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City of Boston Launches Campaign to Destroy Boston's Local Hardcore Community

[Aug 31,2004 11:17am - RustedAngel ""]
On July 14th, 2004, in what can only be described as Gestapo style tactics, the City of Boston in conjunction with the Lyons Group Corporation launched its first offensive in their all-out campaign to remove Boston's hardcore and punk rock element from the city's streets and night clubs.

Shortly after 11pm that Wednesday night, undercover Police Officers and a self identified Federal Agent walked through the front doors of the Paradise Night Club in Allston and entered a widely popular punk rock music night, known as 'Blackout Bar.' The officers, led by Lyons Group representatives, walked through the busy nightclub singling out those individuals they suspected of being friends of or affiliates of members of the Boston Beatdown Organization and Friends Standing United, a local brotherhood of hardcore and punk rock kids solidified during their battle to rid Boston of its neo-Nazi element in the early 1990’s.

Their department’s show of force escalated as undercover Police Sergeant **** and self identified Federal Agent **** began shoving, one by one, those hardcore kids they had singled out from the bar into a lit area on the sidewalk outside. Sgt. **** then ordered those individuals to lift their shirts, and despite objection and protest by the individuals on their own behalf, Sgt. **** proceeded to photograph them with a Polaroid camera.

When asked to see his police badge or obtain his badge number, Sgt. ****, who originally identified himself as a member of Boston’s Gang Taskforce, refused. Instead, he threatened to arrest each of the individuals if they opened their mouths again.

After being photographed, Sgt. **** issued verbal trespassing warnings to all the singled out hardcore kids for all Lyons Group property. He then added to the warning by stating that should those individuals be seen on the public streets or sidewalks in front of any Lyons Group establishment they would be arrested immediately.

Over the course of the next several weeks numerous other hardcore and punk rock kids have reported similar instances of harassment by local authorities and privately hired Boston Police Detectives stationed around Lyons Group venues.

On one such occasion, three individuals working for a local magazine company were publicly humiliated by Police Officers who threw them up against a wall and photographed them in front of hundreds of onlookers. The police officers, who identified themselves as members of a Police Gang Unit, then told the three individualsthat they were no longer allowed anywhere within Boston Police Department's District 4 area, and that violation of that order would result in their arrest.

In a separate incident, several members of a notable hardcore band were refused admittance into a Lyons Group venue simply because they were covered in tattoos. The club quickly disguised their blatent discrimination, claiming that the individuals posed threats to the club.These individuals bore no affiliations to either Boston Beatdown or FSU or any of their respective members.

On July 31st, members of Sworn Enemy and Walls of Jericho, who were scheduled to perform at Lyons Group Club Axis in Boston, were told that they could not take the stage wearing Boston Beatdown t-shirts. They were ordered to remove it under penalty of being ejected from the club. Furthermore, they were told that any references made to Boston Beatdown, or local performing artists Blood For Blood and Death Before Dishonor would result in the show being terminated. During this time, a member of Walls of Jericho’s touring crew was told by a uniformed Police Officer that if he did not remove, or turn inside-out, his Boston Beatdown t-shirt he would be ejected from the club and arrested.

While the Lyons Group continues to deny their involvement in these incidents, citing the Attorney General as the force behind them, obvious facts suggest otherwise. If, in fact, the Lyons Group was not involved with the roundup at the Paradise, why then did it consists of a Police Detective working out of his area, a self identified federal agent who just so happens to be on the Lyons Group payroll, the Lyons Group General Manager of clubs Axis and Avalon, and the Lyons Group General Manager of Sonsei, a restaurant located in Boston's Fenway area? If, in fact, as Lyons Group representatives claim, the Lyons Group had no part in the police presence at their venues, why then were trespassing warnings only handed out for their property? If, in fact, the Lyons Group has implemented no influence on the Police Department, why then did a Police Officer inside a Lyons Group establishment threaten a hardcore kid with arrest if he did not remove his Boston Beatdown t-shirt?

boston p.d. beatdown volume 1, where are you?
[Aug 31,2004 11:22am - the_reverend ""]
The "lyons group" sounds like some secret cabal...
what the hell is it?
[Aug 31,2004 11:22am - Josh_hates_you ""]
hahahaha gestapo.

granted this is about lyons group and not clear channel but the story does start off in the paradise.

hmmm didnt i say something about not going to that place?
[Aug 31,2004 11:38am - assuck ""]
yea and thankfully no one listened to you
[Aug 31,2004 11:54am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
the lyons grroup IS some secret cabal.

bet no one realizes they own ALL of lansdowne street. plus MANY MANY other businesses.

hence I don't frequent those joints.
[Aug 31,2004 12:03pm - Falcifer ""]
Clear Channel is pure EVIL...
The Lyons Group is pure EVIL...

