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Thursday August 19th @ O'Brien's

[Aug 15,2004 3:35pm - shitska  ""]
[Aug 15,2004 3:37pm - Deathcow ""]
What's the actual order of bands for this?
[Aug 15,2004 3:37pm - shitska  ""]
Bottom to top as far as I know.
[Aug 15,2004 3:48pm - Deathcow ""]
Ok, I checked an old thread.

Kevorkian's Angels
It Will End In Pure Horror
The Nightmare Continues
The Taste of Silver/The Fall Line

There you go.
[Aug 15,2004 3:51pm - Bradness  ""]
Deathcow said:
The Taste of Silver/The Fall Line


is that one band?

[Aug 15,2004 4:04pm - Blue ""]
its a split set.
[Aug 15,2004 4:16pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll mostlikely be at this show.
[Aug 15,2004 6:04pm - shitska  ""]
[Aug 15,2004 6:26pm - Deathcow ""]
the_reverend said:I'll mostlikely be at this show.


[Aug 15,2004 6:44pm - shitska  ""]
Truly bumptastic.
[Aug 15,2004 6:54pm - Scrimshaw  ""]
the japanese is the new jew selling shit to the world
making profit of everything, keeping his gold in the far east
sleeping fucking with his gold, living just for money
a yen is a yen, two yens better than one yen

the japanese is the new jew, short like a jew, ugly like a jew, stinking like a jew
eating only soja bretzels and casher rice

the jap is much worst than the jew, he is ashamed to be a jew
he cuts his nose to hide the jew signal on his ugly jew face!

kill the jap jew !!!

jap jew comes with his long nails, kills my baby with his bloody nails
and eats my baby with his teeth longer than his nails

jap jew, go back to the ghetto
jap jew, next hiroshima is tokyo!
[Aug 15,2004 6:55pm - Scrimshaw  ""]
have you seen in the forest the white spirits trying to rest
they are our parents who fought and dye for our happiness

and now we live free and happy
thanks to the elders who built the country
but you should not take it for granted
the modern world is wilder than the antic woods

have you seen in the old books the barbarians giving bad looks
they are our ennemies who want to kill us with their hooks

don't think it's only in the books
there are right now people who want to kill us
indians and niggers jealous but powerless
japan buiding his power day after day

have you seen on your nissan the yellow sign "made in japan"
this is the sign of the evil beast trying to kill the man

thi is not a joke, they are everywhere
they buy the country with your own money
the money you give them for a cheap vcr
broken after two days, they think you're a nut or what?!

you're the child of the white man
you've got to be a superman
you've got the world in your hand
if you want, you can

if you are ashamed of yourself, feeling guilty to be number one
soon the jap will eat you alive
beware, japan is not christian!
[Aug 15,2004 6:56pm - Scrimshaw  ""]
beware yellow motherfuckers
we white people are sick to see you so successfull
cruising in the material world, making computers and rockets while we wait on welfare
taking the money and the glory, what is the secret of your success?

you robbed everything to the white race
we teached you, we saved you, we gave you everything, shools and hospitals
and now you pretend to be clever?!

"yes master / thank you master"
we don' want your easy smiles, we don't trust your yellow eyes
soon you'll take the gun in my pocket

remember not long ago, you were slaves and beggars
we were white kings in the world, we got money and respect
now you play in my garden, you pretend to be king too
but you're yellow race for ever, cause you're yellow you've got to stay low

we let you play by charity
for a while we thought it's funny to let you pretend to be me
but now it's over : go back to history!
[Aug 15,2004 6:57pm - Scrimshaw  ""]
we are ready to die for the sake of civilisation, and i don't mean those stupid materialistic values
fridge and tv we don't care, we don't need those stupid japanese gadgets
the white civilisation is not a store full of goods
we are not a bunch of niggers worshipping a toaster!

we are not born to work neither to beg
we are born to lead, to take, to use, to kill!
we are white predators!!

north, west, gods and technics, everything we robbed
from niggers, indians, arabs, chinese...from everyone, from everywhere

our elders where barbarians roaming the german forests
we burnt bysance, roma and mecqua, we burnt everything, we were hated!
because we hated decadent civilisation living just for sex and luxury
japanese shit, we don't like it!

