It's not because they are poor. I guarantee if it was all white people stuck down there they would pull together as a cohesive unit in order to survive.
[Sep 3,2005 11:24am - down the drain  ""]
Oh and by the way, before the liberals start whining, I am not saying all blacks are dumb.
[Sep 3,2005 11:26am - kessaris ""]
niccolai nli said:
What pisses me off is the niggers on MTV like Jay Z and kanye west who feel the need to give to black people and accuse the whites of being racist in this situation.... Those dumb niggers bitch all day about being anti racists, but they are all anti gays.

It is astonishing how comfortable people feel saying the word nigger around here. Thats like the one word I can't stand hearing.

BTW, why are people here racist? I'm just curious. Was it because thats how you were brought up, or in your years of experience were you forced to believe it due to incidents involving people of different races...or are you just retarded? Seriously. Grow up children
[Sep 3,2005 11:30am - down the drain  ""]
kessaris said:niccolai nli said:
What pisses me off is the niggers on MTV like Jay Z and kanye west who feel the need to give to black people and accuse the whites of being racist in this situation.... Those dumb niggers bitch all day about being anti racists, but they are all anti gays.

It is astonishing how comfortable people feel saying the word nigger around here. Thats like the one word I can't stand hearing.

BTW, why are people here racist? I'm just curious. Was it because thats how you were brought up, or in your years of experience were you forced to believe it due to incidents involving people of different races...or are you just retarded? Seriously. Grow up children

Racism is a natural human instinct. It will always exist in multi cultural societies peroid. There is absolutely nothing you can do or MTV can do or all the ultra leftists can do to stop it....

[Sep 3,2005 11:35am - down the drain  ""]
Oh and by the way, people have not seen shit yet. The down ward spiral has just begun. When white people become the minority in this country we are fucked. I guarantee this will happen and it will be because of capitalist greed and liberalism. When the shit hits the fan all the lefties will cry and try to think up some pathetic excuse but the damage will be done...
[Sep 3,2005 11:35am - Shaft  ""]
hmmmmmmm if for hundreds of years i was taught to be stupid and just entertain people. It would only make sense that this group of people would have smaller IQ's. Evolution hmmm. the only ones that are doctors and lawyers today were the ones who's family escaped slavery and actually learned something( not suppose to do that opps). The other unfortunate ones played music and through on face paint for everyone elses amusement. then we complain why there is so much racism and crime? always 2 sides to the coin....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ok know let's hear
some 8 year old biased ignorant comments.
[Sep 3,2005 11:41am - down the drain  ""]
Hahahaha.... Listen dude, look at every black civilization(not sure if I would even call it that) since the dawn of time. Look at their countries governed by them. They are in total fucking shambles. Look at white civilizations since the history of time. Look at what whites invented since the history of time. Give me a fucking break. You make me sick to my stomach....
[Sep 3,2005 11:43am - Shaft  ""]
name some great things?
[Sep 3,2005 11:44am - Shaft  ""]
are they in shambles because they have so much money and power or is it because that have niether.???
[Sep 3,2005 11:46am - down the drain  ""]
Air craft
the pen
paper mills
classical music

I could go on if you want...
[Sep 3,2005 11:51am - Shaft  ""]
and let's not forget the phonograph

but something helped accomplished all this an educated mind. right? or wrong?

[Sep 3,2005 11:57am - hoser ""]
but George Washington Carver invented like 500 uses for peanuts!!! What a breakthrough discovery!!!!
[Sep 3,2005 12:02pm - the_reverend ""]
that down the drain dude makes a lotta sense...
I mean look at those whole roman empire and greek empire. that shit aint in chambles at all.
just like that whole byzantine empire. that shit's like the tower of babel and is NEVER COMING DOWN!
[Sep 3,2005 12:02pm - down the drain  ""]
Shaft said:Alchohol
and let's not forget the phonograph

but something helped accomplished all this an educated mind. right? or wrong?

That intelligent mind was already ingrained within the genetics of the white race. It's why whites created more evolved societies than others and it's why they conquered and dominated.