They own more in Boston than you care to realize... or does anyone here notice the lack of bigger named metal bands actually playing in the city... which is why what happened last night was so important.

This whole 'investigation issue' is going away and is/was nothing to get crazy about.
[Aug 31,2004 12:11pm - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 31,2004 12:13pm - RustedAngel ""]
"fuck you, fuck you and your society too, fuck you" - b4b

[Aug 31,2004 12:18pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i realy like B4B.

so much more energetic than most all metal bands.
[Aug 31,2004 12:40pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Well, the hardcore tough guy fighting bullshit cost them a ton of money with bills bar liability, I can't say I don't blame them.
[Aug 31,2004 12:40pm - assuck ""]
my kind, my kind, my kind belongs nowhere
my kind, my kind, my kind is hated and feared
[Aug 31,2004 12:45pm - RustedAngel ""]
Josh_hates_you said:i realy like B4B.

so much more energetic than most all metal bands.

yeah, how many times does he say society on 'REVENGE ON SOCIETY'... like 8 million x.
[Aug 31,2004 12:45pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
im gonna go listen to revenge on society all day now.
[Aug 31,2004 12:46pm - Dissector ""]
Whered you find this? Is there a link?
[Aug 31,2004 12:54pm - assuck ""]
if you use the word society in your songs it makes you an intelligent political band. everyone knows that.
[Aug 31,2004 12:59pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah, only intellectuals can comment on society

everyone knows that

it's like a law or something
[Aug 31,2004 12:59pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
um b4b is soooooooooooooo political. everyone knows that.

he says society 4 times on the intro and no times in bitch called hope and die laughing. i will finish the cd later i have to go to newbury comics now. new mastodon and dead to fall are out today.

pick a metal band now how many times did they say. suffer, internal, blood, dark, black, norse, sky etc. etc. etc.
[Aug 31,2004 12:59pm - Mike FOD  ""]
This is what happens when you tape and make a dvd of violent antics and expose yourself for all to see. If anything I would have thought a crew like FSU would shy away from the limelight due to their notoriety.
[Aug 31,2004 1:17pm - powerkok ""]
pretty fucked up to be threatened with jail, if you dont take tour shirt off....what the FUCK. they would lose horribly in court.
[Aug 31,2004 1:18pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Clear Channel would never lose in court.
[Aug 31,2004 1:22pm - honor4death ""]
they have more money then god
[Aug 31,2004 1:23pm - the_reverend ""]
they would be the most right person that sat in jail for a while being pounded in the ass.
and then when the charges are dropped, you get
1) fired from your job for all the time you spent in jail/court
2) hit with a huge legal fee
[Aug 31,2004 1:26pm - Dick_Bloodeye ""]
jesus christ, next thing you know skinheads won't even be able to burn white supremecy messages in thier school's football fields with chemicals.

That is totally gay. I love hardcore, but it kindof pisses me off how in the begining of BBD they talk about how they are against big capitalist industries and suport places like the axis and lyons group affiliates. In a sence, the people who made boston beatdown gave the lyons group all of that power by indroducing so many kids into the scene with the dvd and having huge scene shows like that to put even more money and power in the lyons group's pockets.
[Aug 31,2004 1:34pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i still say boycott the paradise. and any other place owned by clear channel or lyons gate.

and now i get made fun of for being anti establishment again.
[Aug 31,2004 1:36pm - zzz  ""]
the_reverend said: being pounded in the ass.

i hear some people like that
[Aug 31,2004 1:37pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
it's not you get made fun of for being anti-establishment

it's that you're not offering any positive solutions. Just ones that say "stop". Rather than just saying what not to do, offer alternatives. Where can we play if not the Paradise that is comparable in content and character? Like size-wise, price-wise, location-wise?

That's my biggest complaint with modern activism.
[Aug 31,2004 1:38pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Josh_hates_you said:i still say boycott the paradise. and any other place owned by clear channel or lyons gate.

and now i get made fun of for being anti establishment again.

What TV channels do you watch?
[Aug 31,2004 1:42pm - honor4death ""]
i really dont care about this as much as everyone else does....i dont like hardcore, i think crews are gay along with the majorty of the hardcore bands out there and this is what they get for being so fucking stupid...they are destroying there own scene in boston, they are all playing in the suburbs now, like at romans in brockton and once those clubs stop booking bands because of the fights and shit there won't be anywhere for them to play...
[Aug 31,2004 1:45pm - RustedAngel ""]
what channel is clear channel on?