us we rob, rape, kill, we use the world untill we die, we use our body untill we die
we don't care, we don't pity, we are not christian middle class equalling hidden rotten ugly jews!

we don't live for money and gossips, we do what we think is right
and what is right, right now, it's to kill those fucking jap slugs
those new jews, those yellow jews eating the world day after day
and we are going to crush those slugs!
[Aug 15,2004 7:02pm - Scrimshaw  ""]

Rape – rape – rape, rape, rape!
Rape – rape, rape, rape!
It’s utterly amazing how many different kinds of rape there are!
There’s Italian Rape…
Uno, due, tres, quatro, cinque, quante Lira.
Look into my eye-a-balls, you will see the fire!
How much Lira have you gott-a ? Only a quarter?
Oh Madonna, you didn’t oughta – for that I’ll have your daughter !

Japanese Rape, of course!
American Rape is full of hate and we’re told, practically every minute of the hour.
And the way we’re going we’ll never be late,
Except for that date, with impatient Black Power!

Beginnings of Chinese Rape – endless!
One does need time, as any Englishman will expline,
If only to apologise for the agonising convenience caused
To Mother Nature’s forbidden walls!
In France of course, where fun is greedy,
The women are a little more seedy.
And rape is hardly ever necessary.
So even if the Franc is down, la plume de ma tante is always up and around!
In Germany it isn’t always remembered,
What with Liszt, Wagner and Tannhauser,
The Rape is synonymous with whips, bunkers and Mauser.
Which makes it all comparatively kinky –
With gas thrown in to get rid of the stinky!
In Russia it’s far too cold for anything so bold!
And being notoriously political (if a trifle hypocritical)
Rape becomes piratical,
And Czechoslovakia far more suitable!
Which makes the whole thing rather nasty, tasteless and hasty.
But as Jason King would say, it depends so much on what you…fancy!
[Aug 15,2004 7:15pm - Blue ""]
[Aug 15,2004 9:19pm - Bradness  ""]
holy SHIT! Where the fuck are my cheeseburgers!!!
[Aug 16,2004 12:00pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
whoa this thread has been poisoned with the shamefulness of anti-oriental propagandah. FOR SOOTH!!!

Read our website www.thetasteofsilver.com for why we're still playing, but TFL had to cancel.

And yes, they apologize immensly.
[Aug 16,2004 12:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This works better I think anyway, time wise.
[Aug 16,2004 12:46pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah that's what i figured too.
[Aug 16,2004 6:16pm - shitska  ""]
[Aug 16,2004 11:27pm - Bradness  ""]
[Aug 17,2004 10:22am - shitska  ""]
[Aug 17,2004 1:59pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
kill the man who questions
[Aug 17,2004 10:21pm - Bradness  ""]
Does anyone have a bass cab Kevorkians Angels can use for this show? Preferably an 8x10, but anything will do. Even if i could use a guitar cab, then Nick could use my guitar cab, any help at all?.
[Aug 17,2004 10:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we have a lame little combo amp, fender, that's not loud but you can borrow it if all else fails. bass combo, that is.

we don't have a bass player so for real bass stuff, you're SOL on our part, sorry :(
[Aug 17,2004 10:37pm - shitska  ""]
Bradness said:Does anyone have a bass cab Kevorkians Angels can use for this show? Preferably an 8x10, but anything will do. Even if i could use a guitar cab, then Nick could use my guitar cab, any help at all?.

We, It Will End In Pure Horror, have a humongous sunn concert lead head and giant ass cabinet (it's like 6' tall, ask Rich he knows more about bass equipment). If you don't like the thing, I am sure someone will let you borrow one too.

