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Goatsblood US Tour

[Aug 14,2004 1:12pm - pessimist ""]
A good portion of the upcoming Goatsblood tour will be with Kill The Client, http://www.killtheclient.net

We'll be coming down the west coast, cutting across the south and hooking up with KTC in Texas, and nailing as much of the states as we can.

Here's Goatsblood's tentative schedule so far, Kill the Client should be playing all the US dates

Dec 4th - New Orleans, LA, with Kill The Client
Dec 5th - Tampa, FL, with Kill the Client
Dec 6th - Chapel Hill, NC, with Kill the Client
Dec 7th - Virginia or Maryland, with Kill the Client
Dec 8th - MAryland or Philadelphia, PA, with Kill the Client
Dec 9th - New York, NY, with Kill the Client
Dec 10th - Providence, RI or Portland, ME with Kill the Client
Dec 11th - Boston, MA, with Kill the Client
Dec 12th - Buffalo or Rochester, NY, with Kill the Client
Dec 13th - Cleveland, OH, with Kill the Client
Dec 14th - Lansing, MI, with Kill the Client
Dec 15th - Columbus, OH , with Kill the Client
Dec 16th - Louisville, KY, with Kill the Client
Dec 17th - Chicago, IL , with Kill the Client
Dec 18th - Milwaukee, WI , with Kill the Client
Dec 19th - Minneapolis, MN , with Kill the Client
Dec 20th - Winnipeg, MB
Dec 21st - Saskatoon, SK
Dec 22nd - Calgary or Edmonton, AB

Fucking Goatsblood!
[Aug 14,2004 1:34pm - armageddonday ""]
Alright I'm on it for Dec 10th in Providence. Bad time for touring (snow storm) we were considering not doing shows in December but I'm not passing on that.
[Aug 14,2004 3:07pm - pessimist ""]
no shit
[Aug 14,2004 3:07pm - pessimist ""]
plus they're from canada, they like snow
[Aug 14,2004 5:13pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I heard Bestial Alex is booking the boston date, which is awesome because I bet that means Watchmaker will play. If I was him I would use that as the Hirudinea/Watchmaker split release show, but thats just me ;)
[Aug 14,2004 5:49pm - abhorred ""]
holy fucking shit....goatsblood, watchmaker, hiurdinea?!?!?!?!?!...on the same show!!!!!!!!!

i think i just shit myself...
[Aug 14,2004 6:01pm - ninkaszi187 ""]
we played with goatsblood, watchmaker, and id a couple years ago in haverhill. it was awesome. can't wait for this show. goatsblood is a great band.
[Aug 14,2004 6:03pm - Blue ""]
this is gonna be fucking awesome.
[Aug 14,2004 6:04pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
so it will be Watchmaker and Hirudinea?
What is Kill the Client like?

[Aug 14,2004 10:16pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 15,2004 12:51am - anonymous  ""]
read a kill the client review here:

listen to kill the client mp3s here:

[Aug 15,2004 6:39am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Yeah, WATCHMAKER and HIRUDINEA will play - hopefully the split CD will be out before December though!
[Aug 15,2004 12:08pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
We start recording either this week or next week.
[Aug 15,2004 4:00pm - nephew  ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Yeah, WATCHMAKER and HIRUDINEA will play - hopefully the split CD will be out before December though!

can you put CWAF on this one? the show i mean

[Aug 15,2004 9:16pm - Bradness  ""]
yeah, what Tom said
[Aug 16,2004 10:26am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Sorry, Goatsblood asked to play w/specific bands, so not this one :-\

Drop me an IM or something though Brad, we should try to set up something else w/CWAF...
[Aug 24,2004 2:27am - phantos to lazy for an official log in...  ""]
Dec 10th - Portland ME Goatsblood, Kill the Client and OCEAN @ Genos- portland ME. confirmed...
[Aug 24,2004 2:28am - phantos to lazy for an official log in...  ""]
damn.. I am hammered. but it's true.
[Aug 24,2004 9:10am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I heard Anne is booking them in RI also, what is the date of that?
[Aug 24,2004 10:45am - armageddonday ""]
WTF, I booked AS220 for Dec 10th. So what are we doing now?
[Aug 24,2004 10:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Now you fight Conifer to the death
[Aug 24,2004 10:52am - armageddonday ""]
yeah whatever works, I hope I didn't get screwed on this cause I mived my ass super fast to get his fucking show, but again I'm a woman so what do I know about booking shows?
[Aug 24,2004 10:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Obviously nothing, go do the dishes.
[Aug 24,2004 10:55am - armageddonday ""]
fuck you.
[Aug 24,2004 11:36am - reuben ""]
You should do Portland,ME on the 10th, Jon from Conifer has got you guys all set up OCEAN is all set to open, And Geno's is a killer dump to play at..
[Aug 24,2004 11:47am - armageddonday ""]
Well, I'm certainly not going to Maine to see that show.
[Aug 24,2004 12:47pm - armageddonday ""]
Hey Phantos, I'm not at work today so I can't check my outlook inbox, did you get confirmation with the bands for the 10th? If so let me know so I can cancel in RI. Last time I checked (Saturday) I didnt get any emails back.
[Aug 25,2004 12:58pm - phantos aka johnifer  ""]
armageddonday said:Hey Phantos, I'm not at work today so I can't check my outlook inbox, did you get confirmation with the bands for the 10th? If so let me know so I can cancel in RI. Last time I checked (Saturday) I didnt get any emails back.

yes. it is booked.
Dec 10th - Portland ME Goatsblood, Kill the Client and OCEAN @ Genos- portland ME. confirmed.

sorry. I wasn't trying to compete.
I am just trying to help Blair and James out.
good bands and good people.
[Aug 25,2004 2:06pm - armageddonday ""]
Well, they made us compete by asking the same show in ME and RI. I don't really give a shit one way or the other, as long as I can see them, we had back luck in December with touring bands anyway (there's always a freaking snow storm). One less show to book! Just let me get them next time, I think they would do good in PVD, the Goatsblood CD never stays in stock at the store...
[Aug 25,2004 3:42pm - Phantos aka Johnifer  ""]
armageddonday said:Well, they made us compete by asking the same show in ME and RI. I don't really give a shit one way or the other, as long as I can see them, we had back luck in December with touring bands anyway (there's always a freaking snow storm). One less show to book! Just let me get them next time, I think they would do good in PVD, the Goatsblood CD never stays in stock at the store...

that is true. I'll make sure GB gets to you next time.
We need to get back down to your neck of the woods this fall as well.

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