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[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Sep 12,2004 11:30am - powerkok ""]
hellzzz ya buddy!!
and of course I will be there till the end, to sexually harrass youyr bassist like I usually do.
[Sep 12,2004 3:14pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha...he needs some action man....maybe your harrassment will drive him to actually talk to a woman that night
[Sep 12,2004 3:19pm - blue ""]
i will definetly be there day 2 to see all my boyeez tear it up.
[Sep 12,2004 3:41pm - thornnvine ""]
ya dawg
[Sep 12,2004 4:14pm - powerkok ""]
aww shit....fuckin nice.

thorn, theyre not booing theyre sayin 'dooooooom'
[Sep 12,2004 5:54pm - thornnvine ""]

and here all along I was feeling insecure
[Sep 12,2004 8:17pm - reuben ""]
get ther early for OCEAN, on the 2nd.. stay drunk from the night before!
[Sep 12,2004 9:26pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Sep 12,2004 10:24pm - thornnvine ""]
charlie don't surf
[Sep 13,2004 11:52am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
thornnvine said:Shit, that means I'll be drunk byAscendency
Trashed by CP and blacked out by the time we go on.
I won't even remember getting booed off stage.


heh heh heh. and how. this will be very rough to stay sober until we play.
[Sep 13,2004 12:54pm - blue nli  ""]
ill be drunk on the drive down.
[Sep 13,2004 3:39pm - reuben ""]
I'm drunk already
[Sep 13,2004 4:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
im with reub
[Sep 13,2004 9:39pm - powerkok ""]
HAH well, Im done before all of you, therefore I can get regretlessly drunk and suffer no conscequences! (besides the swollen head the next day)
I will warn you all..Im a hugging drunk. I will hug you and squeeze you and love you till you feel dizzy. Thats when I go to work on yer pants.....when youre groggy.
[Sep 14,2004 12:34am - dEoDIUMmORTIS ""]
Touch me and I'll set you on fire.
[Sep 14,2004 12:39am - powerkok ""]
Im flame retardant...my hugs smother fire.
[Sep 14,2004 12:39am - hoser ""]
Mortis...me an Powerkok are gonna push you into the bathroom and have at you with all of the sexual aggression of a Rhino in heat.
[Sep 14,2004 12:42am - powerkok ""]
[Sep 14,2004 12:53am - dEoDIUMmORTIS ""]
I'll just leave and let you two have your way with eachother. I'll go buy you both big rainbow capes too.
[Sep 14,2004 12:55am - powerkok ""]
well it sounds like great fun in either case.
but you couldnt just leave.
[Sep 14,2004 12:56am - hoser ""]
has anyone else seen the websites of the bands that are going on after us RTTP bands??? I mean...holy shit. The headlining bands (Metalblade) are gonna see 40 year old thrash douchbags with no following stand there and gay up our scene. Who the hell set that up...who is 137 anyway? Who is Liquid Violence? I dont get it.....the RTTP bands are gonna draw the crowds it seems, why wouyldnt you put them on later?
I dunno.....
[Sep 14,2004 12:56am - hoser ""]
I'm tired and cranky...I'm going to bed.
[Sep 14,2004 1:42am - powerkok ""]
just got an email from snake....bands, get ready to backline.
they have marshall 1960s tho so guitarists are safe.
[Sep 14,2004 1:45am - powerkok ""]
sounds like its gonna be put together quite well....gonna be fun.
I have beastman aids.
[Sep 14,2004 9:24am - RustedAngel ""]
hoser said:has anyone else seen the websites of the bands that are going on after us RTTP bands??? I mean...holy shit. The headlining bands (Metalblade) are gonna see 40 year old thrash douchbags with no following stand there and gay up our scene. Who the hell set that up...who is 137 anyway? Who is Liquid Violence? I dont get it.....the RTTP bands are gonna draw the crowds it seems, why wouyldnt you put them on later?
I dunno.....

i checked out 'liquid violence'... sounded bad but it looks like they are driving from ny or some shit so whatever, hopefully they poop their pants when 3 of us play before em... though I'm not sure what you mean about anything else, I mean acsendancy goes on later, so does shroud, command presence, so it's not like it's all good at the beginning and then bad. the 'RTTP' bands are pretty well mixed on the lineup imo.
[Sep 14,2004 9:25am - RustedAngel ""]
for the record, I don't like beyond the embrace at all and I really don't care what they think of all of us musically.
[Sep 14,2004 10:34am - Hoser ""]

Don't pay attention to a damned thing that I posted last night. I was a really cranky lil' bitch last night. I am just having a really hard time getting over the fact that HCN, Porphyria, and Ocean are going on in the middle of the afternoon when half of the world including us are still working. We are running into trouble with the work schedules for our drummer and bass player. They work together and its a long story. So I really want to play this badly but I think that were gonna have a problem, that's all. So because of that, I'm a CRANKY LIL' BITCH.
[Sep 14,2004 10:45am - RustedAngel ""]
lol, yeah it sucks but shit, at least it's on a saturday, and more than 2 weeks ahead of time, get that shit off. fuck work. regular mass metalfest on friday starts at like 2... and on saturdays noon.

i'm psyched they are backlining, will make shit go a bit smoother I might even run a full stack there... it wasn't clear if drummers should bring their own drumset?

metal > work
[Sep 14,2004 11:04am - powerkok ""]
no Im pretty sure he said just cymbals and pedals...they have a double bass set there, I believe.
[Sep 14,2004 1:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
ohh, duh.. I guess I should have read over it again...

