Teratism- Service for the Damned album cover[views:3112][posts:15]___________________________________ [Aug 5,2004 11:52pm - dread_104 ""] www.massdeath.com |
______________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 12:02am - the_reverend ""] [img] |
______________________________ [Aug 6,2004 12:10am - Blue ""] thats fucking awesome. way to go guys. cant wait to pick it up. |
_____________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 2:17am - Robteratism ""] lalot ofpeople have a hard time figuring out what is goin on here...let just say there is alot of fuckin and uncontroled bowel movements. the thing that make life fun...fuckin and shittin..taking dumps feel good..and so does juicy orifices...im fucked up right now..blue i want to draw the raising logo..i started one |
___________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 7:10am - handinjury ""] Taking a shit is one of lifes great moments. It allways reminds me of what i am. Kinda like a reality check. |
______________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 9:17am - Joe/NotCommon ""] Is this all taken place inside Greg of Existence's car? |
____________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 9:53am - honor4death ""] i hope not... |
__________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 10:16am - heimdall ""] man that looks exactly like cannibal corpse's cover art...but then again I dont listen to death metal so im sure im just being a fuck nig |
_______________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 10:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""] MASS TERRRATISMMM MMMGOOD |
_____________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 10:52am - RustedAngel ""] looks like someones been doing some watercolor painting. |
________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 12:31pm - assuck ""] i see sex and pooping in that picture. i like it. |
__________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 6:09pm - Dissector ""] I knew right away what it was. Did Nelson draw that? |
_____________________________ [Aug 6,2004 9:28pm - nel ""] I am NO fan of abstract, post-modernistic, impressionist art, but...so as to not mimick the genius of the Cannibal artist, this is my attempt at capturing harmony between evil and abstraction. The intention here is that we can all view this image and share common interests - raping, deficating, hedonism, and blasphemy. Can you dig it? |
__________________________________ [Aug 6,2004 9:45pm - Dissector ""] So...you did draw it then? haha |
_____________________________ [Aug 6,2004 9:49pm - nick ""] upon looking at the title of the cd i was fully expecting the cover to depict some metal dude with heavy metal hair giving knob to a zombie. the actual cover is pretty cool though, i hate water colors. |
______________________________ [Aug 7,2004 11:53am - nel ""] ahhhhhhhhhhh yes. That was the original idea, but watercolors make it virtually impossible in manipulating grizzly 'heavy metal hair'. I completely understand your angst of the medium. Furthermore, I needed a 'live' Zombie for reference - Boston is in short supply. |