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I got a job

[Jan 22,2020 9:19pm - grandmotherweb ""]
no thanks to anyone on this forum.

I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be working a part-time, minimum-wage job again, after all those years in robotics.
what fun it is to be starting my entire career over from scratch.

if you don't like it, kill yourself. #ThatIsAll
[Jan 23,2020 11:01am - #Facts  ""]
I'm glad for you.
[Jan 23,2020 1:38pm - D00k  ""]
My pockets feel lighter already.
[Jan 23,2020 4:16pm - grandmotherweb ""]
kill yourself, pedo
[Jan 23,2020 5:53pm - D00k  ""]
Zip it, pignose...
[Jan 24,2020 9:38am - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 24,2020 1:04pm - grandmotherweb ""]
thanks, Rev!

now, if only these bible-thumping pedo Nazi assholes would just kill themselves...
[Jan 24,2020 5:15pm - D00k  ""]
Which McDonald's are you working at?
[Jan 24,2020 5:16pm - D00k  ""]
Because I really do like their fries, with an extra side of Bible sauce.
[Jan 24,2020 5:49pm - Evil King Thùnderstøöl  ""]
[Jan 24,2020 6:18pm - grandmotherweb ""]
this is why everyone hates bible-thumpers: they're too stupid to think
[Jan 24,2020 6:56pm - D00k  ""]

grandmotherweb said:this is why everyone hates trannys: they're too stupid to know what bathroom to use
[Jan 24,2020 6:58pm - D00k  ""]
Do you need any more attention yet? This is fun.
[Jan 24,2020 8:21pm - grandmotherweb ""]
Kill yourself, pedo
[Jan 25,2020 8:07am - D00k  ""]
no you, pedo
[Feb 25,2020 1:06am - hard cocks, loose cunts  ""]

grandmotherweb said:no thanks to anyone on this forum.

My bad when did you ACTIVELY announce you were looking for a job prior to making this statement.

time stamp it with a quote thanks.

I could of gotten you a job doing a multiple amount of work...but you just want to throw blanket (jackson) statements out there implying people are not here to support you.

Why are you being a cunt dude.

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