There are plenty of black people that are capable of being contributors to a society but it goes deeper than just educating. The intelligence has to be within the genes. You can lead a horse to water but it does not mean it's going to drink it. You can educate a retard all you want but it will still be retarded.

This is just the laws of nature. Apply them to a society and it will be successful...
[Sep 3,2005 12:06pm - Shaft  ""]
the roman empire crumbled hahaha
[Sep 3,2005 12:07pm - down the drain  ""]
the_reverend said:that down the drain dude makes a lotta sense...
I mean look at those whole roman empire and greek empire. that shit aint in chambles at all.
just like that whole byzantine empire. that shit's like the tower of babel and is NEVER COMING DOWN!

Say whatever you want... Compare Europe to the rest of the world. The latter pales in comparison. Get a grip, face reality...
[Sep 3,2005 12:12pm - the_reverend ""]
ok... in the 12th, 13th, and 14th century, both asia and the americas were more technologically advanced than europe.
which is longer than the US has been around.

any how, I'm not disputing that that blacks are genetically stupid. problem is the same retard genes that they have are also in the whites, yellows, reds, and rednecks.

[Sep 3,2005 12:14pm - Shaft  ""]
that's it I'm swiss...
[Sep 3,2005 12:17pm - down the drain  ""]
the_reverend said:ok... in the 12th, 13th, and 14th century, both asia and the americas were more technologically advanced than europe.
which is longer than the US has been around.

any how, I'm not disputing that that blacks are genetically stupid. problem is the same retard genes that they have are also in the whites, yellows, reds, and rednecks.

Well, that's definately debate worthy. Present me with some facts...

I agree that there is dumb genes in all races. These dumb genes are far more prevalent in "certain" races.

[Sep 3,2005 12:17pm - down the drain  ""]
Well, that's definately debate worthy. Present me with some facts...

I agree that there is dumb genes in all races. These dumb genes are far more prevalent in "certain" races.
[Sep 3,2005 1:14pm - the_reverend ""]
well, let's all stop using toothbrush and gun powder (non-white inventions).

on of the problrms down there now is they opened the prisons so the prisoners wouldn't drown. now those people are loose and can walk into any walmart for a gun.
[Sep 3,2005 1:37pm - niccolai nli  ""]
Gun powder (black powder) was used by pre-celtic tribes around the same time the Chinese were developing gunpower, however the chinese were developing steel at the time when many white nations were using bronze and wearing loin clothes.

I don't consider myself racist in the sense that I put my race above all others, as I don't. I find aspects of Japanese cultures and philosopy that is lightyears beyond what my ancestors have even now.

My culture was raped, murdered, enslaved, and robbed ALOT more recent then the blacks by white european settlers... and to date I haven't stolen a television.
[Sep 3,2005 1:39pm - down the drain  ""]
Um... Where did I say that only white inventions were worthy of use? Stop and think before you make dumb assumptions.
[Sep 3,2005 1:45pm - niccolai nli  ""]
on the matter of investions, one or two dozen inventions over the course of hundreds of years just don't pardon those perticular ethnic groups for the robbery, rape, and murder than went on during thier 'inventing period'

Besides, it's silly to think many things wouldn't have been concived by white from the time the non whites invented them to now. I'm sure they could have invented a way to clean thier teeth EVENTUALLY.
[Sep 3,2005 2:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:BornSoVile said:welcome to america where all men are created equal, if you can't except that get the fuck out!! time to move to iraq you fucking poser!!

This judeo christian belief does not hold much clout in my eyes. It's these sort of ideals that go in direct opposition to the laws of nature. Something that you should look into. I have no interest in conserving an old and out dated hebrew belief system. You might as well throw those Graveland and Dark Throne Cd's in the trash if your going to wave that kind of flag...

You're right, but that is a simple plug always used by the right, and it works effectively against them as well.
[Sep 3,2005 3:28pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 3:29pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 3:30pm - xmikex ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:[img]

What's up now dawg?

