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booking a show

[Aug 19,2004 5:12pm - the auburn system  ""]
im booking a show at exit 23. so far its The Auburn System, My Bitter End, and Porphyria. im looking for one more band that can draw. any help would be much apreaciated. oh yeah, the show is sept 3rd FYI.
[Aug 19,2004 5:14pm - dyingmuse ""]
small assed club
[Aug 19,2004 5:14pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Pick an art fag band. They're probably pretty good at drawing.
[Aug 19,2004 5:26pm - Blue ""]
raising kubrick would be willing to do it. this sounds like a show wed fit well on. i live in woburn, so id be able to promote the hell out of this show. give me an email at raisingkubrick@yahoo.com.
[Aug 19,2004 5:58pm - yycyy  ""]
The midget who stole god's map of the universe would gladly play,weve been on a break for a while and need to get back on the ball.email macabre1285@aol.com
[Aug 19,2004 6:10pm - the taste of cigarettes (dude)  ""]
Auburn - I STRONGLY suggest:

Raising Kubrick
Shaniqua & The Skullfuckers
The Taste Of Silver
Pray For A Plague

all four of these bands would fit well and are known to promote the shit out of their shows.

we're the taste of silver, thetasteofsilver@yahoo.com

also The Midget is real good too, so consider them if you want a band that hasn't been playing tons of shows lately but is really strong and heavy.
[Aug 19,2004 6:11pm - the taste of cigarettes (dude)  ""]
also Shaniqua is: Shaniqualovesyou@hotmail.com
and PFAP is VH187@hotmail.com or at aol.com or yahoo.com or something...try all three.

plus RK just had a new CD coming out, so kids are gonna go to see them. See the banner ad at the top of the page!!
[Aug 19,2004 7:13pm - ieatpeople4god@library  ""]
shaniqua would be glad to play, we practice right across the street.
[Aug 19,2004 10:51pm - anonymous  ""]
cough (t)... cough (y)... cough (a)... couch(g)...
[Aug 19,2004 10:54pm - damn it  ""]
The midget who stole god's map of the universe

whats the meaning of this?
[Aug 19,2004 11:47pm - RustedAngel ""]
man so many bands i'd want on this show... but only one more slot, exit 23 only allows 4 bands.

TYAG would be cool. been a while since I've seen em, must have some new stuff by now.
Shaniqua would be cool, i'd be afraid to see them in that place.
RK would be cool as well.
TOS would add a bit of diversity to the show.
PFAP would be cool cause they play the aviary too much.
[Aug 20,2004 2:20am - Blue ""]
yar mateys, yar.
[Aug 20,2004 12:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
yar to you mothafuka
[Aug 21,2004 2:11pm - ieatpeopl4god@library  ""]
haverhill, the shoe city, that's our turf mutha fucka's better be afraid!
[Aug 21,2004 4:16pm - grundlegremlin  ""]
sometimes haverhill smells like dirty pussy,but its almost like home
[Aug 21,2004 5:56pm - stainless ""]
[Aug 21,2004 11:14pm - Aegathis ""]
I think Leukorrhea would be up for it, we havent played much latly, ask Nate about it.
[Aug 22,2004 3:03am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey auburn system - so who did you decide on? what's the final line-up?

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