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Water for a month

[Aug 9,2004 11:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I have adopted the fasting method of one of the members of the relapse board and will only drink water for the next month, no more soda, juice, tea or whatever.
I wonder if I can do it, this guy is on month 2.
[Aug 9,2004 1:13pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I once substained on eating fecal matter and bacon

needless to say, I got sick.

naw I'm just kidding.
[Aug 9,2004 1:14pm - Jellyfish ""]
no milk?
[Aug 9,2004 2:24pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
isnt this the diet ricki lake and oprah swear by?
[Aug 9,2004 2:46pm - xeatadickx ""]
good for you, joe. it really does help. once you ween off of the crap you've been fed for so long, you realise jsut how shitty it is. i cant drink soda or fruit juice anymore, it actually makes my stomach hurt. i mainly stick to water and decaffienated tea. its subtle, but youll notice you feel alot healthier, and more energetic, and just cleaner when you start to flush out all the garbage.

ill tell ya, a glass of water and a one-a-day wakes me up and gets me more energetic in the morning than any breakfast ever did. i think its just natural that once you get to a certain age and mindset you want to take care of yourself better.

another thing you might want to try, is cutting out red meat. im not saying go vegan/veggie or anything like that. but just try cutting out the red stuff. i did, and after a while you realise just how noxious that stuff is too. i eat chicken and cheese, so im not a veggie by any means. but the other day i went out with my parents, and the smell of steak made my stomach turn.

i dunno, i think you should update this with how you're doing, it'll be interesting. plus ill update along with you, since as part of being so regimentedly straight edge, i fast every year for a month to purge my body, get rid of toxins and such...so ill be downing my fair share of rice and water this month right along side you.
[Aug 9,2004 3:09pm - pustule ""]
But eating dick isn't a problem for you, I see...
[Aug 9,2004 3:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't know about cutting out red meat, it's about all I enjoy to eat. I lost about 15 lbs since March just by cutting down on snacking, but I think I may cut back even more on that shit during this month, candy, chips, etc. I really have my mind set on this so I think I can do it.

I might have milk if I eat cereal, but I may try to avoid cereal some what.
[Aug 9,2004 3:19pm - armageddonday ""]
Water and booze are keeping me alive.
[Aug 9,2004 3:20pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Anne, call me @ home.
[Aug 9,2004 3:30pm - armageddonday ""]
I don't have your number I forgot my book at the store.
[Aug 9,2004 3:45pm - boobtoucher ""]
all these fad diets are for lazy fat ass consumers with no self control...just use your brain and don't eat crap all day, every day...and exercise for christ's sake. you can eat whatever you want when you actually burn it properly.
[Aug 9,2004 3:54pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah, this is true, that's part of why I'm vegetarian, I drink beer instead of sodas, don't put sugar everywhere, drink water, ride my bike everyday, and go to the gym (I try 3 times a week...never have time). Otherwise I'll be a fat ass, I love booze too much to skip it from my life. The only option is exercise.
[Aug 9,2004 3:59pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
sex burns lots of calories
[Aug 9,2004 4:11pm - boobtoucher ""]
yea booze is basically a necessity...but excercise evens that shit out
[Aug 9,2004 4:16pm - the_reverend ""]
sex actually doesn't burn that many calories.

I went for 5 day not eating and just drinking water.
it was so easy, I could have gone a week easy, but carina made me eat.
[Aug 9,2004 6:17pm - Kalopsia ""]
the_reverend said:sex actually doesn't burn that many calories.

well then simply have more sex
[Aug 9,2004 7:36pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
not eating just makes your body burn up the muscle and store the fat. you can lose weight 'cos muscle weighs more than fat, but your body will hate you for it.
[Aug 9,2004 7:38pm - the_reverend ""]
i thought we were all going to have a bowel pumping party...
what the fuck happend to that?
[Aug 9,2004 7:39pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
bowel pumping party sounds like something that happens on wednesday nights at the local gay clubs.
[Aug 9,2004 8:20pm - succubus ""]
joe..you going to only drink water and not eat?
or do you mean when you are thirsty you will only drink water?

i think option #2 is good...drink tons of water..so good for you!
[Aug 9,2004 9:39pm - Mary ""]
Go for it Joe. You're gonna need to cleanse your system out in preparation for FUDDRUCKERS.
[Aug 9,2004 9:55pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am going to eat the same as I do now, but have those meals with water instead of soda or iced tea/lemondade/sweetened juices whatever
[Aug 9,2004 10:21pm - assuck ""]
i drink at least 4 cans of Mountain Dew a day, usually more. i have pack of cigarettes, a can of mountain dew, a butterfinger, and a bag of cheddar goldfish in front of me right now. and i still way like 145 pounds. i'll probably have a heart attack by the time i'm old enough to (legally) drink
[Aug 10,2004 12:55am - xeatadickx ""]
pustule said:But eating dick isn't a problem for you, I see...

you're a lame fucking faggot, no one likes to or cares to talk to you, no one loves you and your parents are ashamed.
[Aug 11,2004 1:29am - pustule_ ""]
What's that, eatadick? you're upset at me for pointing out the fact that your name, 'eatadick', implies that you eat dick, eatadick? Does that bother you, eatadick? Are you saying that you don't, in fact, eat dick?
[Aug 11,2004 4:28am - xeatadickx ""]
wow, are you serious? lame, kid. your life is a joke, go kill yourself. where the fuck did you even come from anyways? your awesome wit makes me believe from either date rape, or lambgoat. either way, get off this board, before i punch you off.
[Aug 11,2004 4:45am - MyDeadDoll ""]
another thread gone terribly wrong...
[Aug 11,2004 8:24am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I drink about 3 liters of water a day.

