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Dehumanized breaks up

[Jul 2,2019 11:53am - the_reverend ""]
To all our loyal and amazing fans, families, and friends: we are, and will forever be, overwhelmingly grateful for all your love & support over the years. Unfortunately, the time has come to close the book on Dehumanized. We sincerely apologize to everyone that was looking forward to seeing us live and hearing new material but we just could not get on the same page about alot of severely important aspects of the band. It wouldn't be fair to all of you, as well as to ourselves, to carry on without functioning as the full-capacity unit the band had built its legacy on. Words cannot express how much we appreciated each and every scream from the crowd, everyone that came out to our shows, the violent moshpits, being booked for shows/festivals/tours, words of encouragement, each purchase of our merch, being fed and shown unreal amounts of hospitality, and of course you all welcoming our music into your lives and letting us share some unforgettable moments together. You've given us tons of memories that will remain deep in our hearts & souls. We cannot thank you all enough for that!
[Jul 2,2019 8:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
HEADROT broke up, too.
[Jul 2,2019 8:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[May 7,2020 1:32pm - Pam67 ""]
Life is too short!! :(

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