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i have tickets to EYEHATEGOD/ THE OBSESSED SHOW Sept 13th Middle East

Middle East (Cambridge, MA) - [eyehategod][panzerbastard][psycho][randomshots][the_obsessed][today_is_the_day]
[show listing]  _________________________________________
[Sep 1,2018 6:17pm - charlieinfection ""]
This is Charlie Infection drummer of PSYCHO.....I have a few tickets for the eyehategod/ the obsessed show. if interested please contact me at mr.infection@gmail.com or facebook.com/charlieinfection. We are on first at 7:45 so if you could get there early would fucking rule ! Our first real show at Middle East Downstairs !!! thanks.
[Sep 2,2018 8:10pm - the_reverend ""]
I will be photographing
[Sep 4,2018 4:37pm - charlieinfection ""]
[Sep 4,2018 11:03pm - Colin Kappernicker  ""]
I will be wearing nikes kneeling.
[Sep 13,2018 10:19am - the_reverend ""]
bump. this is tonight.
[Sep 14,2018 1:48am - the_reverend ""]
My CF card with Panzerbastard and Today is the Day photos got corrupted. I'm going to have to figure that out tomorrow.
[Sep 14,2018 10:14am - the_reverend ""]

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