I usually only drink soda when there's booze in it.

[Aug 11,2004 8:49am - heimdall ""]
wow only water for a month, ive gone 6 months or more now with just water, and milk when i eat because water tastes horrible with food
[Aug 11,2004 9:24am - pustule_ ""]
I'd love for you to try to 'punch me off'; name the show, i'll embarass you in front of all your 'friends'. Then be sure to eat a dick, eatadick.
[Aug 11,2004 12:50pm - Lynneaus ""]
i started doin that just cuz it was cheaper (a case of bottled water for 3 bucks) and free water at work from coolers....

for a week i just drank water....and i actually bought a can of coke today (i used to live on it...) ive only gotten half way thru it since 10 am... its waaaaay too sweet... i just cant enjoy it.
[Aug 11,2004 3:33pm - retzam ""]
Lynneaus said:i started doin that just cuz it was cheaper (a case of bottled water for 3 bucks) and free water at work from coolers....

for a week i just drank water....and i actually bought a can of coke today (i used to live on it...) ive only gotten half way thru it since 10 am... its waaaaay too sweet... i just cant enjoy it.

Whoaaaa, where can you get a case of bottled water for 3 bucks??
[Aug 11,2004 3:53pm - Lynneaus ""]
retzam said:Lynneaus said:i started doin that just cuz it was cheaper (a case of bottled water for 3 bucks) and free water at work from coolers....

for a week i just drank water....and i actually bought a can of coke today (i used to live on it...) ive only gotten half way thru it since 10 am... its waaaaay too sweet... i just cant enjoy it.

Whoaaaa, where can you get a case of bottled water for 3 bucks??

It was price chopper brand... at price chopper
[Aug 11,2004 4:12pm - the_reverend ""]
at walmart too... they are like 2 for $5.
but the water tastes not so good.

I stopped drinking soda like 9 years ago. I drink mostly water, coffee, and the occational sugar free redbull.
[Aug 11,2004 4:12pm - retzam ""]
Sounds good. I will possibly get this (I think there is a price chopper about 5 minutes away from my house).
[Aug 11,2004 5:29pm - retzam ""]
I've been drinking fruit flavored water all morning. I don't think my piss has been this clear in months.
[Aug 11,2004 6:28pm - dyingmuse ""]
all i drink nowadays is iced moca latte's in the morn and water all day and night. i am addicted to moca's! but i have been doing just water for a while now and am feeling better for it.
[Aug 11,2004 11:14pm - assuck ""]
apparently if you eat a lot of red beets your piss will be red. i'm gonna try this at some point
[Aug 12,2004 2:15am - retzam ""]
wow that would be cool
[Aug 12,2004 9:15am - Korpse-l- ""]
water, coffee, somtimes cranberry juice. that's all i need. i cut all the other crap out a long time ago. i just recently lost 15+ pounds by skipping breakfast (unless i'm hung over i'll eat a power bar), eating a snack for lunch (crackers or something) and salad for dinner. I drink beer and any booze i can get my hands on about 6 or 7 times a week. on the weekends i go nuts and eat everything in sight. go to the gym 3 times a week (no cardio lately). i have a homer size beer gut but i think i'm gonna try to stop drinking so much but if i don't drink for a period of a day, i start getting the shakes. think i gotta problem.
[Aug 12,2004 11:39am - JoeDavolla ""]
Heres what my diet consists of:

Soda(alot of it,has to be caffinated)
1% Milk
Water/Fruit 2o
Chips,cookies,ice cream,doritos,pretzels
Cheese(any kind besides swiss)
Cold cuts(Mainly the Italian ones)
Italian bread
Peanut Butter
Roast beef/Ham/sausages
More soda/sugar and caffeine

Allright now,yous people are probably gonna think Im a fat bastard.But Im 5'10" 215 lbs.Im about 30 lbs over weight.At least thats what my Dr. says.
[Aug 12,2004 1:19pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
So far so good
[Aug 12,2004 2:26pm - retzam ""]
JoeDavolla said:
Allright now,yous people are probably gonna think Im a fat bastard.But Im 5'10" 215 lbs.Im about 30 lbs over weight.At least thats what my Dr. says.

i'm 6'2'' 161 lbs. I think I am underweight.
[Aug 12,2004 3:09pm - hey  ""]
id suggest at least having a glass of juice a day. preferably orange juice. when i first started having one glass a day in the morning, i couldnt believe the amount of energy i had.

i only drink soda when i get a real meal at a restaurant.

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