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ATTN: bands on the monday aug 9th Compound show ( important info

[Aug 6,2004 6:38pm - subjugate ""]
Load in by 8pm, doors open at 7. show starts 9ish, has to be done by 1:30am

heres the order of the bands

dissector (opener)
bane of existence
the nightmare continues
hand choke neck
shroud of Bereavement (headliner)

281 lunenberg st
fitchburg ma 01420

i dunno how they do shit there but i'd like to backline as much of the amps from all the bands to Quicken set up & breakdowns


[Aug 6,2004 6:39pm - Dissector ""]
how long are the sets?
[Aug 6,2004 6:43pm - subjugate ""]
35 to 40 depending on how much we can get backlined on the stage in advance
[Aug 6,2004 6:51pm - Dissector ""]
ours will only be 30, we dont like playing too long.
[Aug 6,2004 6:54pm - subjugate ""]
and ours i think is 35min and we have greg of existence playing more than half the set too
[Aug 6,2004 6:56pm - honor4death ""]
i plan on trying to play most of it. we shall see sunday at practice i guess
[Aug 6,2004 6:59pm - subjugate ""]
practice man practice i have faith in you man you can do it
[Aug 6,2004 7:04pm - Dissector ""]
subjugate said:

i dunno how they do shit there but i'd like to backline as much of the amps from all the bands to Quicken set up & breakdowns

Our breakdowns arent that long either, usually just a few measures. Haha, corny joke.

[Aug 8,2004 11:47am - diamond_dave ""]
damnit. we can't make this show, due to things that we can't control. fuck. i'm sorry everyone.
[Aug 8,2004 11:54am - Iren_the_Viking ""]
Dissector said:>>

Our breakdowns arent that long either, usually just a few measures. Haha, corny joke.


haha oh man, breakdowns, i love it!
[Aug 8,2004 11:58am - Iren_the_Viking ""]
wait so the nightmare continues is off?!
[Aug 8,2004 1:49pm - Dissector ""]
Guess so
[Aug 8,2004 2:26pm - diamond_dave ""]
Iren_the_Viking said:wait so the nightmare continues is off?!

looks that way. i'm not happy about it. sorry guys.
[Aug 8,2004 5:06pm - dyingmuse ""]
what the fuck man. bands are dropping left and right!
[Aug 8,2004 5:07pm - dyingmuse ""]
do we have a new band?
[Aug 8,2004 5:08pm - diamond_dave ""]
who else dropped off?
[Aug 8,2004 5:10pm - dyingmuse ""]
no, we have 4 shows this week and already 4 bands have dropped
[Aug 8,2004 5:12pm - diamond_dave ""]
oh i see. i'm really sorry man. hopefully we can make it up to you on wednesday.
[Aug 8,2004 5:14pm - dyingmuse ""]
hell yeah doods
[Aug 8,2004 6:10pm - subjugate ""]
this is the line up now

dissector (opener)
bane of existence
hand choke neck
shroud of Bereavement (headliner)
[Aug 8,2004 6:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
are you going to get another band to fill that slot?
[Aug 8,2004 6:56pm - subjugate ""]
no i think we'll keep it like it is now
[Aug 8,2004 10:31pm - powerkok ""]
we can all do longer sets that way...were playin all this weeks shows bassist-less, due to family illness, so that sucks, but were gonna try and make the best of it....gonna be real interesting.
dont fret. itll be a good assfuckin time.

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