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help a black metal band out please

[Aug 4,2004 11:00am - darkwingsunfurl ""]
if anyone has any shows coming up that they need bands for please list thanx:satancross::satancross::satancross:
[Aug 4,2004 11:01am - darkwingsunfurl ""]
o ya,www.divine-malignance.com
[Aug 4,2004 12:11pm - Abbath ""]
ya divine malignance kicks some ass
maybe we could get a black/doom night or something going on...
[Aug 4,2004 12:11pm - armageddonday ""]
Send us a demo...we're going to do 1 metal "local" show a month starting September.
Armageddon Shop
436 Broadway
Providence, RI 02909
[Aug 4,2004 12:13pm - Abbath ""]
oh shit my bands making an album we'll send that to you soon too ahhaha
[Aug 4,2004 12:16pm - armageddonday ""]
yeah you might as well...
[Aug 4,2004 12:46pm - Dissector ""]
You'll get our demo as soon as we start making more.
[Aug 4,2004 1:15pm - armageddonday ""]
cool thank you!
[Aug 4,2004 1:21pm - Christraper ""]
armageddonday said:Send us a demo...we're going to do 1 metal "local" show a month starting September.
Armageddon Shop
436 Broadway
Providence, RI 02909

Dont forget about us Anne, we love you.....


[Aug 4,2004 1:33pm - armageddonday ""]
yeah yeah sure...this is way to much love for a BM band
[Aug 4,2004 1:46pm - Christraper ""]
ok fine! we HATE you!!!!! were sooooooo frostbitten and evil. we're too cold and grim for friends! in fact the mere thought of love in any form is enough to make my true form surface into that of the horned one! the adversary!! mwahahahahahaha! i AM hate! all fear me and tremble before me for i am he who walks the cold moonless night dressed in combat boots, a bullet belt, and a pink bunny rabbit outfit!
[Aug 4,2004 1:48pm - honor4death ""]
if anyone has pics of him in the bunny suit that would be amazing...
[Aug 4,2004 1:49pm - armageddonday ""]
Put on your pink bunny rabbit outfit tonight at Safari I will put on my boots and my bullet belt so we can drink in love and hate.
[Aug 4,2004 1:53pm - Christraper ""]
nay say i for it is far too much evil for mere mortals such as yourselves to handle! plus i dont own a pink bunny rabbit outfit. but if you find one ill wear it.
[Aug 4,2004 1:56pm - armageddonday ""]
[Aug 4,2004 3:18pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Are you all going to Stormy's birthday party tonight at the Safari?
[Aug 4,2004 3:24pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah...good reason to get wasted right? I might go flyer beforehand and then go at Safari..around 9:30/10pm
[Aug 4,2004 7:26pm - darkwingsunfurl ""]
bump for some reason

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