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Singer and drummer wanted.

[Aug 29,2004 4:43pm - Dick_Bloodeye ""]
Hardcore/metal band in the Hanson area is looking for a singer and drummer. the vocals must be moderate hardcore screaming comprable to Skycamefalling or the automata, must be able to write well. no equiptment necessary. Must have creative input
The drummer standards aren't to strict, we have a few riffs that call for blast beats. no equptment necessary.

practice space is always a plus. Must not be a cokehead.
We are tolerant people and aren't bias as far as style or creativity goes.
[Aug 29,2004 4:56pm - heimdall ""]
how about if my biggest infleunce is humppa
[Aug 29,2004 4:58pm - Dick_Bloodeye ""]
I said I was tolerant, not brain dead. everyone has thier limits when it comes to tolerance and that's about where mine is.
[Aug 29,2004 6:09pm - Dick_Bloodeye ""]
current bassist is kindof sucky and we want to replace him so I guess we are looking for a bassist too.
[Aug 29,2004 6:42pm - nick ""]
for the love of god no more bleak season/automata clones.
[Aug 29,2004 6:55pm - aaron666 ""]
haha, i'll do it.
i enjoyed the automata.
and i've been looking to sing for a similiar style band for a bit.

AIM- desirdanslerouge
[Aug 29,2004 7:44pm - prideisforeverXXX ""]
i'll drum. I have equiptment and transportation. my email is bigd6582@yahoo.com
[Aug 29,2004 8:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will sing, about how retarded our band is
[Aug 29,2004 9:38pm - tbone_r (nsi)  ""]
hahaha good one
[Aug 29,2004 9:55pm - nick ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I will sing, about how retarded our band is

[Aug 29,2004 11:45pm - Dick_Bloodeye ""]
Just because I am looking for a singer with a sound comparable to the automata automatically means I want a bleak season/automata sound or the riffs must obviusly sound like that?
Not a very likable person are you nick?
I'll get in contact with you Aaron, and prideisforeverXXX, do you have an AIM handle?
[Aug 30,2004 12:13am - tbone_r ""]
yeah, no one likes nick. he's an asshole
[Aug 30,2004 1:51am - nick ""]
Dick_Bloodeye said:RIGHT BRACKET QUOTE LEFT BRACKET Not a very likable person are you nick?


no, im alright. i just think all the priority rats in the whitman hanson area need to stop making tired metalcore bands. bleak season and the automata were fun when they were around but pls stop reinventing the wheel. thx.
[Aug 30,2004 2:49am - gonzofiles ""]
umm i would just like to add if you have any left over drummer send them my way Ha
[Aug 30,2004 11:38am - Dick_Bloodeye ""]
nick said:Dick_Bloodeye said:RIGHT BRACKET QUOTE LEFT BRACKET Not a very likable person are you nick?


no, im alright. i just think all the priority rats in the whitman hanson area need to stop making tired metalcore bands. bleak season and the automata were fun when they were around but pls stop reinventing the wheel. thx.

point taken. Our sound is far from the automata and bleak season, though.

[Aug 30,2004 11:42am - xmikex ""]
how old are you guys, and what sound exactly are you going for?
[Aug 30,2004 11:43am - Josh_hates_you ""]
bands always suck when they determine their sound ahead of time. try not to sound like anything just fucking play.
[Aug 30,2004 12:04pm - Dick_Bloodeye ""]
as far as the riffs go, theres alot of trem picking and pinch harmonics.
picture at the gates/dead blue sky with more pinches and breakdowns.
[Oct 17,2004 7:50pm - Rick  ""]
Dick Bloodeye, whats your real name.
[Jun 20,2012 10:55pm - Geoff Tate  ""]
Hi, my name is Geoff. I am a singer. I have a lot of experience with touring and recording. Are you still looking for a singer?

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