[Sep 3,2005 3:31pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 3:32pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 3:33pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 3:34pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 5:02pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 3,2005 5:16pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
dyingmuse said:this was a general statement about the entire thread, not a personal attack dude! relax. i just think it's funny how everyone is concerned about things and then can be so quick to blame the government. and say how we wouldn't get help blahh blahhh blahhh. that is so redundant it makes me sick. that's the problem with this country, people always need someone to blame. fucking deal with it.

and by the way, i am in no way shape of form religious.
my point was, well....look at that place! it's full of the most shitbag motherfuckers on the planet. no wonder shit like that happens when you lock them in a room together.

and the conservatives are responsible for the gas prices. they are the ones who won't pass the permits to build the refineries. dude, we have oil! we have tons and tons of it. this gas shit isn't even about the middle east. if we didn't have those tree hugging hippy fucks telling us what we can and can't do, because it will "ruin the enviornment" shit, we would be living large here in corporate america.

and i also never said that you can't voice your opinion. that's the fucking point of a message board man!

i was simply saying that the ignorant, hatefilled shit in the beginning was a better read than this bullshit about poor him and poor that...fuck that, at least before i was laughing!

Ok cool, sorry my bad. I wasn't trying to blame anyone. It was a hurricane. But I'm amazed at how long it took for the government to step in.
[Sep 3,2005 5:31pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Sep 3,2005 6:15pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
[Sep 3,2005 6:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah it took a while i guess, i don't know man. it sucks that it happened.

it's all good man. i didn't mean to freak out on you or anyone in particylar,. i guess i am just sick of reading about all that shit.

if people really care that much, i guess drive down there and help out. lol
[Sep 3,2005 8:19pm - xmikex ""]
Distrust-Kevin said:[img]

[Sep 3,2005 11:24pm - retzam ""]
Hahahaha this thread is ridiculous. I'd really like to meet a smart racist. Really. Come on. I'm BEGGING you guys.
[Sep 4,2005 9:02am - niccolai nli  ""]
*raises hand*
[Sep 4,2005 11:50am - morbid jesus  ""]
I didn't see the people in thiland (who handled the situation with class) looting, stabbing, shooting people during the tsunami which was a lot worse and with no warning, than a bunch of stupid niggers that were warned to get out but still stayed.
[Sep 4,2005 1:18pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
http://lootasnickers.ytmnd.com/ HAHAHAHAHA!
http://zangla.ytmnd.com/ hhahahahahaha!
[Sep 4,2005 1:19pm - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
http://shittersfull.ytmnd.com/ AAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
[Sep 4,2005 1:34pm - down the drain  ""]
retzam said:Hahahaha this thread is ridiculous. I'd really like to meet a smart racist. Really. Come on. I'm BEGGING you guys.

Just talk to science. It's the most racist guy I know... Don't bother trying to argue with him though. He'll always win.

[Sep 4,2005 1:36pm - down the drain  ""]
retzam said:Hahahaha this thread is ridiculous. I'd really like to meet a smart racist. Really. Come on. I'm BEGGING you guys.

Your an idiot by the way... You come on this thread and you address nothing. Present some sort of arguement to back up your theories.
[Sep 4,2005 2:54pm - anonymous  ""]
Blacks are just pissed cause whitey has been tricking and deucing 'em forever.

I mean the white people never stole slaves, they were sold to them by other black people. and on top of that whitey came up with the idea of putting slaves of different tribes together in boats so they could not communicate.

Proof that white man has inherited Loki's genius.

and besides if blackey would quit bitching and get off his ass then he wouldnt be poor,'

I think don't be a menace sums it up best.
[Sep 5,2005 12:27am - morbid jesus  ""]
just let the national grard drop off basketballs, fried chicken and barbeque and new orleans will be fine
[Sep 5,2005 12:50am - davefromthegrave ""]
c'mon guys, we don't hate the niggers anymore. now we hate the towelheads. let's get with the program people, hating the niggers is so 60's.
[Sep 5,2005 4:14am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
oh who cares just be racist and get it over with
[Sep 5,2005 9:05am - armageddanne ""]
Only one thing is real: death.
So, showel that stupid white supremacy bullshit up your asses and shut the fuck up.
[Sep 5,2005 9:11am - KeithMutiny ""]
haha, i miss anne
[Sep 5,2005 9:27am - an80smetalchick ""]
The people that are armed and running in gangs shooting at rescuers are members of VooDoo Gangs who have taken over downtown New Orleans.

