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If you're in a band, and you're on this site, take the time to plug thyself and put a link to MP3s or at least where I can hear you

[Aug 26,2004 5:26pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah, we do this a lot, but I keep not knowing who's in what or what stuff sounds like. Or where bands are from.

So shamelessly (yet again) exploit and protrude!!!

Here's us:

The Taste of Silver
Arlington, MA
http://users.rcn.com/dsreiner/veganshit/th...ofsilver/mp3s/GrasshopperandAnt.mp3 (downloads faster)
[Aug 26,2004 6:28pm - powerkok ""]
[Aug 26,2004 6:30pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

see that's good cause when you talk about your music, I'll know what we're talking about.

and for the record I've heard you guys, and I dig that one song that goes "Doo Dee, doo Dee. pause. doo dee, doo dee. pause."

you know that one?
[Aug 26,2004 6:38pm - Dissector ""]
Dissector - Thrashgrind

www.dissector.cjb.net audio there.
[Aug 26,2004 6:57pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I couldn't find the mp3s on there.
[Aug 26,2004 6:57pm - Hooker ""]
So taste, did you talk to that broad from that venue there?
[Aug 26,2004 6:57pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
5 Minutes Hate
Central VT

you can find an MP3 on our sitehttp://www.5minuteshate.com
[Aug 26,2004 7:00pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yes sir, dropped off the other CD today.

she seemed excited.

I will call her monday and see what the deal is unless she calls me first.

thanks so much for dropping your disc off, I'm pretty sure they'll be down.
[Aug 26,2004 7:01pm - Dissector ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I couldn't find the mp3s on there.

Click on where it says "Downloads" from there you can download mp3s.
[Aug 26,2004 7:08pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
all i see is the news from 7/19/04, but no links...so I viewed the page source, found it to be frames, opened that in a new browser, found the mp3 link by viewing the source, then clicked it and it said "Angelfire does not allow direct linking from non-angelfire hosted sites"
[Aug 26,2004 7:08pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
wait, i cut and pasted that link and now I got to hear it.

you may want to fix up the page :\
[Aug 26,2004 7:27pm - rimhole ""]

Yeah, we're working on our new site so this one is temporary.
[Aug 26,2004 7:28pm - Dissector ""]
Hmmm... works on everyone else's computer. I dunno
[Aug 26,2004 7:30pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I have a mac. Maybe that's the issue. I'm also using IE 5.2. Maybe that's it, too.
[Aug 26,2004 7:34pm - Dissector ""]
I bet its the Mac. I'm too lazy to fuck around with it.
[Aug 26,2004 7:34pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Aug 26,2004 10:14pm - dyingmuse ""]
shroud of bereavemet
haverhill mass

and here's our website
[Aug 27,2004 1:02am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey muse, I really like that first song.

due to the nature of the material, I'd either be fucking completely overwhelmed by you guys live, or be bored as shit. It's really great and really layered, does it come off with strings and female vocals and stuff live? I know you're in the band, so you're obviously biased, but I mean does it fit as well as you would like to expect?
[Aug 27,2004 1:06am - powerkok ""]
ya it does....theyre so thick live.
the strings and vox come off great but they need a 2nd guitarist for the harmonies.
otherwise HUGE LIVE SOUND!!!
[Aug 27,2004 1:09am - embraced by fate  ""]
Embraced By Fate- Worcester, MA



we don't have a website. we use these for now.
[Aug 27,2004 2:40am - CNV  ""]

European sounding black metal from NH...
[Aug 27,2004 8:42am - wood ""]



Sick sick sick Industrial/death/grind


artsy space funk/metal/noise/groove/mello shiz.


