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[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Sep 9,2004 1:53pm - RustedAngel ""]


October 1st, October 2nd...
@ The Bombshelter
Manchester, NH

Lineup as of 9/9/04
Seven Witches
Beyond The Embrace
Meliah Rage
Shroud of Bereavment
Red Right Hand
The Accursed
Liquid Violence
Command Presence
Black Widow (USA)
Hand Choke Neck
Candy Stripper Death Orgy

set time's will be posted soon.
[Sep 9,2004 1:55pm - Jellyfish ""]
[Sep 9,2004 2:20pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
sick line-up

good job HCN!!!
[Sep 9,2004 2:30pm - dyingmuse ""]
we played this fest in june in nc it was one of the best times i have ever had at a show, ever. everyone is very cool. people travel from belgum, mitchigan, virginia, florida all over really, and everyone is cool there. no attitudes no bs, just metal peeps having a good time. 2 days of full on partys. there will be hotel partys going on the whole weekend!

everyone should try to make this fest. show their support and have fun!!!!!
[Sep 9,2004 2:32pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fuck yeah, ESTUARY rules.

[Sep 9,2004 2:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah they do! you going to this?
[Sep 9,2004 3:21pm - the_reverend ""]
damn it...
does that mean I have to leave my attitude at home?!
[Sep 9,2004 3:29pm - blue ""]
ooooh. ill be there fo sho.
[Sep 9,2004 3:48pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I'll make an appearance if someone can give me a ride.
[Sep 9,2004 3:53pm - dyingmuse ""]
well arent you guys playing?

[Sep 9,2004 3:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
the_reverend said:damn it...
does that mean I have to leave my attitude at home?!

naw rev you can bring it, but only this one time.

no, it was awesome, i went there to a crowd of like 300 or so people that i didnt know, and everyone there was so friendly, it was like i knew all the people there . it was a union of metal brothers! :doublehorns::doublehorns::doublehorns::doublehorns::doublehorns: there were death metal people thrash peeps like all kinds of just different people and everyone had a fucking blast!
[Sep 9,2004 4:35pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
yes. this will be insane. and there will be killer hotel parties after.
[Sep 9,2004 4:37pm - ASSUCK ""]
where is this?
[Sep 9,2004 4:37pm - succubus ""]
the bombshelter
[Sep 9,2004 4:38pm - ASSUCK ""]
dammit i wont be 18 until november.

oh well.
[Sep 9,2004 7:49pm - Terence ""]
Estuary is fucking awesome.
[Sep 9,2004 8:22pm - dyingmuse ""]
and so does ascendancy
[Sep 9,2004 10:34pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Will I be able to set up my distro and pimp the Metal?

[Sep 9,2004 10:48pm - dyingmuse ""]
yup bring it man.
[Sep 10,2004 7:41am - BestialOnslaught ""]
I saw a MELIAH RAGE reunion show in Chicago last June (at the Classic Metal Fest III [or was it II?])... They still suck just like they always have haha...

I really wanna see OCEAN though!
[Sep 10,2004 7:50am - dyingmuse ""]
yeah ocean rock!!!!! the last time we played with them we ended up in maine till 430 am..ha ha they are party animals! i had to go to work the next morning ha ha that was rough. nothing like some good doom!
[Sep 10,2004 9:28am - RustedAngel ""]
I'd have to say CSDO is the best band on screaming ferret records...if that doesn't tell you something, I don't know what would.
[Sep 10,2004 9:43am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
When Command Presence drops off, can someone get Raising Kubrick to take their place?
[Sep 10,2004 9:52am - RustedAngel ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:When Command Presence drops off, can someone get Raising Kubrick to take their place?

If I hear anything about anyone dropping off, the first place I'll be is here seeing if anyone wants to join up.
[Sep 10,2004 10:22am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I heard about this fest from COMMAND PRESENCE, they are psyched for this, I doubt they will drop off.
[Sep 10,2004 10:26am - blue nli  ""]
they were also psyched to play the first date of the rk tour, but they dropped off. those handsome bastards.
[Sep 10,2004 6:27pm - Todd(Bombshelter)  ""]
Bout time someone posted this..should be a fun show,oh yea ,Autopsy666,you can set up your distro at the bombshelter anytime you want all ya gotta do is ask ,man. Cause you know i'll be first in line with a handful of cash ,buyin CD's
[Sep 10,2004 6:28pm - BornSoVile ""]
This should be fun. I finally get to go behind the ropes and drink there too.
[Sep 10,2004 6:32pm - dyingmuse ""]
instant drunk...lol
[Sep 10,2004 6:46pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Todd, you rule.
[Sep 10,2004 6:47pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Tom, are you ever gonna fix your NOTHERN typo?!


[Sep 10,2004 6:57pm - hoser ""]
Ah yes.....Hand Choke Neck is quite ready for this. Our album JUST MAY BE DONE IN TIME for you all to get the first batch of the cheap copies (free). This puppy will be fully mixed and mastered by then I should think. Were doing vocals tomorrow.


