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[Aug 16,2004 4:32pm - Arrik ""]
John Connelly told me in person" There would be NO thrash metal scene in New England if it wasn't for Eric"..

That is coming from a master guitarist and songwritter and a true thrasher .One of the founders of thrash metal.

Also, Dan Lilker gives credit to Eric in the July 2003 "Metal Maniacs"..He credits him for getting NUCLEAR ASSAULT back together.

Mike Justian of Unearth just said,after being complimented on his drumming at OZZFEST, " I learned all that from years of playing with Eric."
It goes on and on,,Get the new Exciter C.D,, REad who is #1 on Jonh Richy's thank you list. Eric Paone.
It goes on and on...but if ERIC mentions this he is "bad"..what's wrong with pointing out one's accomplishments? NOTHING

It just shows that real musicians give credit where credit is due,, and shallow , mis-managed people just critisize true musicians.
All you guys ( you know who you are) just make yourself look bad by trying to dump on Eric,, If you has any common sense you should stop your un-substantial critisizing, and GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE.

If you don't "like" Eric/CSDO, fine,,you have that right,, but to say Eric has no signifigant accomplishments, is simply not factual,,John Connelly did not say that about YOU. hell, Ill admit it ,IM JEALOUS.. Coming from John,thats one hell of a compliment,and unlike you guys HIS OPINION MATTERS. He ( along with the rest of the band) actual wrote a song about people like you called "Fashion Junkie" "living life Ive got no regrets, no insecurities, Im not subject to your whims,, Im not swayed IM WHO I WANT TO BE ,cast aside the status qoe and mabye you will be free" thats to you guys. You petty JEALOUS guys, who are burning bridges with every petty insult and fake thread you post trying to make Eric look as bad as you.

You measure Success to be how big a crowd is there--not by staying true to the music you love,,Eric plays with the same fire and intensity 1 person watching of thousands. Eric is succesful because he does not bend to the status qoe.True thrashers reconize this.
[Aug 16,2004 4:33pm - vivi ""]
dude who fucking cares. also, why is unearth on metal blade?
[Aug 16,2004 4:33pm - Arrik ""]
correction: ( 1 person OR thousands)
[Aug 16,2004 4:33pm - RustedAngel ""]
Who in the fuck is John Connelly? I don't think anyone gives a shit.
[Aug 16,2004 4:34pm - RustedAngel ""]
One time this 12 year old kid said I was the best guitarist in the world...

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due.
[Aug 16,2004 4:35pm - powerkok ""]
"You measure Success to be how big a crowd is there--not by staying true to the music you love"

RIIIGHT......selling out is easy. Loving the music you make is rare. Id rather play every club in ne my whole life, playing MY music, than sell out for some queer asshole producer.
[Aug 16,2004 4:40pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I measure success in my own way, and don't need to get others to notice to make it happen. No one ever cares about the real movers and shakers, just the ones that make the biggest fire when people throw a match on them and try and get them to burn.

That said, I don't know Eric but if Eric is looking for the world to acknowledge what he's done, it'll probably end up being posthumously. I've done stuff for the world but the world doesn't care. It's a sad and simple fact. Try and make people notice and they look away harder.
[Aug 16,2004 4:42pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I appreciate that you are willing to stand up for one of your influences and friends, and I commend you on that, but I wonder how worth it it all is.

If Eric has done so much important stuff, people will notice in due time. He should be doing what he does for his own sake and not trying to get squirrely men on a messageboard to come around. I know that sounds tough, but real influence can't be denied -- even jaded punk rockers acknowledge that The Ramones, Iggy Pop, and The Sex Pistols put punk on the dinner menu and helped make it accessible to people that would have missed it otherwise, for better or worse. And they didn't go chasing that, it just happened, people couldn't refute it.
[Aug 16,2004 4:46pm - Hoser ""]
I measure success by the size of my dong and how loud I make her scream......

God, I love success....
[Aug 16,2004 5:59pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Hoser said:I measure success by the size of my dong and how loud I make her scream......

God, I love success....

[Aug 16,2004 6:29pm - Kalopsia ""]
i gotta agree with Rusted Angel here, who in the name of fuck is John Connelly??????? i know of many "master guitarists" so try and be a little more specific.

ok, so people that eric has helped out give him credit, but you're forgetting one thing........ NOBODY ON THIS BOARD CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deadly Kristin gave thanks to me on Ancient's last studio album, Proxima Centauri. in the book, Death Metal Music: The Passion and Politics of a Subculture, my picture is in the book. do you know why i never told anyone about that on this board before??? because chances are, none of them really care. "oh cool you got credit, next subject"

you can defend eric and CSDO until you're dead, but that's not gonna change our opinions on his attitude, his music, or just how "big" his band really is.
[Aug 16,2004 6:33pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
What New England Thrash scene???

