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Six Feet Under/Internal Bleeding/Maine...

the Industry (Portland, Me) - [cannae][hatred_alive][internal_bleeding][randomshots][six_feet_under][vertigod]
[Aug 21,2004 2:56am - musclecity ""]

Get your tix at bullmoose...this is probably going to sell out.
[Aug 21,2004 3:00am - Jellyfish ""]
not too bad, except SFU sucks terribly.
[Aug 21,2004 3:34am - the_reverend ""]
I'll be there for cannae, reflux, and hatred alive.
if sfu plays more that 5 songs before storming off stage and gets to old tracks, I will be happy
[Sep 1,2004 10:15am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going.
[Sep 1,2004 10:26am - RustedAngel ""]
tim and I are going, but most likely not staying for 6FU.

otherwise i'd say aaron lest carpool!
[Sep 1,2004 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
which tim?
reflux is wicked good from what I remember too.
hatred alive was surprising, sort of like deicide.

I'm curious which singer internal bleeding has now.. white or hispanic.
[Sep 1,2004 10:54am - shatteredliz ""]
Damn. That looks like a great show.
[Sep 1,2004 11:02am - Mike FOD  ""]
Internal Bleeding hasn't been good since 1995. They're a full blown hxc act now anyway, figures two washed up bands would tour together.
[Sep 1,2004 11:45am - RustedAngel ""]
tim murphy

i like 'driven to conquer'... it's not hardcore.
[Sep 1,2004 12:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I met vertigod at ozzfest
[Sep 1,2004 12:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I can see where mike's coming from with that comment after the few times I've seen them. I think they went through a phase where they were pretty "crew"y... but then I got that compilation cd and it was pure DM. Driven to conquer was.. 97? and that had heavy hardcore influences. still an awesome disc.
[Sep 1,2004 12:27pm - blue nli  ""]
i think driven to conquer is a little later than that.
[Sep 1,2004 12:29pm - the_reverend ""]
maybe it was 98... I'll have to look at it when I got it.
[Sep 2,2004 1:33pm - the_reverend ""]
few hours from now...
[Sep 2,2004 1:34pm - succubus ""]
hmm someone's gonna use his 17-55 for his first show tonight
nikkor all da way!
[Sep 2,2004 1:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
okay, tim crapped out on me, o well, looks like aaron and I are going up to this...

[Sep 2,2004 1:40pm - the_reverend ""]
get my hoodies bitches!
[Sep 3,2004 1:01am - snakefist ""]
any pics, reviews on the show?
[Sep 3,2004 1:37am - the_reverend ""]
I just got back
working on it.
[Sep 3,2004 1:58am - the_reverend ""]
uploading pictures now...
[Sep 3,2004 2:44am - Phantos ""]
give us a review Rev.
I couldn't go. I had to go to a Bachelor Party.
[Sep 3,2004 2:53am - the_reverend ""]
vertigod: I got there a little late so I only saw a few minutes of them. someone said they were from the band rare form, but I don't know that band either. I'm not sure what I thought of them cause I was kind of getting into the goove while they were playing. the singer used 2 microphones... I think it was for different "voices".

hatred alive: the drums were just about the only thing you could hear. last time I saw them, I thought they sounded like deicide... but only being able to hear the drums really loud.. it reminded me of lamb-of-god. they ended into reign in blood, but the sound guy cut their PA when they started it and after a few minutes he started unplugging their equipment.

internal bleeding: I haven't seen them since 2001. I can see where people made the comment about them going hardcore. it's the NYDM style that they laced into a few of their songs that always reminds me of rappers. anyhow, they played a cool mix of old and new songs. I thought some of the old and some of the new where a little to "rappy" or whatever that nydm style I mentioned above. however, they also played some wicked heavy stuff with killer drums that made it hard to breath.

cannae: since I've missed them the last few times (idn, I'm looking your way), it was great as always to see them. mosh-wise, I think they got the best crowd response. didn't they loose one of thier guitarists?

six feet under: ok, what can you say... typically, after a sfu show, you are disappointed (at least that's what's bee up the last few times). tonight was awesome. the set list was near perfect (more later) and chris barnes was actually smiling and enjoying himself. maybe it was some dank nuggs or something, but that old death metaller invited the whole crowd up on the stage, smiling the whole time. Barnes at his most DIY since the 80s. they played straight through their set and into the encore which they stuck in ACDC's TNT and AMERIKA tha Br00TAL and then into black sky, except the end of the song was stripped, raped, and strangled.
[Sep 3,2004 9:50am - RustedAngel ""]
MY PICTURES: http://www.shownomercy.com/images/hosted/6fu/

vertigod: aaron and I arrived about halfway through their set... They were okay, I definetly wasn't digging the singers dual 50's style mic's and how they sounded. Ugh, it makes me shudder thinking about it. The only cool thing was they had the old drummer of rare form.

hatred alive: well I've been hearing a lot about these guys and trying to get them shows even though I've never seen then before. I could only really hear the drums... The guitars were way too low in the mix especially for them playing full stacks. Not a lot of movement, but from the playing I saw it looked pretty good.

Internal Bleeding: Still couldn't hear the guitars, but could hear them better than HA. Been a while since I've seen them. I thought his comment about john kerry being a fruit basket was sort of retarded...who does he want us to vote for? bush again? It's right wing people like bush that push censorship and cause bands like cattle decapitation to censor their new fucking album cover.

cannae: they are a lot better now that they are playing more of a metal style. Probably got the best response from the crowd there as far as pitting goes.

six feet under: The last couple times i've seen em they sucked and were boring as shit. It wasn't too bad this time around. Barnes seemed like he was afraid of people being this close to him like seth putnam was gonna jump out and attack him. Then he told people they could move up onto the 'stage' and he pretty much smiled in between lyrics the entire time. You could tell he was enjoying being so close to everyone who were all wording the lyrics, ect. They played TNT towards the end which was awesome to see. I don't remember hearing stripped raped and strangled.
[Sep 3,2004 9:51am - RustedAngel ""]
[Sep 3,2004 9:59am - the_reverend ""]
br00tal picture.

I thought the john kerry comment was hilarious.. though the new internal bleeding album is all about "killing muslims" which I don't really think is cool, but whatever. Anyone else remember when IB had a latino singer?
[Sep 3,2004 10:01am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:br00tal picture.

I thought the john kerry comment was hilarious.. though the new internal bleeding album is all about "killing muslims" which I don't really think is cool, but whatever. Anyone else remember when IB had a latino singer?

yup and he was jacked, I actually liked him on vocals a lot better... This new guys vocals are not good at all, he makes the same sound for every word he says.
[Sep 3,2004 5:37pm - snakefist ""]
vertigods singer used to sing for ochlocracy, a decent maine band, sounded like a machine head, sepultura mix
[Sep 3,2004 9:19pm - Abraxas ""]
Did IB record anything with the latino singer? If I remember right he was in Repudilation and I love Repudilation.
[Sep 4,2004 10:32pm - snakefist ""]
i went to the sfu show in bucksport the night after and it was fairly badass
the opener, a local band called eternal torment played some pretty sweet death metal, along the style of old school corpse and deicide
nobis was kind of weak as usual
internal bleeding was super heavy, they kept calling for pits but the crowd was pretty tame
cannae ripped shit, definately more metal than i remember them
sfu-i only watched until victim of the paranoid and then left, what i heard sounded good, but its sfu, you hear 3 songs youve heard em all

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