Were gonna rip yer fuckin' heads off at this show. Ya, that's right...some new material.
[Sep 10,2004 7:33pm - RustedAngel ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Tom, are you ever gonna fix your NOTHERN typo?!



fixed you whiney bastard! :bow:
[Sep 10,2004 7:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
Metal Nation: Northern Aggression

Starts on: 10/1/2004

Location:The Bombshelter in Manchester, NH

Below is the list of bands that are confirmed to play the fest. The dates that the bands are scheduled to play is accurate. The start times and order of the schedule is subject to change and more bands will probably be added.


8:05 PM Candy Stripper Death Orgy
8:50 PM Black Widow (US)
9:30 PM Red Right Hand
10:20 PM Tearabyte
11:05 PM Overlorde
11:55 PM Seven Witches


3:20 PM Hand Choke Neck
4:00 PM Ocean
4:40 PM Porphyria
5:20 PM Liquid Violence
6:00 PM Ascendancy
6:45 PM 137
7:30 PM The Accursed
8:15 PM Command Presence
9:00 PM Estuary
9:45 PM Shroud of Bereavement
10:30 PM Meliah Rage Website
11:30 PM Beyond The Embrace
[Sep 10,2004 7:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
so sad, the rttp bands aren't on the same night as CSDO, bwahaha.
[Sep 10,2004 7:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Sep 10,2004 7:48pm - RustedAngel ""]
replace meliah rage with goratory, YAY. heh.
[Sep 10,2004 7:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
now that's some fucking aggression.
[Sep 10,2004 7:59pm - hoser ""]

uggghhhhhhh....afternoon...that's weird.
[Sep 11,2004 3:00am - dyingmuse ""]
BornSoVile said:GET GORATORY!!!!!

that would be boss! they rock
[Sep 11,2004 12:11pm - powerkok ""]
ya 3:20....mekkk

[Sep 11,2004 2:10pm - RustedAngel ""]
it's a fest, someone has to go first. plus we live in NH all these other bands are traveling pretty far so they should probably get the better timeslots.....sucks that we both go on early... but at least we're all playing.
[Sep 11,2004 2:29pm - powerkok ""]
tom dont you sass me! I know its a fest butthead. I wasnt bitchin about our slot...I said mekk about the show startin so early...As far as Im concerned...we never just 'open' a show...we bust it wide the fuck open!!! Gonna be fun!!
[Sep 11,2004 3:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I might skip Friday and just go on SaTURDay.
[Sep 11,2004 3:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
I'm not into any of the bands playing friday.
[Sep 11,2004 3:08pm - powerkok ""]
RustedAngel said:plus we live in NH all these other bands are traveling pretty far so they should probably get the better timeslots

Ocean is from maine:shocked:

[Sep 11,2004 3:10pm - powerkok ""]
damn I cant fix it.
[Sep 11,2004 4:15pm - thornnvine ""]
Friday's lineup??????????

I'll be there at 3:20 to support my boys in HCN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Sep 11,2004 4:18pm - thornnvine ""]
Shit, that means I'll be drunk byAscendency
Trashed by CP and blacked out by the time we go on.
I won't even remember getting booed off stage.

[Sep 12,2004 11:05am - thornnvine ""]
[Sep 12,2004 11:30am - powerkok ""]
hellzzz ya buddy!!
and of course I will be there till the end, to sexually harrass youyr bassist like I usually do.
[Sep 12,2004 3:14pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha...he needs some action man....maybe your harrassment will drive him to actually talk to a woman that night
[Sep 12,2004 3:19pm - blue ""]
i will definetly be there day 2 to see all my boyeez tear it up.
[Sep 12,2004 3:41pm - thornnvine ""]
ya dawg
[Sep 12,2004 4:14pm - powerkok ""]
aww shit....fuckin nice.

thorn, theyre not booing theyre sayin 'dooooooom'
[Sep 12,2004 5:54pm - thornnvine ""]

and here all along I was feeling insecure
[Sep 12,2004 8:17pm - reuben ""]
get ther early for OCEAN, on the 2nd.. stay drunk from the night before!
[Sep 12,2004 9:26pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Sep 12,2004 10:24pm - thornnvine ""]
charlie don't surf
[Sep 13,2004 11:52am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
thornnvine said:Shit, that means I'll be drunk byAscendency
Trashed by CP and blacked out by the time we go on.
I won't even remember getting booed off stage.