Just good fucking metal in my opinion.
[Aug 27,2004 8:55am - the_reverend ""]
pure queered up electro-playing around by me.
97-present (inactive since 2001)
[Aug 27,2004 9:08am - theaccursed ""]
The Accursed
[Aug 27,2004 11:08am - dyingmuse ""]
powerkok said:ya it does....theyre so thick live.
the strings and vox come off great but they need a 2nd guitarist for the harmonies.
otherwise HUGE LIVE SOUND!!!

thanks kok you da man! we are trying out like 3 guitarists now so maybe the next time ya see us we will have 2 or even 3 guitars!
[Aug 27,2004 11:14am - Lincoln ""]
We have a few songs on there for download and I think a video or two from O'Briens....
[Aug 27,2004 11:16am - dyingmuse ""]
wow tof are pretty crazy! cool stuff man. i checked out the grasshopper, i loved the intro too. and the live one and the avant garde one too!
\m/ sweet guys!
[Aug 27,2004 11:19am - dyingmuse ""]
akela damn! good stuff too
[Aug 27,2004 11:28am - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
Wormdr1v3 and Optic Rose
Seacoast NH, and Ipswitch Mass, respectivley
[Aug 27,2004 11:28am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
thanks muse, we appreciate the vote of confidence

keep rocking!
[Aug 27,2004 12:38pm - anonymous  ""]
The midget who stole god's map of the universe www.hxcmp3.com/bands/3413
tech/grind/masterpiece NEED SHOWS WE ARE BACK TOGETHER! email macabre1285@aol.com
[Aug 27,2004 1:05pm - assuck ""]

on the sounds page
[Aug 27,2004 1:09pm - the_rooster ""]


[Aug 27,2004 3:24pm - penpal ""]
the midget who stole god's map of the universehttp://www.hxcmp3.com/3413
[Aug 27,2004 4:11pm - dyingmuse ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:thanks muse, we appreciate the vote of confidence

keep rocking!

i just tell it like it is!!!! good shit!!! \m/
[Aug 28,2004 2:40am - dunwich ""]
[Aug 28,2004 5:57am - Jock  ""]

please post comments in the thread Vicoius Art

for the love of metal... LP:s jst to be finished... then we prob. remove the mp3:s
[Aug 28,2004 8:32am - Kinslayer  ""]
Horn of Valere


The page is new and hasnt been updated in a while but there's a track from the new demo, "Ageless Winds of Infinite Wisdom" in the Bedlam section...or somewhere on the site...
[Aug 28,2004 11:06am - SUBJUGATE ""]
sounds can be heard here

[Aug 28,2004 11:26am - dyingmuse ""]
b o e =\m/
love them guys!
kurixis are fucking awesome
[Aug 28,2004 11:53am - El Justin  ""]

[Aug 28,2004 11:57am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
El Justin - jesus...this ain't half bad. Your singer could go lower with the lows, but the music is wicked good!!!! Plus i like the autopsy thing on PV.
[Aug 28,2004 12:48pm - InVain316  ""]
Life In Vain

Beverly/Boston MA
[Aug 28,2004 1:10pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Aug 28,2004 3:00pm - El Justin  ""]
tase of ciggarettes- when we first started playing, his vocals were extremely low, very devouremnt-esque... but we didn't think it fit with the music. although the way things have been going now it seems as though his voice is lower i can't really tell. but thanks for the kind words... those songs you are hearing are fairly old, we're going to the studio soon with our new lineup (new drummer and bassist)... i think it's a lot tighter/better all around now.
[Aug 28,2004 3:08pm - El Justin  ""]
also- i just listened to that 'grasshopper and ant' mp3.. it's really good. i thought the intro/build-up thing was awesome, the music caught me off guard. the vocals remind me of today is the day at some points too, which is a good thing in my book.
[Aug 28,2004 3:09pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'm gonna try and get you on that October 16th show at the bombshelter I want them to host...possible?
[Aug 28,2004 3:12pm - El Justin  ""]
possibly... gimee some info and i'll ask everyone tonight
[Aug 28,2004 3:15pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Saturday, October 16th
18+ - 8pm
The Bombshelter
Manchester, NH

Terminally Your Aborted Ghost
The Taste of Silver
It Will End In Pure Horror
+ 2 TBA ... you guys as one of them?

I am still working on getting the BS, but if I do, that's the show I am trying to put together.
[Aug 28,2004 3:25pm - El Justin  ""]
Sounds cool.. I'll let you know ASAP, probably tomorrow or something

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