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Untombed vocalist thinks only pussies and libtards dislike Nazi bands.

[Apr 8,2018 5:29pm - anonymous18  ""]
[Apr 8,2018 5:51pm - anonymous  ""]
He's right. Fuck you.
[Apr 8,2018 8:06pm - Konfused Krusader  ""]

oh wait.
[Apr 8,2018 11:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
That's why I quit supporting the scene, fuck people and their lies and rumors. Feels better to be retired and not worry about bands and shit.
[Apr 9,2018 9:00am - harsh truths  ""]
Also everyone thinks you're a piece of shit.
[Apr 9,2018 11:03am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yeah, well I'm 48 and don't care, I know who I am.
[Apr 9,2018 11:42am - Trvth  ""]
Dwyer does suck but sometimes the metal scene can be a lot like 7th grade.
[Apr 9,2018 1:22pm - grandmotherweb ""]
y'all had how long to kick Notshaver in the nuts, before he skipped town altogether, so now you're whining about him on this forum?

at least some people had the decency to ban image-rapists from their venues.
[Apr 9,2018 2:47pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'm not banned from anywhere, and people that believe that nonsense are gullible.
[Apr 9,2018 3:36pm - grandmotherweb ""]
TST is banned from all burner venues forever.
[Apr 9,2018 4:51pm - Autopsy_999  ""]
Yeah but you’re banned from dusk
[Apr 9,2018 9:08pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have a V.I.P. Pass to Dusk, not banned there.
[Apr 9,2018 9:31pm - trooth  ""]
yeah he gets TWO 8' tables to take up space there for his bootleg distro. get it right people.
[Apr 10,2018 11:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 10,2018 11:30pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Where's your pass?
I don't even have to pay.
[Apr 10,2018 11:36pm - susurrate ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:[img]

Entertaining pass, honestly. I hope that's only for vendors and "promoters". otherwise, that's a slippery slope for owners who depend on revenue to keep the doors open.

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