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Slayer and their poor opening bands

[Aug 19,2004 3:38pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Im gonna bitch about how much Slayer's openers have sucked since 2001 GHUA tour through now(applies only to USA tours).I dont wanna see anymore Nu/Tough-guy/Jump da Fuck up/ shitmetal bands opening for Slayer anymore!!! Let the whining begin....
[Aug 19,2004 3:40pm - Lincoln ""]
Last time I saw Slayer was in 90 or 91 on the Clash of the Titans tour....the openers did not suck.
[Aug 19,2004 3:40pm - Lincoln ""]
Yes I don't get out much......
[Aug 19,2004 3:41pm - Blue ""]
well, this time around, isnt killswitch and mastodon opening the tour? both of those bands are neither nu/toughguy or 'jump da fuck up.'
[Aug 19,2004 3:42pm - vivi ""]
killswitch is awful. im not too familiar with mastodon.
[Aug 19,2004 3:42pm - Siberian  ""]
Yuppers, and I'm working right now to try to get this tour to VT. I've got the venue and the money......
[Aug 19,2004 3:44pm - Blue ""]
damn you and your vermont.
[Aug 19,2004 3:47pm - Siberian  ""]
VT rules.
[Aug 19,2004 3:53pm - Arrik_  ""]
Hahaha!!..Well, not many bands measure up to SLAYER.
[Aug 19,2004 3:53pm - dreadkill ""]
mastodon is getting high profile tours. the posers are attaching themselves firmly to mastodon's nutsacks as we speak. i'm having a real problem with posers these days. i wish i could get myself back in the mindset of caring only what i listen to and ignoring the posers. i can't help it though. i hate seeing the posers infiltrating the music i like. it's making me miserable and all i do is complain about it to people. i need a new perspective on the whole thing.
[Aug 19,2004 4:00pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Hey Lincoln,the COTT Titan tour was 14 years ago.I was 13 at the time and was just gettin into Slayer.Saw them for the first time in Nov 2001 in Boston.I believe Shitbreed opened for them.I wanna see another Old School Thrash band play with Slayer.Either Exodus,Kreator,Sodom,or Testament would be cool.
[Aug 19,2004 4:26pm - assuck ""]
mastodon is supposed to be extremely good live. i have lifesblood and remission and theyre both killer albums. i'd just rather see, as you said, another thrash band with slayer.
[Aug 19,2004 4:31pm - Lincoln ""]
Was it? Yeah I was like 13 and it was my first show.....my first time getting drunk too so I dunno who the fuck opened for them.....I though I was watching Alice in Chains....HAHAHAHA!!!!
[Aug 19,2004 5:43pm - STORMING WITH MENACE!  ""]
it WAS Alice in Chains, then Megadeth, then Slayer and then Anthrax (atleast that was the order in Mansfield, MA at Great Woods) it was July 1991, I was 21. The 3 main bands rotated positions each night of the tour. I cant remember who opened on the Hell Awaits tour in 85, but in 86 and 88 it was definetly OVERKILL!!!!!
Joe Davolla is right though, the last time a real band worthy of such an opportunity opened for Slayer was February 1991 when TestAmenT opened for them (Orpheum Theatre; Boston) Since then its been SHIT band after SHIT band!!
I really wish those guys would try to help out some of the old school bands who are trying to make a comeback like EXODUS, NUCLEAR ASSAULT and DEATH ANGEL. Ive been going to Slayer shows late for years now. Its against my religion to sit through shitty bands like sick of it all and as Joe Davolla said "shitbreed" LOL
Nothings changed with this years Jager tour either.
As Triumph the insult comic dog said: "kill switch engage is a good band .........................FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!!!"
[Aug 19,2004 6:03pm - Hoser ""]
Mastodon doesn't really impess me. They are good, surely. However, their music seems sort of...well.....anticlimactic to say the least.

There doesn't seem to be any build up or explosions in the songs. They just seem to drone on. I own Lifesblood and never really listen to it.

I tried.....but to no avail. They are surely talented but their approach to writing is what I don't care for.

Oh well....opinions are like assholes.......

Slayer does however....rule.
[Aug 19,2004 6:24pm - Kalopsia ""]
i've only seen Slayer once. on the Tattoo the Earth 2000 Tour at Giant's Stadium. it was Sepultura, Sevendust, Slayer, Slipknot (what's with all the "S" bands?) and Metallica. now what i don't understand is why Sepultura was before Sevendust and why Slayer was before Slipknot???
[Aug 19,2004 6:42pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Blue said:well, this time around, isnt killswitch and mastodon opening the tour? both of those bands are neither nu/toughguy or 'jump da fuck up.'

Killswitch engage is nu-metalcore and parts, from what I remember, are written to fall into the tough guy metalcore sound.
But what do I know, they do have touches of grindcore like Slipknot, according to someone from NY.
[Aug 19,2004 6:42pm - the taste of cigarettes (dude)  ""]

I don't know if anyone has said this yet,

but have you heard God Hates Us All???

basically GET THE FUCK UP nu Metal Shit.

Slayer has fucking sucked since a few years ago, no wonder they play with shit bands.

Metallica also bites my dick now...but then again I really like And Justice For All.. and the Black Album.

however, I'm sorry, make fun of me if you will, but the most recent Ozzy Osbourne record, or at least the one that came out around when GHUA for Slayer was released, was AWESOME, as metal as ever.
[Aug 19,2004 6:47pm - Kalopsia ""]
i definately wouldn't say the new ozzy is as metal as ever but it's decent. yea i'm not a fan of the new slayer either.
[Aug 19,2004 6:59pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
so when is Slayer supposed to tour with Mastodon?

i will go to every new england date if they play together.
[Aug 19,2004 7:07pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Why hasnt anyone mentioned Slayer bringing another old school Thrash band on the road with them.Who here likes Thrash Metal besides me and STM?? Raise your hands
[Aug 19,2004 7:14pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
i heard mastodon on some on demand shit the other day
not bad
i agree with hoser, there isnt much of a climax put in when they play
i respect them though
[Aug 19,2004 7:32pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Anyone?? Anyone??
[Aug 19,2004 7:46pm - Kalopsia ""]
do u like anything besides thrash? you know new music has come out since 1989
[Aug 19,2004 8:12pm - Paul FOD  ""]
what the fuck is so good about slayer anyways?
[Aug 19,2004 8:59pm - Hoser ""]
[Aug 19,2004 9:36pm - Kalopsia ""]
uh oh someone set off Hoser again.
[Aug 19,2004 10:13pm - damn it  ""]
you cant compare slayer to metallica....cant do it
[Aug 19,2004 10:35pm - Aegathis ""]
I like thrash, i also went to that tatoo the earth thing in 2000 , no Metallica though.
[Aug 19,2004 10:40pm - ninkaszi187 ""]
Paul FOD said:what the fuck is so good about slayer anyways?

Show No Mercy
Haunting The Chapel
Hell Awaits
Reign In Blood

[Aug 19,2004 10:51pm - damn it  ""]
seasons, south of heaven, divine intervention?
[Aug 20,2004 12:40pm - assuck ""]
my hand is raised

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