heh heh heh. and how. this will be very rough to stay sober until we play.
[Sep 13,2004 12:54pm - blue nli  ""]
ill be drunk on the drive down.
[Sep 13,2004 3:39pm - reuben ""]
I'm drunk already
[Sep 13,2004 4:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
im with reub
[Sep 13,2004 9:39pm - powerkok ""]
HAH well, Im done before all of you, therefore I can get regretlessly drunk and suffer no conscequences! (besides the swollen head the next day)
I will warn you all..Im a hugging drunk. I will hug you and squeeze you and love you till you feel dizzy. Thats when I go to work on yer pants.....when youre groggy.
[Sep 14,2004 12:34am - dEoDIUMmORTIS ""]
Touch me and I'll set you on fire.
[Sep 14,2004 12:39am - powerkok ""]
Im flame retardant...my hugs smother fire.
[Sep 14,2004 12:39am - hoser ""]
Mortis...me an Powerkok are gonna push you into the bathroom and have at you with all of the sexual aggression of a Rhino in heat.
[Sep 14,2004 12:42am - powerkok ""]
[Sep 14,2004 12:53am - dEoDIUMmORTIS ""]
I'll just leave and let you two have your way with eachother. I'll go buy you both big rainbow capes too.
[Sep 14,2004 12:55am - powerkok ""]
well it sounds like great fun in either case.
but you couldnt just leave.
[Sep 14,2004 12:56am - hoser ""]
has anyone else seen the websites of the bands that are going on after us RTTP bands??? I mean...holy shit. The headlining bands (Metalblade) are gonna see 40 year old thrash douchbags with no following stand there and gay up our scene. Who the hell set that up...who is 137 anyway? Who is Liquid Violence? I dont get it.....the RTTP bands are gonna draw the crowds it seems, why wouyldnt you put them on later?
I dunno.....
[Sep 14,2004 12:56am - hoser ""]
I'm tired and cranky...I'm going to bed.
[Sep 14,2004 1:42am - powerkok ""]
just got an email from snake....bands, get ready to backline.
they have marshall 1960s tho so guitarists are safe.
[Sep 14,2004 1:45am - powerkok ""]
sounds like its gonna be put together quite well....gonna be fun.
I have beastman aids.
[Sep 14,2004 9:24am - RustedAngel ""]
hoser said:has anyone else seen the websites of the bands that are going on after us RTTP bands??? I mean...holy shit. The headlining bands (Metalblade) are gonna see 40 year old thrash douchbags with no following stand there and gay up our scene. Who the hell set that up...who is 137 anyway? Who is Liquid Violence? I dont get it.....the RTTP bands are gonna draw the crowds it seems, why wouyldnt you put them on later?
I dunno.....

i checked out 'liquid violence'... sounded bad but it looks like they are driving from ny or some shit so whatever, hopefully they poop their pants when 3 of us play before em... though I'm not sure what you mean about anything else, I mean acsendancy goes on later, so does shroud, command presence, so it's not like it's all good at the beginning and then bad. the 'RTTP' bands are pretty well mixed on the lineup imo.
[Sep 14,2004 9:25am - RustedAngel ""]
for the record, I don't like beyond the embrace at all and I really don't care what they think of all of us musically.
[Sep 14,2004 10:34am - Hoser ""]

Don't pay attention to a damned thing that I posted last night. I was a really cranky lil' bitch last night. I am just having a really hard time getting over the fact that HCN, Porphyria, and Ocean are going on in the middle of the afternoon when half of the world including us are still working. We are running into trouble with the work schedules for our drummer and bass player. They work together and its a long story. So I really want to play this badly but I think that were gonna have a problem, that's all. So because of that, I'm a CRANKY LIL' BITCH.
[Sep 14,2004 10:45am - RustedAngel ""]
lol, yeah it sucks but shit, at least it's on a saturday, and more than 2 weeks ahead of time, get that shit off. fuck work. regular mass metalfest on friday starts at like 2... and on saturdays noon.

i'm psyched they are backlining, will make shit go a bit smoother I might even run a full stack there... it wasn't clear if drummers should bring their own drumset?

metal > work
[Sep 14,2004 11:04am - powerkok ""]
no Im pretty sure he said just cymbals and pedals...they have a double bass set there, I believe.
[Sep 14,2004 1:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
ohh, duh.. I guess I should have read over it again...

"We will have the standard festival
backline...probably two 412 Marshall guitar stacks, 1 Ampeg bass rig and
drum kit with double bass. All bands will be required to use the backline
unless other arrangements are made."
[Sep 14,2004 2:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
"Below is the tentative schedule for the fest. I have left myself enough
wiggle room that if something comes up I can shift things around a bit, but
I won't be making any major changes unless I am forced to. The Friday
schedule is pretty much in stone. The Saturday schedule may change, but if
it does, the scheduled start time for the bands should not be any earlier. I
may move the start time of the show back to 4:30 or add a band to open up
and shift everyone one slot later. If I do have to make changes and your
band is effected, I will let you know. The schedule shows the start time,
set length and the band.

Friday, October 1st.....

8:00 PM 0:30 Distrust
8:45 PM 0:30 CSDO
9:30 PM 0:35 Black Widow
10:20 PM 0:30 Red Right Hand
11:05 PM 0:35 Tearabyte
11:55 PM 0:35 Overlorde
12:45 AM 1:00 Seven Witches

Saturday, October 2nd....

3:45 PM 0:30 Hand Choke Neck
4:30 PM 0:30 Ocean
5:15 PM 0:30 Porphyria
6:00 PM 0:30 Liquid Violence
6:45 PM 0:30 Ascendancy
7:30 PM 0:30 137
8:15 PM 0:30 The Accursed
9:00 PM 0:30 Command Presence
9:45 PM 0:30 Estuary
10:30 PM 0:30 Shroud of Bereavment
11:15 PM 0:45 Meliah Rage
12:15 AM 0:45 Beyond The Embrace
[Sep 14,2004 2:22pm - Metal_Dem  ""]
dyingmuse said:we played this fest in june in nc it was one of the best times i have ever had at a show, ever. everyone is very cool. people travel from belgum, mitchigan, virginia, florida all over really, and everyone is cool there. no attitudes no bs, just metal peeps having a good time. 2 days of full on partys. there will be hotel partys going on the whole weekend!

everyone should try to make this fest. show their support and have fun!!!!!