"We will have the standard festival
backline...probably two 412 Marshall guitar stacks, 1 Ampeg bass rig and
drum kit with double bass. All bands will be required to use the backline
unless other arrangements are made."
[Sep 14,2004 2:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
"Below is the tentative schedule for the fest. I have left myself enough
wiggle room that if something comes up I can shift things around a bit, but
I won't be making any major changes unless I am forced to. The Friday
schedule is pretty much in stone. The Saturday schedule may change, but if
it does, the scheduled start time for the bands should not be any earlier. I
may move the start time of the show back to 4:30 or add a band to open up
and shift everyone one slot later. If I do have to make changes and your
band is effected, I will let you know. The schedule shows the start time,
set length and the band.

Friday, October 1st.....

8:00 PM 0:30 Distrust
8:45 PM 0:30 CSDO
9:30 PM 0:35 Black Widow
10:20 PM 0:30 Red Right Hand
11:05 PM 0:35 Tearabyte
11:55 PM 0:35 Overlorde
12:45 AM 1:00 Seven Witches

Saturday, October 2nd....

3:45 PM 0:30 Hand Choke Neck
4:30 PM 0:30 Ocean
5:15 PM 0:30 Porphyria
6:00 PM 0:30 Liquid Violence
6:45 PM 0:30 Ascendancy
7:30 PM 0:30 137
8:15 PM 0:30 The Accursed
9:00 PM 0:30 Command Presence
9:45 PM 0:30 Estuary
10:30 PM 0:30 Shroud of Bereavment
11:15 PM 0:45 Meliah Rage
12:15 AM 0:45 Beyond The Embrace
[Sep 14,2004 2:22pm - Metal_Dem  ""]
dyingmuse said:we played this fest in june in nc it was one of the best times i have ever had at a show, ever. everyone is very cool. people travel from belgum, mitchigan, virginia, florida all over really, and everyone is cool there. no attitudes no bs, just metal peeps having a good time. 2 days of full on partys. there will be hotel partys going on the whole weekend!

everyone should try to make this fest. show their support and have fun!!!!!

And the ones from Belgium will come back to this Metal Nation :D

[Sep 14,2004 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm not too into tearabyte's music, but they are super nice guys
[Sep 14,2004 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I would be not staying in a hotel... since my house is under 50 minutes away
[Sep 14,2004 2:50pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am not going on Friday, I will be there Saturday though.
[Sep 14,2004 3:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
i wish distrust were on saturday :-/
[Sep 14,2004 3:54pm - powerkok ""]
ya no shit!
they are SF tho, so I understand why.
They kicked huge ass at kc's. Heavier than ever before.
[Sep 14,2004 5:28pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
Hoser said:Tom,

Don't pay attention to a damned thing that I posted last night. I was a really cranky lil' bitch last night. I am just having a really hard time getting over the fact that HCN, Porphyria, and Ocean are going on in the middle of the afternoon when half of the world including us are still working. We are running into trouble with the work schedules for our drummer and bass player. They work together and its a long story. So I really want to play this badly but I think that were gonna have a problem, that's all. So because of that, I'm a CRANKY LIL' BITCH.

It's okay. Everyone will be there early. I will. Everyone from the area will be there from beginning to end. Don't worry. I hope you work your schedule problems out. It will be a good time. You'll see.
[Sep 14,2004 5:31pm - Kevin M  ""]
Nice pic of Al from Derrypolluza.
[Sep 14,2004 5:37pm - dyingmuse ""]
hey dem! how are ya? good to see ya posting on rttp.

bands relax, this show will be balls out! drunken fun!
and the way it works on this fest is, seinority...if you have never played before you get a bad slot. next year you will have a better one!
so just chill out and have a great time! its a honor for shroud to be part of such a great fest full of great people! and the sound guy is the best sound guy we have ever worked with...you all will sound pissa, and the back line is awesome!

[Sep 14,2004 7:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
ahhh bump!!!!!!!!!!!!

and who's going?

would anyone buy metal nation shirts?

i think he may be making some for this particular fest!

[Sep 14,2004 8:20pm - powerkok ""]
well...Im makin flyers for todd and us to pimp....Im gonna invite the usual HCN goon squad, but attendance will vary due to work scheds.
I think ppl will be there either way.I know all the bands HAVE to be there 2 hours before, so I plan on having a medium to large buzz by Ascendancy...puke by Estuary, done puking in time to heckle Shrouds bassist, and pass out on a sandbag after meliah rage.
[Sep 14,2004 9:15pm - dyingmuse ""]
well im working on a cook out that day, is serge will call me back

last metal nation they had a cook out and everyone downed some bbq and got shitfaced...good times

hopefully people serge will let it happen
[Sep 14,2004 9:27pm - BornSoVile ""]
dan, that would fucking rule if we got a cook out going!
[Sep 14,2004 9:35pm - Flesheater ""]
Meliah Rage's new singer sucks but they still sound good live
[Sep 14,2004 9:38pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
hey if me and my valhalla boys come up is there somewhere we could stay hoser/kok/dan?
[Sep 14,2004 10:03pm - thornnvine ""]
this is gonna be wicked bad ass dood.
[Sep 14,2004 10:10pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Fuck, OCEAN should play later than 4!
[Sep 14,2004 10:12pm - thornnvine ""]
We opened the entire fest in NC in June. I will be up front for the entire Ocean set.
[Sep 14,2004 10:39pm - powerkok ""]
ya u valhalla guys could stay!
most likley at matts in manch.
let us know a few days b4 hand.

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