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Who was taking pictures at Paradise last night?

[Aug 31,2004 11:23am - christraper ""]
Just curious
[Aug 31,2004 11:25am - assuck ""]
i know brian from watchmaker video taped. i dont know who was taking the pictures
[Aug 31,2004 11:33am - Falcifer ""]
I was taking a bunch (I hope some come out). There were a couple of other people that I don't know taking them as well.
[Aug 31,2004 1:06pm - anonyphoto  ""]
Sorry, tr00 kvlt for film to capture.
It froze my freaking camera!
ps: How did Jon's hair got so long?
[Aug 31,2004 1:39pm - christraper ""]
anonyphoto said:Sorry, tr00 kvlt for film to capture.
It froze my freaking camera!
ps: How did Jon's hair got so long?

jon our drummer jon?

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