And the ones from Belgium will come back to this Metal Nation :D

[Sep 14,2004 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm not too into tearabyte's music, but they are super nice guys
[Sep 14,2004 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I would be not staying in a hotel... since my house is under 50 minutes away
[Sep 14,2004 2:50pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am not going on Friday, I will be there Saturday though.
[Sep 14,2004 3:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
i wish distrust were on saturday :-/
[Sep 14,2004 3:54pm - powerkok ""]
ya no shit!
they are SF tho, so I understand why.
They kicked huge ass at kc's. Heavier than ever before.
[Sep 14,2004 5:28pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
Hoser said:Tom,

Don't pay attention to a damned thing that I posted last night. I was a really cranky lil' bitch last night. I am just having a really hard time getting over the fact that HCN, Porphyria, and Ocean are going on in the middle of the afternoon when half of the world including us are still working. We are running into trouble with the work schedules for our drummer and bass player. They work together and its a long story. So I really want to play this badly but I think that were gonna have a problem, that's all. So because of that, I'm a CRANKY LIL' BITCH.

It's okay. Everyone will be there early. I will. Everyone from the area will be there from beginning to end. Don't worry. I hope you work your schedule problems out. It will be a good time. You'll see.
[Sep 14,2004 5:31pm - Kevin M  ""]
Nice pic of Al from Derrypolluza.
[Sep 14,2004 5:37pm - dyingmuse ""]
hey dem! how are ya? good to see ya posting on rttp.

bands relax, this show will be balls out! drunken fun!
and the way it works on this fest is, seinority...if you have never played before you get a bad slot. next year you will have a better one!
so just chill out and have a great time! its a honor for shroud to be part of such a great fest full of great people! and the sound guy is the best sound guy we have ever worked with...you all will sound pissa, and the back line is awesome!

[Sep 14,2004 7:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
ahhh bump!!!!!!!!!!!!

and who's going?

would anyone buy metal nation shirts?

i think he may be making some for this particular fest!

[Sep 14,2004 8:20pm - powerkok ""]
well...Im makin flyers for todd and us to pimp....Im gonna invite the usual HCN goon squad, but attendance will vary due to work scheds.
I think ppl will be there either way.I know all the bands HAVE to be there 2 hours before, so I plan on having a medium to large buzz by Ascendancy...puke by Estuary, done puking in time to heckle Shrouds bassist, and pass out on a sandbag after meliah rage.
[Sep 14,2004 9:15pm - dyingmuse ""]
well im working on a cook out that day, is serge will call me back

last metal nation they had a cook out and everyone downed some bbq and got shitfaced...good times

hopefully people serge will let it happen
[Sep 14,2004 9:27pm - BornSoVile ""]
dan, that would fucking rule if we got a cook out going!
[Sep 14,2004 9:35pm - Flesheater ""]
Meliah Rage's new singer sucks but they still sound good live
[Sep 14,2004 9:38pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
hey if me and my valhalla boys come up is there somewhere we could stay hoser/kok/dan?
[Sep 14,2004 10:03pm - thornnvine ""]
this is gonna be wicked bad ass dood.
[Sep 14,2004 10:10pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Fuck, OCEAN should play later than 4!
[Sep 14,2004 10:12pm - thornnvine ""]
We opened the entire fest in NC in June. I will be up front for the entire Ocean set.
[Sep 14,2004 10:39pm - powerkok ""]
ya u valhalla guys could stay!
most likley at matts in manch.
let us know a few days b4 hand.
[Sep 15,2004 4:52am - dyingmuse ""]
shit guys 2 weeks!!!!!! woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeahhhh dogy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Sep 16,2004 4:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
become active.
[Sep 16,2004 5:39pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah what he said
[Sep 16,2004 8:20pm - Flesheater ""]
This show all ages or not?
[Sep 16,2004 10:55pm - WyrmFingerz ""]
ha ha, I can't wait for Command Presence to bail on this one, too. Fuck those guys.

Oh and Blue, I hear CP only plays gigs with omnivores.
[Sep 17,2004 1:10am - powerkok ""]
I think its 18+
[Sep 17,2004 1:01pm - Hoser ""]
omnivores?? What the fuck??
[Sep 17,2004 3:30pm - dyingmuse ""]
its actually all ages!

whats with the smack talk towards cp? they are great guys!
[Sep 17,2004 3:45pm - Hoser ""]
dan, my monkey awaits your feminine touch. Please wrap your masons hands around my flesh log and bring forth the dreams!!!
[Sep 17,2004 4:21pm - dyingmuse ""]
its only in your dreams....or is it? those roofies work wonders!
[Sep 19,2004 12:09pm - thornnvine ""]
dan gives hand choke neck a whole new meaning
[Sep 19,2004 12:23pm - powerkok ""]
Hand Choke Peck er
[Sep 20,2004 1:41am - ravenousdestruction ""]
WyrmFingerz said:ha ha, I can't wait for Command Presence to bail on this one, too. Fuck those guys.

Oh and Blue, I hear CP only plays gigs with omnivores.

