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Former Revocation Drummer Accepts $30,000 Settlement Over Oklahoma City Arrest

[Dec 29,2017 12:21pm - zyklon ""]
[Dec 29,2017 1:58pm - grandmotherweb ""]
'Dubois-Coyne's attorney admitted her client and another musician were chanting "Fuck The police" at the after-party, but she explained that they were just repeating the lyrics of the BODY COUNT song "Cop Killer". She also argued his chanting was exercising his First Amendment rights.'

grandmotherweb said:[img]
[Dec 29,2017 2:32pm - Hahahha  ""]
This Nilla used to bike people to TD Garden. I don't blame him for taking 30k
[Dec 30,2017 10:13am - Ewwwww.....  ""]
who is the ugly troglodite in that picture?
[Dec 30,2017 10:39pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 2,2018 6:56pm - Clown car  ""]

Ewwwww..... said:who is the ugly troglodite in that picture?

hahahahahaha....more like "wut is it?"
[Jan 2,2018 7:13pm - susurrate ""]
troglodyte, huh? forgot about that band. solid cover art.

[Jan 2,2018 9:11pm - grandmotherweb ""]

Clown%20car said:
Ewwwww..... said:who is the ugly troglodite in that picture?

hahahahahaha....more like "wut is it?"

grandmotherweb said:LOLOLOLOL, hello TurtleBoy. this is you:

grandmotherweb said:There are runners every year -- AT BURNING MAN.

[Jan 3,2018 2:28pm - grandmotherweeb  ""]
There are rumors every year at Burning Man that you can find me in a tent taking on all comers, man, woman, other, and canine.

These rumors are true. JYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
[Jan 3,2018 4:52pm - grandmotherweb ""]
dogs are not allowed at Burning Man.
[Jan 3,2018 4:56pm - grandmotherweeb  ""]
I call our pussy Burning Man, and dogs are definitely allowed. Stop being fake news you fucking shitty alter.
[Jan 3,2018 5:01pm - grandmotherweb ""]
hello, TurtleBoy. how's that most recent FB page suspension working out for ya?
[Jan 3,2018 5:08pm - grandmotherweeb  ""]
Definitely not Turtleboy. You're just my shittiest alter.
[Jan 3,2018 5:11pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweeb said:Definitely Turtleboy.

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