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my first mountain climbing experience

[Aug 28,2004 10:51pm - succubus ""]
it was fun, exhilarating, tiring but awesome

my body is exhausted

aaron took me to mount monatanook where he's been to a bunch of times

drank a ton on spring water, ate some blueberries aaron picked, had our mini picnic when we got on top and took some pics of course

oh and on the way down i fell on my ass..go me
[Aug 28,2004 11:16pm - Abbath ""]
haahahahah congrats now you're a true american
[Aug 29,2004 10:20am - thornnvine ""]
trad or sport climbing?
[Aug 29,2004 1:30pm - the_reverend ""]
just one foor in front of the other...
keep going up stupid...
you can't climb a mountain going down...

and it's mt. monadnock.
#2 most climbed mountain in the world...

and abbath, a true american would have been smoking on the way up, complained the whole way..
when you get back home, talk about how "awesome" an "experience" it was and how you can't wait to go back. how ever, a TRUE american wouldn't go back for 12 years, but still say they "love hiking"
[Aug 29,2004 2:06pm - Abbath ""]
ahahahha ya but she did fall down, when you go hiking you gotta fall down at least once it's the american way
[Aug 29,2004 2:23pm - retzam ""]
Rev, you forgot the McDonalds.
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