Will CP still play with shroud then? Kell is herbivore! No carnage in her diet.
[Sep 20,2004 1:42am - ravenousdestruction ""]
[Sep 20,2004 8:23am - RustedAngel ""]
the for more info url should be 'http://www.nothern-aggression.com/' not snakenet.com.
[Sep 20,2004 8:48am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to both days, I guess.
[Sep 20,2004 6:35pm - WyrmFingerz ""]
ravenousdestruction said:WyrmFingerz said:ha ha, I can't wait for Command Presence to bail on this one, too. Fuck those guys.

Oh and Blue, I hear CP only plays gigs with omnivores.

Will CP still play with shroud then? Kell is herbivore! No carnage in her diet.

We understand that The Dan really likes The Meat.
[Sep 20,2004 7:06pm - dyingmuse ""]
what kind of meat are we talking about here sailor!!
[Sep 20,2004 7:35pm - the_reverend ""]
people who are in the area and not playing shows during the day and do not hit up this show are gay.
[Sep 20,2004 7:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I hope this does genuinely better than the last screaming ferret fest I went to. granted that was over 3 years ago.
and by genuinely, I mean not a couple bands buying all their tickets and not all the bands being forced to sell xx tickets or not play, but because people out there care about the bands and like the music.
I guess we'll see...
If it's a "flop" I will be disillusioned with metal once again.
[Sep 21,2004 9:35am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
i hope it does well too, rev. i guess we'll just have to see.
[Sep 21,2004 9:53am - the_reverend ""]
there are 2 problems with this fest... not aimed at any one band, but all the bands on the list.
1) no collective group of people cares enough about ANY of the bands on this list to go to the bombshelter for these bands
2) all the persons that DO care to go see these bands ARE PLAYING IN OTHER BANDS.

I will be there and I hope that people prove me wrong.
[Sep 21,2004 10:53am - succubus ""]
*crosses fingers as well*
[Sep 21,2004 11:04am - dyingmuse ""]
man i really hope this goes great. i know that 50 or so people at least are coming from nc,virginia and othe placec not from here...and a good 3rd of them are female, that is prety awesome. from what i heard a good amount of mags will be there too! good press for ne
[Sep 21,2004 2:29pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
the_reverend said:

I will be there and I hope that people prove me wrong.

me too. if not, my faith in the 'scene' will falter quite a bit, i fear...
[Sep 21,2004 4:47pm - powerkok ""]
well that means we pimp the fuck outta this show starting a week ago. I made flyers..anyone else?
[Sep 21,2004 4:50pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
i have a stack i am going to be putting up in Nashua/Manch-vegas/Boston/Providence. me and my roommate are going.
[Sep 21,2004 5:01pm - powerkok ""]
sweet...same here, were doing maNCH tonight and the seacoast area tomorrow...I will put a few around concord as well.
Kell, be with me.
[Sep 21,2004 5:31pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
Nice. I think that we are going friday? Maybe thursday...
[Sep 22,2004 2:09pm - dyingmuse ""]
we are going tommorrow with flyers !
[Sep 22,2004 3:29pm - reuben ""]
OCEAN put a link to the website on our site, and are actively promoting it in Maine. We've got a handful of people going down on Sat. Hopefully we can get some others. I'm going to call some people from Lewiston aswell, they LOVE metal in Lewiston.
[Sep 22,2004 3:45pm - RustedAngel ""]
call those lewiston metalheads down for this friday at bottomz up
[Sep 23,2004 11:20am - dyingmuse ""]
we got 8 days! this will kick ass
[Sep 23,2004 12:16pm - powerkok ""]
[Sep 23,2004 1:07pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
Is snake coming up to this?

I haven't talked to that dude since he flipped out at me online like 4 years ago.. haha..
[Sep 23,2004 3:03pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
JonahBloodbath said:Is snake coming up to this?

I haven't talked to that dude since he flipped out at me online like 4 years ago.. haha..

Tee hee. Yes, Snake will be there. You should come, too. Maybe I can convince Stormy to go if you go.

Heh Heh. I forgot all about that.
[Sep 24,2004 12:38am - JonahBloodbath ""]
maybe i'll come check it out, I haven't even been on that web site in like 4 years..

how much is it? 21+? anyone from boston driving up?
[Sep 24,2004 10:01am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
JonahBloodbath said:maybe i'll come check it out, I haven't even been on that web site in like 4 years..

how much is it? 21+? anyone from boston driving up?

It's all ages, I believe.

[Sep 25,2004 9:26am - thornnvine ""]
i think they should put the gates of intoxication parallel to the stage about 30 feet back. Keep the young ones in the back and let us drink up front.
[Sep 25,2004 5:06pm - Snake ""]
the_reverend said:there are 2 problems with this fest... not aimed at any one band, but all the bands on the list.
1) no collective group of people cares enough about ANY of the bands on this list to go to the bombshelter for these bands

Which means we're going to have to hope to get a good draw out of the locals for the fest to do really well. ;)

2) all the persons that DO care to go see these bands ARE PLAYING IN OTHER BANDS.

This is a common problem with any fest like this. I have the exact same problem when I do the show in NC. On one hand, you need the local support to attract people to the show, but on the other, almost every local scene is comprised mostly of people that are in bands. That is why I try to limit the number of local/regional bands doing a fest like this where there is no big headliner to draw out the masses that don't regularly support local music. The people from the bands that aren't playing that show up to support the fest are noted and those bands get an opportunity to do the next one.

