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death metal drummers in nh?

[Aug 28,2004 11:15am - jere ""]
any drummers avail?
[Aug 29,2004 1:47am - bump  ""]
[Aug 29,2004 5:03am - CNV  ""]
good luck...
[Aug 29,2004 9:00am - jere ""]
rite.. sometimes i hate this state
[Aug 29,2004 10:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I always hate NH
[Aug 29,2004 11:15am - Nolin04 ""]
Haha, jere, you might have to start playin drums

Start practicing!!
[Aug 29,2004 11:18am - RustedAngel ""]
there are no drummers around here...especially death drummers.

you seriously might be better off taking on drums yourself. I'm actually thinking about that myself.
[Aug 29,2004 11:30am - Nolin04 ""]
Yeah, i hear that

People are freakin lazy
[Aug 29,2004 1:18pm - jere ""]
rusted you guys lose your drummer?, cause that would be gay considering i still havent gotten to hear you guys as a full band with a drummer
[Aug 29,2004 1:22pm - gonzofiles ""]
take up drumming and come join our band
[Aug 29,2004 1:27pm - jere ""]
dude i dont even kid myself about the fact that i dont posses even remotly the skills it takes to play death metal on drums. i wish...
[Sep 1,2004 3:07pm - powerkok ""]
bump for pwnage in manchvegas, NH
[Sep 1,2004 3:10pm - powerkok ""]
I wish I could play dm drums, Id do it in a sec.
will you guys settle for a basic boom bap boom boom bap? I can do that!
get these thugs a drummer!!!!!!
[Sep 1,2004 3:29pm - jere ""]
i think we are gonna try to work things out w our drummer (jesus being in a band sounds more and more like my last relationship) but thanks so much for helping us we appreciate it alot, and congrads on the band, you guys were awsome when i saw you, brutal and melodic with good stage presence. me and nolin are coming by on your next practice to steal some riffs haha
[Sep 1,2004 4:37pm - heimdall ""]
you can always buy a drum machine it will serve your need till you find a real drummer
[Sep 1,2004 5:02pm - powerkok ""]
sweet!! glad u guys are gonna keep it goin!
when u guys gonna be there next? our practice sched is all fucked cuz were recording, but im sure well be there soon..

[Sep 1,2004 6:28pm - Abraxas ""]
Jere what is your band like?
[Sep 1,2004 7:11pm - jere ""]
kok umm i think were doing mon and wed but we might be changing due to a bassist going to college
abraxas umm death influenced grind, sloppily played lol

[Sep 1,2004 7:11pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i can play sloppy................................but im in mass
[Sep 1,2004 7:15pm - jere ""]
fuck it our bassist lives in maine lol
[Sep 1,2004 7:19pm - powerkok ""]
cool, ill knock on yer door weds....if u get there after us, come get my ass, I wanna see u guys play again.
[Sep 1,2004 7:29pm - jere ""]
nice man ill see you soon
[Sep 1,2004 7:30pm - jere ""]
thanks to all who bumped as well
[Sep 2,2004 9:16am - Abraxas ""]
Do you have a website?
[Sep 2,2004 2:36pm - jere ""]
naa we are all comp illiterate mofos
[Sep 2,2004 3:08pm - Abraxas ""]
Well let us know when you do some recordings or shows man!
[Sep 3,2004 3:31pm - Goratory Drummer  ""]
Hey, if you're looking for professional studio drumming, let me know, we can work something out for price.
[Sep 3,2004 3:33pm - RustedAngel ""]
very tempting, heh.

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