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[Aug 17,2004 8:28pm - sinpromos ""]
To anyone who took part in our swag bag compilations (For Warped Tour or Ozzfest):

I need you to contact me ASAP.

We're very sorry to announce that Just Promotions has shown us they are no longer a legitimate company to work with. We're sad that things have gone downhill with them, because for the last 2 years they have been great to work with, and we've used them many times; but alas this is not true anymore.

Sin Promotions received no compilations to include in our swag bags for both of our summer promotions this year (Ozzfest & Warped Tour 2004). Just Promotions charged each band $60 a track ($80 for 2 tracks) to be included on these compilations. Therefore, anyone who has paid Nate Franklin or Just Promotions a fee for inclusion into either of these promotions paid for services unrendered. I am extremely disappointed and saddened that a company we worked with and promoted to you has shown such unethical business practices.

We will be pursuing legal action, and will be working with all bands that have taken part in either compilation deal to get their money back. We will also guide you with complete instructions on how to get your credit card charged back if you paid by credit card.

Please contact me ASAP by emailing sinpromos@comcast.net , and begin collecting all documentation of communications with Just Promotions. Please include your name, phone number, band name, which promotions you took part in & what you were charged.

I'm very sorry again to all of you for having to deal with this bad business, we couldn’t be more ashamed to have been involved with this. Since coming forth with this information, I also have been made aware of many other complaints regarding his services and reputation. If you have had similar experiences or have engaged in business with Just Promotions in the past not related to one of our promotions I suggest you look into whether or not the promotion you paid for was actually completed.

We’ve also put a post on our message board so people can get together and discuss this issue and tell of any other experiences they have had with this company. The post can be found in our “SCAMS” board at:

[Aug 17,2004 11:10pm - diamond_dave ""]
hm, that's twice that sin promos has charged bands money and someone gets boned.

BANDS: don't pay money to people you don't know for "opportunites". if they want you bad enough, they'll tke the chance and shell out for you.
[Aug 17,2004 11:16pm - powerkok ""]
joe waS that the same promo u were pushin for ozzfest?
[Aug 18,2004 12:11am - imageniusandsmarterthanyou  ""]
Diamond Dave, you cant read. Sinpromos wasnt taking any money on this compilation asswipe...this thread said that Just Promos was fucking bands out of money. go buy hooked on phonics and stop jerking off late night online
[Aug 18,2004 1:37am - diamond_dave ""]
imageniusandsmarterthanyou said:Diamond Dave, you cant read. Sinpromos wasnt taking any money on this compilation asswipe...this thread said that Just Promos was fucking bands out of money. go buy hooked on phonics and stop jerking off late night online

why the hostility guy? i can see that SinPromos said that it was the other company taking the money. but it was for THIER bags, and being so, they were involved. i'm not saying that SinPromos is a bad company, but i am pointing out that it's an unfortunate coincidence that two major things that they've tried to do have come to a sour end. maybe they're honest people who just make poor business decisions. i don't know. i'll give them the benefit of the doubt. but haven't you noticed that 90% of promos like this have shit on them for material? because anyone with the money can be included. i know because i've been a part of it. i'd rather be selected on account of someone thinking i do quality work. i'll make you a deal there internet tuffguy. i'll get myself that hooked on phonics when you say what you said with the same attitude to my face. idiot.
[Aug 18,2004 9:08am - succubus ""]
wow..that sucks that this happened...did any bands on here participate?
[Aug 18,2004 9:40am - ArrowHead ""]
diamond_dave said:

i can see that SinPromos said that it was the other company taking the money. but it was for THIER bags, and being so, they were involved.>>

No, no they weren't. Nate's business is a totally seperate entity. People paid him money through Just Promotions to put songs onto CD's that would be included in swag bags handed out at shows. Megan is simply stepping up to bat for these bands, because most of them would never know thier material wasn't even handed out if she didn't tell them that Nate never provided the CD's. I've said from day one that Just Promotions was a scam, charging money for a service that bands could easily perform for themselves free (or at the cost of a bunch of blank cd-r's). From your retarded logic, would that make me involved in this debacle as well?

If you have some agenda against sin promos (which it surely seems you do) fine, but at least put some effort into finding legitimate reasons to attack her. Trying to take an example of her going way beyond the call of duty (or good business practices) to defend bands and calling it failure is pathetic.

[Aug 18,2004 10:24am - anonymous  ""]
I can't wait to see burnt by the sun and dying fetus for free.
[Aug 18,2004 8:05pm - sinpromos ""]
anonymous... still working on it man. They emailed me about booking Bongzilla today and all I had to say about that is when I can get Fetus & BBTS back.... this is annoying for me too, sorry for the wait to everyone. This will be the first place I post when I get the info.

And to things that have been said....

Like I've said before... I've been doing this for 2 1/2 years.. I don't think a few fuck-ups equal a bad track record in a business like this..do you?

I remember when I was talking to my friend Leah about how upset I was over the wholoe Lowell debacle and she said "You should've seen the first new england metal fest"...

...and look how far they've come now.. mind you, I would never even attempt or dream to do something HALF the size of that..but none the less a point. Everyone screws up, shit happens to everyone.

My main point in coming here (although I knew I'd get ripped on) is any bands who paid money to get on these compilations please email me asap so I can lay out the correct legal steps (and pass off the oreect forms to you) so you can get you your money back.
[Aug 18,2004 10:30pm - the_reverend ""]
but the jp website's "just been updated" with a "quick update"!


.:. Quick Update.:.

Welcome to Just Promotions! If you're in a band, you've come to the right place when looking for promotion. Be sure to look below at some of our promotional opportunities. For a brief summary, we make compilation cds and distribute them at the concert of your choice taken from the list below. On the disc will be your Band Name, Track Title and Website URL. Spots are filling up fast so reserve your's today!


.:SKATE FEST - click to view lineup:.

300 Discs Distributed at the following concerts:
Sept 17th/18th, 2004 - The Palladium - Worcester, MA
Submissions MUST be received by September 10th, 2004.
$50 for 1 Track
Purchase Now Using Credit Card
Click Below For PayPal Payments

[Aug 18,2004 10:32pm - Blue ""]
they forgot to mention:

you MUST be a pop punk band to get on this specific compilation.
[Aug 20,2004 6:47pm - sinpromos ""]
bumping this up just so I can try to catch any bands I missed.. I know he usually does 8 bands per comp sp I'm still missing a couple...

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