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MarkFuckingRichards: [Email][Links][Comments][Events][Threads][Posts][Favorites][CdReviews]
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Posts: 60 to 69
5/19 @ Ralph's - MT Presents: INTERNAL BLEEDING, DYSENTERY, SCAPHISM, COMPOSTED @ May 21,2013 12:54pm
to those of you who don't like bands at shows @ May 21,2013 12:36pm
to those who don't like fire breathing at shows @ May 21,2013 12:27pm
6/23 - Trap Them, Phantom Glue, Lunglust, JBvsDLP @ Great Scott @ May 20,2013 9:19pm
Rotten Sound, Hivesmasher, Panzerbastard, Soul Remnants, and Boxcutter Facelift at Massasoit Elks Lodge @ May 20,2013 11:22am
Paradox (80's German speed/thrash metal band) appreciation @ May 13,2013 2:20am
I'm off to Florida @ May 9,2013 12:31am
What's the most you've paid for a single album? @ May 7,2013 1:42am
May 2: Nails, Xibalba, Early Graves, Hivesmasher @ Great Scott @ May 3,2013 4:54pm
Open letter from Chris Grigg of Woe to Hunter Hunt-Hendrix of Liturgy @ Apr 30,2013 3:23pm
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