[Aug 31,2004 1:45pm - Falcifer ""]
What we do at the Paradise is in no way affiliated with CC... yes it is owned by the LG this is unfortunate... What we are trying to do is two-fold, one is to give metal bands and fans the chance to play a bigger better venue than say the Block or O'briens (even though I love these places its a rush to play/see bands on a stage like that). Second we have to prove that this is a viable for of music in that the bands are professional and that the fans are as well. A big thanks again to ALL last night who came and PROVED this second point. Because of this it looks like it will happen again. Soon.
[Aug 31,2004 1:46pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 31,2004 1:47pm - the_reverend ""]
RustedAngel said:what channel is clear channel on?

I don't know, but I hear it's in HDTV
[Aug 31,2004 2:42pm - nick ""]
[Aug 31,2004 4:36pm - JellyFish ""]
thats what you get for beating up 60 year old men, i guess.
[Aug 31,2004 4:43pm - tbone_r ""]
thats what you get for beating off 60 year old men, i guess.
[Aug 31,2004 5:05pm - Hooker ""]
FSU does most of the Lyon's security don't they?
[Aug 31,2004 6:19pm - Mary ""]
this is Brad
Last night at the Paridise was fucking KILLER!!
Abhorred, you rule, and should NOT have opened!
Horns of Valere, not my cup of tea, but sounded great and the singer(christraper?) has commanding stage presensce
Watchmaker,wow, i'm friends with MArk and those guys, but even if i wasn't i'
d still be blown away, so heavy and thick....

well done, this show was a blast
[Aug 31,2004 7:31pm - assuck ""]
thanks for the kind words mary/brad/goulet
[Aug 31,2004 8:51pm - xmikex ""]
you kids are retarded. seriously. "i don't like hardcore so i don't care" when the corporates come for you next there'll be no one left to care.

honest to fucking god, some of you dont deserve to live
[Aug 31,2004 8:52pm - Hooker ""]
You tell 'em mike. You tell 'em.
[Aug 31,2004 10:19pm - assuck ""]
its a shitty thing to happen, but because its FSU, I dont care
[Aug 31,2004 10:37pm - JayTUS ""]
It came from here:


I don't know how I feel about this. I agree and disagree.
[Aug 31,2004 11:15pm - honor4death ""]
nothing like this has happened at a metal show, the show at the paradise last night went awsome no one was singled out or anything. the reason why they are being singled out is because of the movie, it was a stupid idea to put out and its their own fault for the fall of the scene in boston.
[Sep 1,2004 1:00am - JellyFish ""]
i think telling people they cant wear shirts is wicked retarded.
[Sep 1,2004 3:14am - attendmyrequiem in maine  ""]
it wasnt stupid for them to make a movie. i think it was stupid when they all went on the news and talked about it. i think that's what did it in.
[Sep 1,2004 8:20am - the_reverend ""]
if this is what the lyons group looks like...
I'm scared..
[Sep 1,2004 9:00am - RustedAngel ""]

boston beatdown has a forum ^^^^^^ if anyone's interested.....

hint hint.
[Sep 1,2004 9:37am - the_reverend ""]
I already post there every now and again.
[Sep 1,2004 9:41am - succubus ""]
so do some other people on here
[Sep 1,2004 1:40pm - attendmyrequiem in maine  ""]
the_reverend said:if this is what the lyons group looks like...
I'm scared..

[Sep 1,2004 3:30pm - Paul FOD  ""]
ahahahah! I figured this was going to happen. No one has the right to tell someone what to wear or what to do , but did they really think that constant violence for no apparent reason would get hardcore further? Look what its doing now.
[Sep 1,2004 3:34pm - Kinslayer  ""]
"City of Boston Launches Campaign to Destroy Boston's Local Hardcore Community "


There is no such thing as "hardcore" anymore. It's called scene-core.
[Sep 1,2004 4:17pm - nick ""]
Kinslayer said:"There is no such thing as "hardcore" anymore. It's called scene-core.

nah, i think you made that up man.
[Sep 1,2004 4:34pm - heimdall ""]
I think what the boston poilice are doing is good.

they are cleaning up the city so a bunch of bitches wont go around starting fights.

Its your fault for being singled out if you were not such idiots the poilce woulndt bother with you.

when's the last time you've seen the police fuck around with a metal head cause he was metal.

my words are clear just play your music and dont use all your little scene tools to gain a bigger audience, the police wont bother you if they dont see you.

and the fucking lyons gorup is a place for old people to gather and play bingo I dirve by it every day in lynn "sundays beano night"

I dont think the lyons are behind this,

poor hardcore scene they dotn realize the metal world has got the freemasons and the illuminati!!!!!
[Sep 1,2004 4:42pm - Hooker ""]
The Lyons group is a pair of brothers who own many clubs in Boston. Not the Lions group that uses this emblem...