[Aug 17,2004 10:47pm - Bradness  ""]
we have the head, an Ampeg SVT, it's just our van guy may not be able to go. Thanks to anyone who can help out, we'll buy you drinks and shake hands!
[Aug 17,2004 11:07pm - diamond_dave ""]
what's with the racist shit?
[Aug 17,2004 11:14pm - Bradness  ""]
diamond_dave said:what's with the racist shit?

the scrimshaw?. who knows, i was just making as little sense as that person
[Aug 17,2004 11:20pm - diamond_dave ""]
it's alright, that post wasn't directed at you, just kind of wondering in general. i have no tolerance for that.
[Aug 17,2004 11:22pm - Deathcow ""]
And yeah, you can use my bass cab. No problem.
[Aug 17,2004 11:33pm - Bradness  ""]
thanks Deathcow! what do you drink?
[Aug 17,2004 11:34pm - Blue ""]
[Aug 17,2004 11:51pm - Deathcow ""]
Bradness said:thanks Deathcow! what do you drink?

Everything in sight.

[Aug 18,2004 1:39am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
It's not wanking if you just play guitar that way.
[Aug 18,2004 1:40am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey shitska...add a little "show listing" image to this thing, d00d.
[Aug 18,2004 2:20am - Deathcow ""]
Like this?

[Aug 18,2004 12:28pm - shitska  ""]
[Aug 18,2004 12:29pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
oh my god, i thought i was going crazy at first.
[Aug 18,2004 12:31pm - shitska  ""]
What do you mean? What is the flyer blinking or something? You must be going crazy if you think that.
[Aug 18,2004 12:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Aug 18,2004 12:37pm - shitska  ""]
[Aug 18,2004 2:27pm - Deathcow ""]
I just shit my pants and rolled around in it, crying like a mother giving birth.
[Aug 18,2004 2:31pm - shitska  ""]
[Aug 18,2004 3:52pm - Deathcow ""]
Ironically, we also need to borrow equipment. Does anyone have a guitar cab and head we can use for the show?
[Aug 18,2004 6:18pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
You can use one of ours.
[Aug 18,2004 6:23pm - Deathcow ""]
[Aug 18,2004 11:19pm - shitska  ""]
[Aug 19,2004 12:27am - Deathcow ""]
Is that Corey Haim?
[Aug 19,2004 10:55am - RichHorror ""]
This is tonight!
[Aug 19,2004 11:14am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Ooooh baby, baby.
I am working until 5 then heading in.
[Aug 19,2004 11:30am - shitska  ""]
[Aug 19,2004 11:31am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
781-871-7421 would be Abington, MA I think...someone call it.
[Aug 19,2004 11:33am - Blue ""]
i miss ling ling.
[Aug 19,2004 11:34am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I might play the new conifer cd tonight, between bands.
[Aug 19,2004 11:34am - RichHorror ""]
Ling Ling a good dog. :(
[Aug 19,2004 12:18pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
conifer is one of the few bands these days I'm really psyched on hearing.
[Aug 19,2004 4:09pm - shitska  ""]
[Aug 19,2004 4:11pm - RichHorror ""]
[Aug 19,2004 4:12pm - Blue ""]
that is amazing. i gotta try that with the next dog i see.
[Aug 19,2004 4:22pm - Bradness  ""]
haha, Joe heading in. That means calling everyone he knows asking for a ride...for someone who books 8 shows a week, WHY DON'T YOU GET A FUCKING CAR AND LICENSE!!

virgin tard
[Aug 19,2004 4:23pm - Blue ""]
ooooh. dissed.
[Aug 19,2004 4:25pm - succubus ""]
yeah what brad said

joe needs a car
[Aug 19,2004 4:45pm - the taste of cigarettes (dude)  ""]
it's weird how people in holbrook always have travel issues

my ex-girlfriend constantly bitched about driving into the city, or not having enough money to pay for gas up to where I live.

vomen! oi!
[Aug 19,2004 5:00pm - shitska  ""]
If you have a license you support the terrorist efforts in the pastures of New Guinea. I will not be part of this.
[Aug 19,2004 5:04pm - RichHorror ""]
Also if you have car insurance, you let the terrorists win.
[Aug 19,2004 5:06pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Also if you have my dick in your mouth, I win.
[Aug 19,2004 5:10pm - RichHorror ""]
This also called a sneak peek into the inner workings of the recording industry.

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