Not knowing who John Connelly is = limp wrist
[Aug 16,2004 6:51pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I don't listen to thrash metal and even i know who john connelly is ( he came the bombshelter once) ,but I am not gonna brag about it ,cause i know on this board NO ONE FUCKIN CARES
[Aug 16,2004 6:56pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
I know who he is. Do I get a prize?
[Aug 16,2004 7:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
yet another gay thread..... fucking stop this gay shit!
who cares about jc he's old and washed up...and so is csdo

[Aug 16,2004 7:32pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Erik, CSDO, and all of their stupid fans bitch more than a teenage black chick sitting in the back of a school bus with her friends.
[Aug 17,2004 4:32pm - Arrik_  ""]
No wonder you pukes are such un-introspective,coarse animals.

You dont even know who John Connelly is. Start with Nuclear Assault "Survive"...get it on ebay,,Even you guys will learn a thing or two.
[Aug 17,2004 4:34pm - Arrik_  ""]
To DISSECTOR NLI : hahah...Sure,,Im sure you know the "prize" is taking his songs to heart.
[Aug 18,2004 4:28pm - Arrik ""]
To Dyingfaggot: You just made yourself look like a complete shmuck by critisizing John Connelly. Lets see if you are thrashing as hard as he is,and writting great songs, when you are 42..( lets see you do it anytime,fuck-up)..Find someone to critisize who deserves it.
[Aug 18,2004 6:42pm - Kalopsia ""]
Arrik said:Find someone to critisize who deserves it.

but we already found CSDO

[Aug 18,2004 7:02pm - Th3rdknuckle ""]
even if you don't like eric's band, or eric's music, or eric's attitude, or even just don't like eric, you have to admire a guy for sticking with it and staying true to metal for as long as he has. how many bands have come and gone in the span of CSDO's lifetime? tons.

if some people on this board don't consider his 'accomplishments' worthy of consideration, then look at what he HASN'T done:
1. given up
2. sold out
in this regard, eric paone is the lemmy kilmister of new england metal
[Aug 18,2004 7:05pm - Kalopsia ""]
Th3rdknuckle said:even if you don't like eric's band, or eric's music, or eric's attitude, or even just don't like eric, you have to admire a guy for sticking with it and staying true to metal for as long as he has. how many bands have come and gone in the span of CSDO's lifetime? tons.

if some people on this board don't consider his 'accomplishments' worthy of consideration, then look at what he HASN'T done:
1. given up
2. sold out
in this regard, eric paone is the lemmy kilmister of new england metal

i'll give ya that much. it's amazing none of his defenders said this earlier
[Aug 18,2004 7:07pm - Blue ""]
they were trying too hard to make up clever versions of our usernames to insult us.
[Aug 18,2004 7:14pm - Kalopsia ""]
oh yea that's right
[Aug 19,2004 3:56pm - Arrik_  ""]
Just a fact:
George"Corpse Grinder" Fisher was in a band called "Montrosity"..and guess what band their drummer went to after Montrosity? CANDY STRIPPER DEATH ORGY.. Go ahead keep dis-respecting Metal masters and see where it gets you.
( by the way Gearge Fisher is now in Cannibal Corpse,, he's the singer. )
[Aug 19,2004 4:06pm - dyingmuse ""]
Arrik you are a fucking retard!
and you post dumb shit, that no one care about, and old old news that no one cares about.
i was into nuclear assault when i was 12, i knew about him and them before you were in your daddys nuts, retard. and as i grew up and matured, i moved on to mature music, one day you will grow up and your balls will drop, they will, i swear, just keep checking.
and as for eric, he is living in the past man, the sooner you relize that the sooner people will like you!
why do we need 18 threads about that fucking jerk off any way.
just leave it be, let a dead dog lie man, you are not changing anyone's mind and you certainly arent getting more fans for csdo.
if anything you are just making yourself look more retarded!
word of advise, if people dont like you or your oppinions, go somewhere else.

[Aug 19,2004 6:09pm - iFuck ""]
Arrik said:To Dyingfaggot: You just made yourself look like a complete shmuck by critisizing John Connelly. Lets see if you are thrashing as hard as he is,and writting great songs, when you are 42..( lets see you do it anytime,fuck-up)..Find someone to critisize who deserves it.

All i have to say is, youre a fuckin moron. im not going to sit here and threaten you, but i will say this... you better learn to keep your fuckin mouth shut, before "somebody" shuts it for you. your outnumbered by a whole shit-load! enough said?
[Aug 19,2004 6:11pm - Kalopsia ""]
yea and Dying Fetus/Misery Index's drummer Kevin talley went to Chimaira. just because someone's old band was awesome doesn't make their new band awesome. are u seriously that fuckin stupid??? who here didn't know corpsegrinder is in CC???? go back to 5th grade!!!!!
[Aug 19,2004 7:18pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha!
what a jack ass huh?
[Aug 19,2004 9:28pm - powerkok ""]
Arrik_ said:Just a fact:
George"Corpse Grinder" Fisher was in a band called "Montrosity"..and guess what band their drummer went to after Montrosity? CANDY STRIPPER DEATH ORGY.. Go ahead keep dis-respecting Metal masters and see where it gets you.
( by the way Gearge Fisher is now in Cannibal Corpse,, he's the singer. )

that was metal josh right? wasnt he in the band for like 3 weeks?
[Aug 19,2004 9:35pm - Kalopsia ""]

god this guy can't spell

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