I will be there and I hope that people prove me wrong.

I hope you are proven wrong as well. This is the first fest I am doing outside of NC. I didn't sink a crapload of cash into it for headliners because I wanted to test the waters first.

So far, I have been very impressed with the support and the positive attitude from the bands, fans and club. Even if the show tanks, I will almost certainly do another show here again based solely on what I have seen so far. In particular, Dan and the Shroud ppl have busted their ass on this and I owe them huge thanks for all their efforts. If the show fails, then it wasn't for lack of trying.

A few other comments based on what ppl have said here that will hopefully clear some things up...

First, this show is a SnakeNet Metal Radio Gathering. SnakeNet puts on or sponsors many local shows around the globe. The Metal Nation fests are the larger two or three day fests that we put on so that our members can gather for a weekend of metal and partying. The big annual show is Metal Nation: The Gathering and we'll have 50 or so people come in from all parts of the US, Canada and Europe for the fest, in addition to the local NC Scenesters. Again, this is my first attempt at doing a larger scale, multiple day festival outside of NC for the members to attend. Roughly 20 of the members of SnakeNet have already purchased tickets and people will be coming from as far away as Belgium for the show.

You may ask yourself, why the fuck would someone fly from Belgium to attend a show with this lineup? The answer goes back to what Dan said earlier....because they know when they go to a Metal Nation show, they are going to have one drunken ass great time. It really is like a huge metal brotherhood. The fests have never had multiple monster named headliners, but attendance grows every year because the party is bigger then the show and because the people that attend always come away finding a crap load of great bands that they have never heard before.

For me, that is what it is all about....getting to see great unsigned bands and bands I haven't seen before. Even at bigger fests with monster headliners, I am usually too drunk to care about the headliners and too burnt out on kickass metal to even want to see them. You can always catch the bigger bands on tour. I want to see new talent and expand my metal horizons. I keep the ticket price cheap, so everyone can go and still have plenty of money for beer and travel.

I'm not pretending I wouldn't want to have Motorhead or Opeth do one of my shows, but I don't sweat it when that doesn't work out. Real metalheads will support their scene and come out to hear bands and get drunk. Those are the people that I want at my shows and that is why the vibe of my fests are the way they are. If I can be certain of one thing, it is that everyone will come away having had a great time.

Second, how were the bands picked? Why is [insert band] playing later then my favorite local band?

I put this show together starting with Seven Witches. I decided to do Friday night as mostly power/classic metal and Saturday as the Doom/Death/Thrash/Black stuff. This is the first time I have tried this, but my hopes are two fold. First, people that don't like one style or other can attend one day and not have to pay the $20, thus have more money for beer and have a better time when they are there. Also, having a varied lineup will keep some people away because elitist assholes often won't support shows with varying styles of metal. This is going to be a crap shoot. If I get good attendance both days, I will do it this way again. If not, then I'll go back to mixing it up more. I won't know how it will work until I try. Admittedly, the Friday show is very weak on locals and I fear that attendance will suffer for that reason alone. There just doesn't seem to be a lot of power/classic metal bands from this area.

The bands were hand picked by me. Some of them I picked based on recommendations from people I trust. Some I picked because I know they kick ass even if no one in the Manchester area ever heard of them. Some of them were picked because I know they will draw a crowd.

Setting a lineup is never easy. It never fails that the bands that go on first pitch a fucking bitch. When Shroud was slotted for 7:00pm on Friday for our show in June, Dan wasn't happy about that. And yeah...they played in front of only 40 or 50 people, but very few of those 40 or 50 people had ever seen Shroud and they came away with a crapload of new fans.

It was also the first fest they ever played for me. As I alluded to earlier, I want bands on my show that will bust their ass to promote. I have probably put on 100 shows over the last 3 years. I always take notes of which bands promote the show and which ones get the best crowd response. The ones that work hard and play well are the ones that get asked to do the next one and get the better slots. Someone mentioned 137 and Liquid Violence as being bands they never heard of and wondered why they got later slots then some of the locals that will draw better. Well, I just gave you the answer. They have performed well in the past and have busted their ass for me on their home turf. Now when I am doing a show outside their area, they are invited to play and given a decent slot playing in front of someone else's crowd. Funny how that works, huh?

Also, when you are constructing a lineup, if you care about getting exposure for bands and want to build a scene, putting bands that are unknown or lesser known first means that even fewer people will come out early. I want all of the bands to play in front of a good crowd. I don't want bands having to drive 10 hours to play in front of five people. That defeats the purpose of having them on the show. So again, I give locals that have not played a show for me earlier slots, let them prove themselves and draw a crowd out for the other bands that otherwise wouldn't draw well.

I realize that many people will think that is ass backwards. You should put the bigger drawing bands on later so that more people will come out to see them. And that is a valid point.....if I was some money grubbing whore that only cared about how fat my wallet would be after the show. But that ain't me. I am about metal, the music and scene. I care about the bands and have confidence that they are all worthy of playing the show. The bands that go on earlier should be A) happy to be playing B) happy to give their metal brothers a chance to play for their crowd. This show is about networking....making contacts with new bands, making friends with new fans and meeting new people that share our love of metal. Bands that don't realize the value of meeting bands from outside their area and expanding their contacts are doomed to remain right where they are today.