[Sep 1,2004 4:54pm - heimdall ""]
oh ya, lyonsssss thats the stupid financial group

simply put dont go to thier damn clubs go to something independentlyowned
[Sep 1,2004 6:22pm - jake  ""]
heimdall said:Its your fault for being singled out if you were not such idiots the poilce woulndt bother with you.

when's the last time you've seen the police fuck around with a metal head cause he was metal.QUOTE]

apparently, if said metalhead had tattoos, then yes the police would harass him.

[Sep 1,2004 6:28pm - Robteratism  ""]
this will probrobly effect dm shows because the city and police and clubs wont take the time to tell the between scenes..they'll just stop anything loud and scary to them.
[Sep 1,2004 10:04pm - PSHR  ""]
I think this is the best thing to happen to Boston in awhile.
What the fuck do "crews" have anything to do with music as is?!
I hope the cops wipe them out. They want to go on with this stupid gang mentality then treat them like a fucking gang.
That post said that these crews were out to get rid of nazi's in the early 90's? Kind of funny that they turned into the nazis themselves. Fuck em.
[Sep 2,2004 2:30am - Wee...Bink! Haverhill hasnt posted in 3 million years.  ""]
how can you compare some friends going to shows together that have each others back to nazi organization..... any group of people that are associated with each other SHOULD have each other's back if they are in trouble. if your friends would watch you get beaten up by somebody..... you have some weak ass friends. and if you would watch your own friend get beaten up.... thats lame.

[Sep 2,2004 9:53am - JayTUS ""]
I think we all know it goes a little beyond that...
[Sep 2,2004 10:08am - tbone_r ""]
there are instances where i'd let my friends fight one on one, and not jump in. however, if i saw my friend fighting someone at a show i would def. run over and jump in.

then again, i dont go to shows w/ my friends and pick fights, and some 'crews' do.
[Sep 2,2004 10:10am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I doubt this will ever effect any of the metal scene, if they were scared of that then the Paradise would never have had the Watchmaker show on Monday night for fear of violence.

Hardcore made their own bed, let them lay in it.
[Sep 2,2004 2:54pm - JellyFish ""]
i think id break it up. seriously, fighting in general is retarded and solves absolutely nothing. People in hardcore probably thought they were winning when they beat the shit out of people, and now they are getting banned from everywhere. SO they lose. If my friend were fighting someone outside a show, Id let them fight it out and its over. But at a show i want to hear some music, not fuckign worry about whether or not im gonna have to swing at someone whose attacking my friend. Hardcore definetly did make thier own bed. Aspects of this whole situation are retarded, like making people remove boston beatdown shirts, but all in all its very much appropriate. No one wants a bunch of people coming to their club, tearing it apart and fighting with all the guests. Its bad for business.
[Sep 2,2004 4:54pm - PSHR  ""]
Why the fuck would you be fighting at a show?
Sure occasionally there is some drunk moron who starts a fight but do I need to start a "crew" because of that?
There is obviously ALOT more behind it than friends helping friends.
And give me a break, everyone on here knows that is NOT what FSU does.
Its just a bunch of assholes out to ruin peoples good time. Looking for any reason possible to start a fight so they can all jump in and feel tough after.
You're going to tell me that the Boston Beatdown video is fair fights? Right.

[Sep 2,2004 4:56pm - PSHR  ""]
Jellyfish ir right on point. Smart fella. I agree completely.
[Sep 2,2004 5:48pm - HUMAN BONE DEATH MACHINE  ""]
isnt the FSU the crew of hispanic lookin dudes who are asswipes at the palladium or am i thinking of a different crew? if they are fuck fsu and fuck the bostonbeatdown kids. we should just turn them on eachother
[Sep 2,2004 11:45pm - tbone_r ""]
i've never actually seen any FSU kids pick a fight.

i see a lot more fights started by kids who are in small, gay crews and mike hobart.
[Sep 3,2004 12:48am - xmikex ""]
PSHR said:You're going to tell me that the Boston Beatdown video is fair fights? Right.

have you actually seen the video? have you actually been to a hardcore show recently?

[Sep 3,2004 11:22am - anonymous  ""]
Hey, either way this is excellent idea by law emnforcement. If you have anything to do with these sketchy scenes then u deal with it. If this at all makes shows safer and more fun for anyone, then it's totally worth it. Hardcore fighting fags ruin shows anyways.
[Sep 3,2004 12:29pm - JellyFish ""]
yeah more or less.
[Sep 3,2004 12:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]
They do ruin shows like my dick rooinz deh poosiez. They just need to stop acting like highschoolers and stop fighting over nothing.

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