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looking to play

[Aug 27,2004 6:39pm - glory_of_hera ""]
can anyone help us out? "some will live on" are looking to start playing out within the next month or so. following the lines of Between the buried and me meets thrice. upbeat, brutal breakdowns and sing a longs. let me know if anyone can help us out.
[Aug 27,2004 6:42pm - Hooker ""]
Well, I've never heard anything as far as mp3's goes but what the hell. Come open up for us on our European tour.

-Guy from some big band
[Aug 31,2004 9:18am - xstorytimex ""]
by the way were from the northshore any bands wanna hook up and set up a show get in touch
1978-395-1593 matt
[Aug 31,2004 9:23am - christraper ""]
wow dude you just gave a shit load of really bored people your phone number......oh the possibilities....
[Sep 10,2004 5:59pm - anonymous  ""]
you can't have 'brutal' breakdowns with the drummer you have.

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