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Threads: 10 to 19
Yeti @ Jun 17,2008 3:36pm
what up. if you're looking for something to do for the Finals tonight you are more than welcome to come to my house. my phone is broken but i'll be home all night after 7:30. so feel free. also i want to talk to you about a potential project this summer, just a studio thing with Erik and I. Ian has a studio, and it would have the lo-fi i am looking for. something along the lines of Drudkh, Burzum, Wolves in the Throne Room.

Yeti @ May 1,2008 10:40am
yo. are you going to Metal Thursday this eve? Boliver and i are going if you're interested. also, i wanted to ask you about music. i don't know if you saw my idea for that Halloween covers night, but i think that idea kicks major ass. if you'd like to play guitar that would be cool. i'll talk to you more about it later on, keep it in mind.

BobNOMAAMRooney @ Mar 28,2008 3:26pm
it's probably from one of the faggy holodeck episodes of TNG
deathchick @ Aug 17,2007 2:26pm
try out for abnormality!
FuckIsMySignature @ Jul 16,2007 8:46pm
hey checked with Jeff and we are confirmed. thanks!
PryoryofSyn @ May 29,2007 10:08pm
sorry about my ignorance I dont spend a lot of time here.
TheAccursedVokillist @ Apr 24,2007 2:04pm
dana has 2 school finals to finish tonight so we wont be able to get together, next week is better
TheAccursedVokillist @ Apr 16,2007 1:02pm
yeah man, all we have are clips of riffs and shit, if you have AIM it would make it a lot easier to send you any clips for some reason GMAIL is a cunt about sending even the smallest music file
my AIM is Scythesuicide
BlackMetalLady @ Dec 21,2006 4:28pm
If Goatwhore were to read this they would laugh at you
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