Because this show is a SnakeNet Gathering, even the locals will be playing to new potential fans. As I said earlier, we have already sold advanced tickets to 20 people from all over the US and Europe. And those are just the people that bought advanced tickets. I know of a few people coming from a good distance that have not purchased tickets. The SnakeNet people come to the fest early and stay until the end. No....we aren't going to be out in numbers quite as great as some of the other shows. The timing just didn't work out well for this one. Many of our regular SnakeNet attendees are tapped out from the Gatherings we did over the summer, but if the opening acts being their crowd and you add in the SnakeNet ppl, everyone will have a good show....even the openers. And to be honest, if you are playing in front of no one, my question will be "where was your crowd?". I'm bringing mine and they are taking days off from work and traveling a lot further then any of the locals. ;) heh heh

The other factor involved in the lineup is Screaming Ferret. Tim Kuokos (the label prez) has been very supportive of the SnakeNet fests. This will be the 5th show he forked out his hard earned cash to help fund. For that reason, if he requests that band X plays, then he is going to get it. He deserves that much because without him, there would be no show. I am proud to be associated with a person like Tim. He is a good man that cares about metal and wants to see this show succeed as much as I do. We are doing this show on his home turf and I expect he'll be an awesome host and he has helped to make this be the show that you will all be glad you attended when its over. So I thank him in advance.

I pride myself on doing a pro show, even when we don't have the biggest names in metal on the bill. I have hired the best stage manager on the metal scene in John Yorke and I wouldn't settle for less then the best in any other aspect of the fest. I owe the bands and the fans that spend their hard earned money to be a part of it that much.

My final words are that I am looking forward to seeing all of you (even you Jonah...and it wasn't 4 years since you were kicked off SnakeNet, it was only two and half. ;) ) Come ready to party and to have a good time. Leave your friends with an attitude home. We don't need a bunch of fucking assholes at the show.....only people that love metal and love to have a good time.

See all y'all in a few days.

[Sep 25,2004 5:12pm - the_reverend ""]
damn... I'm pretty much stunned cause someone made a really good and long response aimed directly at something I said.

and Snake, try to make sure that people promoting this show are promoting BOTH days and not just the day they are playing)
[Sep 25,2004 5:37pm - Snake ""]
Rev....I am sure you know I am limited in how much control I can exert over what bands promote and how they promote it. Like I said in my long winded post, rest assured that I am taking notes and those that are found to be acting unrighteous will be dealt with accordingly in the future. ;)
[Sep 25,2004 7:08pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
haha, I left, I wasn't kicked off. anyway, its funny how time flys..

I'm glad your shits been growing and growing in my absence. keep it up..

I'll try and make it..
[Sep 25,2004 7:11pm - honor4death ""]
the_reverend said:and Snake, try to make sure that people promoting this show are promoting BOTH days and not just the day they are playing)

now who would do that?!
[Sep 25,2004 9:03pm - ravenousdestruction ""]
RustedAngel said:the for more info url should be 'http://www.nothern-aggression.com/' not snakenet.com.

Yes I'm aware of this, when I created the fist draft of this flyer the northern aggression site wasn't up and running. When I finnished the flyer and put the bands on it I was unable to change any info the was on the first draft due to the fact I made it on an online photo editor.

there is still plenty of info and links to the metal nation site on snake net site.

[Sep 25,2004 9:27pm - ravenousdestruction ""]
Well said Snake. I hope your post answered everyones question about Metal Nation.

And to all the local bands...
Snakenetters are cool folks who love all types of metal. Many of them will come early to hear you play and maybe even buy some of your merch.
You will gain some new fans.

Even if you get a some what of a low turn out. Many of the people there will be people who are hearing your band for the first time.

I'm hoping the BBQ will get people to the club early. We will try and get this going as early as posible.

If I have time before the show starts I will head up to the hotel and round people up and make sure they get there in time for HCN and the other opening bands.

And remember nothing at the Bomb Shelter ever starts on time. We know this but the out out of town folks don't. Even those who arrive a bit late may still be ariving early to and be able to catch the first few bands.
[Sep 26,2004 12:47am - Snake ""]
My shows ALWAYS start and finish on time. ALWAYS. Of course, something things are out of your control and if there was some massive tech problem, we could fall behind, but myself and John Yorke intend on making sure we keep our streak intact.

And I will be sure to give my usual speech to the SN people and bands about coming out early and staying until the end. They know the drill though. They'll be there.
[Sep 26,2004 12:52am - powerkok ""]
That would be awesome of you ravenous....thx for that...(the rounding people up thing)
[Sep 26,2004 12:57am - the_reverend ""]
I think I met a sn girl & boy at MMF 2002
[Sep 26,2004 2:42am - dyingmuse ""]
well said snake!!!! hell yeah! \m/

i think im going to start a new thread with snakes comments pasted there so that everyone reads it. he is a righteous mo fo! all hail snake!

cheers...now all you bastards have to go! i look forward to a large scale drunken 2 day binge here in new england.......