They are preventing the Red Cross to enter downtown New Orleans. This is why there is a strong military presence with orders to shoot to kill and why there was no supervision in the Astrodome or Convention Center. This is also why food and water are being dropped down to the people rather than having relief stations downtown on the ground.

They have shot down a military engineer, police officers, fire fighters, medical patients, and a rescue helicopter.

This information was derived directly from a New Orleans resident and has also been documented on witchvox.com should anyone wish to learn more about the truth.
[Sep 5,2005 10:12am - davefromthegrave ""]
armageddanne said:Only one thing is real: death.
So, showel that stupid white supremacy bullshit up your asses and shut the fuck up.

just in case you weren't aware, my comment was a joke.
[Sep 5,2005 10:12am - davefromthegrave ""]
an80smetalchick said:The people that are armed and running in gangs shooting at rescuers are members of VooDoo Gangs who have taken over downtown New Orleans.

They are preventing the Red Cross to enter downtown New Orleans. This is why there is a strong military presence with orders to shoot to kill and why there was no supervision in the Astrodome or Convention Center. This is also why food and water are being dropped down to the people rather than having relief stations downtown on the ground.

They have shot down a military engineer, police officers, fire fighters, medical patients, and a rescue helicopter.

This information was derived directly from a New Orleans resident and has also been documented on witchvox.com should anyone wish to learn more about the truth.

arise, chicken. chicken, arise.
[Sep 5,2005 10:19am - an80smetalchick ""]
[Sep 5,2005 10:33am - horror_tang ""]
xmikex said:[img]

Wow, this actually puts this thread in perspective.
[Sep 6,2005 12:54am - retzam ""]
down the drain said:retzam said:Hahahaha this thread is ridiculous. I'd really like to meet a smart racist. Really. Come on. I'm BEGGING you guys.

Your an idiot by the way... You come on this thread and you address nothing. Present some sort of arguement to back up your theories.

HAHAHAHAHA you seriously want me to back up my theory that all racists are morons? HAVE YOU READ THIS THREAD!?!
[Sep 6,2005 5:16am - armageddanne ""]
davefromthegrave said:armageddanne said:Only one thing is real: death.
So, showel that stupid white supremacy bullshit up your asses and shut the fuck up.

just in case you weren't aware, my comment was a joke.

I didn't even read your post I was refering to the beginning of this threat, never made it to the end due to the high stupidity factor of the start.
[Sep 6,2005 11:55am - anonymous  ""]
Yah those homies down in New Orleans are pretty ignorant. Those people had rough lives before the hurricane hit.Now the little that they did have is all gone.The poor black people arnt gonna leave New Orleans.They have nowhere else to go.
[Sep 6,2005 5:30pm - anonymous  ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:If they're still alive looting for food and such they must have some survival instinct and intelligence. Plus wading through five feet of water is a really strenuous activity so they can't be physically weak. Now imagine wading a few miles through five feet of water with a 52 inch tv in your arms after you've already walked a few miles in the water while finding food for your household, that's some Paul Bunyan strength on display. They aren't weak, you're just jealous of black people's physical and mental superiority.

Ok... I've heard enough of the total pussy whining on this board. I am not in awe of how strong black people are. This is an open invitation to blacks or to any pc fags to take on ol' Pauly boy one on one, two on one, or a whole army of you glass jawed fence sitters. I don't care if you like me, like my band, or like my friends. I'll smash you and your fucking safe zone into bits. Fuck you, fuck your friends, fuck your bands, fuck your girl friends, fuck your friends fucking friends... Fuck every fucking gay scene in New England... Come and get me...

your just mad because all the ladies like the brothers these days!
[Sep 6,2005 5:45pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I could care less. I will admit that I get a kick out of offending people.
[Sep 6,2005 5:47pm - anonymous  ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:I could care less. I will admit that I get a kick out of offending people.

i get a kick out of tapping those white girls asses ,how do you like that?

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