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New Engalnd Metal Fest 2002

[Apr 7,2002 9:23am - the_reverend ""]
<a href="/picturesmetalfest2002.php">http://Pictures from Metal Fest 2002</a>
<br>What did you think of the metal fest?
<br>I'll post something about it later.
<br>Need sleep now.
[Apr 7,2002 4:27pm - the_reverend ""]
So, a lot of things went down this weekend from the kids doing kick flips that you know they've been practicing in their mirrors<br>
to the kids wearing corpse paint<br>
and here's my take<br>
All in all it was an awesome show. There were bands that disappointed and bands that surprise.
Also the audience (for the most part) was great
and I didn't see any real fights. <br>
the best quote I heard all weekend was from Suzanne (<a href="http://www.concreteplanet.com/" target="_blank">concete-marketing</a>)
who I met up with on my way out<br>
"Dude, I was <b>on stage</b> for in flames... I gotta change my pants".

Weird, I didn't know that Joey from <a href="http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/7027/patrobertson.html" target="_blank">friends</a> was the lead singer for 18 visions.
I guess <a href="http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/7027/patrobertson.html" target="_blank">friends</a> really is over and this is his new job.
<table witdh="100%"><tr align=center><td><img src="/pics/news/nemf-friends.jpg"></td><td><img src="/pics/news/memf-matt.jpg"></td></tr></table>
So I'm passing out my award for the picture most likely to end up on someone's
<a href="http://www.livejournal.com" target="_blank">live journal</a><br>
It goes to this picture:<br>
<table witdh="100%"><tr align=center><td><img src="/pics/news/nemf-fata-livejournal.jpg"></td></tr></table>
here's a little tutorial<br>
When you get passed the security barricade and are "totally rocking out", you might what to check your hand signals.
What you intend as a harmless "you guys rock", could be mistake as something completely different. Just look at the following example:
<table witdh="100%"><tr align=center><td><img src="/pics/news/nemf-love.jpg"></td><td><b>NO:</b><img src="/pics/news/nemf-ilysign.jpg"></td><td>YES:<img src="/pics/news/nemf-horns.jpg"></td></tr></table>
Sure, you might be thinking it's the best time of your life, but this social mistake could get you some unwanted attention.
Unless of course, that's what you were going for.

Some days, I feel like I'm turning into a scene-ster. I got to talk with most of the bands back stage,
and hand them <a href="/pics/merch/sticker11-24-2001.gif" target="_blank">returntothepit.com stickers</a> so that they
could go to the site and see the pictures of themselves. People like Corpsegrinder, Angela from Arch Enemy, in flames, dark funeral, god forbid, etc.
It was very awesome that a bunch of them actually go to the site, Carl and Tony from Nile, John from godforbid, Randy from lamb of god,
A life once Lost, and all the local bands. It's great to hear when people like my work. I also got to meet the kids from
<a href="http://www.theundergroundscene.net/" target="_blank">theundergroundscene.net</a> they were there snapping pictures
and writing a full review for their site.

I would like to thank a bunch of people for making this metal fest, very successful for returntothepit.comn<br>
The <a href="http://www.thesyn.com/" target="_blank">Music Syndicate</a> for my photo pass, they rock and always support my site.
Jeremy from <a href="http://www.chaosmetal.com" target="_blank">chaosmetal.com</a> for a place to sleep,
the girl who gave me her copy of the schedule,
all the kids who came up to me and thanked me for my work on the site and with the radio show.
Oh, and the security gaurds that tried to control the chaos of too many people in the photo-pit.
That's it, time to put in the new soilwork and continue head-banging.
[Apr 7,2002 8:21pm - 7744  ""]
whyy did pedro from ATFS cut his hair!!????
[Apr 7,2002 10:18pm - XmikeX  ""]
did anyone else get "interviewed" by the kid saying he was from seedsofevil.com? that was interesting. <br> <br>metalfest- <br>worst part:missing Bane of Existence, and almost half of Misery Index because of scheduling. <br> <br>best parts:Seeing Deceased play Venom's "Black Metal", and seeing some kid beat the fuck out of some gaywad twice the size of him during Deeds Of Flesh. <br> <br>Best cd acquired: Two Dead Sluts One Good Fuck "The Pinkest Cd Ever" <br> <br>metal is great.
[Apr 8,2002 8:47pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, the page should within the 1-2hours get much much faster. That you all for supporting the site. but... <br>WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THE SHOW!
[Apr 8,2002 11:51pm - wei wei  ""]
i'd love to help but i didn't go. <br>but you were dead sexy?
[Apr 9,2002 9:07am - nuisance ""]
i thought the metalfest was friggin great. even though i missed the first day due to lack of funds. i'm kicking myself in the ass more and more every day for missing from autumn to ashes and every time i die. the pics look great and i heard that those two bands were fucking insane! damnit damnit damnit. it's cool though. i get to see fata, poison the well, and american nightmare next week. so i'm excited. saturday was good though, even though the screwy schedule almost made me miss blood has been shed, and did make me miss light is the language and sky came falling. overall the show made me cream! best show in a long time!
[Apr 9,2002 7:02pm - the_reverend ""]
hoefully, light is the language will play on my radio show at some point. <br>
[Apr 9,2002 9:12pm - chaotic harmony  ""]
metalfest was great.. but you didn't get any cool pics of me stage diving or anything. There's a pic of the side of my head during MPB and a pic of the back of my head during BBTS.. and either someone looks a lot like me or you have a pic of me during Shai Hulud. But I don't remember if I was where this kid is.
[Apr 9,2002 10:51pm - XstratedgeX ""]
Whoa, cool, you mentioned us at theundergroundscene.net, thanks, I'll have to return the favor =) <br> <br>Anyhow, that fest was awesome, here's why: <br>A) Got a picture with Angela from Arch Enemy after their set...ooohhhh yyyeeeaaahhhhh... <br>B) I've been trying to get to a Shai Hulud show for God knows how long and something always go wrong and I don't make it, but I finally saw them and I was on stage taking pictures as I did with all the other bands <br>C) the lead guitarist from Skycamefalling hit me with his guitar, bringing my count of times hit by a lead guitarist up to 2. Earth Crisis and Skycamefalling. He actually drew blood though. <br>D) Overcast played a reunion show just for us Worcester Area folks...DAMN STRAIGHT, and it kicked ass <br>E) See A <br>F) See A <br>G) I finally got to see Inflames <br>H) People actually wanted the flyers for my site. First time people were like 'hey, can I get one of those?' normally it's 'you suck. your mom sucks. I hate whatever country your ancestors are from. I hope you die you dirty whore.' The change was welcome =) <br>I) everything else I forgot...
[Apr 10,2002 12:03am - the_reverend ""]
<a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/i_love_2_mosh" target="_blank">http://www.livejournal.com/users/i_love_2_mosh</a> ? <br> <br>metal fest was so much fun. I wish that it would never end. Now, it's time for the metal hangover.
[Apr 10,2002 1:44am - Spam  ""]
I got kicked out Saturday night. Too long of a line to the men's room. Found a cup and a corner. They didn't appreciate that. Ironically, I couldn't piss with all those guys watchin, and I had to wait to get home to piss for real. That's prolly the worst part about it.
[Apr 11,2002 9:11am - tophs ""]
i didn't even go for personal reasons, but i heard hardcore kids were moshing to in flames??? if that's not blazingly gay i don't know what is.
[May 26,2002 1:38am - donnydukes  ""]
this is donny from light is the language. i was wondering if anybody had any video from the metalfest of our perfomance?if so i would really like to see it and if you could email at light is the language. com thankyou
i do job good right now?!?!?

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