WHO'S WITH ME??? \M/ \M/ \M/
[Sep 26,2004 2:43am - powerkok ""]
oh I am with you pal mc bobber.
[Sep 26,2004 2:44pm - WyrmFingerz ""]
the official Command Presence followup newsletter left the inbox saturday morning, however, seeing that i hijack our mailing list from those bands who forget to mask their recipients, well, that's probably the 3rd notice they have on this matter.

we need fans.
[Sep 26,2004 5:42pm - kevin_frankenshit ""]
Good post Snake.
[Sep 26,2004 10:22pm - powerkok ""]
"The start times and order of the schedule is subject to change and more bands will probably be added."-from northern agression.com

Is this still true? are you still adding another band?
[Sep 26,2004 10:56pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah kok, whats up jake told me the other day that all will work out, is this so? i beleive that distrust may be down with switching if need be.
either way, let us know buddy. you da men!

[Sep 26,2004 11:08pm - powerkok ""]
ya man, were all set.
I was just wondering if theres gonna be another band added.
I was gonna suggest life at zero!!
[Sep 27,2004 12:33am - Snake ""]
Serg wanted to add a couple of bands to the start of the show on Saturday. I have not heard back on that. I would not add any additional bands on my own because I think getting people out to the club any earlier then 3pm is too difficult. We're in for 11 hours of metal on Saturday on top of the 6 hours on Friday. People will be totally burnt out before the end as it is. I'm not going to argue with him though. If that is what he wants to do, its his club, so I will agree.
[Sep 27,2004 12:40am - powerkok ""]
cya in a few days!
[Sep 27,2004 11:35am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
bump. hotel parties. good times. come to this show!
[Sep 27,2004 6:35pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
ravenousdestruction said:
And remember nothing at the Bomb Shelter ever starts on time. We know this but the out out of town folks don't. Even those who arrive a bit late may still be ariving early to and be able to catch the first few bands.

You know us too well,haha
[Sep 27,2004 6:39pm - scoracrasia ""]
What!!?? No Leukorrhea?! Weak. :(
[Sep 27,2004 6:40pm - powerkok ""]
GO anyway!!
[Sep 27,2004 6:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha!

[Sep 27,2004 8:20pm - scoracrasia ""]
powerkok said:GO anyway!!

Who me? i might but get Leukorrhea on the bill!

[Sep 27,2004 8:39pm - powerkok ""]
Im not in charge of the bill, but Im pretty sure no more bands are being booked...but I'll be there so there ya go!
[Sep 27,2004 11:45pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooo hoooo
[Sep 28,2004 12:28am - hoser ""]
Holy shit...if they add one more band, I might just shit myself. When is that band gonna go on? Noon?
[Sep 28,2004 12:32am - powerkok ""]

gonna be fun. I might panhandle with my acoustic in the parking lot, and sing metal songs to melodic acoustic tunes.
Hey...I need money.
[Sep 28,2004 11:17am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
powerkok said:HAHAHA

gonna be fun. I might panhandle with my acoustic in the parking lot, and sing metal songs to melodic acoustic tunes.
Hey...I need money.

right on. i'll set up my car bar right next to it where i'll be selling jager and whiskey shots. HA!
[Sep 28,2004 11:37am - dyingmuse ""]
car bars are cool!
[Sep 28,2004 2:40pm - powerkok ""]
ya!! thats a plan!
[Oct 1,2004 3:31am - dyingmuse ""]
tonigh!!!! woo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 1,2004 7:14am - succubus ""]
does anyone know what is up regarding passes for aaron and i?

he's actually going to both days (i.e. tonight)
[Oct 2,2004 2:16am - Terence ""]
this is tomorrow/today. awesome time for all, cant wait for the cookout!
[Oct 2,2004 2:25am - dreadkill ""]
good luck to all the rttp bands playing this. make us proud you bastards
[Oct 2,2004 2:28am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
the_reverend said: now people, SHOW UP TO THIS DAMN THING.

I will be there on SaTURDay and I am bringing Mary with me.

[Oct 2,2004 3:03am - dyingmuse ""]
\m/ tonight, aside from having a shitty turn out due to the dio/anthrax show and people being lazy was a good show, and i had a blast. though i am sick i decided to not hit the hotel tonight and just go tomorrow to the hotel partys.
good times! tomorrow will fucking rock


[Oct 2,2004 3:03am - Mary ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:the_reverend said: now people, SHOW UP TO THIS DAMN THING.

I will be there on SaTURDay and I am bringing Mary with me.

[Oct 2,2004 3:07am - dyingmuse ""]
[Oct 2,2004 9:29am - Abbath ""]
leaving in a half hour for this show! ahhh i can't wait anymore!!!!
[Oct 2,2004 11:06am - dyingmuse ""]
fucking A woo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see you fuckers there!
[Oct 2,2004 11:54am - BornSoVile ""]
BBQ at 2:30!
hey are they passing out dog tags there or something?
[Oct 2,2004 12:05pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah, lam's for the bands and snake netters
[Oct 2,2004 12:12pm - BornSoVile ""]
cool cool, i need a new lam bad, i got shoestring from peru!
dan, is it cool drink outside at the sheltah, i got a 6 of newcastle, i'm sure it's not a big deal but just checking.
[Oct 2,2004 12:22pm - dyingmuse ""]
probably not a prob...though last night we had the full on car bar outside!

woo hoo

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