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Anti-White Pride Rally @ Metalfest.

[Mar 8,2003 9:47am - RustedAngel ""]
A bunch of crackers are going to be at metal fest. It shouldn't even be called metalfest, It should be WhiteyFest. Its time we white people take a stand against white people and kill everyone. So if you see a white person at metal fest. Stab them in the dick.

I hate myself for being white. I think Im gonna go paint my face with cocoa powder, and eat some cornbread.

Kill Whitey!


[Mar 8,2003 12:58pm - exhumed4death ""]
[Mar 8,2003 1:52pm - xmikex ""]
I am hereby challenging myself to a fight. I know where I live. I've seen where I sleep. I will fuck myself up hardcore.

Mike you're fucking going down you honkey faggot.
[Mar 9,2003 2:51am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
*kicks self in the nads*

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